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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@MattD You just summed up a meaningful part of 2016 election (and the reason Trump won the R nomination).
Or to quote one of my favorite SciFi books (and this is where I get kicked out and banned by Napoleon? :)
> If you allow the weakest to be oppressed, you open the valves to your own oppression. If you flail one who is weaker than you, you will be flailed yourself, by one who is stronger. Do not complain then, fool. Was it not you who blessed the flail in the first place? - (Eric Flint, "Mother of Demons")
@NapoleonWilson I feel all kinds of wrong quoting books in Movies&TV chatroom. I was obviously kidding about your reaction.
but the quote was too apropos
Sounds pretty much like a paraphrasal of Kant's categorical imperative.
@NapoleonWilson But Flint is a far more better read than Kant, from past experience.
@DVK-in-Florida Oh, kidding? too bad.
DVK-in-Florida has been kicked from this room.
@DVK-in-Florida I would be inclined to trust you on this.
@NapoleonWilson Is it wrong that I read that line with the "Matrix" interrupted phone line sound in my head?
I don't know.
@AnkitSharma I was going to ask this too.
1 hour later…
Q: How much technology does Oz have in Emerald City?

Keshav SrinivasanIn the show Emerald City we see many pieces of modern technology in Oz: lightbulbs, electric saws, flying monkey drones, etc. And yet we also see people traveling on horseback with swords. And Dorothy's gun seems to be like some incredible magic. So is there any coherent explanation for the st...

Q: Who is the comedian who changed characters?

koryIn the late 80's or early 90's there was a comedian who had a special. The stage looked like a city scene. It had stairs, trashcans, buildings etc. He would play as one character then go in a door or window and come out a different door or window as a different character. He used the phrase "...

2 hours later…
@BalarkaSen O.o
@AJ hmmm
Now I have no question yet
I can try crafting a 10 things I hate about u later if TDK gave none
Anyways Good Morning all
2 hours later…
Q: Movies where the detective is the killer

John TrumanThe detective actually being the killer is a common trope, but I only have ever seen one movie where this is the case. Spoiler Are there any other movies where the detective was actually the bad guy? When did this trope originate?

Q: Movies where the lead actor has a negative character

Yash SwarajI wanna know about some movies or TV series where the lead actor is bad from the inside. Only one example I can remember is Breaking Bad. In other movies where the lead actor does bad things, the actor is good by heart.

1 hour later…
Q: What is the name of this movie

Point The movie is in English.In the movie, daughter lives by a farmland. She might have some kind of contract with the farmers who work for her. The farmers are black and the owner is white woman. She is alone there in the beginning. Later her dad arrives, a white man. Father is beaten by black males ...

Q: Jon Snow Hair is Black

anvesh.veerelliMany people assume Jon Snow is Targaryen but Targaryens have white hair? Are there any other references mentioned in the book about this. Alert if there are any Spoilers.

Q: Sharelock "The Final Problem" queries

love thakkerI watched "The final problem" and I have below queries: When Microft told Sherlock about Eurus', why didn't he speak true? As we can see later in episode, Sherlock gets to know the truth. Why microft not able to see that Eurus' going to show Sherlock truth, once the game began? Why Eurus' kil...

@DForck42 I answered your Knight's Tale question, but I couldn't find a link to the English translation of the poem titled "Frauenbach." Everything is in German. I did find a link that summarizes the poem that I added to the answer.
I should ask Napoleon to write up a translation for me. I really don't think that he likes me that much ;)
@steelersquirrel You can order ask him to teach you German. Problem finish.
I barely know English ;)
He can teach you that too. ;-)
@DrRDizzle I just saw split. The one good thing was McAvoy's performance. He was really awesome. Was there a twist that I missed? There wasn't any twist ending like there usually is in his films. I was bummed :(
@AJ Hahaha! Good point ;)
I only stopped by for a second. Time for sleep. Goodnight :)
good night
@steelersquirrel The "twist" (if you're willing to consider it one) was the reveal of what Bruce Willis said at the end of the film. I don't want to go into more detail than that as a lot of people would consider it to be a huge spoiler.
2 hours later…
Q: What is the band leader story John Woltz refers to when he meets Tom Hagen?

BebsWhen Tom Hagen meets John Woltz, Woltz mentions a band leader (link to the exact moment). WOLTZ: Now you get the hell out of here! And if that gooomba tries any rough stuff. You tell him I ain't no band leader! Then Tom has a look "how do you know about his?". WOLTZ: Yeah... I heard tha...

Too much soona
then wakeup
soona => silence
Q: Why Jennifer lost all her powers just losing BFF chain?

user46044In Jennifer's Body, Jennifer became a demon because of sacrificing a non-virgin. It has nothing to do with BFF chain, but she loses all her power just by accidentally dropping this chain during fight with her friend "Needy", why?

Q: Lost: Mr. Eko is a mispronunciation of Mistereko?

jwillis0720On Netflix, S2. Ep 5 ("...And Found"),with the subtitles turned on, when sawyer asks Mr. Eko what his name is he says "Mistereko" in the subtitles. Sawyer looks bewildered and responds "Mr. Eko?" To me, it looks like Eko has some amusement with this hick pronunciation of his name, and smiles and ...

Q: How he is opening the door with help of tennis ball?

user46045Killer Elite Movie , He uses tennis ball to open the door\shed. How does it work?

I don't wish to be obnoxious, but is there any way to phrase a CV reason that basically says the answer is explicitly stated in the film? Or is that just opening a can of worms?
@Walt I'd recommend just answering it with the line in the film.
I saw xXx: Return of Xander Cage last night. It's legitimately terrible, and yet I loved every dumb second of it.
@DrRDizzle How was Deepika's performance?
> VtC: just watch the damned thing!
@AJ ...different. You can tell that she isn't entirely used to Hollywood acting, but she still gives amongst the better performances in the movie.
@Walt off-topic->Others
@DrRDizzle She's not that good actress.
@AJ She seemed fine to me... but then again, she was sharing the screen with Vin Diesel giving one of the worst performances of his entire career. Anyone would have came off pretty well in that situation.
@DrRDizzle lol, is it not bit late to watch that
@DrRDizzle Her dialogue delivery was bit weak but still she was better then most of the crappy extras
Q: House MD s5 e18 Here Kitty. Was the cat real or CGI?

der0keksI just saw the episode tonight, and the cat didn't seem real to me. The way it was "handled" and it's movement. However, I wonder if the cat audio-track made me perceive it as CGI? wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_Kitty

^^ Inspired by @steelersquirrel
Q: House MD s5 e18 Here Kitty. Was the cat real or CGI?

der0keksI just saw the episode tonight, and the cat didn't seem real to me. The way it was "handled" and it's movement. However, I wonder if the cat audio-track made me perceive it as CGI? wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_Kitty

@OskarTegby hello o/
Hi! I know that this isn't the exact right chat for this, but I need help with my deciding some things for my coming sound setup. Anyone here with some knowledge?
Not good with these stuff, I wish someone else can help
Okay. I've been in contact with some retailers, but none of them have been of any help. I guess that I could ask on some Hi-Fi forum.
good luck
Q: How many face expressions did Kubo have?

kenorbSince Kubo and the Two Strings was a stop-motion animated film based on the physical elements, approximately how many face expressions they had to 3D print for the main character? Related video.

@steelersquirrel I really like your answer
@DForck42 uff ur comment trail flags are still pending and I am stuck with lots of work, grrrrr.......
@AnkitSharma :-D
morning ;-)
@AnkitSharma and I know it doesn't help that I'm picking the lowest hanging fruit, ie getting the ones with the most comments first
I appreciate that but my day is not so good
@AnkitSharma oh? what's up?
OMG! I didn't know we have Steelers fan here. I just saw a guy wearing Steelers jersey. cc @steelersquirrel
good luck @AnkitSharma, I hope your day will end well
7:38 PM and still lots of work
@AJ lol, where are you at?
@AnkitSharma :( sorry
@AnkitSharma, go home and relax :)
Star bait
@DForck42 somewhere near to Tropic of Cancer.
@Bebs I wish I can but one of teh guy after me is companies CPO /CTO
@AJ so central America, Africa, middle east, or asia?
@DForck42 lol same as Ankit
@AJ ahh
@AnkitSharma, you are underboss then :)
@AnkitSharma what do you mean by "after you"
@Bebs lol
@DForck42 he need some details from data and then corrections/changes
@AnkitSharma ahh. well, I hope you're getting overtime/flex time/whatever other compensation
@DForck42 not really
@AnkitSharma O_o
Work load is because my senior sucks and he failed in retaining my old juniors and teammates
he made people flee?
@AnkitSharma :-/
My 3 juniors left and total of 5 people left from our team
As a replacement we got 4 juniors but they are blank
@AnkitSharma wow, how fast did this happen?
i'm curious too
how can they make people leave that way
@DForck42 in 2-3 months
Maybe 4 at max
@AnkitSharma the company removed free sugar at the cofee machine?
Not that
There were insecurities, partiality and misunderstandings
Q: I am seeking the title of a movie probably made in the 1950

Isaiah WebbThe movie opened with a baby girl being born. The movie showed the girl briefly in the opening at several stages in her life until the story of her life begam. In every stage of her life an unseen person would call her name and she would turn toward the voice. In one scene of the movie a man asks...

@AnkitSharma yeah that's pretty quick
That is the only reason I said to remove me from Hinduism moderator team
@AnkitSharma ahh
But I didn't expected this much wait time in implementation
@AJ Flagged for being considered "trivia"! :P
@DForck42 Cool! Thanks! My answer conflicts a little with the other answer, but after looking through the actual guy's poetry and life, they used a lot of that for the movie.
howdy squirrel
@AJ WUUUUUT?!?! Steelers fan in India!! Awesome!!!
@Riker Hey there!!
friend told me last night he didn't like the falcons, wanted the patriots to win
he is no longer my friend
he also twisted my ankle 10 minutes later and that's totally not the reason he's no longer my friend
Hehehe! I was just going to say...you must disown him as a friend ;)
How goes it over at the Literature site?
@steelersquirrel uffff
@steelersquirrel which answer you guys are talking about
@steelersquirrel we were discussing who should be pro-tem mods
Rand pinged me over in the reading room a few days ago. I should probably stop in there.
@Riker Lemme guess...Rand is one of them ;)
I knew it!!
me, mith, rand, emrakul, and besw have all been mentioned
@steelersquirrel I never seen it before either, as we have football fans here but not NFL
mostly me mith and rand
HDE has said he doesn't want to do it
I thought that there was some rule that you can't be a mod if you have been suspended before...
not afair
A: Was William based on the real Ulrich von Liechtenstein?

steelersquirrelWhile Ulrich von Liechtenstein is not well-known, he was a knight and a poet who wrote various works concerning medieval knights and noblemen. Ulrich wrote a semi-autobiographical poem titled Frauenbach (“The Service of Ladies”). The Ulrich von Liechtenstein depicted in A Knight’s Tale was more ...

rand's suspension wasn't really for being a jerk though, it was just because some people disagreed with him on site policies and took that as an excuse
@Riker Yeah, but such a fuss was made when he became mod over at SFF about him being suspended once, that I thought that was a rule now.
I think it was just people who didn't want him mod seizing that as a anti-rand campaign point
Maybe I am wrong. I don't know. I have no issues with Rand at all and I think that he is a terrific mod. But, there were some that freaked over it and I thought that it was taken higher up and that a person who has been suspended before can't be a mod. I don't know.
@steelersquirrel Why, I love translating stuff. I doubt that I would even understand the poem, though.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, really? Well, I couldn't find the actual poem in English. It's not a huge deal, I just wanted to include it with my answer, but I found a link that basically summarizes it.
@steelersquirrel I think it's suspended now or within the last year
on ANY stack site
someone posted it to lit chat earlier
@steelersquirrel Can you link me to the original then?
Das Frauenbuch (auch: Itwitz, Ytwitz) wurde um 1257 von Ulrich von Liechtenstein verfasst. Es ist ursprünglich auf Mittelhochdeutsch in Reimpaarversen geschrieben und lässt sich literarisch als Minnerede klassifizieren. Der Text ist in frühneuhochdeutscher Sprachform ausschließlich im Ambraser Heldenbuch überliefert, heute in Wien (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek). Diese Handschrift, die Werke des 12. und 13. Jh. enthält, wurde 1504 von Kaiser Maximilian I. in Auftrag gegeben. == Aufbau == Das Frauenbuch beschreibt einen Dialog zwischen einer adligen Dame und einem Ritter, den der Erzä...
@steelersquirrel I accepted yoru answer
it's definitely more thorough
@steelersquirrel got an answer to this? movies.stackexchange.com/questions/67447/…
@steelersquirrel You write "Frauenbach" in your answer, though, no?
@NapoleonWilson I don't know if that has the actual poem in the Wikipedia post. Wait. That is German, right?
@NapoleonWilson Argh! That's my fault. I misspelled.
@steelersquirrel Well...to some degree. I can't really get much from the original, but fortunately its translation to modern German is there, too.
But it's only an excerpt it seems.
@DForck42 Cool! Thanks, buddy :)
@NapoleonWilson It's really not a big deal. I found a few places that summarize the poem. No worries :)
@DForck42 Oh, right! Let me work on it when I have time.
Apparently in the excerpt on Wikipedia the woman is accusing the man of homosexual deeds. A hint of the filmmakers to a later Heath Ledger film then? ;-)
I still have to ask my other Heath Ledger question! We must catch @AJ and his Dark Knight question!! ;)
I must say Paulie_d's tag wiki edits are good.
@NapoleonWilson Hehehe! Well, I believe that he dressed as a woman in her honor or something like that, but was laughed at by everyone.
@AJ Yeah. I always accepted him and @John's :)
@steelersquirrel I thought this challenge would be tough. Please make it so. ;P
@AJ I try, I try.
@AJ Ohhhhh...them's fightin' words! Are you guys hearing this @DForck42 @AnkitSharma? AJ's all amack talkin' ;)
@Paulie_D Will you be asking a question for the challenge? Our main goal is to catch AJ ;)
@steelersquirrel I may but I'm much better at google-fu for answering them. I need to find something REALLY obscure. :)
@steelersquirrel lol
@Paulie_D You need to answer the Pulp Fiction briefcase question, then. It's been haunting me forever. It's not beneath me to stalk tweet crew on the film, but I haven't had a reply yet. I have spent hours researching that question!
Q: Whose idea was it to put an orange lightbulb in the mysterious briefcase?

IxrecThis answer about the contents of the briefcase contains an interesting quote from Roger Avary, the co-writer of Pulp Fiction: Originally the briefcase contained diamonds. But that just seemed too boring and predictable. So it was decided that the contents of the briefcase were never to be se...

Q: The Call (Halle Berry)

LailaIn The Call, what type of skills did Jordan the operator use in the intruder call? What is the quiet room and when is it used in The Call? What type of technology is noted in the call center on The Call?

@steelersquirrel Hmmm, I had a feeling this had been answered before (perhaps not here). I thought is was QT's perhaps in conjunction with his lighting guy.
@steelersquirrel What are you arghing?
@Paulie_D That would be great if you could find a source for that! OMG! That would definitely be worth a best answer nomination/reward! This thing has been making me crazy! ;)
@NapoleonWilson Because the stupid movie reel "interrupted" me ;)
self answered
Q: Did Heath Ledger's passig affect the production of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

DForck42In the movie The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Tony, played by Heath Ledger in the real world, is played by three additional actors in the "alternate" world. These actors are: Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell. Were these three additional actors originally intended to be in the film, ...

Other than...like...having to find 3 other actors for the job?
@NapoleonWilson the title might be a bit misleading
I mean, self-answers in all honors, but can we use them for stuff that's not answered by a Wikipedia 3-liner?
Yeah...they donated their salary to Ledger's daughter.
@NapoleonWilson shrugs I had a question, found an answer, posted it so it could be found later
That's what I remember...
Have you guys seen Heath Ledger's daughter? Holy hell! She looks just like him!
@steelersquirrel no, didn't even know he had a daughter
@steelersquirrel you were right btw
Q: Let's disallow nominations from people who've been suspended in the past year

Shog9Well, it's election season again. On sites all over the network, moderators are being selected from among the good folk willing to volunteer their time to help guide and support their communities. I'm proud to be part of a system that governs itself in this manner; for all of its inherent messine...

@DForck42 Oh, really? He and Michelle Williams have a daughter together.
@steelersquirrel Hmmm, perhaps I imagined it. The "somebody" could be a random prop guy or QT but Avary is so dismissive of the idea he's not going to give credit for something he doesn't like.#
@Riker Of course I was! Need you question your mother? Hehehe! Actually, I got my information from Himarm...so, I had no clue if it was correct or not :P
> info from himarm
perfect source amirite
@steelersquirrel actually yes I do need question my mother: IS SKOOBA MY REAL FATHER
@steelersquirrel Wut? Michelle Williams?
Hehehe! Yeah. Himarm should just be a "word of God" source. No questions asked! ;)
@steelersquirrel omg she does
@Riker Hehehe!
the only occurence of both himarm and god on google is from mos eisley transcript
in News room, Sep 26 '16 at 20:36, by Terriblefan
@Himarm God willing, both on the same night.
@NapoleonWilson OMG! What's wrong with you people? Yes. He and Michelle Williams met on the set of Brokeback Mountain. They were together for a while. They had a daughter together. She was only like 2 years old when he died.
Urgh, I'm not really a fan of Michelle Williams anyway.
@steelersquirrel I dont' follow much celebrity gossip, tbh
all I know is what you or skooba links into chat
@NapoleonWilson Well, me neither. But, when he died, the media wouldn't shut up about it.
@Riker HAHAHA!!!
@steelersquirrel I found out about heath's death, and I kid you not, when I logged in on an mmorpg
well then
which one?
@steelersquirrel well actually there's 2 books from the 1880s that use "himarm" to mean "his arm" and have god also in the book but idt that counts
@Riker Hehehe! Well, Himarm is a Christian. His father was a minister, I believe.
obviously not mormon though
@DForck42 What's that?
what's a MMORPG?
things like warcraft and league of legends
I always watch these medical autopsy shows and stuff about celebrities. It continuously baffles me why the massage therapist who found Ledger unresponsive in his bed thought to call Mary Kate Olsen before anyone else...SERIOUSLY?
@steelersquirrel sorry after a hectic day I am taking a beer break now
So can't join
Q: Were four actors initially cast for the role of Tony in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus?

DForck42In the movie The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Tony, played by Heath Ledger in the real world, is played by three additional actors in the "alternate" world. These actors are: Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell. Were these three additional actors originally intended to be in the film, ...

Q: Why did Khatun Speak Arabic?

onlyforthisKhatun, The lady Prairie meets in her Near-Death-Experience and got her Sight taken by, Spoke Original Arabic language most of the time. Why did the writers choose Arabic for this character? Does it symbolize anything?

Just like the electrician who found Kurt Cobain and called a frigging radio station...Good Lord!
@AnkitSharma Awwww. Don't worry! Take a break!
@steelersquirrel RIGHT?!
I mean, if they had called 911 immediately, he might still be here
@DForck42 I know! And how did she even know to call Mary Kate? And then Mary Kate wanted immunity from the authorities. Something totally weird was happening there. Either Mary Kate was supplying him with prescription meds or she knew something about it.
@steelersquirrel maybe
The plot thickens...dun dun dunnnnnnn
@steelersquirrel catch u later :)
I'm quitting my nursing job and becoming a detective. I'm addicted to those 48 hours/Dateline NBC/Snapped shows.
@steelersquirrel lol
You watch the first 5 minutes and then you're hooked! You have to see what happened!
@AnkitSharma Bye :)
@steelersquirrel o_O
Hehehe! I love those shows! They're addicting!
which ones?
Where is @DrRDizzle? I have loads of questions about Split. Can we set up another room so that I can ask him questions about it so we don't reveal spoilers in here @NapoleonWilson?
@steelersquirrel you should be able to make your own room I believe
@Riker 48 hours, Dateline NBC and stuff. Real life murder mystery shows.
I like the not-real life ones better, like law and order an dblue bloods
@DForck42 Oh, really? I have zero clue how to do that.
@Riker I think that Law and Order take their plots from real life cases, if I am not mistaken...
@steelersquirrel click on all rooms in the top right - scroll to the bottom - click create a new room
@steelersquirrel no clue
@DForck42 Cool! Thanks! Should I call it just "spoiler room" or actually put "Split" in the title?
split is fine
@steelersquirrel Sure, if you feel the need to, feel free to create another room for it.
@steelersquirrel also, as the owner of the new room, you get cool RO powers that include kicking people and pinning stuff
@steelersquirrel Well, it would be nice to know what is being spoiled before going into it.
@NapoleonWilson Well, I don't want to upset anyone by asking questions about new release in here.
we could probably just create a room called "The Spoiler Room"
where you enter at your own risk to talk about new releases
instead of all of these one off rooms
@DForck42 Ohhhh...good idea!
Also true.
@steelersquirrel :-D
Q: Why doesn't Elrond stop Islidur in Mount Doom?

GuinnessIsLifeIn The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Elrond tells Isildur to throw the ring into Mount Doom, but when he doesn't do so, he doesn't try and stop him by force or any other means. Why is this? He could have destroyed the ring with one arrow to the heart of Isildur.

I hope that I did it right. How do I ping Dizzle in that room?
You can invite him from here.
Just ping him in here and tell him to go in there?
That, or there should also be a genuine "invite" function. But I don't know how that works.
@steelersquirrel I think that SE decided it's fine. A person who was a mod at the time and someone who had been a mod previously both left the site after Rand was elected, maybe that's what you're thinking of.
@NapoleonWilson You go to their chat profile, and there's an 'invite' button, with an option to choose what room.
@Mith shog made a meta.se post saying can't be elected mod for a yaer after the sus ends
but it's pro-tem on lit so they probably just won't choose rand anyway
@Mithrandir I don't know. There was so much kerfuffle going on when all of that happened, it was all a blur. I'm going to have to read Shog's post that Riker linked.
@Riker You don't have freehand red circles.
But yes, I see the invite option.
hold on I"m working on it
@Mithrandir Is there a certain age that you have to be to be a moderator?
we're the same age so if he can't I can't
@Mithrandir better?
@steelersquirrel No.
@steelersquirrel Only the age you have to be for being on the site.
@Riker yes
@Mithrandir free handing is THE ONLY way to do it ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Ahhh...okay.
There have been 14 year old moderators before.
it's hard bc paint uses trackpad how-hard-you-press-ness to choose the line width
@NapoleonWilson I was just curious because I know that Riker and Mithrandir are the same age
@NapoleonWilson doorknob on ppcg/puzzling and that guy on astronomy right?
Q: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

user774411I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock. I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...

@Riker I don't know.
RhysW ♦, Earth...I think
2.8k 2 14 57
iirc somebody said this guy was the record youngest mod, but idr well enough to say confidently
That's... a low scored post.
@DrRDizzle Please go to the spoiler room that I set up when you have time to answer a few of my questions about split I read your review and we might be perplexed about some of the same things :)
> 20 == teen
needs that JS triple equal
@Mithrandir I've never seen a post that down-voted, omg
you haven't seen the licensing one?
@Riker ...no?
Q: A New Code License: The MIT, this time with Attribution Required

samthebrandUpdate: January 15, 2016 Thank you for your patience and feedback. We're going to delay the implementation for now - we'll be back soon to open some more discussions. Important context for those arriving from reddit and slashdot links: The status quo is not "public domain"; attribution i...

@steelersquirrel making me come to the dark side, eh?
The lowest scored of any post by Jeff Atwood:
A: Can we have the ability to retract a close vote before it closes?

Jeff Atwooddeclining -- you can always cast a reopen vote if the post gets closed. Also note that all close votes automatically expire after two days. (and for that matter reopen votes, or any other vote that attempts to reach a threshold -- otherwise, over an absurdly long period of time, say 10 years, e...

@Skooba WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?? I don't talk to you guys for a few days and you come and find me in here! ;)
@Mithrandir "of any posts written by him" or "of any, which happens to be by him"
@steelersquirrel When I go missing for a day you think I diie.... soooo
and you have been known to be accident prone
and the Steelers just lost, and Ben talked about retiring.....
@Skooba Well, after Sunday...I wasn't sure. I am boycotting the super bowl this year.
@steelersquirrel #NotMySuperBowl
@Skooba WUT??? WTF??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I have been avoiding NFL Network and ESPN this week. He actually said the word "retire"?
@steelersquirrel I’m going to take this offseason to evaluate, to consider all options, to consider health and family and things like that, and just kind of take some time away to evaluate next season, if there’s going to be a next season. All those things. I think at this point in my career, at my age, that’s the prudent and smart thing to do every year.”
@Mithrandir heh, nice
no one is really worried about it
@steelersquirrel you might have to fight my fiancée ;-)
@Skooba I...I Oh, God!! :'(
@DForck42 Hehehe! Yeah, @Skooba...we have a Patriots supporter up in here! ;)
@steelersquirrel Tomlin's response: “That’s a fair assessment of where he is in his career. I’m not alarmed by it. I just think that’s football. Obviously, I’m hopeful that he returns, and the potential of his returning or not returning will weigh heavily in our planning. But I’m not alarmed or surprised by that thought process. That’s life.
@steelersquirrel @DForck42 and to think I thought I liked you :P
@Riker first
@Skooba It's his fiancee...she has fallen to the evil shenanigans of the Patriots ;)
@Mithrandir ah ok
@steelersquirrel psh. I had to bring mine out of the Eagles rubbish bin.
Q: Did the role of the Joker in The Dark Knight drive Heath Ledger to suicide?

GooseI've heard this from friends and some news sources suggest it as well. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/jack-nicholson-warned-heath-ledger-joker-role-article-1.340786 Is there any truth to the claim that the role of the Joker in The Dark Knight drove Heath Ledger to suicide?

@Riker @Mithrandir So, are you guys doing a meta post explaining how awesome you are for the CM's to review before they select a moderator?
@steelersquirrel Sort of, after the meta post asking for nominations goes up, and someone nominates us.
@MovieReel Huh? He didn't commit suicide...
@Mithrandir Gotcha. Well...Good luck to you guys :)
@steelersquirrel You gonna vote for me? :P
The robots are coming!
in Charcoal HQ, 1 min ago, by SmokeDetector
@ArtOfCode Of course, and sentient to boot
@Mithrandir which site? Lit?
@Skooba yep
@Mithrandir +1 here
@Mithrandir Well, my son obviously comes first, but if I get 3 votes like any other election, then sure! :)
@steelersquirrel It's a regular meta post, so you've got 30 votes a day :P
Q: Was The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus a Suicide Note?

user8719The question which I am asking could spoil the ending of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. I strongly, very strongly believe that this movie was the Suicide Note of Heath Ledger. So, the question is, is the movie his suicide note or am I misunderstanding what the movie's theme is about? My u...

I actually liked that question, though.
@Mithrandir Ahhhh...right!
Like this:
Q: Accepting Nominations — Who should moderate this site?

Robert CartainoIdeally Moderators are elected by the community, but until the community is large enough to hold a proper election, we will be appointing three provisional Moderators to fill those roles. We need your help. Please nominate folks you would like to see become provisional moderators for this site. ...

@NapoleonWilson Yeah, it's an interesting question. But, there's just zero evidence that he committed suicide. That's why this new question should be worded differently. "Did the demands of role of the joker contribute to Heath Ledger's death?" Would be better...
@steelersquirrel What room?
@DrRDizzle The "Spoiler room" that was just created.
@steelersquirrel probably not :P
@steelersquirrel well then I feel so special
@steelersquirrel "Did the demands of role of the joker contribute to Heath Ledger's death?" Trouble is...that's pretty much covered on Wikipedia.
@Paulie_D Yeah...I just don't agree with it being asked as if his death was a confirmed suicide.
@steelersquirrel The new question got deleted pretty quick when I pointed out it was an accident. Lack of research by the OP. They were going off ..."I heard"...<sigh>
@Paulie_D Awww. That's too bad. It might have been an interesting question if it was worded a little better.
@Skooba ehh, I support my fiancée who supports the patriots. I just like to poke fun at @steelersquirrel
Do you see the abuse I put up with in here? ^^ :P
@steelersquirrel Yeah...but as I said, it's covered on Wikipedia under "Health Issues" Pretty much explains it. Might be able to flesh it out more I suppose.
@DForck42 that is only okay for minor things like tv show... or religion :P
@Riker lol
@Skooba heh
@Paulie_D Yeah and then the media speculation on what Jack Nicholson said after hearing that Ledger died...something about "I warned him" or "I told him so" the media had a field day with that.
@steelersquirrel ooh did you star me?
@steelersquirrel Nicholson...jackass
i like starz
@Riker Of course!!
Okay. I gotta get out of here, people! Have a good day :)
S'long squirrel
see ya steeler!
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