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gamedev is a hobby, for now
what do you work on?
@erebel55 write on multiple lines
    then a magical fixed font button
        appears over there ------------------->
You are too excited for morning today
thanks, is it not supported within comments on questions tho?
Go back to sleep and try again tomorrow
Umm........... don't think so
nope, comments are single-line
damn, alright
And questions is all based off of white space
For a living I work on enterprise architecture software. But gamedev, I am working on a mobile game
okay, thanks guys
As long as its not SharePoint that you work with
We hate SharePoint developers around here
it seems I'm the only one here in the 20-22 range
do we have anyone here who's like, 18 yo?
I grew out of that range 3 years ago bro. Grow up
lol most of our customers use it; but I don't
I'm a SharePoint developer... and MS Dynamics CRM.
afaik we only have 20+ and youngsters like Grey (14-16)
Alright I need a break. bbl
and old folk like me
lol yeah but there'll be a ww2 ep 2
it would be hitlarious though
Alex, have you released any games?
that's a secret!
me me pick me! :P
Matt is less secretive
you have stuff listed in your profile though @AlexM.
I figured he already checked my profile
oh right
@AlexM. Me 21! <3
atm I only work on games for kids (say, 12 yo kids)
so it doesn't really matter that much for people here
work is work
kids games doesnt automatically mean crap either
@BlueBug man, I asked about ages in the interval [16, 20)
@MattD I guess
i was 16 20 years ago. does that count?
nope, you have to be 16 now
and so insensitive laughing about it :'(
its ok. its something you get used to. i still think im 22 anyway
I really wanted to troll the mods by flagging alex's post
Mick is 60 yo
oh yeah. great ideas on the internet.. troll the mods
happened to me
So according to howsecureismypassword.net, it would take 27 decillion years to hack my password.
...15 hours. hmmm.
Yours is 15 hours?
yeah. my first password
second takes 275 days.
what's your password to take 27 decillion years?
Why the fuck would you ever trust this
A password that I used a long time ago (and still do in one place) would take 11 minutes.
@hasherr Trust what?
That site
I would never put my real password
A quattuorvigintillion years
The most fucking brilliant method to hack someone else's passwrod. I just gave them my password.
of course
It says it's not.
adding your password to a website like that is probably just adding your password to a rainbow table
so while it might take 27 decillion years to decrypt it. they can just look to break the hash algorithm instead
nice work internet
> It would take a desktop PC about
> Infinity years
> to crack your password
howsecure was mypassword
GPGPU stuff is pretty handy for that kind of thing
I wasn't logged into facebook, so it doesn't have any specific association.
anyway. you should be using at least PBKDF2 or something similar. WITH A HASH UNIQUE FOR EACH PASSWORD
if you use the same hash for every password you're making it orders of magnitude easier to brute force
> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk‌​kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk‌​kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk‌​kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk‌​kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk‌​kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Yields infinity years
here's a fun thing to do.
Because it increases exponentially.
generate an MD5 of a phrase
type the MD5'd result into google
do the same for various well known, non salt'd encryption methods
I can actually use QWERTYUIOP as my password, since I am on a Dvorak. Of course I wouldn't do that.
google is the worlds biggest rainbow table ;)
but yeah. if you can punch in the hash'd password and get the result from google. you know that what you're doing is useless
The hashed password?
I don't like where this is going...
basically, on google. you can "google" using the resulting encrypted result of your password. if your encryption method is crap (eg: MD5 with no hash). the odds are google will find the decrypted string
MD5 doesn't always output a unique value. There are some values that collide. While it is quick, you should use at least SHA1
and there are a lot of websites out there which actually have the sha1/md5 reverse lookup values
so if you google for a hashed result (that isnt salted) you'll generally be able to find the original, non encrypted/hashed value
eg: here's one i prepared earlier. 25d55ad283aa400af464c76d713c07ad
(yes thats 1234567890)
anyway. what you do with passwords. is you pull the stored value from the DB, and you take the user input. you then hash/encrypt/whatever the user input with the same algorithm (and the unique salt for that user) and see if the DB value, and the new value match. if they do. you say "OK YOU ARE WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE". if they dont match, you go "nope".
the software will never decrypt the password to check it against the input.
@MattD I am confused.
Anyways, "aoeusnatoehusntidsanoetuhsnadiotehusntdasncteodihgnktxmqbntghjdmubatdkbmsntdrcg‌​thxm"
produces 2 googol years.
why are you confused? it's silly to increase alphabet size length dominates too easily
It's so much easier to remember a sentence "I think I'll go walk the dog today." than "f4R*&YfyH&*R^"
@MickLH It was a reply.
what are you confused about?
@MattD The whole password thing you're talking about.
ok. what confuses you about it?
You just lost me is what I am saying.
but where did i lose you?
behind the couch?
Mom said not to play back there.
@MattD Did you try my game yet?
no. busy at work
and trying to put my life in bxoes
@BlueBug I actually scanned that site for AJAX requests, and it doesn't look like it is sending your password anywhere. So you probably didn't send your password anywhere (though you usually wouldn't want to put your password just anywhere).
@MattD When do you come to America?
2.5 weeks
:D That's a good news hehe. Very comforting.
@MattD Where do you live right now?
australia :)
@MattD I've always wanted to go to Australia since I was capable of intelligent thoughts, and had a concept of difference in landscape depending on your location.
Ai ya fuckin' wanka, get back to tendin' the rabbits.
its quite disconcerting at times how absolutely flat and brutal this place is
and at others. how pretty it is. but there are literally times when you drive to sydney say. where you can see until the curvature of the earth stops you. and there is literally nothing
There's 1 place in the US like that.
It's called Death Valley.
And every year, a bunch of lunatics run a marathon in it.
I live in a desert. But it actually snows here.
I don't think we got any snow this winter though.
Are you in the US, Aidan?
Who's "aidan"?
I'm case-sensitive.
lol, k
@hasherr Yes.
I wonder why people tend to use such common passwords.
Because they're stupid.
@hasherr It would explain some of the dumb things that I am seeing on this list:
Zoom in and you'll see what I mean.
Where on earth has @Grey been?
He hasn't been around lately. I don't think he likes us anymore
He be dissin'.
he was here yest i think
I like Grey, but he isn't very mature.
He isn't able to deal with certain scenarios, even in an online chat room
Your mom isn't able to deal with certain scenarios
Even in an online chat room, if you know what I mean heh heh
@hasherr Like?
@MickLH Can you drive me to the hospital? I need to go to the burn unit.
No sorry just got back from there
@AidanMueller Me and Alex will jokingly make inappropriate jokes
And he normally nopes out of the room
Call the fire department, because I meant that everyone has situations that push them to their limits, we shouldn't judge them for it but instead offer help and support in any way we can
@hasherr He could just delete those chat elements.
gotta go get dinner peace V_V
MickLH: Here's some ice!
@AidanMueller That's another thing. He abuses the fuck out of the delete button
@hasherr That's not what I mean.
He deletes every other message he posts.
@hasherr If you go to developer tools, you can usually just delete HTML elements that you don't want to see.
Chat moves too fast for that, lol
If it's moving that fast, you could just wait it out.
If I make a joke with a sexual reference, do you leave the room?
uim at work remember, keep it clean ;)
@MattD You're at work, you don't count, shh be quiet now :)
people do what they do to deal with things, just what human beings do.
I'm sure you do it too
I mean, out of all of us here, I'm me and even I do what I do to deal with things
So stern conclusion, but subtle yet important anecdote!
Windows' estimated time went from 50 minutes, to 16 minutes.
^ How that makes me feel.
yeah using windows makes me feel like a joke too
hilariously. if they just smoothed the time remaining over, well, time. it wouldnt be so insane
My rep contains only ones and zeros. I guess I should change my name to binary.
@MattD Wouldn't the best prediction method be to just use the average? I mean, it would be pretty jumpy in the beginning, but it would be a whole lot better than what they are using now.
as with most things in UI/UX, the illusion of progress is far better than any actual accurate reflection of progress
@MattD That reminds me. In the US (and most likely, other countries as well), the button on the traffic light that let's you walk across the street doesn't actually do anything.
Neither does the close button on the elevator
Oh yeah, that's right.
I think the open button does though. It would have to.
It does, yeah.
The close button works in Japan, I believe
lol yes it does, and its awesome watching asians at the airport
struggling to close the elevator doors, keeping them open with button presses
although I think it's only in the cities that the crosswalk button does nothing
because I know the boulevard near me has a crosswalk that never says walk ever until you press the button, no matter how many red light cycles go by
Nope, I live in a town, it doesn't work.
I know that's how it is in san fransisco
But it's absolutely not like that across the entire US
in fact the lights here don't even have a red light cycle unless a car pulls up in the perpendicular direction from the direction of most traffic
@MickLH I believe that some lights have magnetic strips under the road.
most do
thats what the cuts in the asphalt are for
im going to start a blog. and post up one idea a week
not just game ideas. but random ideas
I would like to take one of those buttons apart, and install this button in it's place: inception.davepedu.com
I never learned how to handle open source software like Git, and it's so confusing that I don't even want to learn it anymore.
@hasherr What's wrong with Git?
And why did you add "open source" in there?
Git is amazing.
It's just difficult to learn.
And I'm getting frustrated.
I've always used the GUI they offer, and I'm paying for it now.
@hasherr Are you using the gui interface? Or are you using git through the command line?
I'm trying to learn it through the command line
I don't understand the GUI. I just use the command line.
Switch those statements for me.
But I want to understand the command line, so that's what I'll do.
Two things.
Number one.
Two dashes are used when an argument is word rather than a single letter.
Number two.
Alright, I'll take a look
I'm going to bed now, night
@hasherr It will take some time to read, but you only need to read the basics. You don't need to go into the advanced usage chapters.
Good night.
2 hours later…
Acoustic club music? oh man this is refreshing.
I got a remote-controlled quadcopter a while ago. It's a good machine, but the manual was written in chinglish:
"Do not use the battery slam or beating hard surface."
"60~75 minutes charging can flying 8~9 minutes."
company must be low on budget; use google translate.
someone should do a metal album like that
take a bunch of spam mail content
whack it in google translate, turn it into chinese, or russian, or something
then turn it back into english
i was talking about google translate
but hey
learning web httml python server/client is so fun, I forgot to do my homework. o_o
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
    Debug.LogError("Length of array after split is less than 3");
    return; // weird stuff
"weird stuff"
What a weirdo
Is it weirder than this?
@lasse ahah
i thought that was a half life 3 screenshot
@Jon That's pretty random
@Lasse gotta lock up your pizza, can't let it get stolen!
I know, right
@Lasse lol
g=.05     t=2     y=11  ypos = (g * t * t) / 2 - vy * t + y
ypos = (g * t * t) / 2 - vy * t + y
I am trying to find t so that ypos is guaranteed to be >= 0 and <= 16
@erebel55 and what are the other variables? Or are they all constants
I listed them above.
they are constants for now
k, thanks
@AidanMueller that's one of my favorite XKCD comics.
golf, english. if I drive and it goes 200 yards, do you say "You shot for 200 yards!"
"for" sounds wrong to me
asked on english.SE. see what I get
Q: Would a golfer say, "I shot for 200 yards"?

AlmoTitle says it all. I'm wondering if "for" is the correct word to use in the phrase, "I shot for 200 yards".

I'd say "I shot at 200 yards"
but I'm not sure
at doesn't sound right either.
usually I know these things pretty well :(
well if I were to use it in day to day speech I'd say...
weird now that I thought about it "for" sounds legit
what the hell man
managed to get google play services to work with this plugin: github.com/faizann/UnityGPGPlugin
@AlexM. oh yeah, that game sounds hilarious from reviews

static ISocialPlatform Active;
This is the currently active social platform.

If not explicitly set, a default is picked depending on the target platform.
I wish they just used a constant or something to signify there's no active social platform selected yet
Nov 5 '13 at 17:08, by Dave
don't ask to ask
there's one :)
luv this don't ask to ask rule
I'll still have some difficulties applying it
anyone know if it is possible to invert the y axis in desmos?
@erebel55 grab a mirror? :D
@Almo want a Strife key? I've not really been playing but I've got one if you want
Do you guys prefer using Git from the Explorer (TortoiseGit) or simply from the console?
@ToddersLegrande mac version?
Whats that?
I don't use Git. I use Perforce
@Tyyppi_77 console and gitextensions for browsing
Git Extensions is the only graphical user interface for Git that allows you control Git without using the commandline. What about TortoiseGit?
@Tyyppi_77 Lies
Is there lies on the internet?
@Almo looks like there is an option to download an OSX client. I can't vouch for how well it works :P
ok I'd be curious to take a look at it then, if you have nobody else to give the key to :)
@Tyyppi_77 and SourceTree
How do you want me to get you that key? I can paste it here or some other option :)
do you still have my email address?
oh good call
forgot we had that interaction
i expect the mac client will be fine; HoN is mac/win/linux. I suspect they have their cross-platform shit down.
thanks dude
holy shit. saw my wife sing in the Carmina Burana last night with the OSM (orchestra de Montreal) chorus. I managed to follow along in the lyrics (as it's in latin and german). Holy shit, if you haven't read them, you have no idea what that music is about.
short version: that part you always hear "O Fortuna" says Fortune will fuck you whether you're young or old, powerful or not, it wins in the end. Then there's all this stuff about spring, drinking, seduction, sex, and it finishes with the seduced woman's orgasm and BOOM it repeats O Fortuna: fate will get you in the end.
That must be the only good use for macs, and I'd change the top one to lenovo
well, the short version gets the point across much faster than reading 25 movents' worth of lyrics. :)
@Almo you wouldn't do that tho
you'd just ctrl + f for "sex" and shit
that word isn't actually in there though
8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir (Shopkeeper, give me colour)
Chramer, gip die varwe mir,	Shopkeeper, give me colour
die min wengel roete,	to make my cheeks red,
damit ich die jungen man	so that I can make the young men
an ir dank der minnenliebe noete.	love me, against their will.
Seht mich an,	Look at me,
jungen man!	young men!
lat mich iu gevallen!	Let me please you!
Minnet, tugentliche man,	Good men, love
minnecliche frouwen!	women worthy of love!
minne tuot iu hoch gemout	Love ennobles your spirit
this has to be the most random shit
in the history of classical compositions
it's totally not random. it all hangs together
well that's my opinion anyway :)
been exposed to it quite a bit in the preceeding weeks with her preparing to sing it
@Lasse was it because of putin?
lol idk

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