@curiousdannii All power comes from Motion (This is provable), if God is not motion then God is not all powerful. Yet God IS all powerful so he IS Motion.
The one who is agreeing with me is Jesus. It is easy, if you do not believe me, then you do not believe Jesus.
Also here is logic: The Lord willed the Universe into creation. His name reflects "his will" and what "he has done".
Why is it so hard to tell people that Jesus comes out of their mouth? They need proof, yet most people know that people speak.
You think it is a perfect bank? It makes a poor McDonald's. Congratulations for looking for the errors all the time and always missing the part that males sense.
I feel bad for you, you probably get picked apart by the people who know you all the time, for that is the opposite and equal reaction.
@Onlyheisgood. I am educated in Mathematics and I have been studying quantum mechanics for many years. Quantum mechanics most certainly is not how you've described here. It is a theory that describes physical systems in terms of their stationary states, which are represented as vectors in an abstract vector space. The wave functions described by quantum mechanics are no less physical than their analogous classical counterparts, and in no way refer to a spiritual realm. Sorry.
5 hours later…
Frequency can be divided into two main categories. Frequency that goes through matter, and frequency that does not.
The frequency of visible light is referred to as color, and ranges from 430 trillion hertz, seen as red, to 750 trillion hertz (science.howstuffworks.com/light4.htm)
The typical order of the atomic vibrations frequencies is 10(13) Hz, and that of the amplitudes is 10(−11) m. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom_vibrations)
The (13) is to the 13th power, sorry don't know how to superscript in chat here. Same with the (-11)
What we can see is a progression of vibrational frequency increasing from that of sound to that of matter.
And although all of the Universe is made of vibration. Making the entire Universe technically in the Wave layer.
The distance of the Electron from the Proton can be mathematically figured by its wave distance. (gcisd-k12.org/cms/lib4/TX01000829/Centricity/Domain/3370/…)
Here is another one: Try flattening out a sheet on your bed. Then towards the middle put your hand down and make a fist bunching together some of the sheet. Then give it a bit of a twist. The result? A likeness of an image of a Galaxy (google.com/…)
Here is another one: The orbit of the planets around the sun also in place by a wave (abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/images/voy_traj.jpg)
I find it interesting the similarities between the wave structure of the planets comparing to the wave structure of the atom.
10 hours later…
they exist in different quantum states, which we still call "shells" and "subshells", thought they are not physical layers as the name suggests
But they interact as "wavefunctions". This is an abstract concept and the wavefunctions determine the physical properties of the particle.
But the only reason I'm saying this is to demonstrate that QUANTUM MECHANICS DESCRIBES CREATION, NOT THE CREATOR.
if you hold to pantheism, as your previous comments suggest, then we can not have a discussion about God, because when I say "God" I mean something different than you do when you say "God."
The universe is so vast and great that, one might say "if the universe had consciousness it would be God." But this is stupid. If the universe had consciousness, it might be so much greater than ours that it would be "like God" to us, with control and knowledge that we can not fathom.
More than one character in the bible saw an angel and fell to worship it, because the angel was so glorious, having been in the presence of God, that it was not unreasonable to conclude "this being is divine"
but just because something appears to be divine, or is of divine appearance or unfashionable magnitude, does not make it God.
and so if you're going to discuss the God of the bible, why bother arguing that he has any other characteristics than the ones he has told us he has?
2 hours later…
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