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@AaronBertrand nodnod Not a lot of those here, none in fact
@AaronBertrand Suppose it will be interesting to see what Dell does with Quest
I am going to remove those comments for obvious reasons.
Don't want a slander case on my hands.
@AaronBertrand But that was on the news
@Lamak the part about going private, yes.
yeah, you are right, hadn't read about the other part
@Lamak and you still haven't. :-)
I suppose anyone following their products will be able to make some assumptions :)
read what?
don't know what you are talking about
who's on first?
So, does SE database support flashback?
Anyway, as I was saying, anyone know of anyone else on dba.se running oracle database appliance?
How bout exadata?
I don't think any of us work for companies that will pay 800 billion dollars for high end Oracle stuff. Maybe @DTest has seen some.
The ODA is only 50.000 :)
@Roy billion dollars?
plus software license fees, naturally
as in 50k USD
My company doesn't want to pay the under 1k we pay for MSSQL
The license fees however are 50B (minus 50k) ;)
they try to force you on to enterprise edition though, which can be quite steep
guess about million or so, for most implementations
one million, anyway
And then they nickel and dime you for all the a la carte stuff that isn't included in Enterprise
@Zane Just do what 3 companies back did, they used a developer license in production. I assume ignorance versus malice but when the auditors came that was an expensive Whoopsie to fix since they used Enterprise Edition features
Oh, you want to run queries? That will be $10K.
Sure - Advanced Security, Golden Gate, RAC etc
@billinkc did they have to pay any fines on top of meeting the license costs?
@AaronBertrand I'm sorry, you looked a system performance table, that'll be another fee
@billinkc we are already on enterprise so that may be suspicious.
With 6 core cpu's we're talking 45-60k per socket
Oh you want to create backups? That's 50K
for each option
@AaronBertrand I don't think so but don't know so. We were small potatoes operation so I assume they saw there wasn't much blood to be had
I believe the ability to back up is mostly included ;p
@AaronBertrand @Lamak And you can pretty easily always use DAY, CAST to decimal/divide by 365.0 etc. to meet whatever less obvious business requirement you have for age of something. It's really too bad that the complete scope of date issues are just so difficult for most people to comprehend.
Just last night I was cleaning up a client query with CONVERT(CHAR(10), datetimecol, 101) ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(10), datetimecol, 101) - noting that January was coming before October... (Conversion they had done to remove the time part).
@billinkc I think they made a few changes to options such as the tuning pack, it can no longer be triggered accidentially
@AaronBertrand Yeah, I was horrified. Also a GROUP BY without an ORDER BY in another query.
People need to learn the standards! I put yyyy-mm-dd on my daughter's birth certificate and they f'd it up. How do you f that up, seriously?
@CadeRoux well back in the old days the GROUP BY would predictably drive ORDER BY. Ah, back when the database engine was so simple. "Hulk get data."
Anyway, I wasn't really looking to start a platform war, just wondering if anyone else was running on similar gear =)
@AaronBertrand "You use yyyy-mm-dd, that's weird. Why do you do that?" and then I have to decide how much nerding out I need to do on a person
@CadeRoux people just don't understand dates
and standards
No war, just observation. Their stuff is expensive, and whether justified or not, upper management likes to fork over the cash
"It's expensive, it must be good"
@AaronBertrand Because no one uses yyyy-mm-dd (except the Japanese). I actually like that Oracle's DD-MMM-YY like airline tickets - beat the ambiguity with letters - it's what we do in our app which is internationalized and you look at things in the international setting for the site to avoid sharing reports about a country which are different for different users. Either way it's confusing, but this is what we picked.
Sure, but they also like to tell their corporate customers that we're running on Oracle technology :)
@Lamak There's nothing to understand, we use dates everyday, there's nothing to understand. Just like we walk everyday and there's never a reason to study the human body
Just please don't call it unbreakable, lest I pull out a spreadsheet of vulnerabilities and thwap you with it.
I suggested that we could simply move on to MySQL, by definition it's also Oracle technology :D
I refer you to this:
3 hours ago, by swasheck
@DTest no, we're talking about RDBMS' here
I don't think anyone except Oracle calls anything from there "unbreakable" :s
@billinkc I really started to get into yyyymmdd for filenames years ago, and you'd think with the proliferation of people with thousands of digital photos generated by their phones would appreciate that kind of convention.
There's is a reason they are operating with 10 digit bug reference numbers
@AaronBertrand And when I tested it, it was sorted. Added one anyway. Because I see no realistic reason to have an unsorted report output.
@CadeRoux the complaint I hear? "It's too hard to read when it's all munged together like that." I kind of agree, 20121121 takes an extra second to parse.
@AaronBertrand I'm used to it. I also use that for my filenames
@CadeRoux it often will be even today, but tomorrow a plan change, data change, optimizer change, trace flag etc. could screw you over.
@AaronBertrand I prefer it with dashes - of course that is not proper for SQL Server (but is for Oracle).
The first nine months of the year are a little easier on the eyes and brain.
@CadeRoux for DATE that is perfect, and always safe. Sadly most people still use the old types because they're stubborn or stupid, where yyyy-mm-dd can fail miserably.
Whats wrong with 1353456000?
(For any non epoch reading people that equals 2012-11-21)
@AaronBertrand So yyyy-mm-dd is not a valid format for datetime, but yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss is valid for datetime, right?
@CadeRoux right. The former can cause errors (or worse, transpose m/d silently) if, say, SET LANGUAGE FRENCH;
That can't happen for the latter (or for YYYYMMDD).
@bluefeet is this the same guy that was posting a lot of access questions yesterday?
Thank you very much, idk what I would do without this site.! — Andrew 16 mins ago
didn't realize it until after I answered
come back from lunch ... 119 missed messages
apparently something happened while i was gone
@Lamak I am not sure, there is another person who is posting similar questions. It might be the same guy or from the same company
The questions look very similar
I wish people would stop using Entity Framework.
@Lamak this is the other user -- stackoverflow.com/users/1958651/user1958651
Q: Entity Framework and SQL Server datetime

romanI'm using EF with SQL Server and when I'm fetching a DateTime field that is DateTime on the MSSQL and on EF, I would get something like this: "UpdateTime":"\/Date(1358716865533+0200)\/" I have no idea what format is this (only that it shows some time with GMT+2 offset). Any suggestions? Seco...

@bluefeet The answer you posted for him was based on a question using the same exact logic that one posted yesterday
It's funny you don't often hear experts complaining about this garbage - I suspect it's because they're wise enough to not touch it with a 10-foot pole.
@Lamak I have noticed.
i think I have a stalker
any way to get in contact with you? — alex 4 mins ago
I really think EF was meant to thrust millions of amateur programmers onto the world
@AaronBertrand think of the support fees
I commented on a couple of EF/CodeFirst questions yesterday something like "this is not the last limitation this thing will place on you. Are you sure you want to keep using it?"
@alex this is a community volunteer forum. As such, it seems to me that it's not appropriate to initiate professional contact unless invited to do so. — swasheck 15 secs ago
you are funny!
@swasheck We were commenting on fees previously (but for Oracle)
@AaronBertrand sounds like a keyboard macro is in order
@swasheck meh, I don't know. Half of these wombats couldn't dial a phone, I suspect.
Egads, that thing's got genitalia like the waiter's flair at Applebee's
@AaronBertrand i've invested very little time in both the wombat genitalia and the flair at Applebee's.
This guy is brutal
Q: Cannot find the error


Cannot find WHAT error?
@AaronBertrand it is a dup
Q: How Do I Combine these different codes to work together

AndrewI am embarrassed to say this is my weak spot in SQL Server, I cannot figure out how to get this code to function properly. It is a few different codes in one: SUM(CASE WHEN RRDD Not Like '12%' AND RRDD Not Like '13%' AND RRDD Not Like '16%' AND RRDD Not Like '17%' AND RRDD Not Like '2706%' AND R...

I already answered his question
Well he seems to have fixed that code by adding the parens, and is now getting a different error (sounds like the error might be coming from a different line of code than the one he posted).
@AaronBertrand It's the same guy I was talking about
@Lamak yep
And probably this other guy too
14 mins ago, by bluefeet
@Lamak this is the other user -- http://stackoverflow.com/users/1958651/user1958651
VtC as too localized.
@AaronBertrand "brutal" is distinctly canadian in this context. i read this in the voice of one of my cousins from mississauga
I am a glutton for punishment
A: Cannot find the error

bluefeetYou are missing an END on the first CASE: SUM(CASE WHEN RRDD NOT LIKE '12%' AND RRDD NOT LIKE '13%' AND RRDD NOT LIKE '16%' AND RRDD NOT LIKE '17%' AND RRDD NOT LIKE '2706%' AND RRDD NOT LIKE '2707%' AND RRDD...

Sorry this code is not working. — ankitaP 3 hours ago
@swasheck, my apologies for breaking forum rules, it's just that this thread was getting long and I had a note pop up to take things to a private conversion but I"m too new to initiate one. — alex 1 min ago
Beats me, but ain't going to respond. Apparently the other answer is working.
@swasheck phew, so he didn't want a secret rendez-vous in a hot tub time machine?
@swasheck That's is not alex' fault - it's shortsighted on SO to recommend he take it to somewhere he is not allowed to go.
@CadeRoux Yup, its strange that they get that message and can't go into chat
@CadeRoux i'm telling him that he's not accountable for not knowing ... but now he knows
Yes, that is true. Also berating them for answering a question instead of commenting, when they don't have enough rep to comment. That seems backwards to me. I can come to the site with no rep and post an answer, but I can't post a comment?
@swasheck It's probably rare. But people like to comment a lot.
@AaronBertrand exactly
@swasheck I'd like to see these related chats more integrated on the page instead of just with the link - like a scrolly thing or something embedded along side the question.
@AaronBertrand And then again, this is something that we can discuss here.....but don't even think about posting it on META, you will be obliterated with downvotes
and then closed as a dupe
@CadeRoux don't you dare suggest that the current design is not optimal
You will be struck down with vengeance and without prejudice
Ok, I'm a SQL Fiddle nub. If I build an example in SQL Fiddle, is there a way to link that entire schema + query in an answer?
For questions which are really chatty. Like when Aaron and some idiot are going back and forth - we can watch it while we compose our own answer and then get the accept as we modify our answer to accommodate the questioner's idiocy while Aaron keeps him distracted.
Oh, duh...now I see the "link" at the bottom
@MikeFal the URL in the browser window should change as you make revs too, that's usually where I copy from.
@AaronBertrand Ah, I see that too. Thanks!
@CadeRoux hey @AaronBertrand, could you please run interference for me while i answer this?
@AaronBertrand almost exactly what I was saying :-)
They know everything about interface design. You know nothing. NOTHING.
@AaronBertrand i know that i rarely give a rip about interface until it doesnt suit my need(s)/use case
Something as simple as on my activity tab showing me the up-ticks next to my comments. "Too expensive to pull that from the database." Really, you are pulling the ENTIRE COMMENT TEXT and putting it on the page. You can't bring a tinyint along with it?
@AaronBertrand I thought the only things which counted was votes? </sarcasm>
@AaronBertrand they can put it in their fancy-dancy Redis cache
Ok @Roy, I did your homework for you. dba.stackexchange.com/a/33358/7611
@MikeFal yay
@MikeFal that was really quite an a-hole comment
@MikeFal Let's see which lesson I missed :D
@MikeFal i approve
@swasheck I'm a DBA. Being an a-hole is part of my nature.
@MikeFal comes with the territory, no?
@Roy DBDAFL ... L = Louisville, which is as close to hell as you can get in northern Colorado
Actually, doesn't it sound better that I have you guys do my not-for-profit hobbyist homework, rather than have you do the work I get paid to do? s
@swasheck You, sir, have obviously not traveled to Greely.
@MikeFal it's only bad when they burn the blood
@Roy No worries, man. That's what being part of a network is all about. We all lean on each other for help.
@MikeFal that and coordinated ridicule
@MikeFal good point. Who's shoveling my driveway this time?
@AaronBertrand Buy my plane ticket, I'll be happy to do it. :)
@AaronBertrand i nominate @JNK - he's closest
So this is the first time I really used SQL Fiddle. That's some sweet shizzle wizzle.
dang, that's one expensive query right there. Now I see why my guts told me to have dev put in application logic :p
Expensive? How so?
he likes to use the alias cumsum
A: Create a running subtotal for MSSQL

Gordon LinoffUnless you are using SQL Server 2012, the easiest way to do a cumulative sum is with a correlated subquery. Here is the template for the code: select t.*, (select sum(val) from t t2 where t2.ordercol <= t.ordercol) as cumsum from t In 2012, you can do: select t.*, sum(val) o...

@bluefeet Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
@bluefeet yeah ... thought about posting that but then ... just no
I just told him to change it
@bluefeet commence flamewar!!!! (it is gordon, after all)
@bluefeet and he just did...with cumesum
that is not any better
that's awesome - he acknowledges that he's done it before this time too
Am I reading the question wrong here?
This doesn't seem to work, as I get way too many results. I think this inner join is combining results from both tables. — Stuave 12 mins ago
@bluefeet a PIVOT with dynamic sql that doesnt really have a satisfactory answer yet
Q: I need help constructing a SQL query to return counts of a column for Jan-Dec based on my Date Column

Maddhacker24I'm not an expert at SQL and i'm not even sure if this type of query is doable. I want to return a count(*) for each "MediaTypeID" for each Month based off of "MediaDate". Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. My Table looks like: The Table Data looks like: 1 | 1 | Funny Cat ...

@swasheck I will take a look
@Lamak You might nee DISTINCT with the count
@bluefeet I would've used it on my query if the user was using it on his question, but he didn't
@swasheck the second answer there seems needlessly complicated.
@Zane i stopped looking when i didnt see dynamic SQL ...
@bluefeet One of the terms everyone, business and developers, use is CUMDISC (cumulative discount). It's their concept of householding accounts to apply discounted pricing. I love seeing new devs when they see those columns
@billinkc TRON
@ypercube the SUM() OVER(ORDER BY ) doesn't works on SQL Server 2008
only SQL Server 2012
@MikeFal You can use the drop down arrow on the "Run SQL" button to choose "Markdown output". Just copy and paste the output to the answer and it will be nicely formatted for you with table setup, query and output. Something like this: stackoverflow.com/a/14365753/569436
@MikaelEriksson i find your lack of XML disturbing
@MikaelEriksson Nice. Thanks, I'll remember that for the future.
@Lamak Aye, yes, only with Ranking functions, not aggregates. Thanx
@swasheck On occasion I do write a query that does not feature XML at all :).
Now I just need to wait and see if @Roy upvotes it/accepts it. ;)
So, how am I supposed to answer this question?
Obviously, I mispoke. — Stuave 45 secs ago
@bluefeet ... i was saying dynamic sql because i was assuming that the actual dataset was not bound to 1,2,3,4
@swasheck you should read that answer my good man. It is bonkers. That query would need to be changed every time you add a new row.
@swasheck I provided both. :)
@bluefeet i see your trickery now :) ... i wish i could upvote you twice
@swasheck its the fastest gun problem. post a short quick answer then expand
@bluefeet I just hope you got the OP before he tried any of those other answers.
@bluefeet you weren't even the first/fastest. just the best.
@swasheck ha, thanks
@bluefeet You should edit the tags on that post. Remove database and add pivot
I can do it for you also
I won't let this live for long.
@Lamak I will
"Obviously"? What a tool. — Aaron Bertrand 1 min ago
@AaronBertrand haha. I think that he used it because of my previous comment there
@Stuave Well, this query assumes that the column chainid of the table Venues is unique, obviously. You said on your question that we should use chainid as the common key — Lamak 18 mins ago
@Lamak doesn't matter. He's the one who wants help, right?
We need a community "favorite question" plugin where we all vow not to answer it because the asker is a jackhole.
@AaronBertrand Yeah, I know. I was kinda pissed because I also received a downvote there
@swasheck lol
@Zane he didn't. the user accepted my answer
@MikeFal Certainly gave you an upvote, and I'd give you a second one, if I could, for introducting me to sqlfiddle =)
Anyway this could probably be fixed using DISTINCT, as @bluefeet said. I thought of updating my answer with that in mind previously, but now I refuse to do it
@Roy Thanks man. I just used it my first time for that example, it's really sweet.
@Lamak I compensated for that. Maybe talk enough trash to get him to undo it, too
@MikeFal Think I need to count the joined rows for a given m.mid, though and drop any with more than 2 entries. Oh, and reverse the columns in the select statement S
@AaronBertrand Thanks. I'm not sure if it was him, but it pissed me anyway
@MikeFal Thanks a lot though, appreciate it. Couldn't get my brain to see that loopback join :)
@Lamak It may fix it, it may not. It depends on what columns are the PK. If the OP doesn't give the table structure, it's all guessing.
@Roy It's tricky and not something that's particularly evident. I honestly didn't learn that trick until 2 years ago, and I've been working with SQL Server a lot longer than that.
@ypercube yup, and op got inactive now. Should I delete my answer?, it is wrong for the updated question
@Roy Do you actually have data included in your exercise? Are multiple rows expected/possible with the data?
I always get in to trouble overthinking things, trying to cover that sort of minutiae.
@MikeFal There are sample data in an SQLite database that Stanford uses to validate the answers, aye. It's not possible to get multiple rows with that data set. In fact, there is only one movie that matches, and none that have more than two reviews by the same reviewer.
@swasheck I AM a super awesome driveway shoveller
I learned my shovelin' on the streets of Syracuse, yo.
@MikeFal Hehe, considering I'm the lead DBA I should have posted the question anonymously ;)
Truth is, we spend most of our time on infrastructure related stuff like clustering, replication and integration and almost no time thinking about actual queries.
Not to mention the effort required to tell Oracle why we don't owe them half as much money as they think we do :p
talking to myself again, gotta stop that (mumble)
@Roy I do the same, man. I'm mostly infrastructure, but every once in a while I get drawn into query tuning. Usually, though, it's after someone has written terrible SQL and there's only so much I can do to fix it.
How true :)
Sweet Lloyd Christmas, "the ID its a float datatype" .. and they are using it as a join criteria in SSIS and having issues. I have the feeling they are having inequalities due to floating point precision. Poor bastard
Although, if you give devs the solution for free, they're only gonna be back with more work for you. Might just throw them the problem query and let them sort it out. :P
What a dick.
A: How to get the stored procedure name from a trigger when an update operation was performed?

TomTomWell, you do not get it. Point. The trigger is coubpled to the update, it has no relationship to the SP (which may not even exist). Stack traces are not available to you at that level. Simple like that.

@AaronBertrand Well, you do not get it. Point, is that the way to say it?, shouldn't it be Period?
and, yes, what a dick
Point made, period? :D
Edit made, period ;)
Was tempted to record my change as "removed asshattery"
Where do I upvote an edit?
@AaronBertrand feature-request
Dear developers of the world, please stop running SSIS packages from web pages, in IIS or any other junk
@AaronBertrand Isn't there a Connect item to be able to get the stack within a trigger?
@billinkc Would you recommend the best thing for this is to start a job from the other app?
I guess that user is generally an asshat. I though maybe today was just an offday and they needed to take the piss out of someone stackoverflow.com/questions/14432405/…
@ypercube I don't mind the edit at all sir, thanks for adding it for completeness.
@CadeRoux Not sure what the solution is but I see so many homegrown macguyvered solutions that all work fine except for this one thing and it always seems to be a permissions thing.
@billinkc he undid your edit
@TomTom You do not get it. Point. I'm assuming he is using this for troubleshooting only to find the process that is updating the table but shouldn't. — Aaron Bertrand 10 secs ago
Doh, don't have enough rep on SO to downvote :/
Talking about rep, that's wierd. How did I suddenly go from 2.3k to 3k rep?
Network wide, anyway
Well, 2.4 to 3k but still .. I usually don't get 600 rep over night :p
@billinkc Doesn't every job in the agent effectively have to run under agent's permissions without other fanciness like shelling out with the equivalent of a RUNAS.
interesting column names
@CadeRoux Point.
Q: SQL query on field name

user1991499The names in my table appear like so, Select fname-ab, fname-wxyz, lname-ab, lname-wxyz From table Is there a way to write a query that returns the results from all fields whose field name end with -ab

or should I call them fields?!?
@billinkc Regardless, you don't want any of that stuff running from IIS. Microsoft will disavow any responsibility. Like using Office automation in IIS etc.
@bluefeet normalization. get some.
Oh snap, they rolled back a moderators edit. I need me some popcorn
@billinkc and he changed it back. BISH I KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'! POINT!
@CadeRoux There's also the fact that to get SSIS to run on a box, that's a license and lots of folks don't realize that (or my source was mis-informed)
he called out @AaronBertrand in his edit
Hey @AaronBertrand I have a question that may sound stupid but I'm not sure.
Do not insult others here, and do not roll back edits that make answers more constructive. Consider this a warning. — Brad Larson 22 secs ago
@Zane by all means ask ... i wish to be entertained
does Integration Services Count as a system scan or a user scan?
@billinkc True as well. It has to run on a licensed SQL Server.
When referring to index usage statistics?
@bluefeet and now the answer is locked
@AaronBertrand i nominate @jcolebrand to write this
Flagged 1 answer and 2 comments in the same thread as offensive. Do not trifle as you are tasty with ketchup
@billinkc ?
He says Aaron eats funny things.
@billinkc was mine flagged as offensive?
Aargh removed - it was funny.
All the illusions. I think he means delusions
use your delusion
@MikaelEriksson Oddly enough, I can run that exact same SQL statement (the RAND()/CAST) in SQL 2008 R2 and it works fine.
@CadeRoux i can't see it ... i should spend more time on SO
@MikeFal He wants to use it in a user defined function.
@AaronBertrand I'm just not really sure what counts as a system scan
@MikaelEriksson Ah
@CadeRoux I think I saw that before and it looks awesome
@JNK i knew that the 'Cuse would have prepared you well
@swasheck I don't know - I think you have to be a moderator to see deleted comments. I can see deleted answers. Anyway, it's gone for me.
No idea, sorry
<--- for me?
i have a pivot sickness
yep sorry on a call
@bluefeet and the only cure is SUM(CASE ... WHEN ... THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
@swasheck I think the cure will come when i get my gold badge
@bluefeet i don't believe such a badge exists
@swasheck it will when I hit it.
there was no silver badge until I created it
@bluefeet i'm so clueless about this stuff that i'll take your word for it
@MikaelEriksson Feel the pain.
@AaronBertrand Well, perhaps we'll see SQL In the Sun at some point even if we couldn't fit it in before your firstborn.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Not really. Used to do it in Delphi using MSXML. T-SQL is so much easier and faster when the the goal of the parsing is to finally end up with rows in some table.
@MikaelEriksson 'So much easier and faster' isn't really a phrase I'd ever heard used in conjunction with SQL Server and XML.
"No, I get it. You eat funny things again that make you have illusions what people use the answer for, while I answer the question at hand. THis could as well be an audit requirement that really slows down everything. I do not know, and contrary to you I refuse to react on illusional ideas."
@billinkc i'll repeat ... use your delusion
this is taking a while, apparently
A: How to get the stored procedure name from a trigger when an update operation was performed?

TomTomIt is impossible - there is no fast way around it, regardless of your requirements. The trigger is coupled to the update, it has no relationship to the SP (which may not even exist). Stack traces are not available to you at that level.

@swasheck Use your Delusion II was better than I
And here is where I need Mark V. to have a witty permutation of November Rain or something on that album
He is one witty and handsome dude.
That cannot be denied
this just got awkward
@swasheck Only because you don't hang out with us enough
@billinkc fair enough
There was confusion in what the "correct" has tag was for the big conference this year. Marketing decided to drop the century specifier. MarkVSQL proposed the memorable #marvsqlishandsomeandwitty and for unknown reasons, it never trended
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Depends on how you do it. stackoverflow.com/questions/14318350/… It also helps that I am designing the XML schema I need to interpret myself. The main part of XML stuff I have done in SQL Server is with OPENXML since I started building it in SQL Server 2000. It is easier to mess things up performance wise with the XML variable.
@billinkc Which is a shame, because he is truly handsome and witty.
@MikeFal I know I am :)
@Phil well you're no "One Direction" but ...
Q: search in mysql with like statement

morgan1994imagine i have this table named "test_table" in the "test_db" in MySQL : field1         field2 google       http://google.com apple         http://apple.com python   ...

Will take a while to setup. Have to write client code and all sorts
More of a "can't be arsed myself, sort it"question
@Phil indeed
@swasheck Thankfully. The One Direction lads aren't all that :P
No way they could pull off a facepalm as well as me!
How do I start a private chat room before I go trawling through help?
@billinkc in here? or on an answer?
@swasheck I've decided the TomTom user needs a talking to and wanted to flag the moderator on the last question. A quick slice through their most recent answers shows a trend of asshattery gist.github.com/fe0366412c1908564469
@billinkc you've really set about this, no? i don't know, to answer your question.
@swasheck Just hate to see people that must have been doing right at one point (25k rep) slide into a festering pile of dbaggery
@MikaelEriksson i've been bothering others about their countries, now it's your turn. are there fun and interesting things to do in Sweden for younger kids (7 years, 5 years) on holiday?
Click on their name. You get a "start a new room with this user" option
@Phil that's only in chat, right?
@billinkc maybe ping @jcolebrand, @JNK, or @JackDouglas to go to the mod chat room thingy to find Brad?
Q: When to create Indexes?

MihirI have a stored procedure that takes around 2 minutes to execute. The execution plan suggested me to create a non clustered index on a table (which is a high traffic table with millions of records in it, plus it gets a constant stream of data every single second). Please help me decide on whethe...

@swasheck It's past quitting time, I'll see if I'm still of the same opinion tomorrow or this evening ;)
@MikaelEriksson All of the work I've done with it involves picking apart XML documents in ETL processes.
is it really worth a DV?
A: When to create Indexes?

mrdennyBased on your note it sounds like adding a non-clustered index to that table is the right way to go. Play with the order of the columns in the development system, and add any needed columns as included columns and see if the query gets any faster. The general rule of thumb is that is a query is...

@billinkc You can also flag any of those answers of his - for moderator attention - and add those links and describe what you think is wrong.
@swasheck what does he mean when he says he'll have to pay for it?
@Zane ¯(°_o)/¯
If management is taking indexes out of his paycheck I would look for a new gig.
Sorry all, been in meetings all day. I'll look at @billinkc post when I get home in a bit.
@jcolebrand it's currently starred
@AaronBertrand let's discuss. There might be something that can be done about this ;-)
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