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It is only 2 reputation points today, but at the moment you can see reputation reversal in the profile of the user mentioned in the meta question:
The above screenshot is from selfawareuser's reputation tab (the same one mentioned in comment).
6 hours later…
@MartinSleziak I have a suggestion for your rooms Geometry & Topology and General topology
My opinion may seem absurd since my knowledge is little in mathematics.
I think it is is better to change the name of the room Geometry & Topology to Geometry that would include axiomatic geometry, differential geometry, manifolds, and differential topology subjects, and change the name of the room General topology to Topology that would include general topology, algebraic topology, homological algebra subjects.
You can find links to some discussions about the scope of Geometry & Topology chat room here:

Expanding scope of the room

Jan 15 at 8:54, 1 day 3 hours total – 5 messages, 2 users, 5 stars

Bookmarked Jul 2 at 6:21 by Martin Sleziak

Expanding scope of the room - more links

Feb 9 at 5:04, 1 minute total – 5 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jul 2 at 6:22 by Martin Sleziak

Anyway, if you want to suggest changing scope or renaming the room, posting a message in that room would be a better option.
Personally, I'd prefer general topology to be kept as a separate room. (Since adding algebraic topology would mean mixing rather different areas together.)
in Differential Geometry, Jan 16 at 11:59, by Martin Sleziak
I wonder whether general topology should stay separate. What would you think?
in Differential Geometry, Jan 16 at 12:00, by Balarka Sen
I wouldn't include it, no
And also this:
in Differential Geometry, Jan 16 at 12:06, by Balarka Sen
I don't think including algebraic geometry is appropriate though.
in Differential Geometry, Jan 16 at 12:07, by Martin Sleziak
Ok, so suggestion is keep algebraic geometry separate and the additions to the algebraic topology room would be differential geometry (and perhaps differential topology - it does not have a separate room so far). Is that right?
@MathematicsAminPhysics BTW I can't agree that you talk about Geometry & Topology as my room. Probably Balarka Sen is the best person to talk about potential changes in that room.
Anyway, as I said, discussion about this would be more suitable in those rooms.
I also want to say it is better to create a room that covers algebra, group theory, ring theory, field theory and algebraic geometry subjects.
Well, with the exception of algebraic geometry, Linear & abstract algebra is such room.
I thought that room has been devoted for elementary topics in abstract algebra.
Excuse me for disturbing you. As I said, my knowledge is little in mathematics.
Certainly, I'll admit that there is very little participation in Linear & abstract algebra room.
Of course, nobody prevents you from creating new rooms, if you think they should be created.
There used to be a separate room for groups, rings, fields:

 Group, Ring, Field and Galois Theory

Informal discussion of concepts relating to group, ring, field...
But it was eventually frozen due to low activity.
10 hours later…
@MartinSleziak And this is how the reputation tab looks now.
Well, one possibility is to try do delete the comment and post a new one. See: Workaround for broken comments. Specifically, it links to this answer and this answer. — Martin Sleziak 20 mins ago
And the other option is to ask moderators for help. See: Reporting comments where MathJax breaks layout. (Now that you posted on meta, it is quite likely that a moderator will notice your problem. Still, you can also use a flag to get moderators' attention.) — Martin Sleziak 18 mins ago
@MartinSleziak: thanks. Your tedious and user-hostile workaround enabled me to delete the comment, which will do for tonight. — Rob Arthan 12 mins ago
And setting the Maths Scaling back to any sensible number gives rubbish results. So that was a really rubbish workaround. — Rob Arthan 6 mins ago
I am not sure whether your last comment should indicate that you still have some kind of problem. I tried to use "Scale All Math" to change to 10% and than back to 100% - everything looks normal to me after that. If there is still some problem, perhaps you should explain more clearly what it is. (Is it that for some reason you can't now change scaling back to normal? If you think that I can help you in some way, you can ping me in chat.) — Martin Sleziak 16 secs ago
@MartinSleziak: sorry to sound so peevish. Safari gave very strange results after I changed the scaling. But when I quit it and restarted it, things went back to normal. Many thanks for your help and apologies for being so grouchy. — Rob Arthan 27 secs ago
Maybe simply the fact that I'm using Chrome is the reason that I did not have any problems.

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