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@NapoleonWilson Have you seen Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels? There is a great scene in that where a bartender is telling a story in cockney rhyming slang, with English subtitles underneath. It's very funny.
@DrRDizzle I've only seen it in German. But I don't really remember how it was translated there.
@DrRDizzle Hahaha! WUT? I haven't even heard of it. Is it like jive talking in Airplane!? ;)
@steelerfan It's worse, it's much much worse. It beats jive, Jamaican or whatever you could imagine.
What dialect says "apples" instead of "stairs" or "dog" instead of "telephone"?
WTF. Why?
I fell up the Apples-and-Pears the other day. Had to ring the police on the old Dog-and-Bone.
There is a twisted logic to it some of the time.
There is a really funny The Two Ronnies sketch about a Priest/Vicar giving a sermon in Cockney Rhyming Slang.
(You don't need to know Cockney Rhyming Slang to understand it)
@DrRDizzle No, you leave out the omission step. That's what makes it utter nonsense.
My mom was sure to tell me that if I ate in my bed to be careful because she just bought a brand new comforter set to go on my old bed. The first bite that I take out of my maple roll and frosting goes everywhere. Argh! I swear to God that I am 10 years old ;)
I need to cover up the evidence! Dammit!
@steelerfan You choose an entirely different word contruction that rhymes with it. And then you effin' drop the actual rhyme word. So you basically replace words with entirely unrelated different words. It's a dialect that is unintelligible without a dictionary. You can try to listen and concentrate as much as you want, it's basically a complete replacement cypher of the words.
@steelerfan Hehehe!
@NapoleonWilson Hehehe! Isn't it sad that my mom has to be sure to tell me to be careful?
I'm contemplating blaming Wildow :P
@NapoleonWilson I wonder how it started. Like, whose idea was it?
@steelerfan It's even more said that it doesn't work at all. ;-P
She did come in here and distract me!
"In some examples the meaning is further obscured by adding a second iteration of rhyme and truncation to the original rhymed phrase. For example, the word "Aris" is often used to indicate the buttocks. This is the result of a double rhyme, starting with the original rough synonym "arse", which is rhymed with "bottle and glass", leading to "bottle". "Bottle" was then rhymed with "Aristotle" and truncated to "Aris"."
@NapoleonWilson HAHAHA! I know, right? I'm completely hopeless.
@DrRDizzle It's either too early or I'm just a complete idiot that I can't wrap my brain around any of this ;)
Okay now, that's some weirdos trying to develop an actual replacement cyphre. That is never something that naturally developed. It's utterly impossible.
@steelerfan Neither, it just doesn't make any sense.
I logged in this morning and I have a bunch of new badges and stuff that I didn't even realize. Hmmmmm...
"The movie Cockneys vs Zombies (2012) mocked the genesis of rhyming slang terms when a Cockney character calls zombies "Trafalgars" to even his Cockney fellows' puzzlement; he then explains it thus: "Trafalgar square - fox and hare - hairy cheek - five day week - weak and feeble - pins and needles - needle and stitch - Abercrombie and Fitch - Abercrombie: zombie"."
Ohhh...I have 69 bronze badges. <chuckles incessantly to self>
@steelerfan You edited enough posts and gave enough plot-explanations. And a few days ago you made enough votes for a golden badge!
Well, now I don't want anymore bronze ones :P
@NapoleonWilson Oh, you get one for plot explanation? Is that the white skunk badge? Why on earth is it called that?
Oh. Strunk & White!! HAHAHA! OMG. I'm such a frigging idiot!
@steelerfan No, that's for editing. The tag badge for answering tagged questions is, surprisingly, called plot-explanation. ;-)
@steelerfan Well, don't worry, I still have zero idea why that badge is called thus, let alone what a "Strunk & White" is.
@NapoleonWilson Hahaha!!! JFC! Yeah...you mean the one that says "plot explanation" I really don't know why you deal with my blonde self sometimes ;)
Well, I will always refer to it as "white skunk" now ;)
Ohhhh, do you get anything cool for reaching 6k?
@steelerfan No, come back when it's 10k.
But on the bright side, 10k is one of the most exciting. Above that it gets rather useless again.
Really? What's so exciting?
Oh, millions o' things.
You see all the deleted glory on the site (except for comments).
You can vote to delete (and undelete) stuff.
Edit tags inline.
It's really sad that I have been around here for like a year and a half and only have 6k rep. I'm a complete loser.
And see all kinds of moderation and review statistics.
Stop!! The excitement is going to make me explode :P
@steelerfan Awww, don't worry. You've made quite some many interesting posts. You're definitely an avid user. And you even do review and moderation tasks.
I'm on the verge...explosion is imminent!
And most importantly, you effin' vote! As evident from your recent Electorate badge.
Noone requires you to devote 24/7 to the site.
Yeah, all the cool things are on that mark.
@NapoleonWilson Yep. You've officially made me explode!
+3/-1 for my topic challenge. hmm
@AbhishekAggrawal I upvoted it :)
I was thinking Milla Jovovich first, but then I thought of suggesting a challenge combining both of them, since they are couple.
@NapoleonWilson Awww. Thanks, babe :)
And not only that, it's the prestige. You'll be officially known as what SE calls a "10ker". It's a glamourous label for all the users that are the créme de la créme of users, the elite, congressmen, senators and caridnals of the site. Only one election away from eternal moderator glory for life.
Stop it explaining more Napoleon or she'll explode. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Are you trying to make me explode again? ;)
@AbhishekAggrawal Meh, then you could as well just go for Resident Evil, I guess.
There are only 5 movies.
@steelerfan Rather provide a shiny goal as a motivation to work hard for. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Just wait until I reach that goal!! You guys will have to shut down chat because I will be exploding all over the place ;)
@steelerfan Even better, you will be able to shutdown chat! (Or rather validate or invalidate flags.)
@NapoleonWilson I can do that now. Of course the latter.
I might have to leave. I can't take all of this excitement!
As tradition will dictate, here is the Thanksgiving song from Adam Sandler ;)
What did I missed
@AnkitSharma bahut kuch
@AnkitSharma Nothing much. Napoleon is making me explode. The usual ;)
@NapoleonWilson I have none
@steelerfan hmmm
@AbhishekAggrawal context
@AnkitSharma It seems like you missed a lot. Even I just got here.
@Montag451 hi o/
I think I drove Napoleon away.
@AbhishekAggrawal Don't worry. I do it all of the time ;)
@AnkitSharma miss
@NapoleonWilson :(
@AnkitSharma Shame on you! :'(
@NapoleonWilson I understood the film in one run :P
And I did asked 1 or 2
let me check
@AnkitSharma Well, that's a good thing, though. Far too few people did.
May I ask which movie/TV show you're talking about?
Awww. Leave Ankit alone. It's completely awesome the way that he talks ;)
only 2
@AbhishekAggrawal Interstellar. Now go watch that and ask 3 non-duplicate questions about it!
@NapoleonWilson I will, but I don't think I'll have to ask questions.
Hmpf, then not. :'(
The Elements of Style is a prescriptive American English writing style guide in numerous editions. The original was composed by William Strunk Jr., in 1918, and published by Harcourt, in 1920, comprising eight "elementary rules of usage", ten "elementary principles of composition", "a few matters of form", a list of 49 "words and expressions commonly misused", and a list of 57 "words often misspelled". E. B. White greatly enlarged and revised the book for publication by Macmillan in 1959. That was the first edition of the so-called "Strunk & White", which Time named in 2011 one of the 100 best...
@AnkitSharma Hahaha! I got your back, buddy ;)
OMG. There are 97 questions about a single movie.
@Randal'Thor HELLO!!! I'm so excited that you're here!!
@steelerfan Have you seen latest Chris Crocker pics, he look good, just got bulled for one stupid video for decades
Is it really hard to get?
@AbhishekAggrawal Indeed! And it needs 100 for tag badges to become available. So get up your asses and work!
@AbhishekAggrawal no, not as hard as memento
@NapoleonWilson ... "get up your asses"?
@steelerfan Hello! :-) I can't stay long though, sorry.
@AbhishekAggrawal For Interstellar?
@Randal'Thor Is that not a saying? Or do you just want to say that it was out of line?
@steelerfan yep
@NapoleonWilson I think you mean "get off your asses". What you said sounds considerably less SFW ;-)
@Randal'Thor Awww. Bummer. You're here now, though!!
@AbhishekAggrawal Well, there's 100 for The Dark Knight Rises.
We've always been big for Nolan. His movies are probably the only ones in which we beat SciFi.
@NapoleonWilson Ah now I got it. You're the top user.
I have all the criteria for a tag badge in place for years. I'm just waiting for the effin' 100 to be filled.
@Randal'Thor Or that. Makes sense.
@NapoleonWilson Just ask some duplicates :-P
@NapoleonWilson Er, I don't know how it is in Germany, but, we normally don't say stuff about getting "up" asses unless it's a completely different topic ;)
@NapoleonWilson This weekend. You'll get it.
Yeah, preferably self-answered ones.
@steelerfan You tell him ;-)
@steelerfan Yeah, I realized.
@AbhishekAggrawal Ugh. I still don't know what the big thing is about that god damn movie. Maybe I'm missing something.
@steelerfan It's just a really good, upto amazing, film, is all.
Since English is not my native language, so I only got the meaning of this term by watching the movies.
I can watch this scifi movie since I have interest in such stuff.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, that's right. You're one of those people that thinks that thing is the most amazing thing ever ;)
If you like sci-fi, you should totes watch it. It's sci-fi in best sense.
@steelerfan Well, not the most amazing thing ever, but close.
My creepy gif got two stars. great
@steelerfan That was for ridiculing Interstellar, muahahaha! ;-(
@NapoleonWilson If you like sci-fi, you're on the wrong site :-P
@NapoleonWilson I will never understand that, but, whatever floats your boat babe :)
(I kid, of course - don't bite my head off!)
@Randal'Thor No, I like sci-fi films.
@NapoleonWilson ARGH! ;-(
@Randal'Thor Awww. Nobody will bite your head off :)
Oh, God. Christopher Nolan did Interstellar. Shocker!
@steelerfan The thing that caused the confusion is probably the difference between getting/moving yourself up/off somewhere, as the English term seems to take it, and getting/moving your ass itself up/off.
@steelerfan You realized this just now? <gasp>!
@NapoleonWilson I understood the confusion. It doesn't stop me from still chuckling over it ;)
What first movie you watched that is directed by Nolan?
Sure, I was just making sure to clarify all the etymological background reasons.
@NapoleonWilson Yes. Just now. It all just made sense why you think that thing is amazing.
@AbhishekAggrawal I guess Batman Begins. And then maybe The Prestige and Memento. But I think it wasn't until Inception that I realized it's actually one single guy who made all those amazing films.
It's Napoleon's Treasure: Exceptionally wRitten Sci-fi, Totally Excellent, Liked, Loved, Awesome, Remarkable.
Mine was The Dark Knight
@AbhishekAggrawal Oh, so you saw that before Batman Begins?
^^ not that great (turns into just a list of adjectives towards the end), but took me quite a while to compose
@NapoleonWilson because we appreciate good work and nolan is always good
He's certainly one of the few 3 or 4 directors I'd call myself a genuine fan of.
@NapoleonWilson Yep and The Dark Knight Rises and then Batman Begins.
Napoleon pretty much describes everything as "nice"
And on that note ... later, all.
@Randal'Thor That sounds like there is something to that chat message I failed to get. Some kind of acronym?
@Randal'Thor he will surely not
So, Inception is obviously just mind-blowing ;)
Oh, now I got it.
@Randal'Thor Bye :)
@steelerfan It's good but I like nolan's other work more
@NapoleonWilson I did capitalise everything just to try and make it clear :-)
@AnkitSharma I'm not sure I'd call it the absolute best either. I guess they're all great in their own way.
@AnkitSharma I liked The Prestige.
@NapoleonWilson that was bit far fetched
@steelerfan Mine is Memento but I fully adore prestige
Well, it's sci-fi in the truest sense I think, with the emphasis on sci.
@NapoleonWilson agreed
Oh, right. Memento.
On the sidenote: I have to sleep earlier today in order to wake up early tomorrow. so good night guys. :)
@NapoleonWilson most of Scifi films are bleh and intersteller do feel refreshing but I have other favs
Top 3 would have to be Prestige, Batman Begins, Memento.
@AbhishekAggrawal I bit behind, just having dinner ;)
**Meanwhile complete this phrase:**

Early to bed, early to rise.
@AnkitSharma Well, I didn't say it's the best ever. But for someone inclined on sci-fi, it's really a good choice.
@NapoleonWilson agreed
@steelerfan Well, that's not a bad choice.
Bottom would be The Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar.
@Randal'Thor but my sci-fi film have talking animals ;D
I have to sleep late today, to see my favourite football team roll over the Colts!
@steelerfan r u drunk
@steelerfan Yeah, I'll just take back my previous statement then. ;-P
@AnkitSharma I usually have dinner this time, but I'm ahead of my schedule.
@AbhishekAggrawal great, good night then :)
@NapoleonWilson Ph, God. I'm sorry. Maybe I just need to watch them with you :)
@AbhishekAggrawal I keep it on 2nd number after memento.
@steelerfan Awww, don't worry, you know I'm kidding. ;-)
3rd will be rest all of them maybe
@NapoleonWilson Hehehe! Wait. Wut? You're going to sleep?
@steelerfan Huh? I said late, after the football game.
@steelerfan u really had no idea O.o
@NapoleonWilson Of course I know, silly!
Well, technically I won't sleep today, I guess.
@AbhishekAggrawal memento
But I rarely do anyway.
@AnkitSharma Hehehe! I know. I suck ;)
Although I can't have vacation tomorrow. :'(
@NapoleonWilson WUT? Are you at home? What's happening right now? I thought that you had vacation? Aaaaaaah!
@steelerfan no u don't.
@steelerfan Gheez, what are you talking about? Calm down. I said technically I won't be sleeping today, but I rarely do. The day ends at 24:00.
Well, I'm not calling you when I get home, then! You need to sleep!!
I want to have vacation tomorrow
@steelerfan Oh my, read my messages again!
Sick of my office
I have to work a double tomorrow :'(
@NapoleonWilson I can't. I'm too confused :(
@steelerfan Oh my, calm down and please reconsider what I said. I said I won't sleep today. This was just an allusion to the fact that I will go to bed after midnight, which I usually do anyway. All is well. I will sleep, just a little later. In fact you were planning to call me around midnight.
@NapoleonWilson It's all good. I wasn't seriously worked up or anything, silly!
@steelerfan Well, you seemed quite confused and worried.
Are you at home or are you doing something after work?
@steelerfan I'm at work, but I will go shopping and then home soon.
@NapoleonWilson Awww. I'm sorry. I wasn't as confused and worried as I led on to be ;)
Since I don't have vacation tomorrow, I have to do my shopping tonight.
I'm just stressed that you don't have vacation tomorrow :(
@steelerfan Yeah, me too, neither on monday. But don't worry, I'll get along.
Oh, God. I'm sorry. And you're staying up so late :'(
Well, I have to. Please stop worrying, though.
Was that intentional?
@Catija OMFG!! OMFG!! A little corn cob!!
Brilliant wardrobe choice for Ben today...
Oh, so it's a Thanksgiving connection even. Hah!
I swear to god that I gotta get me one of those!
It was an accident.
@steelerfan Giving them back isn't that easy, though.
Andy dressed him... I got out of the shower and my first thought is that he looks like a corn.
@NapoleonWilson I was talking about the matching outfit, silly!
@steelerfan Oh, okay then.
@NapoleonWilson Stop trying to get me pregnant :P
I probably have to leave anyway.
Okay. Fine :'(
@steelerfan Awww, it's not because of you, or anyone else.
Rokay :'(
I'll be back soon anyway.
Rokay :)
@Catija Hehehe! Did you mean to post a blank message or am I just blind? ;)
@Catija Cute little elf
@steelerfan You want to have a kid?
@AnkitSharma Oh my. No. I was talking about getting a corn cob outfit ;)
I just hold and cuddle other people's babies ;)
I'm starting up a rental company where I can rent babies and kids for Halloween and stuff and then bring them back when it's over ;)
Hehe! It's perfect. I don't have to give birth or anything and I get all of the fun stuff that comes with kids and I don't have to deal with the not so fun stuff ;)
hmmm, not a bad idea
Right? I think that I'm onto something here! ;)
But I am afraid you will make them all dress in a steelerfan costume
Well...of course!
@steelerfan I was on my phone... it was supposed to be an emoji.
My friend, April is coming over today for Thanksgiving. She just had a baby. Little does she know that the baby will promptly be changed into Steelers gear ;)
@Catija Oh, gotcha :)
mobile smiley are only visible on mobile devices
@steelerfan lol
@AnkitSharma Not true. I can see it on my computer... but I have a Mac.
I can usually see them on my tablet.
I can't see it on my laptop (ubuntu )
But on mobile I can see them
I can't see on my desktop at work, but usually on my tablet. Hmmmm.
I'm already on my 3rd cup of coffee!! Woooohoooo!
YES!!!! Planes, Trains and Automobiles is on!! YAY!!
@steelerfan I am scarred now
Everybody run for ur life
Mmh, me got me summa those roasted almonds.
...and a bottle of Green Label.
@Catija I can seen it in Windows Firefox, too.
I didn't taste anything higher then double black in JW series
I drank a few Blue Labels at the bar, but I didn't really taste the 20€ per 4cl. ;-)
I never tried Green Label, though.
I like red, black and double black, rest are bit expensive for me
I usually go for Black Label as my stock whisky for everyday use.
I mostly go fro J&B Rare, black & white or red/black label
There doing a Rocky Horror Picture Show marathon! I should go and turn it on in the living room and give my dad a heart attack ;)
@NapoleonWilson So, you're getting the Dallas/Washington game, right?
@steelerfan Yes.
The Minnesota/Detroit game is on right now, but nobody here cares about it. Dad is watching Big Jake and I'm watching Rocky Horror. Hehehe!
We have to watch the Dallas game since we are now related to Dallas fans ;-(
And my jerk brothers won't shut up about how awesome they are doing and how bad Pittsburgh is doing. Dammit! ;-(
My dream scenario: Dallas loses while both of my brothers are here so I can totally rub it in their faces.
Then, if Pittsburgh loses, I will be at work. Win, win ;)
@steelerfan sound cruel
Looks like I created new problem in my laptop, great
@steelerfan Hehehe!
@AnkitSharma It's kinda like you and Dizzle. I usually do some type of death threat or just telling them how much they suck :P
I might even consider taking a nap before the game, though.
@NapoleonWilson Awww. Go ahead. I don't have to call you today.
@steelerfan sound fun
@steelerfan Oh god, I completely forgot that. I don't want to miss your call.
@NapoleonWilson No. Don't worry. Get sleep.
@steelerfan Could you call me at 4 pm?
@NapoleonWilson Sure.
Oh, well, then that's a plan!
See. You make these grand plans and end up falling asleep. Typical :P
Awww, hehe!
@steelerfan My brother is watching it.
@steelerfan How does one do a marathon with only one movie? Do they put it on repeat?
Isn't there a remake?
@SQB They just keep playing the movie over and over.
@NapoleonWilson There is, indeed. Don't know how that turned out, though. It looked promising.
@steelerfan Awesome!
@steelerfan Seriously?
I haven't even seen the remake. Rocky Horror is just one of those movies that just can't be remade.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again (also known as The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Rocky Horror Picture Show Event) is a 2016 American musical comedy television film. It is a tribute to the cult classic 1975 film of the same name and directed by Kenny Ortega, using the original script written by Richard O'Brien and Jim Sharman. Starring an ensemble cast led by Laverne Cox, the film premiered on the Fox network on October 20, 2016 to mixed reviews from critics and audiences. == Plot == The plot of the remake is fundamentally identical to the original film, with some...
@NapoleonWilson Yep. Oh, you need to be here at Christmas. TBS plays A Christmas Story 24 hours straight.
AMC is doing that with Planes, Trains,Automobiles today.
@AnkitSharma Well, I'M ALL ABOUT FUN!!!
Sweet Transvestite is my favorite song from that movie! Love it!
@steelerfan Then I'd rather settle for that.
@NapoleonWilson Awww. You don't like Rocky Horror?
@steelerfan Meh, it just never really interested me. I don't hate it, but I don't really have to have it either, I guess.
My husband frigging hated Rocky Horror. He just didn't get it ;)
"Dorian Gray" as Riff Raff looks cool.
I'm not even sure I've ever seen the movie in full.
My dad would make it through about 2 minutes and my brother in law doesn't like it either, so I am watching it in my old room.
@SQB I heard that it was good. I wonder if Wad has seen it. I know that he's a huge Rocky Horror fan.
I always feel like I'm going to get in trouble for doing something since I am in my old room. Hehe!
Hehehe! You already spoiled the new clean covers on your bed.
@NapoleonWilson TMI?
...with maple roll icing, that is.
... literal maple roll icing, that is.
That's a live performace with Stephen Fry as one of the narrators.
Yeah. Napoleon hasn't been here yet. Muahahaha!
On that note, I gotta get out of here.
See you guys later :)
Go to sleep @NapoleonWilson!!!
@steelerfan Have fun!
@steelerfan Indeed, good night!
Oh, Tim Curry is the narrator? Cool!
Q: What exactly is inside the Ark?

FranjI have seen the film many times, but so far I do not understand what it is supposed to be that kills the Nazis. Are they ghosts? Or maybe angels or demons? Is what happened in the movie according to the bible? I do not know what the bible says about the Ark. I hope someone can clarify my dou...

@steelerfan That's in the remake.
Hmmm...I will have to watch hfddy :/ b
@MovieReel Duh! The smashes stone plates of course.
Anyone ever seen a film called Deadgirl 2008?
ARGH! Sorry. My sister just jumped on me.
The BBC live perfomance had Baby Spice, Stephen Fry, and Richard O'Brien among the narrators.
@steelerfan hmmmm
@Daniel Not even heard before :/
Also, I rewatched some old Star Trek. In the first episode they don't say "warp speed", they say "time warp".
@steelerfan uhunn
@SQB Baby Spice is still an actual thing? That's sooo 90s.
If you like black comedy give it a shot, although I'd advise watching it alone for the first time, the content is... controversial but it is an amazing film
@SQB Bless, when the directors were figuring out the terminology
I wonder if there's any RHS-connection. Perhaps it was Richard O'Brien's inspiration.
@SQB Sounds like an interesting question to ask here... ;)
@NapoleonWilson Not really, but would you have known who it was if I'd called her Emma Bunton?
@steelerfan or there...
@SQB Well, I have to encourage you to ask here since you're in chat here. Hehehe!
Argh! Gotta go!
1 hour later…
Q: Who voted who on every round?

xpyIn the movie Circle I had the sense that the votes didn't add up or make much sense, especially in the beginning where there are more people in the circle. Is there any data about who voted for who on every round?

@DrRDizzle If you didn't get to San Junipero yet, do do watch it. I'm a bit lost for words at the moment, TBH.
@Walt I need to watch all of season three, but I haven't found the time yet. I've heard that it's heartbreaking.
@DrRDizzle It's leagues above any other BM episode so far IMHO.
@Walt Consider me both intrigued and frustrated that it will most likely be some time before I can get there.
@DrRDizzle I needed it too, because I watched eps 3 & 4 back to back and 3 was really uncomfortable
@DrRDizzle But anyway, thanks for the review. I wonder if it could support a franchise, or rather fizzle out like the recent attempt at Narnia.
(Still not planning on watching it any time soon, though)
@DrRDizzle I advise you not to read too much about it, though. I knew absolutely nothing going in, and it might've helped.
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