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@quid I got the ping. (And I guessed correctly that you have edited my name away from the message.)
It seems that at least somebody notice your messages in chat - seeing that there are stars on some of them.
Since it is partly reaction to Paul Siegel (and Stefan Kohl's) comment, it might seem to some extent natural to add link to the chat also in the comments.
But I decided to ask you first whether this is what you intended. (So if you let me know that link to your response in chat should be added in the comments, I will add comment with the link io Alon Amit's post. And if you say that it suffices if they are in chat, I'll simply let it be.)
(The possibility of not adding the comment seems quite logical, too. After all, I assume you would probably let me know yourself if you wanted this to be mentioned in discussion on meta. But still I felt like explicitly mentioning this.)
I hope you're doing ok in your new role as a Math.SE moderator. Good luck with your new duties!
12 hours later…
@MartinSleziak thanks. I'd have nothing against it being pointed out in a comment. But I also did not want to ask for a posting-service explicitly. Also, I am not even sure it's worth pursuing it, maybe its best to let is slip away. In short, please do as you see fit. For me either is fine.
@MartinSleziak Thanks. I just handled some easy flags to get started and see how things develop.
@quid Ok, so I let it be.
I.e., I am not going to post a comment explicitly pointing out your response (if I may call it that) in chat.
Thanks for the reply. The rooms are so idle there it anyway has a decent visibility. I think my name is still visible in the chat box there. Thus, if somebody cares and pays some attention they'll see it.
Still, I assume that it can be noticed by (infrequent) visitors of MO chat room. So I would not be surprised if somebody else points that out in comments. (Just as Alon Amit mentioned your nomination post - since he considered it interesting in connection with the meta.MO post in question.)
Exactly as you say, people might notice it in chat.
On MO not many chat rooms are usually active. So it might appear in the sidebar for some time.
Yes, let's see how it goes. I will keep an eye on it for some time. I see Joseph O'Rourke kindly mentioned my election.
In comments? I missed it.
Oh, it was just 15 minutes ago according to timestamp.
So it's not that surprising I did not notice it.
And BTW thanks for the explanation about the deputy badge in election chat.
Rather naively I thought that if somebody is a mod, they no longer use flags.
You are welcome! It's a strange restriction. That they do not give it to mods.
I'd never imagined it.
3 hours later…
here this question
main site too slow to open for me
what the OP meant by math ia ...?
is it some kind of exam?
I assume the name of class or subject they use in some scool.
I see shortcut HL mentioned in the post. Maybe this is related: IB Group 5 subjects.
Mathematics SL and HL are mentioned on Wikipedia page.
May i ask why there are so many kninds of topology?
Like order,subspace,product,box,cofinite,dictionary order etc...
You also see many different kinds of Continuity!
Since the post mentions "IB Math HL IA" and this Wikipedia page contains at least some of these shortcuts (namely IB and HL), it seems related. So IB probably stands for International Baccalaureate. We still don't about IA stuff.
@BAYMAX Isn't this the same with other stuff? For example, groups.
Thanks for looking!
for groups too!
They have subgroups, products (semiproducts, wreath products), direct sums, etc.
If you have some kind of mathematical structure (groups, topological spaces), it is natural to do various constructions with them.
Ok, see you later! And good luck with probability distributions.
thanks,see ya

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