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07:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

This is going to get a lot of answers.... I'm not sure if this challenge type is that interesting. And besides, what are people voting for? Why does my answer have +3, while most have +-0? What are we going to do when someone messes up in their answer and fixing the mistake invalidates others?
About the +3 I suppose people wouldn't have expected befunge. The edits can cause problems as you say, and I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done once there are more answers. The chain can go on though, even if it is imperfect.
Do you need to ba a mod to make a question protected? I wan't to prevent sock puppets just in case.
No, but I could protect it for you, just need a lot of rep
Would protecting be a good thing here?
Hmm, would this type of problem be much better suited to a chatroom?
I'll go ahead and protect it; if someone wants it reversed, they can call in a mod/contact me later/ (I think other users with protection abilities can unprotect too). I'm going to bed really soon.
Wait nvm
I can't protect???
If it's protected then people can't just make new accounts to keep answering it. That would be pretty pointless but is a potential issue. (This was just a trial q so I'm not too concerned what happens to it.)
Any question, even a deleted question, can be protected and unprotected, subject to the following restrictions:

The question must be at least a day old
Question for everyone : Do you think this challenge would have worked better if it were something like Write a program that outputs a famous quote or phrase such as "keep calm and carry on", such that the ASCII sum of your answer is the ASCII sum of the last answer plus 1?
Wow, that might be better
Question for everyone : Do you think this kind of incremental-answer challenge is even feasible?
hi guys. does the javascript console count as stdout?
@MarkGabriel That's fine, since js doesn't really have stdout. Alert would also be ok
new answer posted. please tell me if it doesn't count. haha.
@MarkGabriel Why'd you delete your answer?
@BetaDecay It was invalid
Does that mean mine is too?
i technically didn't print it, the console just returns a string
@BetaDecay Yes, but you can edit it to fit answer 10 (if possible)
Ahh okay
You should come up with a tag for this kind of challenge. Presumably this won't be the last..
I do want to try more. In fact I've wanted to do a problem like this (where there is a linear stream of answers, not the edit distance specifically) for months.
@BetaDecay A tag could be something boring like [incremental-answers] or a bit more fun like [domino-coding].
I'd vote for domino coding :P
@Calvin'sHobbies Sticking with the evolution theme, something like [blind-watchmaker] could be possible.
@BetaDecay Maybe, but things aren't necessarily evolving :P
@Calvin'sHobbies It can happen ;)
But domino coding sounds like it would fit
@Calvin'sHobbies @BetaDecay Maybe we can make a scoring condition around that too. Like who ever answers an answer which creates a cycle gets less score (or a penalty)
@Calvin'sHobbies The only problem that I am seeing in these types of questions is that answers would get less votes
like if an answer in a normal type of event was supposed to get 20+ up votes, in this , it will get much less as people tend to sort answers based on time rather votes in these questions
so defs a popularity contest is not possible.
:/ we got Javascript twice
@Sp3000 I only see js at 18 (besides the deleted 11).
Oh, 11 was deleted? Need to refresh my page
(I thought SE auto-updated but I guess not for deleted answers)
@Optimizer Yes, I like that. The answers would evolve into complete obfuscation.
Maybe your score could be the difference from the original answer - the difference from the prevuous answer...
@Optimizer Penalties for similarities could have been part of this questions scoring, but I do want to say that my vision of this challenge type doesn't specifically involve this text replacement stuff.
It could be any question that is sequentially answered where each answer is influenced by the last, and gets more and more difficult.
(This problem is starting to get difficult since we're running out of languages...kinda.)
unique languages is a bit downside for the question
as it limits the total number of answers
Yeah... We've still got the large number of BASIC dialects though
And the esoteric languages
as of now. no one might be able to answer for a second time
Yeah... Is that such a problem though?
Haha, until then it is a pop con by the tiebreaker rules.
=/ I had actionscript lined up but I took too long messing about with sign up and linking my account
@Pimgd Wait around and you might have another chance :)
@Pimgd there are tons of languages out there still
=D All I need is "Hello World!"
A: Evolution of "Hello World!" (testing new type of challenge)

NitAnswer 23 - APL "Hello world!" Note there's a leading space. Distance: 7

@Calvin'sHobbies So now to my second issue which I commented above too
This one prints the wrong result
this question is not fit to be a pop con
Hmm... Should I build up towards a C solution or just make it hard for the next person?
Would say count at this point? That'd only have a distance of two from the last... I think
@grc - C - No way. int main() {}
@optimizer Some compilers don't need that
@Calvin'sHobbies - Since answers are sorted by oldest instead of votes, pop con won't workout
@Optimizer I mean include 'main' or something in a different language to work closer to a C solution
@Pimgd Seems alright to me (try it at
Oh, its just the W
Yeah just the W
but I've seen you guys do wacky stuff before
@grc Is that setting yourself of someone else up?
where stuff like whitespace and capitalization matters
@grc I see.
@BetaDecay Either, but it would probably take a few steps
@grc anyways you will have to wait 8 hrs now :P
@grc It'd be better to do that when the question goes quiet... Eight hours is a long time
Ah I didn't see the 8hr thing :(
Yeah... Nearly caught me out too
@Optimizer I know a pop-con is not ideal here, though I don't want to change that now. I honestly thought 8 hours was too short, I almost made it 24.
ooh 25
I hope no one steals my language before then
I just realized that most languages I know won't work because they need wrapper code like a main or a class
Most of the new entries seem to be following the same pattern - outputCommand "Hello World!". I hope it breaks out of that pattern...
26 is nice
26 adds a bigger output command... gonna take multiple answers to get rid of it
@Quincunx What do you think now? :P The answers are simple, but they're fun to watch.
@Pimgd I dare you to try and get Java in there :D
I was just about to put in a TI-BASIC answer of disp "Hello World!". Ah well...
@Lilac Post it
current #26 is illegal
We've been pretty good at policing this. Does anyone know if there are any breaks in the chain, so to speak?
Nope. I've commented if I've seen if there any suspicious ones but they all seem to be acceptable so far.
editted my answer to be AS2
Cause I know AS2 works on the timeline
All AS3 programming I've done uses a document class
AS3 works on the timeline too I think
Let me check real quick
@Calvin'sHobbies Aren't you tired? It must be the middle of the night for you...
I'm often up late but I am heading to bed soon.
A: Evolution of "Hello World!" (testing new type of challenge)

jpjacobsAnswer 26 - J ]display=:'Hello World!' Distance = 5

J answer is a bit late
super late =D
guy must have forgotten to refresh
well he edited it
that works?
I don't have a J compiler on hand
J is ... weird.
the J one is just the same as 'Hello World!'
J just prints back what you give it
the ] in there though
ah but he's got a distance of 5
not 6
When you have a list of 100 languages eventually
how do you check if yours is in there?
Even although comments might contain the words
It may be harder for languages such as F
You'd get all the capital Fs on the page coming up...
search for ". F" instead
God, Flash takes ages to load up. Anyway, I've confirmed trace('Hello World!'); works just as fine in AS3 in the timeline as AS2.
... oh.
. J doesn't match "28. J"
so yeah I guess you're fkced in that case
Try " J "
@Lilac it's trace("Hello World!")
Because " J" would match Javascript...
@BetaDecay no hits for that either
<li><a href="">J</a></li>
Really? Strange...
there's no characters but new lines around it
@Pimgd [J](
Ctrl-F should have regex support
Strangely, it doesn't even match 28 on my computer
@BetaDecay ahhh you edit the question, then search
@Calvin'sHobbies - You can change the time at least.
and you have a valid reason that you did not anticipate this good response
@Calvin'sHobbies reducing to 4 hours should be fine
... would SQL be valid?
I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be.
It's been used on PPCG before.. So yeah
I'll have to wait for some time first though
=D answer 29
powershell... what?
@BetaDecay I tried a few and they didn't work
@pimgd It uses the same trick as with my answer: comments out stuff and just returns the string
it's nice to see lots of new users posting answers
People should start using their leftovers to add a commented main()
then verbose languages might break through =D
This language is shockingly appropriate:
What do you do after a C and C++ answer have been though? It's a long step to C# and Java from that...
look at C's roots A/B
and maybe D
+100 to anyone who can get a BF solution in
What the hell's happened to the Wikipedia page for D?
Non-mobile looks fine
The D programming language is an object-oriented, imperative, multi-paradigm system programming language created by Walter Bright of Digital Mars. Though it originated as a re-engineering of C++, D is a distinct language, having redesigned some core C++ features while also taking inspiration from other languages, notably Java, Python, Ruby, C#, and Eiffel. D's design goals attempt to combine the performance and safety of compiled languages with the expressive power of modern dynamic languages. Idiomatic D code is commonly as fast as equivalent C++ code, while being shorter and memory-safe. Type...
Oh.. Okay then
wait, you need to import stdio for c, right?
yeaaaah that's not happening
Not with gcc. It throws a warning but the program's still valid
plus people seem to be focused on removing characters
Eventually HQ9+ will get in with a short enough program...
not likely...
Hello World!
needs to be reduced to H, right?
so someone first needs to mangle Hello World! to less than Hello World!
that's... pretty hard.
Hello plus plus: Hello W
HQ9+: H
Oh shi-
>no compiler
Of course you could add a load of code bloat... H&&&&&&&
@Lilac you need a compiler?
didn't read it through
I thought there wasn't any compilers or intepreters
my mistake
ah well the idea is I found some random language that takes "Hello World!" and prints Hello World!
you can get to Hello++ from there =D
and then we'll be stuck at H forever
A: Evolution of "Hello World!" (testing new type of challenge)

LilacAnswer 26 - TI-BASIC Disp "HELLO WORLD!" Distance: 4 from answer 25

Oh dear. The stack has been corrupted.
Haha HQ9+ is finally good for something :)
Hmm? What happened?
oh you mean my answer was edited
Doesn't the capital D increase the distance?
erm, guys?
Ahh yeah, it does. I'll edit it up to 5
all caps?
many characters changed?
Oh crap yeah. That throws it out completely
and then the stack came toppling down
The capital letters aren't necessary... Why did he edit it to be like that?
so now what
Dunno what timtech is doing to my answer
they're not?
I changed it back
you have a ti calculator to verify your answer?
ah I think I had one too
the issue being that... it doesn't have lower case
Ahh, it's to do with the calculator type
The one I've got has lowercase letters
Yeah he probably has an older one
Not the nspire
yeah makes sense
hurray, we're saved
The stack is saved
They should make a film out of that
it'd be a short film though?
They need a tag for evolution :o
Anyway cya
@Pimgd TI-BASIC 83/84/+/SE requires that
@Lilac Calvin'sHobbies came up with
"Ahhh the dominos are falling"
I like it
yeah domino-coding is better
more visceral
I don't know what visceral actually means
visceral = the-squishy-parts-of-you-that-are-inside-you-ish
yeah, domino-coding is more squishy
2 hours ago, by Calvin's Hobbies
@BetaDecay A tag could be something boring like [incremental-answers] or a bit more fun like [domino-coding].
2 hours ago, by Beta Decay
@Calvin'sHobbies Sticking with the evolution theme, something like [blind-watchmaker] could be possible.
> relating to the viscera.
> "the visceral nervous system"
> In anatomy, a viscus /ˈvɪskəs/ is an internal organ, and viscera is the plural form
so sayeth Wikipedia
huh not sure why I thought of that word then lol
I was just thinking, "hmm... what word describes the tag ?"
and somehow 'visceral' popped up
pizza programming.
that should totally be a thing
except I'd eat my code
somehow pizza programming makes me think of a code composed of eight segments
and you can eat each part seperately, and the rest of the pizza is still delicious
i.e. the code still works
And layers!
yeah but each layer is different
ahh okay, that makes sense
I've never actually made a proper pizza before
there's is a stable bread as the base
and then tomato sauce
and cheeeese
I'm hungry now
Hmmm meaty pizza
I know... but what I really want to do some time is, make a proper one. In a wood fired oven and everything
hmm i wonder if that could be a programming challenge
kolgormorov-complexity about decorating a pizza
Or maybe some kind of code-challenge
sadly that doesn't net us real pizza though
How do you even program in Chef? It's like Shakespeare..
Now I'm thinking of a Chef-Shakespeare hybrid
Hmm... That's be interesting
I don't understand Chef
"Put Chocolate into the Mixing Bowl!"
It says Hello World once
and that's it
yet I'd expect that to be a comment
I don't think anyone understands Chef
It also makes Hello World cake with chocolate sauce.
The italics is an attempt to make you feel hungry.
I still don't get it
yeah I do now
the ingredients are variables with values
so when you put an ingredient into a bowl you just add it to a buffer of sorts
I think ingredients are numerical constants, and mixing bowls/baking dishes are like stacks
and the verbs are methods
How do you translate that to ASCII output though?
Hello World Souffle.

This recipe prints the immortal words "Hello world!", in a basically brute force way. It also makes a lot of food for one person.

72 g haricot beans
101 eggs
108 g lard
111 cups oil
32 zucchinis
119 ml water
114 g red salmon
100 g dijon mustard
33 potatoes

Put potatoes into the mixing bowl. Put dijon mustard into the mixing bowl. Put lard into the mixing bowl. Put red salmon into the mixing bowl. Put oil into the mixing bowl. Put water into the mixing bowl. Put zucchinis into the mixing bowl. Put oil into the mixing bowl. Put lard into the mixing
put potatoes
= push 33
101 eggs gg
so it's push 33, push 100, push 108, push 114, 111, 119, 32, 111, 108, 108, 101, 72...
then liquefy? (wat)
and pour
which obviously makes things come back out in reverse
An interesting might be to take a recipe off the internet and translate it reasonably faithfully into Chef code that prints out the title of the recipe.
Oh, I see haricot beans = '\x72'...
then you get 72 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100 33
which translates to Hello world!
There seems to be no clear documentation though...
this recipe names the program... then your variable definitions...
A: Evolution of "Hello World!" (testing new type of challenge)

professorfishAnswer 30 - K /#]trac "Hello World!" Distance: 7 from Answer 29 I think this works, an interpreter is here (Kona). / begins a one-line comment in K. I've cleaned up some of the #]trace=:( mess.

Ohh nice
There seems to be a lot of clean up going on.
shame that they're cleaning up all the characters
we'll never get C in there
Yeah. It seems to be a cycle of near original to off a bit to near original again.
There needs to be more creativity
It's an evil plot designed by the HQ9+ ers
they wanna reduce it to H and make it impossible to answer
Haha. I'm sure people will just invent a language to get around that, regardless of the standard loopholes :)
well aslong as it contains Hello World! we're safe
Haha yeah. Let's hope no one is douchy enough to screw it all up for us
A: Evolution of "Hello World!" (testing new type of challenge)

DoorknobAnswer 31 - Visual FoxPro *#]trac ? "Hello World!" Distance: 3 from Answer 30 Not tested of course, but * begins a comment and ? "String" prints String.

domino coding? that's creepy... while tinkering with ideas, I just contemplated something based on domino tiles...
@MartinBüttner Haha so do you think is a valid tag for this kind of challenge?
yeah, although I don't personally think this kind of challenge is a good fit for PPCG if the tasks get any more complicated than printing hello world
Yeah. It does seem quite higgledy-piggledy.
If we're making this a new tag, all I can say is don't let this go the way code-trolling did. It looks like it has potential, but we don't want to get too excited and ruin it. (It feels necessary to mention this because this is another one of those types of challenges where you can just stick any problem into the [domino-coding] machine and get a decent question, but "Domino coding: XXX!" will get progressively more and more boring as they're posted.)
Answer 32:
A: Evolution of "Hello World!" (testing new type of challenge)

RubberDuckAnswer 32 - VBA a = "*#]trac": ? "Hello World!" Distance: 5 from Answer 31 Runs from the immediate window.

distance ... 8
Hurray, the stack is fixed again
I've worked out a path to a valid C solution :D
Well we do seem to pick up more and more characters
there's a pending edit for the question list
"one answer per 8 hour period" -> does this mean we can post again 8 hours after the question was posted?
@grc No, after your answer was posted
so how do you plan to get to C?
Or is that a secret
Falcon -> Groovy -> F# -> swift -> C
and then dart & rust
and maybe onto Java?
E could slot in there as well
1 hour later…
Here's one way to get us stuck if we can make it:
Oh needs an exclamation mark, damn. Surely there's one out there...
ooh... what does HQ9+ print?
hah, it prints the wrong hello world
we're saved from impending doom
Nope here's one that works
I'm glad to see a new type of challenge being tested out
Looks interesting
07:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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