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Mama Smoak + Daddy Lance = crying Kutulu
i'll rewatch tonight but i dont think they broke up. he said he was going to give her space, but then she apologized for being dumb
@MikeEdenfield - Yes. It would also be the only room on the site that's restricted on topic
ah crap, it's 7pm and I'm still at work.
@MikeEdenfield And I thought it was sad I was still at work at 5pm on a Friday.
the last scene with them was them making out
they didnt break up
Ohhh right. Felicity was all up on Oliver
are they still making the MtG movie?
@phantom42 was that ever a thing?
If it's about a M:TG movie that's on topic as scifi although technically this room is normally just about comics and their tv counterparts
@phantom42 huh, interesting
there are tons of books in the M:tG universe.
it's pretty broad.
@CandiedMango I thought we had relaxed that a little with the main chat nuked..?
and there's a kinda overall story, though it's really getting diluted. I think the main characters from when I was still collecting are all gone.
@MikeEdenfield relaxed to sf&f not to mos-eisly level
@phantom42 lol, way to puke all over the other room
mike asked me to puke on it
Puke is on topic there
Keen may no longer be an owner of this room but i still respect his desire to keep it on f'ing topic
@MikeEdenfield all right all right! they can have our magic puke.
Barry told another person he was the Flash.
reset my board.
"Barry has gone 3 episodes 0 episodes without telling someone he's the flash"
In-universe days or out-of-universe days
I was counting OOU days
but I forget to keep up.
so it's really episodes
the original joke said "97 0" cuz i counted how many days between finale and premiere
Other room can't go 5 min without yelling at each other
Is there a point in Agents Of Shield you can skip to and be ok? I've heard the first season is pretty ruff.
@ryan - First season was pretty good. It went on a bit long.
@Richard Oh? huh, maybe I'll try it then. Hearing the first season was ruff has kept me away.
It was shaky
but It sets up a lot of stuff :)
I still enjoyed it
the point where it crosses over with TWS is the most safe point
11 is honestly the spot i'd advise skipping to if you really want to. that's where a lot of the plot really starts
17 is where shit goes down
@phantom42 ah, thanks, I'll probably watch the first couple and if they are meh I'll jump to 11.
the front half really isnt that bad
Wonder why I've heard so many people say it's ruff then.
Oh well
it's not great, but it's not heroes season 2/3
and it's one of those things that fits a lot better in hindsight, setting up relationships and personalities that dont seem as important at the time
@ryan it gets off to a slow start that seems like its not going anywhere until you find out where it's going.
i wouldn't skip anything but if the episodes seem like they're dragging just ffwd to the action parts.
2 hours later…
in Off topic is on topic., 9 mins ago, by Wad Cheber
@MikeEdenfield Exactly, which is why they can't be deleted without being flagged, but if we flag them, every room gets frozen, because...
in Off topic is on topic., 3 hours ago, by Shog9
PSA: Mos will remain frozen until the SciFi mods decide otherwise. ALL mods have been instructed to freeze any SFF chatroom if a valid flag is raised unless/until a SciFi mod is able to intervene.
am I misinterpreting that last part about "until a SciFi mod is able to intervene" ?
So, when we handle our own problems and work everything out, that gets frozen too.
are we genuinely being punished because everyone calmed down and came to their senses?
alrighty then.
you're not allowed to make any more rooms
We worked it out, fixed it, and we got punished.
So? Are we supposed to argue now?
I think we're all supposed to all f@$ off and stop using the site, is what the goal seems to be.
Keen is in Most Eisley.
But he isn't talking. I assume he's going to freeze that room too.
This is ridiculous. I'm out.
1 hour later…
in Most Eisley, 33 secs ago, by Keen
Alright, this is what's up. Everyone in Sci-fi & Fantasy.SE chat will be on their utmost best behavior this weekend. If you see problems brewing, help guide your fellow users back on track. Flag things that need a mod or a CM to clean up. We're going to be super-liberal with suspensions, so behave. Be nice, don't gossip, and stay on topic. If additional chat rooms pop up, please do us all a favor and copy this message in there so people are aware.
18 hours later…
I have failed my gravatar.
@MikeEdenfield Shoots arrow
why isn't it fixing itself?

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