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For the record: mods never flee in terror. Obviously.
Mods can't fly
My only experience with him is him jumping in on a hair trigger and shutting down all the rooms. I am willing to give him a chance, but he needs to actually talk in the room and make at least one joke.
@ArtOfCode Screenshot and bookmark.
They don't have wings
@Axelrod He has.
Til then, he's the human and I'm the dog that just peed on the couch.
@CapyStenchbeast Pics or it didn't happen.
@CapyStenchbeast I can destroy the bookmark easily enough. The screenshot... well, I'm sure I can destroy your reputation enough that nobody believes you ;)
Still waiting for Ana to talk too. Limited experiences, etc, etc.
@Axelrod To be fair, Mos had been annoying him for a long time, and he had expressed that before.
Anyways we don't have much CM presence in here.
That's an indicator that your chatroom is actually a good one :)
@ArtOfCode But I wasn't there for that.
@ArtOfCode When? Surely you jest!
Also, how did ELU manage to change their flag system?
@Axelrod No, but take my word it happened. If you scroll back far enough you'll find it.
Shog once rejected a bad migration from SFF and it reciprocated bit bad to SFF
Should our retreat rooms just be ELU-based?
Else i don't remember anything from him here
@Axelrod nooooooooooooooo
@Capy I saw that.
I didn't get to look at that.
@AnkitSharma Why noo? Don't have an ELU account?
@ArtOfCode editing to make names visible
I chatted there today only
Seems my last time for now
@CapyStenchbeast You guys turned that happy go lucky CM into angry man
@ArtOfCode Trying to destroy my reputation now = Trying to destroy downtown Hiroshima on Aug. 7, 1945.
@CapyStenchbeast As in, not very hard?
@AnkitSharma He is plenty angry on his own.
@AnkitSharma Uh, if he ever was anything, I'd doubt it'd be "happy go lucky", it's still Shog9 we're talking about. ;-)
@ArtOfCode As in, you missed the boat.
@CapyStenchbeast Ah, but some people might still believe you.
@NapoleonWilson Have you missed, he even joked there
@AnkitSharma I saw him say "Frankly, I consider Puzzling to be a joke" in Puzzling.SE chat.
@AnkitSharma Oh, I see. Whadda delightful fella!
@CapyStenchbeast See? He loves jokes!
@CapyStenchbeast puzzling people must be hurt :D
He also got flagged (and validated) just before he shut down Mos. coughing furiously @Axelrod coughing
Tim Post was flagged a week earlier.
Mos Eisley is was a place where bad decisions are were made.
@CapyStenchbeast Correction, please: was.
@CapyStenchbeast flagged and flag approved CMs :O
I am happy it in now Was
The whole "I'm a mod, let's see what happens when someone flags me" thing stands out as an epically bad decision.
He had that flag coming.
To be honest, Shog's phrasing there wasn't the best choice he could have made.
shakes fist and tells you guttersnipes to keep off his lawn
@Axelrod The train car sets
@ArtOfCode the "STFU" bit?
But though the flag was eventually invalidated by a mod, it was Shog himself who deleted that message and replaced it with a better worded message.
@CapyStenchbeast Aye
Mistakes were made all around.
so much inward facing talk here
let's talk about mooovies
@CapyStenchbeast whats you plan on this account after suspension end?
@Tyco i am in
i haven't seen any star wars.. might watch them 1,2,3,4,5,6
@AnkitSharma Merge, so I don't accidentally vote on the same post twice.
@CapyStenchbeast Fair enough
i obviously know a bunch of spoilers from pop culture and video games etc
@Tyco Or you can take some inspiration from here:
Q: In what order should a newcomer watch Star Wars episodes?

kapaI have a friend who has never seen Star Wars and he wants to watch it. I am unsure which order I should suggest. Should he watch the old or new Trilogy first? Or some kind of mixed order? I am looking for a well-reasoned answer, not one-liners.

@Tyco I have seen 4th one which is chronological 1st
@NapoleonWilson 4 5 6 7 8 9. The End.
@NapoleonWilson Is the only movie i watched in star war so bad that answer said to ignore it
@NapoleonWilson Interesting! I would have never thought of something like 4, 5, 2, 3, 6
@Tyco We have someone like you in SFF.
@CapyStenchbeast Invalid approach if you want the whole picture. No matter how bad you find the prequels (and I by far don't find them as universally bad as the internet claims them to be anyway, even if they can't beat the originals), they're still part of the Star Wars movie lore, and rightfully so.
i have found three friends in the same boat
we will have to agree
@Axelrod Spam advertisement alert :P
@NapoleonWilson NO
The prequels are the reason Lucas can't be trusted with his baby.
@CapyStenchbeast Is it acceptable to tell someone who isn't you know who to get on his donkey?
i know a lot of younger people for whom 1, 2, 3 were their introduction to star wars, and they remember loving them
@Axelrod No. He has to ride a guanaco.
@Tyco That's for the same reason as why the older crowd dislikes them.
@Tyco After watching 1st , it become my last and i never tried it again
An approach I also find interesting is 4, 1, 2, 5, 3, 6.
@Tyco Those people are what I refer to as "wrong".
@CapyStenchbeast Make it so. I expect a picture of a toy train on a guanaco with a thimble on its smoke stack.
Everyone forgets that episode 6 is actually one of the worst.
@Tyco And it's their good right to, if they enjoyed those movies.
@Axelrod I make the memes. Mike makes the pics.
Yeah, i would like to enjoy them too :) i don't want to fall into a trap of comparing them to other things
but (sorry)... it's just star wars. i don't know if it's even worth thinking so much about. i should just watch em
Please provide some explanation of why you prefer this order as otherwise this extremely arbitrary and discontinuous order suggests this "answer" to be nothing more than a mere joke. If it isn't, then proove it. — Napoleon Wilson ♦ Nov 18 '12 at 12:46
* hides *
@MikeEdenfield We need you in here.
Well, it's similar to LotR, you should by far not expect the same grandeur and quality from the prequel series, but they're also not a total mess and can be enjoyed for what they are.
@Axelrod some special purpose ?
@MikeEdenfield I need a picture of a toy train on a guanaco with a thimble on its smokestack.
Capy says you make the pictures.
@AnkitSharma Yeah, I think that thing had its time, converted to comment.
@NapoleonWilson Another series i didn't followed, don't make a donkey meme for me
a toy train on a guanaco?
For simplicity's sake I'd also accept a llama because I'm llama illiterate.
@MikeEdenfield Yes. Tyco is a toy train, and he hasn't watched Star Wars.
^ almost all true
To avoid copyright infringement and size issues involving buckets, we also need a thimble.
I like this one
@CapyStenchbeast how close should i look
@AnkitSharma very. It's hard to see
@AnkitSharma Press your eyes into the screen.
@CapyStenchbeast Is Napoleon OK with owl posting now?
Ah, well... that seems to have blown over finally.
@steelerfan In moderation.
@CapyStenchbeast This reminds me of a scene from American Dad.
But I dare not link that.
@CapyStenchbeast Ha! Poor Napoleon :(
You guys have seen the really cute "lovely owl" right? The teeny one that loves to be petted?
@Catija Awww, that's cute! And you know what's best? That video can be played on demand. ;-P
@NapoleonWilson YAY! I found a video that Napoleon can watch without his authoritarian government blocking it!
... or do you mean that it's a video rather than a gif?
@Catija Because it doesn't have a highly expensive proprietary soundtrack.
@Catija Yeah, primarily that. ;-)
Q: Disable GIF Auto Play in chat?

user214961I think that having the user to click the GIF to play it in the chatbox would make the experience more user-friendly and bandwidth-friendly. Can this be implemented here? I saw it on a few websites (well... 9gag). This would also make all the chat users more tolerant on GIF's and not dissalow or...

Wtb gifs of owls.

 Owls (AKA The Screeching Room)

If it isn't owls, we don't have it. For the rest refer to chat...
Also, faux support in Mos Eisley. Not really support, just some help trolling poor ssummer.
@CapyStenchbeast He has such furry feet!
His name is Rather Dashing. He's an owl peasant wearing short pants.
I'm half tempted to put a bounty on that gif autoplay question on Meta.... but only half. I don't think they'll implement it seeing as they don't care that much about chat.
@MikeEdenfield What's on top of the train?
It looks like a cinderblock.
its a thimble.
you know how hard it is to find a tiny, high-quality thimble jpg?
that's what I started with.
almost that exact picture.
now scale that down to 20x20
it got aliased
Strange... How did I get in here...?
@ParanoidPanda Probably something you should be paranoid about....
@Catija lol
@ParanoidPanda That makes me a sad panda.
@Axelrod owl gifs i got
@MikeEdenfield Please.
@Catija and now it looks like a cinder block
Didn't we have separate room for owls?
@MikeEdenfield No it doesn't.
it would if you pasted it onto that blue background and erased the edges
cinder block
Well, this is definitely a rather strange welcome...
Yours has two dark spots on it... which is why it looks like a cinderblock
@ParanoidPanda Welcome!
Don't be confused by the annoying owl pictures. ;-)
@MikeEdenfield I deleted the background it had but it made it white for some reason... I'll try again.
@ParanoidPanda I though you are panda attracted to owls.
Ah, I see... "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"... So I guess I can never get away from those owls then? :D
@ParanoidPanda No they will be shortly moved to owl specific room

 Owls (AKA The Screeching Room)

If it isn't owls, we don't have it. For the rest refer to chat...
Bye Bye owls :P
@Catija i deleted all the source images, it's too late.
you get what you get
One day we will give complex to pets.se
@MikeEdenfield I did it! But it's not a jpg... because you can't save a transparent background to a jpg... maybe you should have gone with a png? Anyway, is there a pun to it or something?
This owls have magnets to attract new users
@Catija i just did as requested
33 mins ago, by Axelrod
@MikeEdenfield I need a picture of a toy train on a guanaco with a thimble on its smokestack.
@MikeEdenfield Guanaco? That looks like a llama.
@MikeEdenfield Ahhhh!!! more fluffy feet!
the image was guanaco.jpg
More owls?
Hello new people!
o/, someone just posted a link to this room in the Ask Ubuntu General Room, I have no idea what this is about though. :D
Ah you're here @ParanoidPanda
@kos Oh, interesting. Did they say why they posted a link?
Maybe I'll go say hi to Ubuntu.
@Catija Nope, just pictures of owls and the link to the room, so indeed I visited. :D What is this about exactly?
@kos Nobody actually knows, some users just tend to have a penchant for owls, I guess. ;-)
@kos This Room is for Movies.se
@kos Owls are better than no owls. Kittens are superior, but there's not enough of a trend to push it that way.
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 12 mins ago, by Paranoid Panda
I just entered and then they started sending lots of owls and pandas at me! :D
@kos Well... we have a slight influx of visitors from SFF.. so this room is busier than usual... and part of that seems to include posting a lot of images :D Which is ok. It's not really what the room is like all the time.
@Axelrod We do kittens sometimes.
What is this?
@HeatherBrown Ubuntu. We're pretending.
@HeatherBrown What do you want it to be?
Can I play pretend?
OMG, even owl room is crowded now
I want to be a Rodian bounty hunter.
@HeatherBrown Alright, but no pack animals for you.
I want to be a psycho killer superman clone
@NapoleonWilson @AnkitSharma @Catija Yes, I meant the room in general :D Ok, I see. Cool
Pack animals are for nonbelievers.
This room was totally bereft of tacos before I came here.
@AnkitSharma Are we talking alternate universe evil superman or bizarro superman?
@CapyStenchbeast Yep. And we haven't had one in a while, now that you mention it.
@Axelrod Agreed!
@Axelrod this is earth 15051989 earth's superman
room topic changed to The Screening Room: "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" - General discussion for General discussion for movies.stackexchange.com [identify-this-rage] [mod-rage] [sarcasm-at-its-finest] [sardonic]
@NapoleonWilson General discussion is two times
room topic changed to The Screening Room: "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" - General discussion for movies.stackexchange.com [identify-this-rage] [mod-rage] [sarcasm-at-its-finest] [sardonic]
@CapyStenchbeast Taco engagement
General discussion for general discussion
@CapyStenchbeast If you give her that now, what will she expect on anniversaries?!
@Axelrod just lesser things like diamonds and emeralds... nothing more to expect once you have a taco ring.
@Axelrod Ham burger ring maybe?
@AnkitSharma A taco engagement ring with a matching beans and rice wedding band.
@Axelrod if i was the girl, i will reject him then
@AnkitSharma Sour cream and guacamole?
guacamole looks scary to me
@AnkitSharma Some curries look scary to me, but I still like them.
Granted, most of my experience with curries is Thai curries.
I am not into thai , its too green for me and consist of sea food and i am vegetarian
Nah, I think I still prefer this to Owl... :D
@AnkitSharma: Really? I've eaten a lot of Thai food, and I'm Vegan...
@ParanoidPanda doesn't they make it too green?
@AnkitSharma They have many versions.
Hmmmm......i have seen mostly green or sea food
I've eaten a lot of strange multicoloured Thai stuff which is Vegan...
Lack of knowledge from my side
But I do love the bamboo puddings they make! :D
The bases are simple. Green, red, yellow. The variations are where it's at. Pineapple, musseman, etc.
OMG owls rampage over

 Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
@Axelrod sounds more weird as per my taste buds.
@AnkitSharma Yeah... I don't know if they are too happy about that... :P
I am more into North/south India food, Italian, Chinese and Mexican
Doesn't seem annoyed too
@AnkitSharma I'm not sure what your choices are, but I find Thai to be the mid point between Chinese and Mexican food out here.
So keep an open mind!
Have a good night
@CapyStenchbeast What's your take on Thai food?
I am not sleeping yet....just shared what's happening over Ubuntu
@Axelrod I will try someday
@Axelrod looooooove. Except fish sauce.
There is a phenomenal little Thai restaurant across the street from me.
@CapyStenchbeast Fish sauce is best when you can't taste it. Like worsterchestershire sauce (sp).
Which, incidentally, is modeled after Indian fish sauce.
Do people eat owls?
@AnkitSharma Some places yes, some places it's a taboo, some places they just don't.
Generally you'll find that there's certain cultures where nothing's off limits.
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 1 min ago, by Capy Stenchbeast
scribbling furiously in his notebook of people who shall be smoten by the owl army when the time arrives
^ I always suspected him for his owliness
@AnkitSharma At Oxbridge, Charles Darwin was in a "Glutton Club* that met once a week to eat an unusual animal. They disbanded after the night they ate "an old brown owl". It was so disgusting that they abandoned the entire idea.
@CapyStenchbeast And he was British.
So he's gotta love this thing? (it's even from Dr. Dizzle's favourite director)
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is a 2010 American-Australian 3D computer-animated epic family action fantasy-adventure film based on the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series by Kathryn Lasky. Zack Snyder directed the film as an animation debut, Zareh Nalbandian produced the film, John Orloff and Emil Stern wrote the film, with Jim Sturgess, Geoffrey Rush, Emily Barclay, Helen Mirren, Ryan Kwanten, Anthony LaPaglia, and David Wenham voicing the characters set in Pre-Aboriginal Australia and music composed by David Hirschfelder and Adam Young from Owl City. Warner Bros. distributed the film...
They make things that most people would consider worth abandoning daily.
@NapoleonWilson lol @DrRDizzle must read it
Rise of the Guardians is a 2012 American 3D computer-animated fantasy film based on William Joyce's The Guardians of Childhood book series and The Man in the Moon short film by Joyce and Reel FX. Peter Ramsey directed the film, while Joyce and Guillermo del Toro were executive producers with voice acting by Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Hugh Jackman, Isla Fisher, and Jude Law. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures,1 it was released on November 21, 2012 and received mixed to positive reviews, but was a financial disappointment, contributing to a studio writedown of ...
I always have issues finding stuff for this because of that.
I almost created a "Pandas." room, but I figured M&TV neither needs nor wants a zoo.
@CapyStenchbeast Very considerate, good girl!
Surprised the Hooters logo has not been seen.
@steelerfan You can add that
Are my Pandas at least welcome in here? :D
@AnkitSharma Yeah, I am at work right now.
@NapoleonWilson tail wagging emphatically
Napoleon will kill @CapyStenchbeast, me and @ParanoidPanda
@ParanoidPanda If not spammed excessively at least. ;-)
New goal: Create and maintain a chat room for pics, gifs, videos, etc, of a specific species of animal, on each SE.
This is too much for me. You have all gone mad ;)
@CapyStenchbeast O-o
^panda can go there
Platypi, Panda, Guanaco, Quokka, Streaked Tenrec, Hedgehog, Goats (especially in trees), Capybara... TBD. The last will be a room for dog media on Pets.SE
@AnkitSharma: But that room was deleted a while back... Can you revive it?
He's a mod. He can do anything.
Except stuff that only Shog, Ana, Adam, Tim, Jon, etc. can do.
Like demod him for reopening a panda room.
@ParanoidPanda revived
That just reminded me of this! :D
Bye bye panda
No more animal shelters
@ParanoidPanda Which is why goat meat is vegetarian. They're actually fruit.
@CapyStenchbeast I did too much in keeping Indian movies chatroom open but it never succeeded
Well, I do like to upgoat things! ;P
Do you guys believe in ghosts?
No goat room request please
@AnkitSharma It will be on Seasoned Advice.SE
@ParanoidPanda I want to tell him the real answer, but if I touch ubuntu I touch all the things ubuntu's touched.
@CapyStenchbeast fair enough
One panda pic, out of them all.
* * * * * *
@Axelrod 8 owls too
* * * * *
@steelerfan Its all back to normal or i am trying it to
@AnkitSharma You'll have to move all the witty banter to a different room, too, for that. ;)
@Axelrod only owl and pandas.
Raven, orange and orange raven is allowed :D
@Axelrod I can't see external images, only from imgur.
@CapyStenchbeast cheating
I defy you!
hoot hoot cleaning
If anyone was confused by that ghosts thing, it is because there is a deleted answer there:
@AnkitSharma How?
Look closely. That's a blue raven.
@CapyStenchbeast owl were suppose to be owling around in different room
Oh shot, I'm so sorry. Wrong window!
I was just about to ask why I wasn't an RO anymore.
Not coincidentally, I haven't slept in 33 hours
@CapyStenchbeast Mod?
@CapyStenchbeast Well that explains why you're always here.
Hmm... Well, I think it's time for me to retreat back to my room of origin! :D
Good owl poops in there own place.......bye
54 secs ago, by Capy Stenchbeast
Not coincidentally, I haven't slept in 33 hours
Me brain no work good at now.
Q: Why does Helen throw away Theodore's letter for Frank?

TimIn S01E07 of Manhattan, Helen and Charlie travel to a nuclear reactor. There they meet Theodore Sinclair. With him they solve some crisis at the reactor. Shortly after, Theodore gives Helen a letter for Frank, which she throws away in a trashcan when arrived back in Manhattan. Why does Helen thr...

Why don't you guys listen to BABYMETAL instead? :D
Sorry folks. I can barely keep my eyes open.
G'night, people.
Good night all, bye o/
Well that was weird.
@Axelrod what?
Just a quick drop-in to let you all know that I have now received a second email from the SFF moderator team to advise that my suspension will be extended a further 90 days beyond the 7 days that were already imposed. I will now resume lurking. No further messages will be responded to, at least in the near future while I consider my next actions.
What did Buffybot do?
that's Richard.
@Axelrod It's Richard, of SF&F/M&TV fame.
see SF&F meta for details.
Why Richard and not the rest?
that's between Richard and the CMs/mods, I presume.
@Axelrod no one else said anything so we dont know about anyone else
Also, Ana just sent me a warning.
then prob drop it
And mentioned the Spencers gifts thing..
Which went smashingly in context.
@Axelrod we are generally not supposed to talk about suspended users until they are back and able to participate, and then, only as far as they are willing to discuss it.
@Axelrod That's something you'd have to enquire from the SciFi moderators, but I doubt they'd explain it, neither are they supposed to. So since we can't know about the background of this, we might not want to engage in speculations about it either. (It's just a chat-suspension by the way, he'll be back as a SF&F site user in 2 days.)
@NapoleonWilson Really considering making HeapHub now.
You guys should really have a look at this room: :D

 Photograph Swap

Pop in here and swap your photographs around!
@Axelrod it's not only him
@Loong Great. We'll all be chat banned but free to answer questions.
@NapoleonWilson - in answer to one of your question's put to me in the other chatroom ..... Spectre was disappointing tbh
But it was fun to try to tie it into references to older Bond movies. I'm not sure I have a complete list though.
@iandotkelly Hmm, sad to hear, but also not particularly surprising.
1 hour later…
I see Capy finally got sleeping meds. Does this mean the room will be quieter for a while? ;)
@steelerfan It will probably fall short of moving images at least.
@NapoleonWilson I remember last time Capy didn't have medication. It wasn't pretty.... ;)
@NapoleonWilson Things like "The Owl Room" happen :)
Oh, sorry.... just "owls".
Indeed, but at least his madness has attracted quite a few welcome new users. ;-)
Yeah, it is not surprising. His goofiness usually does. He's a good guy. He has a good heart :)
Oh, I forgot that Christopher Lee was in the Crimson Rivers 2.
I honestly don't have the time to keep up with all of these questions/answers. I usually am really good about it and try to analyze them more, it has become overwhelming.
I have not seen that movie. I love Christopher Lee though :)
@steelerfan What questions/answers? The site's? You don't have to, just the ones that interest you, we don't get so many afterall. It would be bad to lose your interesting answers due to exhaustion, though.
Even if he was in "Howling II: Your sister is a werewolf"
@NapoleonWilson Just the site's. I usually like to read all of them, even the bad ones.
@steelerfan Me too, but you don't have to actively try to answer all of them.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, hell no. I don't try to answer all of them. I do try to read all of them though. I guess I haven't had time and there has been a lot of activity, which is great :)
@NapoleonWilson Bummer :(
@steelerfan Many older question got active lately from avid users providing answers.
@NapoleonWilson I am going to try and answer/ask questions Friday on noc shift. I actually have Saturday night off. I wouldn't even know what to do on a Saturday night anymore ;)
Have you ever seen Cold Mountain?
I like it quite a bit. While the romance between Kidman and Law feels a bit stilted and insubstantial, it's only the driver for a serious and interesting Civil War drama anyway.
Yeah, I agree. I didn't think that Kidman and Law had chemistry. I liked the movie as a whole though. I don't really like Jude Law in a lot of things anyways.
Q: Plot explanation for Möbius by Eric Rochant

YotamI've just finished watching this espionage thriller, but I lost track of the plot somewhere down the road. Couldnt find an English online explanation anywhere... Can someone explain it to me please?

I really liked the movie "Closer". I loved Clive Owen in it, but Jude Law ruined it for me.
Never conciously seen that, though.
Well, if you're a fan of Clive Owen, he is really good in it.

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