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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@swasheck Good night man, no worries. I missed the 2008 thing, btw.
-- get the first day of the next month of the date specified
SET @NextMonthStart = DATEADD(month, 1, @MonthStart)

-- prove to yourself that these dates are correct (sanity check)
SELECT @MonthStart, @NextMonthStart  ;

-----and then:

b.bg_reported_date >= @MonthStart
and b.bg_reported_date < @NextMonthStart
but I have no rep to even see it now ...
@swasheck dude, why did you delete your answer
I should just undelete it for now huh?
@MikeFal @Aaron Do you have a BETWEEN detector?
fwiw, undeleted
@ypercube he does. There's this giant red light on his wall even
@jcolebrand your logic is faulty. You said "add 300k for the folks that didn't upvote" but you failed to subtract the ones that did for the same reason. @ypercube is suggesting that they would equal out if you accounted for both.
@jcolebrand it's more like a bat signal
@AaronBertrand but we're trying to find the max rep, not "the most likely fair rep"
BETWEEN is fine for integers, and whole dates (either DATE data type or when you can trust - and by trust I mean you have constraints and they are enforced). The DATEADD(SECOND, -1 stuff is really dangerous if you are dealing with any time component.
@jcolebrand ok
I see the point you two are making
But I feel it's different from the one I was thinking of
@jcolebrand What strikes me is the huge 229% precent.
@ypercube Is that similar to @Bluefeet twitching when there's a whiff of PIVOT?
I think my affliction is more than a twitch.
@AaronBertrand If we all chipped in for an internet enabled heart rate monitor, would you entertain us by wearing it when you go fishing on SO? :)
Valid social experiment, honest!
talk about a twitch
Now, if we could rig it up to your avatar somehow...
@MarkStorey-Smith 100%
Google fails me, I can't find any "live" monitors
Well +8 internets for the idea anyhow
ok, 18 hours old, no followups. I think it's fair to firebomb this one, yeah?
Q: Does codeigniter support conditional insert?

AnuI need to check a condition before inserting a row into the table. Is it possible in codeigniter?

I'm back on the research tomorrow.
Unfortunately, the suitcase in the corner of the room hasn't packed itself in prep for tomorrows trip so I probably ought to start throwing belongings randomly in that direction until the lid doesn't shut
@jcolebrand Done
Oh, I've got it handled ;-) I just wanted to get community support
I'm debating between close and delete
I was on my way out of the office and trying to edit on an iphone
@swasheck Double fail
Or is it triple? Leaving the office early, editing, on an iphone.
If you aren't doing that while driving, it's not a failure.
I don't want to read the manual. Can you read it to me?
Q: What is a IAM page for a clustered index in mssql?

Milad IrannejadI wonder if anybody can explain for me what does it mean when we talk about IAM page for a clustered index? Also, what is IAM page number? What is IAM block number?

@AaronBertrand I daresay it's been floated on meta previously but... give us "Close as LMGTFY" please.
@MarkStorey-Smith post answer -> request feedback -> leave office on time -> respond to feedback and try to edit on iPhone. many points of failure in there
not to mention all of the fail within the answer itself
@swasheck you are way too hard on yourself man
Just thought you had seen my rants on that before
@AaronBertrand i had seen your rants and i just mis-thought my way through them. i was actually trying but somehow borked it in the process
@AaronBertrand and yes - it's a character trait/flaw/charm
Q: Why do these Datetime values return the same Checksum & Checksum_Agg? How can I make it more unique?

VyrotekI'm trying to quickly determine if two sets of schedules are identical and also generate a key which these unique schedules can be references by. I originally attempted to use HASHBYTES but quickly discovered that you are only able to hash 8000 characters and I have a significant number of dateti...

Yeah apply hashbytes and then checksum_agg(checksum(col1, col2)) to make your work "quicker" than a normal index on col1, col2. <facepalm>
Talk about unjust payoff
Q: Ordering strings that contain numbers

jr17I have a column named MR which is a varchar. When I run a query with an ORDER BY it doesn't seem to be ordered correctly. select MR, LName, FName from users where MR between 'MR20001' and 'MR20002' order by MR Results: MR20001 | LINA | MARY MR200011 | TEST | CASE MR20002 | KO ...

so which game are you watching?
do you have a rooting interest, or is it just hockey?
Just hockey. Well, and I had an argument yesterday with Allen White, who feels hockey should be banned from hockey. He is at this game. I found it funny that there was a fight 3 seconds into the first period. :-)
@AaronBertrand nice
I am sick of playing nice.
Please demonstrate how LEN() is faster than CONVERT(SUBSTRING()), as I seem to have done the opposite. If you're going to discredit other answers please have some data to back it up. — Aaron Bertrand 15 mins ago
5 hours later…
Morning folks
Mornin' lads
hi everyone i have a problem when calling a function with composite type parameters can anyone help?
Here is the question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14454763/function-call-with-composite-type-parameters-in-postgresql-9-1-casting-issue
2 hours later…
A: SQL server 2000 transactions with the same time

gbnIt won't be a bug: it's a flaw in your logic. If you're looping, then it's possible that you are opening transactions on top of another transactions. That is, @@TRANCOUNT keeps incrementing. You may be incorrectly looping on say, a client timeout, that doesn't actually disconnect. In your loop,...

as @gbn suggested earlier, please consider flagging this for over here if you are 3k+ on SO
@JackDouglas voted
@Lamak thanks, and thanks @MikaelEriksson :)
why do I bother?
Q: records from table where date between two years

Bkayhopefully this is not a duplicate question as I searched a lot for this.. I need to get the record from one table where date between June-31-2011 and June-31-2012. the problem is that the result is just only display the records of year 2012 although the table has records for year 2011. below is ...

@gbn why did you delete your answer?, it was worth it just for the there is no 31st June comment
I'm having problems with my differential backups, as explained in a question I posted yesterday here. Should I post a new question asking specifically about how to fix my differential backups? Or edit my existing one?
@gbn I love this comment, don't you:
yeah i have privileges but i don't need time as it has another column — Bkay 13 mins ago
@Rachel probably a new question
@Lamak No fucks left to give about MySQL, wrong datatypes and arguments in general
@gbn that's a good policy
@JackDouglas Thanks :)
Do I just use 'YYYYMMDD' for an unambiguous date literal in SQL Server?
@JackDouglas yes
unnecessary cursor alert
Q: function call with composite type parameters in postgresql 9.1 casting issue

indagoI have a function in Postgesql 9.1 called fun_test but it has an input parameter that is a composite type, i keep on getting an error of casting when i call it what could be the issue? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION netcen.fun_test(myobj netcen.testobj) RETURNS boolean AS $BODY$ DECLARE tmp_code ...

@Lamak ta :)
@dezso Nice, very nice. Thanks for teaching me that :)
@JackDouglas and YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (with the T between) or YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS for date and time
@ypercube thanks!
@JackDouglas Thank it to Depesz :)
@JackDouglas I like that there is so much in PG
like the things Depesz writes about
or all the weirdness @ChrisTravers collects in his blog :)
@dezso I like this one
On the subject of dates, a relatively unknown Oracle thing is: select DATE'2012-02-03' from dual; - It's ANSI syntax. Saves messing around with TO_DATE
Plus, select TIME'12:34:56' from DUAL;
@Phil Nice. It works in Potsgres and MySQL as well!
@JackDouglas now you should be able to cast close votes on SO, finally
@JackDouglas here is a copy of the previous Q on DBA:
Q: Casting issue when calling a function with composite type parameter

indagoI have a function in PostgreSQL 9.1 called fun_test. It has a composite type as input parameter and I keep getting a casting error when I call it. what could be the issue? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION netcen.fun_test(myobj netcen.testobj) RETURNS boolean AS $BODY$ DECLARE tmp_code smallint; cur...

If I VtC, what is the proper reason to choose?
@Lamak wow, that is great, thanks!
@dezso he's cross-posted?
can you post your answer on the dba.se version as well: it's on-topic here too
@JackDouglas It was ridiculous that you couldn't vote to close in the first place
@JackDouglas but it's fully covered by Erwin's answer, I think
No, I need you to be able to troubleshoot what else is running on your system. I'm trying to give you pointers on where to look but I can't sit here all day hunting and pecking with you. — Aaron Bertrand 49 secs ago
@Phil Yes, much easier than faffing around with to_date. Wish I knew that in 2001-05 when I was working with Oracle in quantity.
@dezso I asked SO mods and they closed/migrated the SO version which I've now merged (and upvoted your answer again ;)
I think it's still useful even though Erwin's answer covers that ground too
@JackDouglas Oh, great
mod mojo
they basically said with a cut'n'paste job like this (rather than a question tailored to a specific site) they are usually willing to send it to the more specialized site so if you spot any more please flag them on SO for a mod and link to the dba version if you don't mind doing that :)
@AaronBertrand Oye, what he understood from that comment was:
the state of session = 53 is sleeped, and much more we can solve this on TeamViewer... — Sagar Upadhyay 10 mins ago
<facepalm> SQL Server needs a higher barrier to entry I think. Maybe that's what Microsoft was thinking with the new licensing model.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells well writing to_date('20130101','YYYYMMDD') gets pretty quick after you've done it for the millionth time, but I resent the extra CPU cycles for calling the function ;)
So it turns out -11 F is the limit to which my truck will no longer run.
@AaronBertrand here's his blog
@Zane that happened to me once, VW Touareg. When it finally turned over the dash was lit up like Christmas - engine light, oil was frozen, brake fluid was frozen, transmission fluid, anti-freeze - I think the only thing that wasn't lit up on the dash was the temperature gauge - I don't think it was built to measure that low.
@swasheck Dead
I believe it was -40 when that happened (and I think that's where C and F meet, so it doesn't matter)
@Zane what's that in real money? celsius?
-23. Thanks google
@CadeRoux exactly
@swasheck ha, are you getting a timeout expired error? Immediately?
@AaronBertrand He should find the power button, press it, and be done with computers for the remainder of his career.
@CadeRoux i predict an excellent future in mime for that one
@CadeRoux that may be a bit harsh. I say strap him to a data entry terminal, tie his hands to the chair, and put a pencil in his mouth so he can click 'Y' repeatedly.
Most anti freeze solutions go down to -20, I believe
@AaronBertrand are you going to answer him?
Aaron, I updated the question with the solution. This is just a look-up table and is not tied to any particular database. I hope that helps. — jp2code 48 mins ago
@AaronBertrand curious you say that.... I have a theory about this. Oracle is treated better in corporates coz of how much it costs and how much tuning it needs. Any tom dick or harry can't start fannying around with it like they do wth MSSQL
@bluefeet no thank you.
I live in Norway, we know these things :P
@gbn I like it because it drives adoption. But I hate it because 99% of the user base are zombies.
@Roy Saab starts in the cold ;)
@AaronBertrand that is what I figured. :)
@AaronBertrand We're not talking about MySQL? /amazed
@DTest no, we're talking about RDBMS' here
at least you always have the comfort that MSSQL's userbase will never be as bad as mine
@swasheck Ouch.
@swasheck Saab? The bankrupt swedish brand? :P
@Roy hence the wink - still looking for a tongue-in-cheek emoticon
@swasheck damn
@swasheck Whats wrong with ;P~
I am still looking for the ignore link
@AaronBertrand in this job, I'm left alone to monkey on my databases. First time I've not had .net or java monkeys knowing more than me...
@DTest i, of course, have no room to talk given my blunders on the datetime question yesterday
Canada has it right. Every single car sold (since the 80s I think) must have a block heater and must have daytime running lights. And there is a premium on houses with outlets outside to plug the block heater in...
@swasheck dude! You act like you pulled an aptem
@Roy bipolar ADD
@AaronBertrand your homeland has used the jet stream to attack my homeland :) This is Canada's air I can feel it.
@swasheck dude, I saw your answer (and the edits). You are way too hard on yourself
FYI, about 12 C, 54 F here. Winter time
@Zane you're welcome
@Lamak I said the same thing
@Zane was watching the news yesterday and saw that ... i have to admit that i was extremely jealous
@gbn perfect
@Lamak keeps me humble (and annoying)
@swasheck Should be called attention abundance disorder, mine tends to be all over the place
@AaronBertrand didn't see that ;-). But its true
@swasheck I lie. 14 C actually. weather.maltairport.com/en/home-weather.htm
@swasheck I live in the basement of a very old house in Minneapolis. It's like 50 indoors.
I don't miss Northern Europe
Not too bad here today, about -10 C
@gbn oh ... i got myself backward again. i forgot you were in malta and i assumed it was "summer time" (for some reason i thought you were southern hem.). that's a perfect summer temp for me.
@Zane that's awesome cuddling weather
@gbn I have very similar temps here in Tennessee...no mediterranean views, though :(
@Roy that's perfect vodka weather
@DTest Nice. We have some Xmas day pics on facebook on the sunny terrace.
How IS malta? I've been talking to management about moving operations there
@Roy malta.gov will take you up on that. They are offering incentives to soak up their graduates etc
Shorts here yesterday. Kid swimming in the fountain on monkey hill.
Now that we are more or less in the cloud, physical location matters a lot less
@gbn Everything I know about Malta I learned from "The Final Justice" Staring Joe Don Baker. There is almost no chance anyone catches that reference.
@Roy example: trcmediagroup.com/news/… This is my company
@Zane wow. I just googled it
32°C here today.
@Lamak I could use some of that
@swasheck I think the answer is Private Cloud, pretty much what we used to call co-located infrastructure
@CadeRoux uh, what is in the water?
@gbn smooth
Anyone here using DreamHost for a WordPress site?
when i went to turkey the folks with whom i went made sure to tell me that i never mention "midnight express" if i'd ever seen it
@gbn If I could I'd share some of it. I dislike the heat
But I will delete that comment in a moment.
You know, to stay political
@swasheck Thing is, as long as we provide our service over the Internet, the best place for our gear is next to the internet exchange points, anyway. Impractical and really no need to have offices nearby.
@AaronBertrand is this the sqlperformance blog?
@swasheck uh, no... no, of course not...
@AaronBertrand what is the plugin that you use to red flag SO users to avoid?
I'll forward this to management; dbareactions.tumblr.com/post/41137315154/…
@Roy lots of Malta based companies do that. UK or Swedish parent company, some business folk there, code monkeys in malta, kit in London or Amsterdam etc
@AaronBertrand thanks
No idea what I'm to do with this bunch of GoldenGate licenses..
my list is growing
@AaronBertrand That's a kid swimming in about 10 inches of (very cold) water. But it was warm enough for shorts. Luckily my kids didn't fall in, but this kid just wouldn't listen to his mom and got wet and then decided he would just keep getting wetter.
@gbn Main question remains, is it nice there? =)
@Roy I like it. Come over for a vacation? @ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells popped over a few months ago
@gbn I wanted to go too!
@AaronBertrand Stack Exchange "favorite" users
@Roy plenty of scandies here coz of online gaming too.
@Lamak the Google Chrome store objected to the name "mark up the assholes"
Egads. This guy says he is getting a PK violation error trying to kill spids:
Its give me error "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tbBillerList'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tbBillerList'." God help me with this prob.... :) — Sagar Upadhyay 31 mins ago
tb = table, get it? In case you didn't know you were selecting from a table, it has a helpful prefix - the more you type those extra two characters, the less likely you are to forget it's a FUCKING TABLE
Pardonne ma Français, or something
@gbn is malta thriving?
@swasheck not bad. less fucked than many parts of Europe. Both Mediterranean and British at the same time.. so not Italy
@AaronBertrand last time I went off using standard approved programmer workplace language, a bunch of mods I didn't recognize swarmed in here and deleted them.
@gbn And none of that nasty smell floating over from France?
@gbn Online gaming? Like funcom and such?
@CadeRoux he he nah
@Roy BetFair, Betsson, Nordic Gaming, NetRefer + zillions of others. So many name plates by doors here, especially in Sliema/St Julians area
So, I was kinda bored and started reviewing some suggested edits. Is there a reason for the 20 reviews limit?
@Lamak mainly because people were approving crap to get the badges
so they put limits in for all review queues
@Lamak if you're bored then i have a few things i need done.
@Roy what is your line of business? can you say?
@bluefeet oh, for badges. Why would that be so much of an incentive that you need to approve crap?
@swasheck I could help you with that, but I'm on a third world country, I can't be trusted
@Lamak I am not sure. But when the review queues were opened up there were people approving junk edits. Upvoting crap questions/answers to work towards badges
It's surprising the lengths people will go to for achievements, no matter the forum
You should see the questions on meta about it
holy crap y'all ... i can edit questions now!!! it'll only take another 18 months until i can vote to close!
I want the ability to vote to burn
@MikeFal unlocked: cynicism achievement
Q: Allowing end users to dynamically add columns to a table

BernhofWe are developing a .NET application with a SQL Server back-end. The client requests the ability to dynamically add custom attributes to entities after the application has been deployed. As suggested in a similar question we could create a table which would then contain a row for each custom att...

@MikeFal syph?
@bluefeet I will. I visit meta almost everyday, but mostly ignore the questions about badges
@gbn See, that's what I'm talking about. We need to be able to vote to burn that user. With fire.
@Lamak just search for review queues
@Lamak i'd trust you ... not sure the FDA would, though.
@Lamak for example
Q: The current review system encourages fake reviews; some people upvote everything rather than actually fixing problems

ЯegDwightI went to a Late Answers review queue that had four items in it and started reviewing the first one by editing it into shape rather heavily. By the time I was done, someone else had reviewed the same post simply by upvoting it, so I only got a "Next" button, not an "I'm done" button. My edit st...

@Lamak i found an authoritative source that confirms that Chile is, in fact, third world
@swasheck stick it to the man!
@gbn I want to slap that guy and say "Don't do it man!"
@swasheck you can't believe to kipse
@Lamak or even look at the highest voted questions in the review tag. There are some lovely questions -- meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/…
@bluefeet interesting indeed
@CadeRoux they can delete my comment, that is fine
@Zane it's just a can of worms that shouldn't be opened
I don't like letting developers add columns users is way worse. You would have a 400 column table in about 2 hours.
@gbn @zane Actually, I've worked with an app that solved that problem, but basically by fully normalizing the data structure.
Basically, the app was designed to load and store flat files for email marketing, so it could be any number of columns with varying data types. Stuff was stored in the database as name value pairs, basically unpivoting everything. It was fairly elegant and worked pretty well.
anyhow Gents, end of my working day. Ciao
off to chill out and watch TV and shit
@gbn Hopefully not all at the same time. Unless your bathroom is more fully furnished than most.
@MikeFal flats are smaller over there. he may have to eat dinner too
I had a friend who installed a TV in his bathroom. He said it was so when friends were over for the big game they would never miss a beat. I think he had some intestinal issues.
And by "installed in his bathroom" I mean every bathroom in the house, and not just placed on a cabinet or hung up on the wall, actually built into the wall
full speaker systems in all bathrooms too?
It was rather absurd
@DTest that's to drown out the biological noise
@AaronBertrand i'd do that just to avoid some of the company my wife invites to our home
@DTest no for that he relied on the TV audio. If he had THX and surround and all that jazz, I would have had him committed.
@swasheck as long as it plays soothing waterfall noises
anyone want to help VtC this very impatient user?
Q: How to add a select all optionto an access ComboBox

amartin94Okay, so after spending a few hours on this, and following numerous online tutorials, I still cant get this working. Basically, I have the Combobox displaying a <> option. But for the report, it doesn't actually return anything. It's just simply there for aesthetics at the moment. How do I...

wish I could...no vtc rights on SO :) something I'm actually proud of?
nice comment @AaronBertrand
That's a terribly selfish reason to litter the site with multiple copies of the same question. — Aaron Bertrand 24 secs ago
I caught myself saying "records" when I should have said "rows"... then I got scared and fixed it as fast as possible so I wouldn't make Aaron cringe...
@gbn XaitPorter.com
I'm gonna stick with tuples from now on, better safe than sorry :)
@swasheck It was the pink uniforms.. Made 'em do it
@MikeWalsh could be
I might have to hit up a senators game while I'm in canada
too bad they don't play anyone I care about while I'm there
While reviewing code that determines who should receive mailings due to regulatory reasons, I noticed there's a branch of logic that isn't right. Each week for the past let's-not-say-how-long, we've sent a 4 page letter to these individuals. I can't believe they haven't contacted us saying STOP
@billinkc Oops
Indeed and Hi!
@billinkc I've never done anything like that.
@MikeFal Well I didn't. Those that came after me reused some code without understanding what it did.
Hey Bill :-) How you been?
So I purchased a new truck two weeks ago. Went ahead and went with Lojack for an extra $10/month in my load. Just updated my insurance and having Lojack dropped my insurance by $20/month. Winning!
@MikeWalsh Pretty good but moderately bored. How are things with you?
@billinkc Good. Busy. Was spending more time on here between November and January but then got slammed past 4-5 weeks. Coming out of that rush soon, I hope :)
@billinkc I believe this might be relevant to your interests: youtube.com/watch?v=MVbeoSPqRs4
@MikeFal I still need to finish the original mission. I stopped at the final because what, you couldn't go back and get all the stuff once you finished or something like that. Been forever since I've even hit bnet
@billinkc Yeah, I haven't touched SC2 in forever. Played the campaign, some games vs. the computer with my pals, but never really much cared for ladder play.
Lately, been playing the heck out of Planetside 2
@MikeFal We got the Wii U for Christmas, just finished Skylanders. I got a beta invite for Ingress which I think provide an an excellent for combining gaming with real world exploration. It's basically 4square crossed with Species (the movie).
My theory is that I will now start running different routes in the morning based on available stuff from the game.
@billinkc i'd love to sign up for Ingress but I'm on "the other" platform
Ingress ROCKS
@swasheck I've heard that hardcore folks wanting to do anything on Android install the android tool kit and then run a phone emulator. Blue stacks or something like that
@billinkc le sigh. the man owns this phone and i'm pretty sure that would raise some eyebrows
@CadeRoux I bricked my phone 4 hours before the invite came and Sprint won't let me turn the old one back on without a plan change so I've only been able to try it out at places with open wifi
Hrmmm...looks fascinating
@swasheck Oh no, just install it on desktop/laptop of your choice and then run emulator there
@billinkc ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Of course, I'm almost to level 8. We had a lot of excitement last night. Someone came through with two accounts - looks like a shill and I reported it, but who knows what's going on. Really screwed with Enlightenment in town more than Resistance, but I reported them anyway.
@CadeRoux Resistance or Enlightenment for you? I went Resistance, wanted to pretend I'm in V and fighting the lizard men ;)
@CadeRoux whoosh
@billinkc Resistance
@swasheck Personally, you should just get a droid phone. ;)
@MikeFal disallowed by said man
@billinkc They came through as Resistance and wiped out all the enlightenment portals, then switched over to Enlightenment account and deployed. Then repeated in another section of the French Quarter. Totally wiped out an Enlightenment farm of a half-dozen L5/L6 portals
@swasheck You use your work phone for personal reasons? Bad juju man.
@MikeFal did i say i did? oh ... yeah --- i dont really talk on the phone or text
i do edit DBA.SE posts on it :)
but no real "personal use" (even though it's expressly allowed)
my wife has a samsung gal2
but i hate the phone. really cant stand it. dont like to talk. dont like to text. dont like to communicate.
I couldn't live without my smart phone now. Having google maps handy, using it as my portable music player, having web access almost anywhere......love it
Isn't that part of the arrangement? The corp pays for my phone and service and let me use it for whatever, in return I'm usually available outside office hours
@Roy that's part of the arrangement here, i just tend to not want to talk to anyone.
If I can't use it for personal stuff, then I don't see why I shouldn't leave it at the office
I don't mix work/personal phone stuff. Mostly because my company reserves the right to wipe everything from the phone they supply me for security reasons.
People still use phones for voice calls? :P
It's annoying to carry two phones, but I'll suffer due to the control it gives me. Plus, I really don't like the iPhone (now that I'm using one) and vastly prefer the Droid interface.
@MikeFal That's true here aswell, but then there is not really any local data on my phone, pretty much everything is synchronized
@MikeFal that's fair. i just lay low. those who need the number have the number. everyone else is relegated to email or calling my wife to get ahold of me
I carry two phones, but for other reasons. Never could decide between iOS and Android :)
@Roy Interestingly enough, our mobile phone policy explicitly prohibits use of cloud sharing/storage systems, such as iCloud, Skydrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox.
Besides, with the battery capacity of smart phones, it's often good to have two
@Roy You just don't have the right phone. :) My Droid Razr Max has 23 hour talk time battery life.
SO rep math is silly. I don't care about 20 rep but if you don't give me an upvote because I'm over the cap, then later you take away up-votes from a deleted question, the upvotes I wasn't allowed before should be adjusted.
@MikeFal We don't have that policy, but then we provide Software as a service and expect customers to trust us with their data... Talk time is less of an issue than display time, I think.
The worst is when there is a downvote (or multiple), or a user was removed, or a migration, right before 0:00 UTC. I've had cases where it reduced my rep for the day by over 100, yet I had more than 10 up-votes that I didn't get credit for.
I'm bitching here and not on meta only because I know better than to suggest the current algorithm is stupid.
@MikeFal I have iPhone 4 and Galaxy Nexus. The first showing much better battery life, screen size being the likely reason.
May as well title the question "Please smite me and down-vote me into oblivion"
@AaronBertrand believe it or not I've never hit that cap.
@Roy Yeah, Galaxy Nexus is terrible for battery. Which is why I steered away from it.
@AaronBertrand The algorithm for the "consecutive days" visited is also kind of stupid in my opinion
@Lamak meaning a day is geared to UTC instead of your time zone?
@AaronBertrand yeah, kinda
Anyone get Oracle running on a smartphone yet? :)
I really wish I had more time to read and answer questions let alone read other peoples answers but there just never seems to be enough time.
@MikeFal Anyway, the new enterprise buzz is "bring your own device", I think many a restrictive policy will undergo changes in the next few years
@Roy We'll see. I'd think the same thing, but my company (doing health care work) is particularly paranoid regarding security.
For me it's ok - UTC for today ends at 7 or 8 PM for me, depending on DST, so "today" ends right about when I'm sick of the computer on most days anyway.
12 days from Legendary. Then I will slack off.
That's....wait for it....
apparently ingress is compatible with my nexus7 (wifi-only)...doesn't seem like I'd get very far.
@AaronBertrand This question makes me want to ask your opinion on the way that SQL Server uses the DATEDIFF function. Do you agree with the result of SELECT DATEDIFF(YEAR,'20121231','20130101') being 1?
Q: Age Calculation Query

Garrett JonesIn the process of some age calculations. I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to SQL but I've been tasked with singling out persons who will turn 65yrs old as of 31 March 2013. So far I'm able to calculate age based on given DOB, however I'm having issues singling out these persons. I'm thinkin...

@Lamak I certainly do. DATEDIFF measures the number of intervals that have been crossed, not the absolute distance. Since it returns an integer, how else would you expect it to deal with DATEDIFF(YEAR, '20120101', '20121231')? If that should round up to 1, when do you stop rounding up to 1? All the way back to July 1?
@AaronBertrand Oh, don't get me wrong, I also agree. I just have had so many arguments about it
You just have to tell them, this is how SQL Server works, if you want datediff to work differently, write your own.
@AaronBertrand lol, I have actually ended some of those arguments saying almost the exact same thing (in spanish though)
I voted to close it as a dupe. Of another question that was also closed as a dupe.
Hrm .. absolutely everything in Spotlight is green. I'm worried. World gone on break?
Anyway, am I the only one on dba.se using ODA?
Anyone know anyone else?
@Roy Spotlight? shudder
@AaronBertrand I kinda like it, let's me tell management something they want to hear in a matter of seconds. Just has me worried when it's not complaining about something :)
@Roy I work for SQL Sentry - as does Kevin Kline, who left Quest.
@AaronBertrand Do you have a product for Oracle?
@Roy not really, we support Oracle database jobs in Event Manager, otherwise we're pretty much SQL Server focused.
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