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God dammit, my internte failed literally 1 second before my download was finished and killed the download
damn github is down
I'm trying to download git right now, and this is making me want to try mercurial >:(
I just wish github wikis were on separate servers :(
damn, tiled does not support beziers
I kind of hoped it would
What are beziers?
bezier curves
A Bézier curve is a parametric curve frequently used in computer graphics and related fields. Generalizations of Bézier curves to higher dimensions are called Bézier surfaces, of which the Bézier triangle is a special case. In vector graphics, Bézier curves are used to model smooth curves that can be scaled indefinitely. "Paths", as they are commonly referred to in image manipulation programs, are combinations of linked Bézier curves. Paths are not bound by the limits of rasterized images and are intuitive to modify. Bézier curves are also used in animation as a tool to control motion. ...
The dreaded Bezier curve. ;o
I use them to render roads for my TD
Why the fuck is Github down
22:10 UTCThe site is recovering but we continue to monitor the situation very closely.
Bullshit, it's stilld own
Doctors predict that in 5-10 years, babies will be tattooed with integrated circuits that push medical data to the cloud. http://bit.ly/1fn0LYj

What do you think the benefits or drawbacks of this idea are?
I don't want data being collected on me. So dislike.
it might save your life
like, imagine this cloud cancer detection system
I don't want them installing those things on my body.
Because if they can do that, then the government can put a tracking chip in my head
And if the government can do that, why can't corporations do that?
time for tin foil hats!
I don't really understand what @hasherr means but ok
And then eventually we'll be robots seeing an endless amount of Coca Cola commercials while we're constantly monitored by the NSA
tbh that's what everyone is doing already
Actually I remember some study where they came to conclusion that tin foil hats would strengthen the signals to your head
it's just that now it seems like it's your choice to do so
I heard about that as well, Las.
Right, off to bed for me. ;o
Hopefully I'll get an email tomorrow for a job interview.
yay it seems I don't have the flickering graphics issue with Heroes 4 on win 8
I can play it fine
these are excellent pick up lines for nerds
provided you ever find a nerd girl
nerd girl, aka the mythical legendary beings.
@AlexM. Can you do something for me?
nope, going to sleep in a bit
@AlexM. Please. I need you to connect me to a supervisor.
arguing with 3 years old kid. I want kids now.
@AidanMueller sorry, we don't have supervisors in your area (Chicago)
@AlexM. Chicago?
@AlexM. My area is no where near Chicago.
how the fuck was I to know
@BlueBug you're a south korean guy living in new york, masturbating on frank sinatra's voice and wanting kids to argue with them
well this was a fun time to join the conversation
lol how could it be twisted in such turn. What do you even have in that brain of yours.
you don't live in new york?
ba dum tschhh
xD NY state, rochester city.
for !Romanians, BOR means "(the) Romanian Orthodox Church"
to be a priest must mean you're having the nicest job of them all
`how do i
do multi-line
can i do multi-line code in a comment within stackexchange?
@erebel55 what's your background?
asl but like from programmer to programmer
Sara from StarCraft?
also experience
which should replace sex
past projects should replace location
I'm interested in age
I'm 23, bachelors in computer science, all gamedev projects are unfinished :/
got it
I do dev for a living, but not gamedev

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