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Does SSRS have a way of doing math functions internally?
specifically std deviation
Yay business users asking me Q
2 hours later…
Surprised nobody mentioned the obvious refinement to this one before I got to it :-P
A: Design Parts DB

Chris TraversDefinitely go with option 1 but with a few very simple modifications: Parts (id, part_type_id, name) PartTypes (id, name) Wires (id, part_id, part_type_id, lenght, diameter, material) Contacts (id, part_id, part_type_id, description, picture) You can then use CHECK constraints and...

@ChrisTravers That's the great thing about DBA.se, because it doesn't have a slavering horde you can actually get a word in edgewise occasionally ;)
@SimonRigharts hah, agreed though.
6 hours later…
@jcolebrand I did have to implement a linear regression function in a stored procedure for a report once.
4 hours later…
A: Multiple primary keys

sairamI'm not a user InnoDB database but i can provide small information about Composite key PK(client_id,address_id,date_address_from) Combination above three columns is known as Composite Key in SQL Primary Key holds the value -- Unique + Not Null so above there columns holds -- Unique + Not N...

Is there anyone here who has yet to weigh in on this? dba.stackexchange.com/questions/34834/…
@Zane I started looking at that the other night but got distracted... let me remind myself
@Zane Found it. ValidateExternalMetadata property sqlmag.com/article/sql-server-integration-services-ssis2/…
Try flicking that to false everywhere (its per task)
@Zane Probably quickest to search/replace validateExternalMetadata="True" in the dtsx files.
@MarkStorey-Smith I'm going to test this on the three listed before replacing all of them in my solution.
I keep a pretty tight ship on schema changes so Validation probably only needs to be done in staging and development.
GRR didn't help its still 90% time on pre-execution.
Is there anyway to track the validation requests it's sending?
@Zane You can set up the DB connections so they are tagged with an 'application string' and filter for that in a profiler trace.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Nod but I think the param is "Application Name" or "ApplicationName". Worth insisting everyone that connects to your systems uses it, helps.
@Zane :(
@MarkStorey-Smith 100% agree
@gbn is your coffee maker fixed yet?
@bluefeet yes. Thank the invisible unprovable one in the sky
@gbn has he repaired it himself?
@dezso (s)he may have. All I know is; it works :-)
not yet ready to go to church and say a prayer of thanks to the Great Barista up there
@gbn Of course we can't discount the possibility that somebody just rang up and got a little man out to fix it.
Anything's possible.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells the coffemachine repairman?
@Zane You use SQL Server logging for the package? If so, go into the package and just log everything for an execution or two of the package. There will be some slowdown from the amount of junk logged but hopefully there will be some valuable data in the events.
Budapest, Hungary - and a huge hello from space to the Töröks, family of my beloved daughter-in-law. http://t.co/A6RZedGi
Pretty crazy. $50 million heist in 5 minutes.
@njk Banks can do WAY better than that. Have you heard of Libor?
@JNK I have not. Just looked it up.
i just read about it recently
people keep bringing it up in relation to conspiracy theories to the shootings
@JNK There is "theories" on the shootings?
Conspiracy nutjobs
It makes me pretty pissed actually and I've responded to a few which was unwise
@JNK and now they think you are a gov't agent?
one guy does
Well, everyone knows the US never went to the moon ;)
The videos take a bunch of unrelated things and try to show they are linked
Most of it basically hinges on media inconsistencies
And assumptions about how people should act in those situations
@JNK If you felt like screwing with him you could really freak him out with obviously inside knowledge of the school that shooting took place at ;-}
Like how 9/11 was staged.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I never actually went to the school
My son would be going there in like 2 years
@JNK No but you live in the area, don't you.
But I know the area really well
yeah it's like 5 miles from my house
I actually almost bought a house that abuts the school property
@JNK Troll of the month. There you go.
meh I don't need the attention
they are crazy people and they are making Gene Rosen lots of issues
I don't need that for my family
@JNK No, but I'd like to make up some popcorn and read the chat logs.
Gene is the guy that had a bunch of kids show up in his driveway
he lives basically across from the school
He's been getting phone calls all hours and harrasment, he had some death threats I think
@JNK Yeah I read somewhere the guy fears for his life.
@JNK From conspiracy theorists?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells yep
they imply he's an actor in the video
and his story changed
which, you know, he's not a suspect and he talked to like dozens of news agencies
The ones that bother me most are the ones that imply the kids didn't die
My wife and I have been taking meals to some of the families
she took food to the Matiolis (they live like a mile from us) and they were cleaning out their garage to get rid of kid stuff like a month later
and crying
That's so sad.
yeah it's pretty messed up
There's a story of a weatherman (maybe apocryphal) who was approached by a drunk farmer in a bar one day. The farmer accused him of sending a hailstorm to destroy his crops.
The weatherman calmly replied something along the lines of 'yes I did, and if you don't get out of my face I'll send a tornado.' The drunk farmer left.
Thank you for sharing though. Really makes me angry that people have energy to try to say this didn't happen.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells lol thats great
@njk I honestly think part of that is just disbelief that it could happen randomly with no real reason
because it was such a terrible thing
@JNK So maybe he should say he'll find some crazies and supply them with guns to go hunt down the conspiracy theorists.
@JNK I think it's that people really have nothing better to do. And the society isn't well, so smart.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells There's an irony there since the theorists think this was all to get gun control laws
which is also silly to me because the proposals are so frigging minor
@JNK That's the point. Use their paranoia against them.
@JNK What gets me upset the most is that everyone clings on to the 2nd amendment; yet not having read it.
@JNK ProTip: The presence of a religious war is a pretty good indicator that neither side has a compelling argument. Think mac vs. PC fanbois of PC vs. console fanbois or DBMS vs. NoSQL fanbois.
We all know Apple products are trash, @ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells
@njk Well we don't need to get into a political discussion in here but yeah I agree
@JNK Good call.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Very good point
@njk For bonus points say that to @AaronBertrand. Tell me first so I can make some popcorn. ;-D
@njk Of course they didn't. The whole America-Columbus thing was a Spanish conspiracy.
@billinkc I will try that.
@ypercube Lol.
@ypercube finally some sane thoughts from the Old World
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I just can't wrap my head around paying $1800 for a $1200 product because it's prettier.
@njk I'm not the biggest fan of apple stuff but I will say it just plain works
My wife had a series of HP/DELL laptops
we bought her a macbook pro in like 2006
It's still kicking
@JNK For a novice, I agree.
she used it AT LEAST 12 hours a day for 3 years straight
@JNK I have all sorts of bad experience with HP notebooks (none is mine, fortunately)
It's just stable
It is my connection fault? I get random timeouts on both SO and DBA.SE pages today.
@JNK But, I've been running an HP laptop for the past 3 years without incident (granted I added an SSD)
and honestly MOST PEOPLE just want something that works without having to fool with it
@JNK And that's fine. But no reason to pay an outrageous price for it.
I like tweaking and stuff myself but I think we are the exceptions in here
@njk Really? Works as a dating policy.
Is anyone familiar with any reasonably priced hotels on the Upper East Side area of NYC?
@MarkStorey-Smith Touche.
@bluefeet Rochester area?
@njk near 70th Street and the East river.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I will stay out of the other arguments but I will say that my companies recent venture into using noSQL in a way it is not designed for at all has caused me must spite.
I will be in NYC for about a week and need to stay near the Hospital for Special Surgery.
Good luck with that.
@bluefeet Wrong side of NY :/
@bluefeet My bad
@njk no problem
@bluefeet I don't think theres a lot of hotels in that area
You need to go a little further south I think
There are some closer to central park which is a few avenues west
I imagine most places will be at least $150 a night tho
@JNK ok, I will take a look.
@bluefeet Make sure to eat well when you are there!
My fave part of NYC is the food
@njk My thinkpad was really no cheaper than a macbook pro, and a Z820 or other dual-socket workstation isn't any cheaper than a mac pro.
@JNK I will try. I will be back and forth from the hospital with my mom so hopefully I will have some time to eat.
Apple kit is pricey but they don't have a monopoly on expensive computers by any stretch of the imagination.
If you went to town on a Z820 you could radically outstrip the cost of a mac pro.
Their new stuff is going toward disposable though which is troubling
I talked to a repair guy who has been servicing apples for like 20 years
@JNK Their consumerish-ness is one issue I do have with Apple kit.
the new ones apparently have the battery and ram epoxied in
@Lamak I got the LI invite the other day and forgot to hit accept :p
they have been gluing screens on for a couple of generations now which is cheaper but hard to service
@JNK Yes, that makes me a sadface
he told me "if you buy a new one get the extended replacement plan" since there is no repairing them
Go back 10-15 years and look at the cost of a Sun or SGI workstation. Those were sphincter-puckeringly expensive computers.
you chuck it and buy a new one
@Zane dont be jealous. i'm mysterious, not important
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells telnet ultra3.cs.umr.edu Good ol' days
@jcolebrand don't worry, haven't linkedin checked yet
@JNK Here's a study that showed that Apple's OS sucked in fuzzy testing. Used that for one of my classes.
@billinkc In the late '90s my alma mater (cosc.canterbury.ac.uk) got some entry level sun workstations for their undergraduate clusters.
For the next lot someone figured out that for quite a lot less than the price of the suns they could get really high spec PCs and run Intel Solaris on them. This was in the days that Intel Solaris didn't support UDMA, so by 'high spec' I mean UW 7200RPM SCSI disks, Matrox video and really quite high spec monitors.
Had to be an upper classman for your student id to work in the room. Of course, the door was never closed (far too many funky, unwashed bodies). It was always funny to watch freshman/non CS folks sit down at a terminal log in and then just stare trying to "find windows"
@njk it is absolutely 100% not about pretty.
@billinkc Our lot were Solaris all the way. At one point they bought all of Sun Australia's old trade-ins and converted them to Xterminals.
Were you in AUS at the time?
@billinkc New Zealand.
Nevermind, that makes no sense
@AaronBertrand I think that is a large reason that it has such a consumer appeal.
oh man @AaronBertrand heard what you said about apple!
@AaronBertrand Can you wait while I go make some popcorn?
Ironically he is/was at Microsoft
Yeah if @ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells didn't tag him!
@njk I buy Apple products for build quality and durability. My 2008 Mac Pro is still running like a champ, while I threw away multiple Dells within < 2 years of purchase.
@njk my 2006 MacBook Pro 17" is still in service - my sister uses it to make videos. If it had shipped with SSD at the time I'd probably still be using it myself, but I passed it down to her in 2010 when I took the new job and work bought me a new machine.
Awww the popcorn isn't ready yet.
@njk maybe it is, but that doesn't mean there aren't better reasons to buy them. Stupid people buy all kinds of shit for weird reasons.
@AaronBertrand I always built my own systems. The only pre-built machine I bought was a 2010 HP laptop for $399, which I upgraded with an SSD and has worked without a hitch.
@njk my time is worth more than that to me. Plus I think Windows sucks and is only getting worse, so the odds I would build my own PC at this point in my life are about 0.
@AaronBertrand You're right about buying behavior. I just feel they are extremely over priced for the hardware they provide.
A candidate for migration?
Q: UPDATE multiple Columns in SSMS/T-SQL:

user1569220I have the following scenario. UPDATE ATable SET C1 = 'XValue' WHERE C2 = 'YValue' UPDATE ATable SET C3 = 'MValue' WHERE C4 = 'NValue' For performance tuning, can I do anything to make them run under one UPDATE? Would it be better? Thank you

@AaronBertrand That's fair.
@njk I disagree. My MacBook Pro was $2300 I think, and it outlasted two of my wife's $1400 Dells.
@AaronBertrand You coming to UK for SQLBits, I notice: sqlbits.com/information/PublicSpeakers.aspx
Heh, my nephew posted that he doesn't get this Logic stuff. Kills me when family has no idea what their uncle does.
@AaronBertrand I could never see myself spending more than $500 for a laptop.
@njk Actually it outlasted two of my wife's Dells at her last job, while I still had it. She's on to her 2nd at her new job, too.
@njk then stop bitching about Macs you can't afford anyway. :-)
@ypercube Come across for drinkies.
@njk I'd love to bitch about the price of a Porsche, but what's the point?
@AaronBertrand Ha. I can afford them, just don't see the value.
@njk you know what I meant.
@AaronBertrand Porsche is an aesthetic thing.
@AaronBertrand i know i've told @ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells about this a few times, but i melted 3 mobos on Dells while doing ETL development in the great DTS->SSIS migration. Dell is an unfair comparison, but your point is also well-taken. @njk With the advent of virtualization, who gives a rip what your preference is.
@ypercube yes I'm giving a session there. Will you be there?
@swasheck I agree with you about virtualization
This M6500 has been a solid work purchase. Heavy as a tank but going steady 3+ years later. My MBP from 2009 still runs like a champ though with maxed memory and an SSD
@AaronBertrand I will try but chances are not that big. It's exactly on Greek Easter.
@billinkc Erin Stellato has one of those here at the MVP Summit. I call it the F-350 Super Duty.
@njk so @AaronBertrand likes his Mac setup. He's a pro and knows what he's doing. So do you. We'll all just get along. K? K.
@AaronBertrand Poke fun at the power supply. I like to think it'd replace Mr Fusion for the Delorian in Back to the Future. 1.21 GIGAWATTS
@swasheck I will burn Apple.... okay fine.
@swasheck @njk right. I state my reasons for choosing the Mac platform. I don't say people who buy Dells or build their own machines are stupid or are doing so for the wrong reasons or even try to suggest that I know their motivations. I know my decisions are sound, and I try to deflect some of the FUD that comes out now and then.
@AaronBertrand so anyway. re: those tweets (from your peers) about slides. you guys getting bombarded with information and trace flags?
@AaronBertrand I don't doubt your reasons for owning one nor do I judge people that own one. It's my personal feeling on the brand.
@swasheck I'm sure it's all NDA
@njk ok, well you may be right about some people, but in a lot of cases you're 100% wrong.
Perhaps a logical judgement, not one on character.
@billinkc sure. i'm not asking WHAT they're being bombarded with. i was just wondering if they're having fun in the midst of the bombardment
Grr I have to go to the oncologist
@JNK MrDenny's making an appearance at SQLBits 11
@Zane at least it's not the OB/GYN. seriously though. all ok?
@swasheck I think I learned one new trace flag yesterday, but it's not even available yet, it's only being used to test a feature in internal builds. But that is the funny go-to. We're getting lots of NDA information on futures that I obviously can't share. :-)
@billinkc so you said no to prag?
Maybe we can go heckle him about moderating an obscure database forum site.
Or all go along with really obvious DBA.SE t-shirts and sit in the front row.
@AaronBertrand obviously. but that's pretty cool. i read larock's piece on the MVP Summit - i do hope you guys get to keep it.
@swasheck but yes, we are getting bombarded with information and it's been a lot of fun. Save for one idiot who wouldn't shut up on twitter about a first-time presenter.
@swasheck Pragmatic Works? Nah, never talked to them about a gig. I think they'd be cool if my kids were out of the house but right now, I think I'd lose the work-life balance with them.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells you should all get wigs that look like his hair and just sit on the front row with your shirts
@billinkc i thought you had, for some reason.
@swasheck Or mullet wigs, but I imagine he's not here enough to get the reference.
@swasheck Nope. Looks like I will be going to Valorem Consulting though. They emailed me and said they were putting the final packet together.
Which can be cool. I think they're going to start sponsoring me to speak at SQL Saturdays
@billinkc nice.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells business in the front, party in the back. i dont know the guy so i fear i'm crossing a line.
@swasheck I think the DBA.SE T-shirts and a scowl ought to get the point across.
the $9.99 premium price for spotify may be worth it if only to avoid the ads for Justin Bieber's acoustic playlist
you can always count on Peschka
check this
@swasheck weird thing I've had forever.
I have to get CT'd every couple of years. Sometimes a biopsy on some lymph nodes.
@swasheck Wow, my fiance's parent's are 3rd cousins. Thought that was bad.
I guess I deserve a standing ovation
Awesome logic and thinking . Stand up and take a bow ! — James Khan 1 hour ago
@bluefeet Lol.
Does anyone understand what they are trying to do here?
Q: Using Table-Valued Parameters with ()

BlamWould like to nest a TVP QueryWa is a User-defined table This throws a compiler error DECLARE @Wa AS QueryWa; ( insert into @Wa ([sID],[wordPos]) select top 10 [sID],[wordPos] from [FTSindex] where [sID] = '2' select * from @Wa delete @Wa ) Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line ...

@bluefeet They're trying to INSERT using a function
@njk got it, thanks
Does this HLGEM chap ever leave a comment that doesn't sound and look like a drunken rant?
@MarkStorey-Smith Used to have quality answers in the SSIS tag. Haven't seen much out of them for a while
@MarkStorey-Smith HLGEM is a "she", btw
@MarkStorey-Smith and she used to be pretty good. i'm going to blame it on a portable device
@njk Have you got six fingers or a preternatural aptitude for playing the banjo?
pissy people arguing over coalesce, isnull or case
-1 Please justify this over ISNULL or COALESCE. I don't buy that. — pst 23 mins ago
@bluefeet rabble rabble rabble
@bluefeet I'm mildly the CASE example was accepted as the answer. Seems the long way around the horn for that.
@MikeFal indeed. but pst is acting like an a-hole and majoring in the minors
@swasheck Troof
@MikeFal I wouldn't have used CASE in this instance but pst is picking on the answer for no reason
return !(assCont1 == assCont2);
@bluefeet (nice to see that your answer is upvoted as heartily as it has been). standing ovation!
and @ty73.. answer has an upvote although it's technically wrong.
@swasheck I am taking a bow in my cubical. I am glad I have tall walls and no one can see me
as i've said all along. i'm not particularly wonderful at answering. but i can comment and rage with the best of them
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I do not.
@swasheck I think the downvotes on the accepted answer are unfair. While not the best code it does do what the OP requested
@bluefeet i'm in a REALLY bad mood today so i'm looking for a fight. pst may get one
@swasheck ha nice
@pst COALESCE is a SQL Standard and is generally recommended in these cases. also there are significant differences in how they respond to data types. perhaps you should caveat your comment with such additional information. — swasheck 1 min ago
i really wanted to watch the Ozar thing today but webex is being a butthead
The COALESCE() (in SQL-Server) is implemented as a shorthand for CASE, isn't it?
@ypercube that's why i asked for a plan :)
just like PIVOT generates the same plan as SUM(CASE WHEN a then 1 else 0 END) as SpreadingA
@bluefeet i've been reading ... which is dangerous. just got to PIVOT and UNPIVOT ... you're smarter and faster than i so you wont get any challenges from me but at least i'll be able to conceptualize your answers a bit better :)
This may be a silly question. How do you pronounce sql? S-Q-L or sequel?
@swasheck what have you been reading?
@njk sequel
I hate it when people say S-Q-L
@bluefeet Okay, glad to hear.
@njk it is like nails on a chalkboard to me
@bluefeet: You can add links to these blogposts (by @Aaron): http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2689/deciding-between-coalesce-and-isnull-in-sql-server/
and this DBA.SE question (by gbn, Aaron and Mark Storey-Smith): http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/4274/performance-difference-for-coalesce-versus-isnull
@ypercube cool thanks, I added it
@swasheck I need to buy that book.
@bluefeet i dont think you do
@swasheck thanks but I still have lots to learn
@bluefeet I don't think you do either.
@MikeFal ah shucks, thanks
@bluefeet i'm looking forward to the Administering book when i dont feel like such an idiot
I passed that exam cold. Probably be better getting his T-SQL fundamentals book, honestly.
Not sure if I asked this previously; any value in getting certifications for career advancement?
My biggest problem I have at this point is determining the correct indexes and tuning.
@njk I think you did. My answer remains: They don't hurt, but they're not necessary.
@njk most say no but i'm doing it for my own education. i wont put it on my resume until i'm a bit further up, but i need the education.
@swasheck Just feels like experience > certifications
@bluefeet Right there with ya'. But the querying exam doesn't really cover choosing indexes.
@bluefeet i just ask @ypercube, he's the math guy
@bluefeet I've felt that this book has helped tremendously with that.
@MikeFal But my boss likes the cert thing and taking exams. :)
@njk thanks for that. I will be on a leave of absence for a couple of weeks and want some reading material
@bluefeet Then take the exam. :) If I can pass it cold, I'll bet most SQL folks in here can do it. The biggest challenges for me was the Windowing functions and the XML syntax.
@MikeFal I struggle the XML stuff. I need to practice that
@bluefeet If they have pivots, then you're golden :)
@njk I wish the whole thing was pivots
@MikeFal windowing is so foreign to me. i see the benefit but my brain's just not worked that way for so long
@MikeFal if there is an XML question, I'll ask @MikaelEriksson
@swasheck Windowing seems like something that shouldn't be in T-SQL, better handled in the reporting layer.
@Lamak phone-a-friend on the exam? perfect!
@MikeFal But it is so useful in T-SQL
@MikeFal maybe. i'm just going to know enough t-sql to get by and focus on the internals ;)
@Lamak There's lots of things you CAN do in T-SQL that you probably SHOULDN'T do in T-SQL.
Though the windowing functions are fairly efficient.
@MikeFal I agree......but I think windowing isn't one of them
@MikeFal xp_cmdshell
@swasheck Right. I'm more an admin/internals guy. I basically knew just enough to get the exam done. Though I think we'll need to be doing more tuning work in the future, what with cloud stuffs.
I'm just a "kinda advanced T-SQL query guy"
@Lamak god bless you for that. i'm the most advanced t-sql query guy here. that's sad.
shaking my head
Q: Sorting on money data type not yielding correct results

BumbleBeeI am trying to sort the results based on a column which is of type money. The sorting doesn't seem to be working properly. Query : SELECT ItemID, ItemName, Total, '$' + replace(convert(varchar,cast(Volume as money),1), '.00','') as Volume, '$' + replace(convert(varchar,cast(Average...

@Lamak What @swasheck said.
@MikeFal That's where I want to focus more on. I know the front end; now I want to know the administration stuff
I refer to a previous comment about how if we all started a consulting company we would be unstoppable!
@njk it's totally easy. there's just a bunch of right-clicking and adding users to the database and yelling at the backup admin.
@Zane Oh, we'd totally be stoppable. Unless we find some good sales geeks, 'cause selling is not what I'm good at.
@swasheck Oh, I mean how I see myself. Here, at work, I'm the "expert ninja T-SQL query guy", wich is also sad
@swasheck If it's that easy, how come it takes 3 weeks for a user to be added to my database??
@swasheck And another 4 weeks to change the role?
@Zane Oh, I just realized that that comment dissapeared from my starred comments window :-(
@njk Because the security team has to collect approvals and sign off on it, likely. That's how it is here.
@MikeFal Yeah I doesn't like that.
@Zane Well. What's stopping us?
@njk because the DBA doesn't want to fulfill your request and they're looking for reasons to keep devs out of production.
@njk No one does. Honestly, I like having a security team for managing that, but I hate how they drag their heels.
@swasheck It's a dev server, ha.
@MikeFal I'm a people person and used to be a damn good salesman.
@njk also, i made that first comment from a purely tongue-in-cheek standpoint. internals and admin is often confused with permissions monkey which is usually perceived as clickety-doo-da.
@swasheck That's fair.
Anyone here have suggestions for standards on documentation for db's?
what i like is when my devs come to me and immediately say, "what's wrong with the server?? why is production so much slower than dev??" it's awesome because it becomes a shooting gallery for me.
Q: Standards for a database design document

MarkI am beginning the process of putting together a design document for my companies database. I am trying to use as many formal standards as I can. Does anyone know "Is there a standards document (like IEEE 1016 1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions) for databases"? WIK...

That wasn't very helpful
@ypercube Hmm, just looks like an ER doc
@njk Then I didn't understand what you were asking.
@njk also you get to deal with "fun" technologies like sp_send_dbmail
@ypercube I think what I want is some way of detailing how the SP's/functions work. Perhaps that should just be done inside them?
@njk are you asking if you should document within the SP or in your VCS? that's a holy war.
@swasheck Version control system? We don't have one.
I think I'm just gonna keep in the comments of the SP/functions.
@njk I am a fan of outlining the basics of any database object within in them. VCS can capture how it's changed over time but I like to see "what does the author think this thing should do" so that when I get to fix it, I at least understand the intent without having to track down project documentation and read detailed specs, etc
@billinkc That's helpful, thank you.
Extended properties are clever but not as useful for day to day work
@njk dude, everyone knows that the documentations goes in your head only
@Lamak Well I can't figure out how to index the documentation in my head :/
User still doesn't understand what I'm telling him about the plan cache...
Q: What is the difference in sql performance between asc and desc

kosnkovI have two very simmilar queries: exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1) [t0].[Production] FROM [dbo].[T_Production] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[InputID] = @p0 ORDER BY [t0].[Timestamp] DESC',N'@p0 int',@p0=1161 exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1) [t0].[Production] FROM [dbo].[T_Production] AS [t0] WHERE ...

gist.github.com/anonymous/4988466 is an example of my method headers
@CadeRoux Sounds like a Russian dude; may be upset over meteor
@billinkc Side-effects?
@billinkc That's pretty.
@Lamak May cause drowsiness, or death
@Lamak Side-effects: Rows will be added to DailySales and staging table is wiped
So high level is what I put in the description, then I call out the exact objects that are being updated in the side effects section
@billinkc figured, was just an interesting name
Interesting. I assume I was banned from chat for a short period there.
Who has the ability to ban?
@MarkStorey-Smith why?, did you have trouble posting comments?
because so did I
No idea. Was getting the "you need 20 rep to talk here" message and my chat profile showed zero rep
@MarkStorey-Smith I was also getting that
@Lamak Gremlin in the tubes maybe
@MarkStorey-Smith Some bug, related to this one?: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/168225/…
@MarkStorey-Smith your account might have been suspended (and you probably deserved it!).
@AaronBertrand Rabble rousing bad boy that I am, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise
@swasheck the OP wants more details since you caused a commotion
I'm just aking to learn more, but using the solution @ek0nomik provided worked correctly and quickly. I am sure as there are different ways in the end to make this work, but for my particaular application, is it really so unacceptable so many comments have been made about it? Am I missing the big picture? — jenhil34 24 mins ago
Awww didn't autoexpand. The Iron Throne cast via Keyboards
If I were ever a production DBA, I would sit in that
@billinkc doesn't seem very comfy
It's not supposed to be comfy. At least if you read the series
Q: Creating an Index on left(date,4), is this possible? Or is there a better way to handle large data?

TSQL_NoobI'm taking over an database with a table that is growing out of control. It has transaction records for 2011, 2012, 2013 and into the future. The table is crucial to the company's operation. But it is growing out of control with 730k records and growing with transaction being added bi-weekly. ...

While I have yet to ever come up with "an invention" having restrictions surrounding them via noncompetes always worries me
@billinkc I'm not a lawyer of course... but I've known a lot of people who've broken noncompetes, but not known anyone that was taken to court for doing so...
@billinkc I usually cross out the non-competes in my contract
@MichaelFredrickson Same and agreed but ya never know how litigious a company is until after you're already a member. So, I've always made it a point to read through non-competes and try to get things I don't agree with changed. Saw too many "anything you create while an employee is ours". I'm fine with not poaching their people or clients but a wholesale you can't be a db person is a no go for me
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