Also after I get the attention from dangling the provable, I explain my testimony. Which I will share for you so that you may know and believe that the Lord is with me.
The Lord has given me the gift of prophecy. What this gift means is that what ever I say will happen will.
@fredsbend If the Lord was only an impersonal force I find it hard to logically conclude how the laws of motion can decipher the meaning of the words that come out of my mouth. To produce the result that happens.
"My speech and my proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, " (1 Corinthians 2:4 NRSVCE)
What was told to her to do, she would do the opposite. And on many occasions she would demand with a very commanding voice.
Now she has grown up some, and has started to display kindness, yet she is still young and still filled with some of these habits.
One day I took her to Burger King, she likes to go because it gives her a chance to play with other kids her age.
She wanted to play with them really bad, and she tried over and over to tell them to play with her. Yet they ran away.
It wasn't turning out to be a play date at Burger King like normal. Instead I could tell that her tension was building and that she was starting to get frustrated.
I also was starting to notice a vibe coming from some of the other parents because of what was going on.
Now I want to be clear that I do not think that anyone heard what I was saying. Except the Lord that is, and me ^^,
19 hours later…
> Don't claim you're talking about the God of the Bible. You're not. You're talking about a fabrication of the human imagination.
A matter of debate. 40,000 denominations. I think we can agree that He at least wasn't very clear about it.
> and so if you're going to discuss the God of the bible, why bother arguing that he has any other characteristics than the ones he has told us he has?
and I lacked the confidence to question it- I feared that it would not stand to reason, and so I didn't really have faith at all
and it was easier for me to acknowledge that I didn't believe than to put forth effort to discover if there was reasonableness behind what I had come to believe as a child, because I trusted my parents
but faith can not come through reason, because the testimony of Messiah does not stand up to reason, but turns it on its head
and so it is easy to dismiss the Scriptures on the grounds of the reason of the world. The gospel is quite foolish, indeed, when considering in the context of common sense and reason
the God of the Bible is opposed to worldy reason, like philosophy and science, and this is why I was so confident in saying that a god that can be described by a theory of science can not the the God of the Bible, and since that theory is a product of the human imagination, any god that bears a description in the theory must also be a product of human imagination
> Jung's theory has become enormously influential in management theory; not just because managers and executives have to create an appropriate "management persona" (a corporate mask) and a persuasive identity,[46] but also because they have to evaluate what sort of people the workers are, in order to manage them (for example, using personality tests and peer reviews).
I acknowledge 1 Peter 3:15, and I am not saying that I should not "provide an apology" for my hope, and that apology is the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ, which is markedly unreasonable.
@fredsbend >faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the spoken word (rhematos, not logos) of Messiah.
@fredsbend About Jung, I ask about his book Alchemy and Psychology in it, Jung presents a very convincing defense of his thesis (which he worked very diligently to elucidate for the several decades after he published his physchoanalytic works) that Alchemy and psychology are identical
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