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they have a hugs database
Q: SQL 2008 finding missing rows

user2088526I have a hugs DB and one table in particular is missing rows. I know this to be true but I need to find the gaps and show them. The primary key is the sequence number column. I need to show the actual missing sequence numbers. This table has 76,054,525 rows of data.

I wish I had a hugs database
@bluefeet Aww, especially for V-Day
strange self-answered post
Q: Why does sp_columns return no results?

mlissnerI'm trying to "describe" a table for a different post I have on StackOverflow, but when I run sp_columns, no results or rows are shown. sp_columns assignee Results: A bunch of column headers... What's wrong with my database, and why doesn't this work?

I guess @MichaelFredrickson doesn't like hugs
@MichaelFredrickson you removed the hugs... — bluefeet 1 min ago
@billinkc Wasn't sure if Itzik Ben-Gan was an actual person.
@bluefeet It was just too heartbreaking for me to think that some of the hugs were mysteriously missing...
@njk I admit, he often sounds like Keyser Soze with some of the stories I've heard but I've seen him speak so he must be real
@njk one of the smartest SQL Server people on the planet. Chatted with him yesterday.
My favorite IBG story concerns the MVP listserve. Apparently there was always this back and forth on various problems and how to solve them. Except when he posts questions and then invariably it's just silence as people are trying to figure out what plane his mind is on
Q: Only 1000 rows transferred

davsI'm trying to copy data from one db to other though Sql managment studio. So, in the first db I created View and when I tried to transfer all data from that view to second db I got info message that only 1000 rows transferred, but there is much more rows in the 1st db. Does anyone know how to avo...

Don't bother showing the query or anything...
@AaronBertrand I saw that. You know they are selecting top 1000
@bluefeet i'm good like that
@AaronBertrand Neat. What's his nationality?
i love me a good kerfuffle
@njk He is from Israel
What do you mean by "sorted"? By definition, a table is an unordered set of rows. Do you actually intend to populate a column called sort_position? Can you clarify? What would be the point of this, when any query that selects the data can say ORDER BY surname? — Aaron Bertrand 8 secs ago
@AaronBertrand you should just be reading his mind
I am beginning to hate dynamic sql
@bluefeet Why's that? (as I'm tying dynamic sql)
@njk I have a stored proc that contains 4 separate queries all generated via dynamic sql. 3 of them I have been able to rewrite to not use dynamic sql. but this last one is a pain since they pass in the columns to order by
@bluefeet Was this the problem you were facing last week?
@njk one of many in the same proc
@bluefeet Sounds rought.
Can't spell today. Thought of getting my wisdom teeth out isn't sitting well
@njk you dont type with your teeth
@njk part of me is going to try to convince them to apply the sort order in the application then I can remove the dynamic sql
@swasheck From the pain it feels like I am
@bluefeet Worth a try
@njk I had mine out last month, the surgery itself wasn't an issue but the recovery was a bastard
@SimonRigharts Did you have general or local anesthesia/laughing gas?
oral sedation (midazolam tablet) and then local injections
@njk Not to freak you out... but I developed Type 1 Diabetes shortly after having mine out...
the local injection lasted most of the rest of the day (had surgery just after lunchtime)
@MichaelFredrickson I just had a mini-stroke.
@MichaelFredrickson Most likely completely unrelated :p
@SimonRigharts you have to have a genetic disposition to it of course, but it is often triggered by some sort of infection or trauma...
@MichaelFredrickson I would sue
@njk For some reason, that never occurred to me until like 5 years later...
There's a lot of triggers like that I keep hearing of
kind of scary
@MichaelFredrickson I'll make sure to bring a lawyer with me.
@JNK db triggers?
That would be one expensive session paying for both professionals
@njk It's mostly just speculation and circumstantial... so I didn't think it would hold up...
@njk INSTEAD OF anaesthesia INSERT INTO njk (conditions) VALUES ('Diabetes')
bringing a lawyer to your visit would probably make the doctor take extra special care of you though...
Yeah, probably safer to have the lawyer wait in the car.
@JNK If it only compiled
I don't think as a rule, Lawyers are house trained
@billinkc You assume that lawyers can be house trained. I posit that they can not be.
brb, guys in suits at the door... Oh look, defamation of character lawsuit
@bluefeet sometimes dynamic SQL is the best option. Think about a plan that favors a certain ordering, do you really want to use the same plan when the order is completely different? performance could suck...
@AaronBertrand True, I have to talk to the developers about how the proc is being used.
dynamic sql isn't always evil
@bluefeet but if you don't care about plan quality, dynamic SQL shouldn't be required for dynamic ordering. Just a matter of lining up data types and directions using CASE
@bluefeet "Oh, we always pass in the same order by criteria. We just added that in there in case the users ask for it"
@PaulWhite I think that guy needs to post some code about his merge with the off rowcounts
@AaronBertrand ah that's right. My brain is in a haze of cold medicine.
@JNK Yeah it could be a number of things, I almost replied immediately to ask if he captured an execution plan...but...
Used MERGE on empty table. 7.8 million rows in source. All rows made it just fine. Rows Affected says only 5.1 million. Huh? #sqlhelp
Tell him to ask on DBA.SE :)
Merge is tricksy because of the multiple operations
7.8 million rows ended up in the target, so aside from the rows affected message (which you should turn off in most cases anyway), who cares?
Silly question. We have a named instance devIntegration\ALDERAAN Also has devIntegration\CMS I noticed a developer connect to Alderaan in SSMS by just typing in devIntegration What is this voodoo?
lol Alderaan
Don't make me kill you too
They may have an alias set up
Or they may have specified the port #
I looked in aliases but didn't see it listed
@billinkc don't name a SQL instance after a planet that gets blown up
Where did you look in aliases? On the developer's machine?
"Hey guys, check out my new SQL instances! MSBob\Titanic and MSBob\Hindenberg"
Yes, 18 months ago they added a new series of boxen to support our integration efforts. Default instanced boxes and the simply named instance SQL2008 were to be turned off.
@billinkc The line is "Don't make me destroy you."
Since we might go to 2012, they didn't want to have a named instance with the product and so they decided on Alderaan. Nothing says professional like having a stupid, unchangable instance name.
I ain't bitter though
@MikeFal Just referenced your eating an elephant analogy. I know you didn't come up with it but I first herd it from you ergo it's yours
@billinkc Glad I could help.
@AaronBertrand Winner winner, chicken dinner. Port set to 1433
@billinkc He's been an MVP since the Clinton administration.
Oh gee, another recruiter call.
@billinkc You want to talk about someone who isn't house trained....recruiters just pee job offers all over the place.
@MikeFal i notice you have sql server experience. you have the experience we need for a client who's looking for a mysql admin in texas.
@MikeFal Here's a primo ETL Architecht position. Salary goes up to 65k. We've already submitted your resume
@markvsql If you run the query with Plan Explorer you can upload the plan automatically for me to look at #sqlhelp
Shameless plug :)
@PaulWhite nice work
Had to be done ha ha
@PaulWhite Awesome!!!
@PaulWhite keep it up
Of course if it's some DONE_IN_PROC rendering issue in SSMS that's not going to help much. :-)
Wonder if he'll be willing to empty the target table and try to repro
@AaronBertrand True, but it'll be no less help than a *.sqlplan file mailed to me directly.
@PaulWhite true, I didn't know that option was on the table
@AaronBertrand I think he's one of the people that has done that before. It happens from time to time...random XML show plan in my inbox.
@PaulWhite ha ha, awesome. I've had e-mail messages from StackOverflow users with 15kb worth of query text. Accompanied with things like "need help ASAP! This query is broken!"
@AaronBertrand that's an excellent query. 15kb of text takes some effort
@AaronBertrand The price of fame :)
For you I mean
@AaronBertrand are those users red-flagged?
Some days I would love to get a refund
@bluefeet hmm, not sure, I think in most cases it's on-site behavior that leads to that. Often when I get an e-mail there is no association to a stackoverflow account other than "I saw you answer a similar question on stackoverflow"
I'd love to answer but could you buy a Plan Explorer Pro license before we go any further?
@AaronBertrand got it, I thought they were obvious SO users
@bluefeet if Aptem ever gets my e-mail address, I'll change my e-mail address
@AaronBertrand you get a star for that one
@bluefeet make it two. drinks all 'round!
Oh we shouldn't star that...poor Aptem LOL
@PaulWhite dude why are you up? Isn't it 5 AM there or something?
@AaronBertrand 11:27am Wednesday
@PaulWhite wha? Oh right, I am on west coast, was thinking 16 hour diff
I have no clue aside from my desktop clock that tells me it's 5:28pm yesterday in Boston.
I set it once to Boston time and it's stayed like that ever since
So all you US people are in Boston AFAIK :)
Chicago here. Went to Boston once; used GPS; GPS got lost.
Ah so 18 hour diff from Boston, 21 hour diff from Seattle.
@njk would still do so. Boston is a shit show.
@AaronBertrand you should of went to my SQLSaturday sessions.... black text/white background/occasional inappropriate picture lol
And today's grammar award goes to...
@AaronBertrand Had to park a few blocks away. GPS kept telling me to go the wrong way down a one-way.
@PaulWhite that's painful. i'm going to flag that monstrosity.
"should of went" <-- my English teacher just died
@PaulWhite For all intensive purposes, he was accurate
@billinkc You'll have to be more pacific
Looks like someone is a lose cannon with they're grammer nazi-ism
@swasheck Classic
@PaulWhite it's what runs through my head every time i see some incoherent babbling on the intarwebs
@swasheck What? (lol)
how very disappointing
> New snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible.
i may need to find a tutorial on how to use tweetdeck. i'm pretty pathetic at it so far.
@swasheck you're assuming it's worth using
Concur. Tweetdeck is ass.
On a Mac I use tweetbot. On Windows I'm sure there are at least 20 better clients.
New TweetDeck is ass. Old TweetDeck I use.
The version before Twitter bought it, crippled it and took away most of its useful features was good.
heehaw. i thought that's what all the cool kids used. what should i use now (on windows)?
Yes v0.38.2
@AaronBertrand Apple & Windows can co-exist. i.imgur.com/a8T5qAz.jpg
I have no clue what Twitter thought they were doing with the 'replacement'
@njk sure can. I run Windows on my Macs every day.
@njk you're not going to win. just give up now. resistance is futile.
@swasheck But the picture! They bred and made little mac's and little window's
@njk imgur is blocked for me. you have to use actual words with me.
Mac 'n' Windows. Whatever next? Microsoft and Oracle?
Microsoft backs Oracle against Google in Java case and hires big shot atty, former SG Greg Garre, to lead the effort http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.com/Legal/News/2013/02_-_February/Microsoft_sides_with_Oracle_against_Google_in_Java_appeal/
@PaulWhite sleeping with the enemy
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, something like that
@AaronBertrand indeed. it's a good play.
Just like when they invested in Apple, Microsoft has a genuine interest in making sure Oracle stays a viable competitor
@swasheck It's that important. jadito.us/?attachment_id=645
Since DB2 has fallen away and MySQL is a joke, if Oracle ever goes away the anti-trust zealots might start making yet another stab at MS
@AaronBertrand not that oracle is ever going away, but in addition to the AT legislation there's the whole mobile thing, too.
taking shots at google could be profitable
srsly? straight copy-paste? c'mon man
i see it's been mod-ified
@swasheck I try
In the future you can just ping me and we'll move to strike immediately.
A: SQL Server : Is it possible to have a linked server link to another linked server?

Hemanshucreate procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null as declare @Result int set @Result = 0 exec @Result = sp_tables_info_rowset @table_name, @table_schema, @table_type go After created, grant a...

The code is from the body, the grant is from a comment
@AaronBertrand right. that was my point in my flag and comment.
@swasheck huh? I think this is a second answer that hasn't yet been deleted (the one you flagged was deleted)
@AaronBertrand thanks, I didn't pay attention to the code in the post.
I saw the poster had left two answers on the Q
@AaronBertrand oh. sorry. whoopsie. i was wrong.
@swasheck Gotta flag each one. I only give a cursory glance to the rest of the post when moving in for the kill.
I had hoped that the second answer was all him.
@jcolebrand i found it in the review queue so i didnt even see
poor fella had a rough intro to dba.se
@swasheck this is why when you join a new site you read the FAQ and lurk a bit first
@AaronBertrand still, you've gotta admire the stones of the person who's willing to drop in on a site and start copying and pasting stuff from recognizable sources
So, I've recently taken ownership of remote upkeep of a Windows 8 computer for my nephew (age 11) who I've helped take care of since he was about 3 for the most part of his life, including driving him to school every day for like 2 years. He now lives in Houston. The other day a post of his on FB scrolled past on my feed.
I told you to stay off facebook
The other little 11 year olds leaving comments were things like "ur more gay than I am and I suck cock" and the like. As well as some bullying style comments (they're 11, they haven't quite developed the nuance)
I don't know that you can fix this
So I logged in as him on his computer, deleted the comment thread, asked the boys to please play nice.
ha ha good luck with that
@AaronBertrand His mother is in on the loop, but she works evenings. She's college educated and wants the boy to do well. The paternal situation is much more complicated.
Isn't there a minimum age for Facebook?
@njk 13.
I agree, they don't need accounts, but I'm overruled on this one, so the best I can do is just watch and make sure they behave as best I can. I can't be there all the time, but I can give corrective guidance.
Anyways. Just dropped that screenshot onto my sister-in-law's phone.
So if he is 11 why is he on facebook? Seems a simple fix, however that doesn't eliminate the same kind of behavior in 8000 other social media networks, never mind real life. <shrug>
I have a feeling this will self-correct shortly.
@AaronBertrand I know. I am of the impression it's better to indicate what's right and wrong, and eventually just shut up and let him handle it himself.
But he hasn't had a computer to use to login to FB on a regular basis in the past.
So this is like the private beta of him having a SE site ;-)
In a month or so he'll be public beta for a few months, with the occasional check-in and see how he's doing.
here's an idea ... get real friends and beat the piss out of each other on the playground
@swasheck I expect they're doing that too.
but fwiw, at 11 years old, I didn't even have cognizance of "sucking cock".
I barely had cognizance of the more developed teenage girls at the table around me who were discussing bathing suits and asking my opinion on what they should wear.
As in, 33 year old me wants to explain to 12 year old me how boy-girl relations work and I might have stood a chance of understanding girls back then :p
@jcolebrand nah. at 11 the idea of kissing/holding hands felt as dirty as i could be
@swasheck oh, I didn't say I wanted that boy to be dating, I wanted him and his analytic mind to have an appreciation of the interplay of vaguery and how some interactions were even more difficult to interpret than I understood then.
I've never understood the mob
I have learned to control it and focus it and even to deal with stray members so long as they conform to certain social normative patterns.
But I'm not part of the mob, and never will be, except in one regards. I have learned how to recognize the behavior of power grabbing, and will when the situation is appropriate make a power grab if I can.
Otherwise I'm a social outcast.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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