Hi @Martin. I have a quick question. You probably know this off the top of your head, but I couldn't find it addressed on meta or in the FAQ (I never find anything when I search): How do I print a question (+answers+comments) ? I remember there was a way, but now when I try to print, only get whatever fits in one page which is usually not the whole thing.
Two ways I remember. One of them is StackPrinter. And somebody had a bookmarklet which relatively reliable converted the post to TeX or pdf. I'll find the relevant link.
And if you want check for yourself, I'd guess that it is worth trying to check the posts on meta tagged export.
This question mentions some bookmarklet: Save the answer in TeX/PDF - revisioned. And the link which was mentioned as dead there seems to work again: normalhuman.github.io/savetex
@AndrésE.Caicedo Would some of these two solutions - StackPrinter and Save a question and answers as LaTeX - be satisfactory for you?
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