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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Axelrod you said blow up sex doll
i made a thats what she said joke
@Himarm I could have mentioned female marital aids.
@CapyStenchbeast Move it all to trash, we're done reminiscing.
Yeah, anyway, I know nothing of the sort. I'm fine with both you guys, but I'd also opt (on everyone's behalf) to not elaborate discussions about any possible CM scoldings further, here or anywhere.
/nods pardon all
@NapoleonWilson So be it.
@CapyStenchbeast And for the time being she isn't, but I like your company more than I dislike hers.
@Himarm Is it 5:00 where you live? Or, are you starting the party early today? ;)
Friends of friends aren't friends unless they're friends.
@Axelrod That just gave me a headache.
@steelerfan hrm? not drunk its only 3 here im working!
@steelerfan It's worse on this end.
@Himarm I don't know if I have ever chatted with you when you're sober. ;)
It's 1 here, I'm at work, and I wish I didn't have to be sober...
@HeatherBrown Hey, 1 pm here too :)
I've been subbing over three pre-calc classes today... I can't take anymore math.
I can't ever take math. I have a horrible time with math.
@HeatherBrown In California with a pre calc class? You must not be anywhere near a major city, unless it's a private school.
@steelerfan i work 8-5 m-f central US, im drunk typically 6pm-2 AM f-S, and 4-11pm Sun
@Axelrod It's a public charter school about 2 hours from LA
@Himarm OMG, you really crack me up. You and your wife don't have children do you?
@steelerfan only 25, saving that for the 30's
@Himarm Good plan!
@Himarm I'm only 24, I'm beating you in life!
i made poor life choices and wracked up more then the national average on student loans, no time for kids
@HeatherBrown 2 hours from LA can mean anything.
@Himarm The loans will sort themselves out as long as you keep working and put in more than what's required.
@Himarm 24, started college at 16, three bachelor's degrees, one kid, divorced, 4 classes away from a Master's in Education, and 0 debt :D
@Himarm Kids should be the result of a loving relationship, not a life goal.
@Himarm Well, at least you guys are smart enough to wait until you're ready. Some people just jump into it with out understanding the commitment it takes.
@Axelrod result of a responsible loving relationship. my wife is also a type 1 diabetic, so we can never have unplanned children, she has to be cleared after 2ish years of intesive control of her diabetes before her doctor will ok it
shes about as high risk as it comes
to still risk it
@steelerfan Did you ever want some and it was only "life" that got between it, or didn't you even intend children when you were married?
@Himarm That. blows. Have you looked into the latest in artificial pancreases? We're almost ready for a permanent implant.
their still 10 years or more away from actually going out to the public
we might see a few trail cases in the US
but for mainstream use its still years away
But there may be a list to get on as a subject.
@NapoleonWilson No, I never really wanted children. My husband did later on, we were in the process of talking about it, but it never happened. I kinda wish that it would have now, so my Father in law could have a grandchild.
the more promising work is they think they found a way to cure the auto immune disease. and then a simple T cell transplant
The government is fine with people not having fingers when we've had a solution for a decade, but that doesn't mean there aren't peole getting them back in tests now.
@steelerfan you weren't by chance thinking of our Matt... he just got married and moved in with his new wife.
@Himarm Well yeah, but then we won't have cyborgs.
@Catija You're right. I think that's who I was thinking of.
@steelerfan :D I thought it may have been but I didn't say anything earlier because I was focused on the engaged part.
@Catija Ha! Which part? Capy being engaged to a goat or a real woman? ;)
@CapyStenchbeast Bored by all the serious life issues? ;-)
I'm in a bunch of different conversations at the moment, so I figured a monkey selfie was called for.
@CapyStenchbeast Please don't get yourself into any trouble.
@steelerfan Dunno. I wasn't there for the goat convo but I was pretty sure that the only relationship I'd heard Capy talk about was his dog, parents... I think a niece?
I won't. I'm being a good girl.
@Catija Yeah. Capy and I are kinda the same. We don't have kids of our own, but we adore our nieces and nephews, we live alone with our dogs. I don't proclaim to be engaged to a goat. That's where I draw the line :)
@steelerfan but you were previously married. :P I don't have any siblings... Andy's sister (in Ohio) has a one-year-old... but we don't see them much.
And now I've scared everyone. No worries, diebetes, children and education are still fine! ;-)
@Catija Yes. I was I forgot Capy wasn't married before.
@NapoleonWilson You haven't scared anyone. Himarm usually loves talking about his wife.
@Catija No siblings? Who did you play with?
Having trouble not going all out here.
@steelerfan Oh, you have a dog, too? But cat's are so much cooler! ;-(
@CapyStenchbeast awwww, that's so sweet that you love your fiancee so much that you are showing us her picture.
@steelerfan my toes.... There were like... two boys in my neighborhood.... that's about it. Mostly I played games that stimulated my brain and taught me stuff that is ... "useful"? I also had building toys like Legos and I read a lot of books.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, I recently got a Doberman. My sister was bugging me because she doesn't like me being up here alone. If I could get a watchcat maybe :)
@steelerfan get a kitten, they dont disapoint
@Himarm I can only handle one pet at a time.
@steelerfan Depends on the race of the cat, I guess. Maybe a bengal for the Bengals fan, that'd make for a pretty good watchcat.
@NapoleonWilson NEVER!!! :)
@steelerfan No worries, with a kitten and a doberman, that'd shortly be one pet again.
yeah hte doberman would be dead
This dog is my first pet. I have never had one before. My dog is very cool though. He is very intimidating.
@NapoleonWilson LOL!
this is jinx kitten, notice the crumbs on her chin
i call it her food chin
If your doberman attacks family members, you're in for pain. There won't even be a little kid to cry for it when you do a reinactment of old yeller.
@Himarm She is beautiful.
Doberman are actually very docile and loyal. They are protective of their master. They wouldn't attack unless provoked.
That's why I chose that particular breed.
@steelerfan All dogs are all things depending on how you raise them.
Whereas all cats are different regardless of how you raise them. Which I like.
Levon has been around my family and friends and has been great.
My favorite are Rottweilers.
Big cuddle dogs.
Dobbies are awesome, but I find them too skinny to use as a pillow.
@Axelrod He is a protecor and companion.
Time to go to the pool. See you all later:)
Q: Netflix Local Content

Undisputed007I am living in Belgium and i am interested in subscribing for Netflix. I learned that US subscribers have more content that any other. So I was thinking that: -- Can I access the US content if i ask someone in the US to create an account there for me and pay monthly ? Or is the content decided o...

@Himarm That doesn't seem all that different from the southern side.
Q: Why would Martin Scorsese use a dummy?

Daniel StowersIn the opening scene of Casino (1995), Sam Rothstein gets into his car and is blown up. In the second of the detonation, you can clearly see that DeNiro has been replaced with a dummy. While some could claim that this was just a bad cut, to anyone who knows Scorsese, this seems highly unlikely. ...

Dear Europe,
Please let me come live there forever.
Because I'm terrified and fed up.
And the food is better.
They're terrified and fed up too, but their news likes to hide that, whereas our news likes to stress that.
And the food part is subjective, but lore has it they have the best and the worst countries for food.
I've been to mainland Europe, and lived in Ireland. I'd like to live in Ireland permanently.
I like bangers.
And tacos.
Sausages are more of a reason to move to Germany than Ireland, but I feel you.
Beby plutopots, apropos of nothing.
@CapyStenchbeast Cute things require no connection to the conversation at hand.
They sort of look like they're tiny hippos...
@Axelrod Plutopots.
I have decided that the plural of platypus is plutopots.
@CapyStenchbeast Duck billed venomous egg-laying otters.
@Axelrod with oversized, squished-flat tails
@Axelrod And they sweat milk.
Q: What does max 2 MiB mean?

HorayWhen I click the button to add an image to stackexchange websites, it says "max 2 MiB" What does that mean? Is it an amount of megabits? Whats the max amount I can upload (in megabits)?

Seriously? WTF... what's wrong with the sizes we already have.
Max 2 Men in Black, though... my first thought.
Forgot about that. Duck billed venomous egg-laying beavers.
My high school mascot was the beaver...
Clearly someone didn't think that through all the way.
Ugh, gotta go. Toodles all.
@CapyStenchbeast What is that, some sort of vole?
Streaked tenrec.
Ooh, I've only seen the commons.
Half vole, half bumble bee.
Also venomous!
Q: When was Morgana at the bottom of a well?

NinjakrebornI have watched all the way until Season 5 Episode 6. Since this episode I've seen two references to Morgana being chain to a wall, at the bottom of the dwell. With her dragon. I saw this once in a nightmare she had, which I guess was a memory. Then again she mentioned in this episode. Never o...

The fossa (/ˈfɒsə/ or /ˈfuːsə/; Malagasy [ˈfusə̥]; Cryptoprocta ferox) is a cat-like, carnivorous mammal endemic to Madagascar. It is a member of the Eupleridae, a family of carnivorans closely related to the mongoose family (Herpestidae). Its classification has been controversial because its physical traits resemble those of cats, yet other traits suggest a close relationship with viverrids (most civets and their relatives). Its classification, along with that of the other Malagasy carnivores, influenced hypotheses about how many times mammalian carnivores have colonized Madagascar. With genetic...
I mixed up the tenrec and solenodon
i made a merlin tag but it needs someone better than me to approve the wiki
Featuring a stormtrooper somehow parrying blows from a lightsaber.
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