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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@DrRDizzle Or a psychopath? ;-P
@NapoleonWilson I don't think punisher was ever villain in daredevil season 2, he started as hard core anti-hero and then he tone down in last fight a bit
And sadly, also an anti-hero by definition (which is much broader these days). There are no real heroes in that film, so we try to understand the protagonist and what makes him tick as much as we can. But I guess I see what you're saying.
@AJ But he was clearly antagonist not protagonist
@AnkitSharma I thought you were talking about Walter White in the message I replied to. I know nothing about the MCU Punisher.
@NapoleonWilson You should check Daredevil s02
@Walt But an anti-hero is just a type of hero, not it's own separate thing. Lou Bloom most certainly isn't a hero, neither through action nor intent.
@Walt Well, Louis Bloom is not really an anti-hero, no? Neither does he want to do anything good, nor does he accidentally do so. He wants to do things he knows are bad and the outcome of his actions is exactly that.
@DrRDizzle Not always , deadpool do good but from heart he is twisted as fuck
@AnkitSharma I don't know. The guy from the movie I recently saw was definitely a good guy in his very heart.
@NapoleonWilson yeah Movie version is bit tone down
@AnkitSharma Deadpool varies from comic to comic, but in general I'd say he's an anti-hero, although like The Punisher he certainly adds a lot of grey to the area.
@NapoleonWilson That's a different discussion
Is Dexter sociopath or psychopath ;p
Do we have that question O.o
@AnkitSharma From Dexter's Laboratory? Neither.
I had this discussion with my friend
@DrRDizzle You know nothing Jon snow dizzle ;p
@AnkitSharma Well that makes Ygritte, who is a) a girl, b) ginger, and c) dead.
I'd rather know nothing.
Dexter plan his murder like a psychopath but he is not completely anti-social , as he do care about his foster sister and many other people and he show sigh of guilt too
@AnkitSharma It's clear that Mandark is a straight up villain though.
@DrRDizzle He is just a kid, real evil is Dee Dee
In the end, it's up to viewer to decide whether a character is villain, or protagonist, or hero.
@NapoleonWilson Why does he have to do good? Do you feel for the guy at any point?
@Walt Not really, no. Or did I?
I am a protagonist of my own story with sociopathic tendencies , so what i am ?
@AnkitSharma A moron.
@DrRDizzle Wrong answer, and here you lose the challenge
@DrRDizzle You didn't really need to reply to that message.
> Moron is a term once used in psychology to denote mild intellectual disability
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, or did you? :P And why does Nightcrawler work so much better than, say, Hannibal Rising?
@Walt I don't know.
> sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour.
@NapoleonWilson I didn't need to reply to that either.
@NapoleonWilson Huh?
Q: Was Jake Gyllenhaal's character in Nightcrawler a sociopath or psychopath?

GomesIn the movie Nightcrawler (2014), is the character of Jake Gyllenhaal psychopathic or a sociopathic. How do you identify?

@DrRDizzle I misread. Fixed.
@DrRDizzle Indeed.
so we don't have that question for Dexter, i must mixed up
@AnkitSharma No, there's one for Sherlock, though.
@NapoleonWilson yeah i know that but can't say anythings bout it as i have zero context
Q: Meaning of the line "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath"

AnkitWhat does Sherlock mean exactly when he says "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath"? What is the meaning of this line ?

@NapoleonWilson Because Lecter was great as a villain but not believable enough as a human being. But Bloom is. His flaws are his humanity. And you can somehow sympathize with him despite having very little to work with.
@Walt Hmm, maybe.
I thought the movie might just not have been as good.
@NapoleonWilson Well, there's that too. ;) And the book as well, I reckon (I didn't really bother)
I don't think nightcrawler is anti-hero
he is just a selfish person , kind of realist
@AnkitSharma It's kinda sad that that's all he has, though
Maybe words like hero, anti-hero, villain etc aren't really all that useful when audiences at large now prefer to read about complex, often conflicted characters over broad archetypes of good and evil.
Should I ask "is dexter psychopath or sociopath" or is it going to be opinion based??
@Walt His climb was an interesting pleasure to watch and his motivation and actions were certainly understandable, but I'm still not really sure I sympathized with him at any point.
@DrRDizzle grey era is interesting
@DrRDizzle Yurp
@AnkitSharma Um, you should not.
@NapoleonWilson Haha, you just did. :P
@NapoleonWilson I fear anyone who sympathised with Lou Bloom in Nightcrawler.
@AJ screams internally
Villain/hero and protagonist are two separate things.
Someones status as a protagonist isn't subjective.
Someones status as a hero or villain may well be.
Consider me. I am the protagonist of my life. But I'm not the hero, or the villain.
Whereas @AnkitSharma is a villain, and also the protagonist of his own life, and the antagonist of mine.
@DrRDizzle I am anti-hero and you are extra ;p
I might be the hero in other people's lives, though.
What he most definitely isn't, is a hero.
@NapoleonWilson By understanding him and adopting his POV
let me sharp my machete
^ proof
@Walt That not sympathizing with him, every friggin' profiler does that.
@Walt That's empathising, not sympathising.
@DrRDizzle proof of being anti-hero, i kill bad people in my dreams with my virtual machete and chainsaw
Maybe "understandable" was inaccurate. They're not morally understandable to me, but they're comprehensible, reproducible.
translate: nachvollziehbar
(from German) to understand
@NapoleonWilson Sure, but the good ones take it a step further. Which gets them cut.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, my ass.
translate: verständlich
(from German) understandable
@Walt Hehe.
@DrRDizzle Not when you're in the theater. If you don't immerse yourself in the characters, they kinda failed.
@Walt No, that's still empathy. Sympathy is if I feel sorry for them.
Empathy is if I understand how they feel.
@Walt Am I right in my assumption that the TV-show puts him much more deranged than the books? Or did the movies tone him down?
@NapoleonWilson I only saw the first season. But yeah, he was much more unbalanced there than in the book.
@NapoleonWilson The TV show most definitely unhinges him further than he ever is in the books.
@DrRDizzle And yet you don't feel sorry for Bloom?
So now our new topic is empathy vs Sympathy O.o, I need a break then
@Walt Um, I don't. What's there to feel sorry for anyway, he won.
@NapoleonWilson So you'll only feel sorry for him if it were a morality tale?
@NapoleonWilson I think he's younger there, though. The one in the book was older and retired from the biz
I don't feel sorry for him, i got angry on him
@Walt Huh? What do you mean? Why should I feel sorry for him to begin with, he won. And what's a morality tale?
@NapoleonWilson I mean to ask if you need him to get his comeuppance in the film's final minutes for you to feel sorry for him.
I don't know, maybe I did sympathize for him and don't remember anymore.
@Walt I don't know, I can't judge that as it didn't happen. He certainly would get what he brought upon himself. But I can't downright exclude possibly feeling sorry for him.
We still have only two working community ads
But if anything, he's a bad guy doing bad things because he wants to do bad things (or doesn't care if what he does is good or bad). So disregarding if I sympathize with him, I would still hesitate to call him an anti-hero. And I'm mothereffin' glad we're not doing a challenge for questions about anti-heroes.
Well, I did pick an extreme example. But sure, I hated him and sympathized with him. The film won't work otherwise.
@Walt Maybe.
Film was awesome, enough said ;D
@NapoleonWilson Mind you, his actions aren't that much worse than your average paparazzo :P
It was certainly cool to watch him do stuff and I wanted him to do stuff and was glad that he won at the end (though, more out of appreciation for an uncompromising ending less than my sympathy for him). So maybe that does count as sympathizing, I don't know.
@Walt Sure.
@Walt but most of the paparazzo don't kill people and he did killed someone indirectly
@NapoleonWilson It's complex, like Dizzle said above, and complex=good
@AnkitSharma "don't kill people" ...that you know of :O
But I still don't want to have anything to do with this guy and wouldn't shed a tear if he'd gone below the tires in real-life.
@NapoleonWilson That's for sure now ;D
@AnkitSharma I think a good percentage of them have a shady past and might be on some, er, registry
@NapoleonWilson You realize he's behind you as we speak and read everything you wrote
@Walt Why would I feel sorry for him? He's a monster.
@Walt He's not. He doesn't even exist in real life, he's a fictional figure from a movie.
@Walt cough Princess Diana cough
@DrRDizzle That might still not have been intentional, though.
@NapoleonWilson You'll never know this for sure if you don't turn around, you know
@NapoleonWilson If you don't need intent to be an anti-hero, you don't need intent to kill someone either :P
@Walt What if the reflection of my screen shows that there is no one there.
@DrRDizzle Then that's some weirdass screen :P
@Walt Glare can be both a blessing and a curse.
@DrRDizzle Well, that only makes him a vampire, which would be even worse.
@DrRDizzle It's not matte?
@DrRDizzle I wasn't saying the lack of intent speaks him free of responsibility, only that it would distinguish him from Lou Bloom to some degree.
@b_jonas Do they want some more? We have plenty ;)
@b_jonas So?
What is that Refdesk thing even?
@NapoleonWilson Sure, I was just making a joke.
@NapoleonWilson Well, maybe someone wants to answer it there, or repost if it's very interesting.
@NapoleonWilson It's a question and answer forum.
@DrRDizzle I guessed so.
Not quite like SE, but often gets the similar sort of question.
@b_jonas Um, I hope people refrain from reposting it here. They can repost ours there as much they want, though. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Why? Do you have too many identification questions?
@b_jonas Um, yes? You don't particularly follow Movies & TV Meta, do you? ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Yep.
Q: Sable Ranch Dragon's Head set/prop?

KensterSable Ranch, a California ranch used as an outdoor filming location for numerous films and TV shows, was hit by a wildfire on June 24th. CNN ran a story about the wildfire which included this photograph: Does anyone recognize the dragon's head structure on the left side of the picture?

Anyway, catch you guys later
Have fun!
@Walt O.o
I just had to get up and turn around by the way, and he wasn't there, as I told you.
@b_jonas ohhh lord
@Walt bye, TC
I'm glad for every other site that takes up the task of movie identification. There can't ever be enough sites to share some of the cr...workload.
I might touch rep cap today, till now it's 143
@AnkitSharma From a specific answer?
@NapoleonWilson 110 is from single answer, blame holy HNQ ;)
Ah yeah, the good old "aren't all these movies from across 50 years of film history in the same universe"?
looks like people across whole SE like this stuff
Q: Who Own's the More Percentage of a Movie RIGHTS?

RANSARA009We all know its very hard to make a Good movies. its involve's so many people. mostly important persons are in a movie DIRECTOR, SCRIPT WRITER, PRODUCER & Actresses & Actors. so my question is who owns the Most Percentage Movie Rights from them & also like to know are their any movie rights for A...

1 hour later…
Awww. I missed @Dawny33 earlier :'(
Q: Was Monica the one who convinced Richard?

Dawny33In the first episode of Silicon Valley, Monica offers a ride back home to a confused Richard. And as soon as he comes home, he reveals that he wants to take the money and build a company rather than selling it away. So, was Monica the one who convinced Richard?

evening comrades.
@AnkitSharma Any news or rumour about Constantine?
Don't know
Best news is from LoT
@AnkitSharma tell
> The interesting thing about season two is I think it's going to have a much, much different tone because our Legends are going to have a totally different purpose. They're actually going to have a totally different constitution. There will be new faces and new everything."[64] The season will also introduce members of the Justice Society of America.
> The Society will consist of Vixen, Commander Steel, Obsidian, Stargirl and Dr. Mid-Nite. The season will also feature a version of the Legion of Doom, composed of Reverse Flash, Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, and Captain Cold
LoT S02E02 name is The Justice Society of America
@AnkitSharma So, Snart will again be switching to the villain role.
looks like that
Anyway after watching Vixen trailer, i am in fro it too
It's look lot better then dumb Justice league action trailer
@AnkitSharma Oh, that cartoonish ;P
in Agents of Nothing, 14 mins ago, by Ankit Sharma
Too cartoonish
Hey @steelershark How're you?
Is @steelershark even here
@steelershark ;D
@Dawny33 Hey there! I'm doing great! How have you been?
@steelershark (By the way, you might be able to change your username tomorrow.)
@steelershark mesa doing great. mesa been to Melbourne. :D
@Dawny33 Work or vacation?
I'll call it a vacation, but my CEO calls it work :P
@Dawny33 ;))
btw started Silicon Valley today. The first episode was pretty good :)
@NapoleonWilson Dammit! I'm not going to have time tomorrow. Wait. Can I change it at midnight?
@Dawny33 #jealous
Well, I'm to the 2nd episode of Supergirl; good night comrades o/
I am pretty sure that @Dawny33 is a spy. He and Napoleon work for the same agency. The truth is revealed! ;)
@steelershark Vohh my gaad! We're caught :D :P
@MAFIA36790 I am watching 1st again
blame my roommate
@steelershark I don't know what else i can believe
I can sense a spy from miles away. My cat like reflexes and highly astute observation allows me to detect spies at the drop of a hat ;)
@steelershark No, it says you changed it June 27th 16:30 UTC, so I guess that's the time.
@NapoleonWilson It will have to wait until I get back, then :'(
I'm not bringing my tablet or laptop with me. Wait. I think that they have computer access where I am staying. I don't know. We will see if I have time.
Indeed. I don't really plan on SEing in my vacation. There's more important stuff to concentrate on.
OMG. I should hope not. I would have to smack you! ;)
@steelershark Why do you threaten smacks already. I just said I won't do it. :'(
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, like I am seriously threatening you. OMG.
Q: What is this animé film? (I do not watch animé)

user38232I saw this animé movie after midnight on television, when I was 10 years old and visiting my family in Moskow, Russia. This movie was stylistically violent and disturbing to me and my brother. There was an army of short, blue guys with white hoods; they kind of looked like smurfs. The opening sce...

Q: need help identifying an old movie

hawauthis movie took place in africa safari. I watched it when I was a little on vhs. two african boys get separated one boy hiding/fell in water tank in the truck there was scene where a white guy got chased by rhino there are people harvesting elephant trunk

@steelershark I know, I know.
@NapoleonWilson Like I am seriously threatening you with anything. You do what you want to. If you want to be around here on your vacation, that's totally up to you. It's all good. I'm just playing with you :)
@steelershark "If you want to be around here on your vacation, that's totally up to you." - I just said vehemently that I don't. That's the point! Why do you keep insinuating that this is an option when I myself already ruled it out?
@NapoleonWilson OMG! I'm not insinuating anything. I was just reiterating the fact that I was totally joking around with you and that I could care less what you do.
@steelershark Ok.
I want you to care, though.
@NapoleonWilson Okay. I will be one of those annoying, clinging, needy girls. "Napoleon, what are you doing? Why aren't you paying attention to meeeee?" ;)
@steelershark Hmm, you don't have to. I don't know.
@NapoleonWilson Seriously? You seriously want a needy, clingy, annoying girl around you all of the time who doesn't let you do your own thing and needs to be around you 24/7?
@steelershark Wut? I just said you don't have to. Why do you keep misunderstanding me? Just stay the awesome person you are and everyone is fine!
Oh my. Alright. Sorry.
Anyways, I have to go. See you guys later.
@steelershark O...okay? Have fun then.
Q: Looking for a movie where the mansion is haunted

Nila Kallwhen I was little I saw this horror movie. It was about an architect that designed a meansion.The mansion was alive. The people that move there will be tempted to do bad stuff by the house, like having an affair and do killing. I don't know the title. Does anyone know it?

Q: Find movie happening in college

KwstasMostI am looking for a movie i have seen younger. It is happening in college ,it is propably a comedy and the main character is male.Also in this movie it is featured an orange camaro.

<sigh> Good timing.
ID again ruining front page, bring back GoT
Q: Searching for Spanish Film about Husband killing his wife

irakliA man is playing with his wife a deadly game and in the end kills with knife in stomach. Actor playing Husband is bald. Any clues?

Ok, 24-hour site freeze!
@NapoleonWilson My sister just checked the weather in Vegas. Holy hell! Ugh.
@steelershark Wut? :'(
Grrr HNQ= crazy dumb answers
@AnkitSharma 'S what I was afraid of indeed.
@steelershark Well, at least it cools down over the weekend.
Your dad chose to marry this late in the hottest of hot summers. ;-P
> There is a version of Batman that exists in the Gotham City of Arrow/Flash Earth 1.

> Somewhere in the early episodes of season one, when Barry is talking to Arrow, they make mention of Batman, not by name iirc, in Gotham City.
so how does it answer the question O.o
@NapoleonWilson Do you see what I mean about staying indoors during the day? That's actually dangerous to be out in that heat.
They simply all miss the point of discontinuous universes the asker is unaware of. I'm just glad you had your answer up and running fast enough (though, that's probably part of what got it HNQ).
@NapoleonWilson Well, nobody said that anyone in my family had any sense ;)
@steelershark Well, I'm not an octogenerian either. ;-)
WUT? That's mothereffin' 43°C? Oh my god, that's indeed crazy!
@NapoleonWilson I know, right? That's dangerous heat! That's why you stay indoors until sunset. It's like being a vampire when you're in Vegas ;)
@NapoleonWilson My answer don't have crazy GIF and have nothing about sex. So It's not my fault ;p
Q: Name of the TV show with agents

DogsrcoolThis is an American TV show. A woman is a part of a drugs ring and is rescued, she later becomes an agent. Later on in the show series two women make a deal with a know criminal and break her out of a cell. She betrays them and ends up shooting one girl in the shoulder.

Q: Why is Reese allowed to have dyed hair on Malcom in the Middle?

Mr. ManagerOn the show, it's well established that Lois is a very over bearing mother who, if she doesn't like something doesn't allow it. Many episodes revolve around her irrationally forbidding one of her sons from things like, parties, sleepovers, girlfriends, mini-bikes, fireworks, etc... It's also wel...

Q: French film about teacher having an affair with colleague

irakliA teacher must supervise the school trip to Rome, along with his young and beautiful female colleague. During trip they become closer and end up having one night stand. Yet, that impacts men. It make him rethink about his life, himself. Returning from home , he decides to move to her. He takes...

1 hour later…
Q: old drama movie

jacksonone year ago i watched a movie it was old drama i think between 1990 to 1993 realesed , and its two blonde sister living in a farm with their father and the father and thier husband and one of the husband dies and the father rapes the girls while they were children , and one of the girls dies by ...

Q: An old tv series, kids cartoon 90's

HeidiFor a while now, I have been trying to find an old tv show from either 80's/90's or even early 2000's; I don't really know but it's European and it was a kids show, I really want to find it again. It was about a young boy, white skinned, brown hair and had a mum and dad. He went out on advernture...

Q: How historically accurate is the AMC series "Turn: Washington Spies"?

PhilI would like to know how accurate this TV show is in regards to the era. I understand a similar question could be How accurate is Alexanders Rose's novel that inspired the show?, but other than the plot I am also interested in the images I see when I'm watching Turn. Specifically, how accurate i...

Q: Safe House; How did Matt surmise Tobin went to Langa?

mattSafe House; How did Matt surmise Tobin went to Langa?...The movie merely showed a road sign for the shantytown, but nothing connecting it with Tobin. Please advise...TY!

04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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