You don't like the woman, right? You can't stand her? If that is the case, then tell your girlfriend just that. Tell her that you only stayed polite because you didn't want to upset your girlfriend. — gnasher729 1 min ago
#14078 gnasher729 (1675 rep) | Q: How to politely encourage my girlfriend to support the value of men when with friends who say men aren't necessary? (score: 0) | posted 22 hours ago by J A (19 rep) | edited 4 hours ago by J A (19 rep)
2 hours later…
I'm sorry if you are hurt by my words. I sense your mother is immoral, untrustworthy and dishonest. She was not a good mother who kept the money to himself instead of helping your brother's defence. What had she done with your money? Had she blown it all on the boozes, drugs, wild partying, fruit machines, etc? What crime was your brother accused of? You don't have to tell, if that is too insensitive. Thing is, is your brother so like your dishonest mother with shady character? How honest and credible is your brother? If I were you, I trust neither brother nor mother. — Rita Geraghty 1 min ago
#7712 Rita Geraghty (61 rep) | Q: How do I confront my mother after she deceived me into giving her a substantial amount of money? (score: 3) | posted 150 days ago by rbsdca (391 rep) | edited 76 days ago by Tinkeringbell (17516 rep)
4 hours later…
Not my downvote, but making things up is how he got into this problem - someone made up the May date. He wants to celebrate something real; having a fake reason to do that doesn't seem apropos. — Lawrence 55 secs ago
#14106 Lawrence (254 rep) | A: How do I react when my colleagues find out I manage 2 birth dates and both fake? (score: -1) | posted 8 minutes ago by Kathy Smith (137 rep)
2 hours later…
I don't get how this is a problem. Why can't you tell them what happened? " It is about to happen again as my new colleagues in my new office will somehow know" I don't understand what that means. Also "I feel they will troll me" I do not understand that sentence in this context, could you explain? — Raditz_35 1 min ago
#14105 Raditz_35 (189 rep) | Q: How do I react when my colleagues find out I manage 2 birth dates and both fake? (score: -1) | posted 3 hours ago by Vikas Kumar (11 rep)
1 hour later…
Honestly, don't you think she knows already? If I were you, I'd ask a different question. I can't tell you which one because I'm not in your shoes, but I think it's a pretty safe bet that a person in what I assume is their mid 40ies is aware of such things. — Raditz_35 32 secs ago
#14108 Raditz_35 (189 rep) | Q: How to tell colleague she is mumbling? (score: 0) | posted 12 minutes ago by Nerd (17 rep)
@Raditz_35 "about to happen again" is because May 20 is coming and 1-2 colleagues know what's written in my documents (though never discussed) So they are ready to wish me on that day, but I'm not ready. I will have to tell them about October thing. I think that's when they might troll me, that you have 2 birth dates in a year. — Vikas Kumar 9 secs ago
#14105 Vikas Kumar (11 rep) | Q: How do I react when my colleagues find out I manage 2 birth dates and both fake? (score: -1) | posted 5 hours ago by Vikas Kumar (11 rep)
3 hours later…
I really loved this answer. Exactly what I was hoping for, a great way to convey that this boundary is serious to my brother. So when I told him that I would not give him money if he spent it on _, I compared it to a previous contrary scenario and he understood me immediately. (also a small kudo's to Rainbacon's answer which was some additional helpful skills to keep in mind) — Jesse 2 mins ago
#13924 Jesse (4215 rep) | A: How to convey seriousness in conditions when giving money to brother (score: 6) | posted 3 days ago by Kendra (1868 rep) | edited 3 days ago by Kendra (1868 rep)
2 hours later…
I agree with what @ArcanistLupus is saying. This is a good case for using the " 'go away' rate". This is where you set the rate high enough that either they'll go away and leave you alone, or to your astonishment they accept the rate, in which case for such an absurdly high figure you're happy to do the work. Presumably if they paid you a dollar to write the article, you'd say no; if they paid you a million dollars, you'd do it in a heartbeat. Somewhere between there is your ideal go away rate which is high enough that you wouldn't mind doing the work if they said yes. — Kyralessa 33 secs ago
#13288 Kyralessa (103 rep) | A: How can I tactfully tell my ex-superior that I don't owe him anything? (score: 99) | posted 18 days ago by peufeu (11605 rep) | edited 18 days ago by peufeu (11605 rep)
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