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curiosity intensifies
What's there to intensify, that revision history should be public, no?
@Randal'Thor You can look at his suggested edits.
@NapoleonWilson "Page Not Found" for me.
I don't have 10k here.
Anyway, it's a half a year old case of a pissed off user. I'm not sure there's much to be curious about.
@AJ I don't even know what "he" you're talking about.
(You're not going to link to his profile page now, are you? ;-))
@Randal'Thor It was a displeased user who asked some questions I don't have clue about. Those questions got closed and deleted because of being off-topic. Then he took his rage out in suggested edits.
@NapoleonWilson waits with bated breath :-P
@NapoleonWilson No... A puzzle for you @Randal'Thor
@Randal'Thor Okay, quick, is this a spoiling title?
It seems so.
@NapoleonWilson Mildly spoilery. Let me think of a good way to rephrase it ...
Why does Arthur do this to Jim in Passengers? or Why does Arthur do this in Passengers?
Apparently it's hot already, and I'd want to piss off as few off-site users as possible. ;-)
@AJ Y...yeah...no.
@NapoleonWilson Those users only come when they see a question in HNQ.
Whenever you replace something relevant with "this", "he", "this character",..., please rather spoil the film or continue thinking.
I changed it to "Why doesn't Arthur keep his promise in Passengers?" Not entirely satisfied with that, but it's at least a bit less spoilery while not being too generic.
@Randal'Thor Yeah, seems fine.
These comments need to be removed now.
Q: Looking for a "Silent Night" movie

Robert M.My mom is celebrating her 60th birthday in June and I am planning to get her a very special present. She went to elementary school in Arnsdorf, Salzburg (Austria) and recently told me about a movie she had a part in. She doesn't remember too much about the movie but does remember that a rather f...

Judging from the question that might as well seem more fitting than the rather "heavy" word "betray", which I can understand people feeling like a spoiler when they haven't seen the film.
Evenin @DForck42
I'd prefer something like "Why does Arthur tell Aurora this in Passengers?", but that might set off @Napoleon's "this" alarm ;-)
@AJ mornin
@Randal'Thor Well, telling someone this is still less general than doing this. ;-)
But I would prefer the promise thing.
That really doesn't seem like a spoiler.
@NapoleonWilson Well, I only remember Arthur making one promise, so the fact that he (sort of) breaks it later on could be construed as spoilery.
That could on the one hand refer to any possible promise ever, and on the other hand doesn't sound like Arthur is going to massively betray Jim and become a villain or whatever.
@Randal'Thor Yeah, but the people who haven't seen the film don't really know how many promises he makes.
He doesn't become a villain or anything. It's a simple misunderstanding, albeit a fairly catastrophic one.
See, that's what I thought, and why "betray" is misleading.
@NapoleonWilson Ah, true. I guess it doesn't make sense to make sure not to spoil people who are only n% of the way through the film, as it does with a book or a TV series.
not a good edit @NapoleonWilson
@Randal'Thor I don't know if it makes sense for a book even. I'd consider this rather self-contained, too.
Browse questions while watching half the episodes of a TV-show? Maybe. Browse questions while in the middle of a book or film? I don't know.
Well, a book series, at least.
It's less about volume or the time it takes to watch/read it and more about narrative continuity, I'd say.
Nobody's going to read something like Wheel of Time in one go.
@Randal'Thor Hmm, okay.
Some single books are pretty massive too.
@AJ Bleh, that user should know better. Rejected.
@AJ Oh god, hell no. That's making the actual question utterly unintelligible.
He's not even replacing them with spoiler blocks (which I would reject, too). No, the content is disappearing in the empty void of nothingness.
Is it necessary to leave a comment on that user's post?
And a downvote. I hope it's not for spoiling. But I haven't seen the film, maybe the question is suboptimal to begin with.
@AJ Your comment seems to link to totally different discussion, though. There's way more official discussions about that.
Fixed, though.
@NapoleonWilson Mod abuse! :-P
(Seriously, you might want to remove the /49 from the end of that link. Mod-editing someone else's comment on an HNQ to get yourself an Announcer badge might be considered ... iffy.)
Meh, I fix comments now and then, especially when that's preferrable over deletion.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah remove that 49. ;P
@Randal'Thor Drgh, seriously?
Whatever, fixed.
@Randal'Thor Well, I didn't even consider that.
The SciFi mod showing? ;-P
@NapoleonWilson I'd rather prefer to add my own comment saying "maybe this other link is more relevant/official/whatever", so as to avoid putting words into other people's mouths. But to each his own, I guess?
@Randal'Thor Yeah, that could also have been an option. But the comment sounded wrong this way and gave a wrong impression.
I mean, that's what you'd have to do if you weren't a mod. And someone linking to a slightly less useful meta discussion isn't really something that requires mod intervention.
@NapoleonWilson Well, you're not obsessed with rep/badges like some people :-)
@Randal'Thor Oh, for fuck's sake. I'll change the friggin' thing back if you want. You know comments are pretty much on the edge of deletion from their very inception on, right?
@NapoleonWilson Don't worry, I'm not trying to make a big deal out of it.
Too late.
All back to normal again.
Apparently the editor has already seen the comment anyway and it's not really required anymore now.
Yeah, I flagged the comments on the answer as obsolete.
The one on the question might be worth keeping in case anyone else is minded to suggest such an edit.
I bet there'll still be complaints from people who don't know the film but feel that it might be spoiled from the title (like the two who already commented).
Yeah, but they commented before it was revised.
Maybe people might want to, I don't know, like, not look for spoilers everywhere. That, yeah, that seems like, like a healthy approach.
Gheez, I didn't really expect serious Star Wars/Game of Thrones drama from an innocuous little 3-score question about a months-old film. Never underestimate the power of HNQ, I guess.
Feels like I need to scan Meta Stack Exchange for some good old "Kill M&TV from the HNQs!" duplicates. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson VTC: excess of commas.
(But yeah, I agree.)
@Randal'Thor ...and repetitions. It's deliberately constructed as mimicking hesitant speech.
For god sake it's not recomendation
Q: List of episodes Arrow appear in Flash

Aravindh GopiIn which episodes did Arrow members appear in Flash? I want to see those particular episodes only.

If anyone want to close then give enough effort to give appropriate reason
@NapoleonWilson I know ;-)
@AnkitSharma VTRO
@AnkitSharma Doesn't make it much of a better question, though.
@AnkitSharma But true.
We can reopen it and close as a stupid list of episodes then. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson ouch, but we dis allowed distinct list question in past
Though, the answer looks reasonable. Maybe the question is bearable. It's understandable that the SciFi people reopen-vote it, seeing how it fits their "finite list" thingy. Maybe it could make for a valid question.
It might use some context and elaboration as to the importance of Arrowverse-crossovers to come across less than some "I want to watch all TNG episodes that contain blue flowers" thing. But that seems doable.
@AnkitSharma And allowed others... It's less than optimal as a policy.
But then again, a reasonable assessment of a series' crossover nature might be more engaging than listing all the DVD's in Stargazer's book shelf. I'll see what I can make of the question.
So what is your final call O.o
Well, I first gave it a little overhaul for once.
I agree that recommendation might be a stretch with this question, and ID even more so. And I tried to battle trivia with a little more context.
Title can be bit better ;)
I always forget the title. ;-)
Does that look better?
I certainly gave it a +2 and if you agree, I'd say we reopen it.
You guys seen the new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer?
betetr- yes
@DrRDizzle no
It's OK. I'm mostly excited to see how Tony Stark fits into things to be honest.
Iron man is there wolverine now :P
Cap makes a cameo too.
@AnkitSharma Which makes sense.
@DrRDizzle I heard that news long back
I meant in the trailer. It's just a dorky little nod, but it's fun.
You mean they revealed everything in 2nd trailer already.
Does it have a similarly captivating soundtrack as The Amazing Spider-Man?
It's certainly a fairly spoiler-y trailer.
@NapoleonWilson The only thing I remember from The Amazing Spider-Man is Peter being a skateboarding douche, so I'm going to have to assume that the soundtrack really wasn't that captivating.
@DrRDizzle nope
@DrRDizzle ASM and ASM-2 just weren't great. best parts were Emma Stone
also, the new Iron fist series hasn't been great so far...
@DForck42 I disliked the first one, but I hated the second one.
Andrew Garfield seemed awesome, though. And Emma Stone, of course.
He's a good actor, but he's way too cool to be Peter Parker.
And the soundtrack was at least more original than the majority of MCU sameness.
Do you mean score by any chance?
@DrRDizzle <sigh> Yes, yes I do.
@NapoleonWilson lol
Yeah, a lot of modern films have unmemorable scores. But it's not like I remember the Amazing Spider-Man movies scores either.
@DrRDizzle there was a score?
@DrRDizzle Well, I don't exactly remember it in detail either. But I saw it on TV recently and it struck me as compelling, and I remembered that it already did so on my first watch. And that is usually already an improvement over or sign for something above the common sameness.
@DForck42 I'd be amazed to find a film that doesn't have a score.
prepare to be AMAZED!
@DrRDizzle There are, though.
@DForck42 Huh, TIL.
@DrRDizzle wait... you're serious? when No country for Old Men came out, it was the thing to talk about it not having a score
@DrRDizzle And given your stickling for "score", the majority of Tarantino films already apply. ;-)
@DForck42 That film came out 8 years ago, and I've only ever seen it once.
@NapoleonWilson I suppose that's fair.
@DrRDizzle yeah, I thought it was ok, but it was kinda known for it's lack of a score
just surprising to me, but shrugs
Well, I didn't notice that (or the ensuing internet discussion about it) either. But it also was a little before my internet hype awareness time, I think. Back when I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to like the Star Wars prequels and all the other great films from my youth.
Q: tv pl help me find the show 2005-2007

annaI am trying to finding a cartoon on how some children travel in a train and suddenly go to another dimension,train and meet creatures and when they come back to Earth they come back to same time It was probably on cartoon network and Japanese

@MovieReel Yeah...no.
@DrRDizzle as expected
@DForck42 best part is that dumb film series canceled
@DForck42 it's fully disappointing
@AnkitSharma lol
@AnkitSharma and yeah, that's how I've been feeling with it. BUT, we're going to finish it anyway cause Defenders!
@DrRDizzle I hated first one and wanted to kill myself while watching second one
@DForck42 even I appreciate Luke Cage More now
@AnkitSharma Luke Cage was awesome, I don't understand why people disliked it
@NapoleonWilson do any non Nolan film even have any distinguishable score ?
@AnkitSharma lotr, pirates
BvS had unique score but it didn't saved it
@DrRDizzle same pinch
@DForck42 later kinda yes, former not seen
@AnkitSharma Are you...WUT?
Oh, you said "non", I was baffled there for a moment.
The DCEU seems to be a little better placed there than the MCU at least.
I mean, I can remember scores from The Avengers and also Iron Man, I think, but they are still rather exchangeable.
Ofcourse but Suicide squad used existing songs more, so not applicable
While Man of Steel sticks out a little more there, as does Batman v Superman.
To me all MCU score appear same
That being said, I did not really intend to mean "comic films" when speaking about all films, even if that difference is becoming narrower and narrower. ;-)
@AnkitSharma Doctor Strange seemed quite enticing, though, at least beyond the normal sameness.
@NapoleonWilson but the film as a whole was too forgettable
@NapoleonWilson I don't even remember score form any non comic book film too except nolan films
@AnkitSharma Not to me. Or at least it was more memorable to me than Civil War or similar films.
@AnkitSharma Oh my. What do you even watch? ;-)
@NapoleonWilson What is a civil war film?
@NapoleonWilson To be frank I don't pickup score easily but in nolan film they coem out quite easily
@NapoleonWilson I can't remember any pieces of music from the DCEU so far (not including the unbearable needle-drops in Suicide Squad, of course).
@NapoleonWilson ...they're nothing alike.
@DrRDizzle hence proved :p
Grrrr, still stuck in office and now I am hungry and angry both
tbh honest though, I don't watch marvel movies for the score
@DForck42 Well, no, but it's still part of the film. I don't watch any film for the score, but it's still a nice thing to have.
@DrRDizzle The Man of Steel soundtrack is particularly enticing. I don't like the new Batman theme so much, but that Wonder Woman thing everyone is so up in arms about is interesting, too.
@NapoleonWilson I'd forgotten about Wonder Woman's insanely out of place electric violin riff, in fairness.
@NapoleonWilson dizzle was too busy in making up writing bad things about film that he forgot to listen score
@DForck42 Yeah, me neither. It's still nice when a film can deliver an original score albeit belonging to some huge samey franchise.
Most memorable scores from the last few years for me have been the main Avengers theme in Avengers Assemble, the main chase theme from Mad Max: Fury Road and... hell, that might be it.
Oh, Up, of course. But that's a little longer ago.
Seriously? Well, to each his own.
Okay, Mad Max was indeed interesting.
It's matter of taste, I guess. The Avengers soundtrack certainly isn't "objectively worse" than others at least. ;-)
The most memorable soundtrack of recent times for me would definitely be this:
I'm humming the main Avengers theme as we speak. I think it's great.
Kudos to @NapoleonWilson for making that Arrow question on-topic.
I can also remember The Winter Sodlier's theme from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but that's just a lot of electronic screeching noises. It's pretty... distinct.
If we take comics alone, then I'd also give The Wolverine an honourable mention, but I also agree that I don't really watch them for their awesome scores. (The Dark Knight trilogy notwithstanding.)
@NapoleonWilson Is it the same you shared a while ago?
@AJ It can't be shared often enough. So...probably. ;-)
@DrRDizzle I can't even recall what it sounds like tbh
@NapoleonWilson I chose it for my phone ringtone.
@AJ Which specifically?
@NapoleonWilson Well I forgot to check it.
@NapoleonWilson theme
@AJ Still ambiguous.
I have the Miami Vice theme as ringtone.
I have default iphone tune
Kinda music plays when Batman picks Lau.
I alos think that regarding scores (and maybe other aspects), Oblivion was a little underrated. It's not a breakthrough, but rather unique and compelling nevertheless and was generally panned quite a little.
@AnkitSharma That's the major problem with iPhone. You gotta use that ringtone to show you got iPhone. There are 10 iPhone owners with same ringtone in my office. ;)
@AJ but my phone is on vibrate 90% of time so not applicable :P
Of course, what's an iPhone worth if the people around you don't know that you have an iPhone. ;-)
I want the people around me to know that I think the 80s and their very best show were awesome.
I even saw guys taking iPhone out whenever they see a girl even there is nothing to check.
> Yeah, don't take that guy, he's spending all his money on gadgets worth a 10th of their price instead of for you.
Q: Any predatory behavior in The Lion King?

Tyler DurdenI have never seen the animated film The Lion King, but from what I understand it involves some "king of the jungle" who is a lion, his wife lion and a cub plus a bad lion who is the villain. Does the movie ever show the king and his mate hunting for food to feed their cub? Killing an antelope or...

@MovieReel kind of an odd question
wonder why they asked
@DrRDizzle It does sound to me a little like many other "here's the great heroes!"-fanfares. But it's not bad, I agree about that.
what's the next topic challenge?
Q: How was semi-colorization done in Kill Bill?

Tyler DurdenIn Kill Bill some of the scenes are in partial color with black and white backgrounds and colorized foregrounds. For example, near the end of volume 2, Beatrix is driving to Bill's location and the background is in black and white, but her car is in blue. How did they achieve this effect?

Maybe the Disney thing. Or the Anime thing.
48 secs ago, by Napoleon Wilson
Maybe the Disney thing. Or the Anime thing.
sorry, my internet is shit right now
I tried to edit my pending message and it apparently sent twice
@NapoleonWilson thanks though
My Patrick Stewart ToW suggestion got only one vote.
A: Weekly Topic Challenge - Ideas

A JPatrick Stewart Week July 13th is 77th birthday of renowned English actor Patrick Stewart whose career spans over 55 years. So to celebrate this event and honor him, let's start a weekly topic challenge covering films and TV shows he was in.

@AJ uffff
@Riker lol
@NapoleonWilson I am single and I have iPhone, don't make me stay single my whole life by that statement
> July 13th is 77th birthday of renowned English actor Patrick Stewart
> March 28th
..... maybe save it for july?
@NapoleonWilson is it not too late for Disney thing now ??
@Riker lol
@Riker btw, did you see the chat revelation in here last week or so about you being female?
@AnkitSharma Hmm, maybe a little, but we could postpone the anime challenge a little more.
@AnkitSharma it's never too late for Disney, tbh
but, it's one that can kind of go any time
I was late posting it for beauty and the beast
since ghost in the shell comes out this weekend, the anime one would be more appropriate
BUT, are we going anime and it's adaptations? cause otherwise GitS doesn't technically count
@DForck42 yes >_> I am not
@Riker lol, ok
If people are okay with that, I'd say we don't force it into schedule right now but rather make it bigger at a nicer time-slot. Disney might deserve 10 days or two weeks even.
@NapoleonWilson I think two weeks would be awesome for Disney, given how big the back catalog is
@DForck42 uhuunnn
@NapoleonWilson is this @user22792 on napoleon account or napoleon gone insane
@DForck42 Well, then it might just not count.
@DForck42 I want to skip adaptation but if everyone want they can go with it too
@NapoleonWilson o_O this is getting more and more confusing
@Riker I'm simply laughing, I've done that about 5 million times in here in my 5 years of frequenting this chatroom.
that's quite impressive
@Riker it's his sock puppet
@NapoleonWilson that's once every 6 seconds
@DForck42 lol
Well, 470 times is still quite enough to not go up in arms about another one. ;-)
cc @user22792
@Riker lol
I doubt she knows what Dragonball Z is, though. ;-)
Q: In Crashing, is that really Sarah Silverman's house?

BrettFromLAMany elements of HBO's Crashing are authentic: Artie Lange is a comedian and we see him making his jokes during stand up. Artie Lange has a podcast, and would talk with a comedian like Sarah Silverman on his podcast. Rachel Ray appeared on the actual set of her actual show, with her actual husb...

@Riker lol
@NapoleonWilson hmm nice point
@Riker kek
1 hour later…
Q: Horror movie on Shudder ad help identifying

Will HoltonThere's a film 3 seconds into this ad that I'm trying to identify. It's after Nightbreed and before the Evil Dead clip. Any help would be appreciated! It looks 80s maybe. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/AAk8/shudder-selection

Q: Why did Jyn and Cassian take off their imperial uniforms?

Michael SternIn Rogue One, Jyn and Cassian break into the Imperial records vault while wearing uniforms they have taken from defeated imperial officers. This keeps them safe for a while, though ultimately they come under fire anyway. Jyn ends up on a catwalk, high over the planet's surface, targeted by a pass...

can anyone explain this comment? movies.stackexchange.com/questions/70841/…
is Star Trek known for showing women undressing or?...
I have no idea.
@BlueMoon93 unsure
@AnkitSharma Is that a catoonized version of yourself?
Kind of yes
Q: What is the movie playing on TV on Logan?

BlueMoon93In Logan, a movie is shown on TV. It is an old western, nearly 80 years old. They quote some lines of the movie, something like: Go tell your mom there are no more guns in this town. What movie is this and what is its connection to Logan?

@MovieReel I tried to make a little more out of this to spare it from inevitable ID and trivia votes.
@NapoleonWilson actually saw ana rticle about this
As much as I heard, it's Shane. Wolfgang M. Schmitt Jr. had some interesting things to say about it and Westerns in general with regards to Logan. But I haven't seen either yet.
I remember something about it being one of the first movies pattystu saw in theatres

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