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@rfusca Haha which RDBMS?
@SQLKiwi One could only dream....
@ThomasStringer pick one and I probably do something with it. Mainly Oracle, Postgres, and Teradata these days
a touch of MySQL and SQL Server
@rfusca Wow, talk about the full gammit (I have no idea how to spell that, and way too lazy on a Friday night to actually look it up)
Wow a generalist. Aren't they endangered?
@SQLKiwi Find that corner, and dive deep, deep, deep :-)
@ThomasStringer ya, it makes life ...interesting
@rfusca Sounds like it
@ThomasStringer its gamut btw
@ThomasStringer you're a sql server fella right
@rfusca Yep, that's correct. Purely SQL Server.
@ThomasStringer lucky to be pure...but eh, sql server ;)
@rfusca Ouch :-)
@rfusca I can't imagine working with any other RDBMS. I love it too much
@ThomasStringer ya, i really would only use postgres given the choice
@rfusca That's interesting. Any particular reason?
teradata feels like you're working in the 90s and Oracle feels like your hands are tied. pg is really flexible and unsurprising
@rfusca Very cool indeed
@ThomasStringer who do you work for?
@rfusca Microsoft
@rfusca You?
@ThomasStringer oooooooooooooooooooo
@ThomasStringer transcore
@rfusca Ah, nice
@rfusca Sounds like a very cool environment. Looks like it'd be chock full of data :-)
lol chock full of data is probably right
but they've had a string of terrible dbas
@ThomasStringer most of the data i work with is rail related
but i just moved to atl from arkansas
@rfusca How are you liking it here? I like the city.
@ThomasStringer its good, we like it
alpharetta seems nice
but the commute is rough
but raising a family ITP wasn't really an option
@rfusca I hear ya. Very similar situation for me, wife and two kids.
@ThomasStringer yup, wife, two kids
@rfusca Haha Talk about coincidence
@ThomasStringer ya, you, me, and a whole 100 million other people ;)
@rfusca Well....maybe not that coincidental :-)
@rfusca hahahahahahaha
must be neat to work somewhere like microsoft
@rfusca I like it a lot
@rfusca But data is data! It's all fun :-)
Hey, @ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells, long time no talk!
Well, back safe and sound folks. A good time was had by all.
@ThomasStringer Indeed. If it didn't catch your attention we had the London Christmas drinkies tonight.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells It didn't. That sounds like a fun time :-)
@ThomasStringer yup!
@ThomasStringer Give us some advance warning if you come across the ditch and we'll organise one for you ;-}
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells :-) Will do. You'll be the first to know!
@ThomasStringer I'm sure we will. How's life there in 'merica
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Pretty good. A little chilly at the moment, but I bet you guys are even colder, huh.
@ThomasStringer Not so cold tonight although it's been quite wet. I've been working out of town and it's fairly cold there.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Whereabouts?
@ThomasStringer its been a veritable summer here though
and like 70s this weekend
@rfusca This summer was pretty crap here.
@rfusca Ah, yes, but the summer is excellent! I'll take extreme heat over cold any day of the week
in arkansas, we were a near 10 degrees hotter on avg than atl
@rfusca What?! That's 10 degrees that they can keep :-) That's a bit too toasty
I went to Malta a couple of months ago and caught up with @gbn. It was pretty hot there, although not mid-summer.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Richard dispatched on the Northern line, heading for Mordor
we had so many days that were near or over 110
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Nice! How's @gbn doing?
@MarkStorey-Smith Excellent.
@ThomasStringer He was quite happy at the time. Had a new significant other.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells That's good.
i wonder if anybody else in the atl area
@SQLKiwi no objection except it is old. I would not downvote for it. Just point out to them they are using old join syntax
@rfusca Don't know. The 'merkin side seems pretty widely dispersed. Even @jcolebrand and @caderoux are out of staggering distance.
Well I used to live in Atlanta, and have friends there.
What's the question?
Additionally, yeah, we're well outside the concept of staggering distance
@jcolebrand I think it's around the practicalities of meeting up for drinkies.
@rfusca Not that I know of
from my house to the nearest pub currently is at least 2 or 3 miles, and I live in one of the larger cities in the US, in one of the highly trafficked areas.
@jcolebrand Which city?
@JackDouglas lives about 15 miles away from me and @MarkStorey-Smith shares a train line, so we've met up for drinkies a few times now.
@rfusca I'm sure there are a few folks about but there's only like 15k on the site, no?
@ThomasStringer Dallas TX
@jcolebrand Cool, good BBQ
brb, kid, bath
@jcolebrand That would necessitate a move
@MarkStorey-Smith Haha
However, the next time I'm in Atlanta I'll definitely poke you @rfusca
And ya'll remember Eric Humphries helping out here when the site first got started? @lotsahelp?
He's out here, we've had dinner together (I swear that's the name, I'm normally about 40/60 on remembering names)
@jcolebrand Yep
@jcolebrand I live quite a way out of town and in a fairly sparsely equipped area for pubs, and there would be at least half a dozen in that range. If I lived in London there would be more like 50.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells exactly
@MarkStorey-Smith to be fair, I'm in the market starting next month for a place to move into
@jcolebrand A tad style-cramping.
Oh well, folks. Happy drinkies day and compliments of the season; I've got something I need to get up for tomorrow so I must go to bed. Have a good evening and don't do anything I wouldn't. You can ask @MarkStoreySmith what I've been up to.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Cheers :)
I'm pretty sure that just rules out straight heroin injection into the brain ...
ok, somebody figure out why my checkboxes aren't working?
@jcolebrand Yes, it does. Alcohol is my drug of choice ;-}
dang i'm on a legacy google storage plan and now its way more expensive, like 6 times the price
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells What's this I've missed about beers?
@Phil We had dba.se drinkies tonight.
Oh. Fail
I didn't know
@Phil Bummer. You should really come down for drinkies at some point.
Will do. May well move to London early next year
@Phil You were invited... pay more attention in class!
Then your liver will take a battering :D
@Phil A few pints is enough for me. However we'll quite happily consume popcorn and watch you getting trollied ;-}
@Phil Still, give us some advance warning when you're down next and we'll arrange something.
Fires up Jobserve
Can't be arsed to look for a job before Christmas though
Not the time for it. January will be slow too, I'll wait until Feb
Get 'em before they close!
@Phil We've already had the christmas drinkies. No hurry though. We can wait for you to get something.
Or they change marketing ploy
fixed my checkbox, no thanks to the gits gettin plastered in here ... who's buying me round tonight?
uh huh, I see
@jcolebrand Got a paypal account?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells lol
@jcolebrand I'll paypal you a few bob to go drinkies on if you want.
Send the monies to [email protected] - All will be sorted :P
I've got the cash, I've just got no mates
@Phil smart trick ;-)
@jcolebrand Bummer
(Don't care about my address being public)
@jcolebrand I paid for drinks last night, so. Also, I'm not your type. ;)
@TimStone No, she'll be here .. uh ... /me scurries to the TBR
@TimStone You're like the se.chat overlord... always listening in from the sidelines :)
I liked to keep people on their toes.
@MarkStorey-Smith the first rule about being a chat overlord ...
Grabs a beer from the fridge
@TimStone We're not even sober.
Bad influences, the lot of you
@Phil Cheers.
@Phil Bollocks.
Honest, guv
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Making the whole "on your toes" business all the more amusing, clearly
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells My email address is above. Mail me your personal one. Only had your LV one before
@phil Would it surprise or disturb you to hear that technically, I just re-started work.
@TimStone Blargle Blargle fnaaargh. (best read in a drunk Glaswegian voice)
@MarkStorey-Smith Depends what the surprise is. Never had my balls tickled over the internet before, for example....
And I've no idea how or why that message was linked to your previous. Perhaps I should rethink the maintenance I'm undertaking for the next 2 hours
@Phil I'll take your word for that.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Received. Buy yourself a domain!
@Phil I have considered data-whisperer.co.uk at one point.
But I can't be arsed writing any content to put up on it.
Many years ago I tried to get fatbastard.com but it's owned by a california winery that has a vintage called old fat bastard.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells redirect it to dba.se as a mock protest at our site name :)
@MarkStorey-Smith I suppose I could.
Given that my entire internet presence consists of stuff posted on stackexchange sites.
You don't need a website to have a better email address
Get yourself a personal domain for email
benedict cumberbatch in the new star trek movie...awesome
later fellas
Are you all dead from too much beer?
@Phil lol
@Phil Working :)
And in between, trying to answer a dba.se Q without sounding like I've had too much beer.
I think I'm going to fail... on the Q anyway
A: How Can the Same Query in Two Nearly Identical Instances Generate Two Different Execution Plans?

Mark Storey-SmithExecution plans (actual, not estimated) need to be added to the Q for a definitive answer but... How Can the Same Query in Two Nearly Identical Instances Generate Two Different Execution Plans? Because, by your admission, they are not identical. Most likely explanation for the different e...

This guy sounds like he's been on the beer ;)
@SQLKiwi I thought he hid it quite well, considering :)
@MarkStorey-Smith Well you would, you're drunk!
LOL no it's fine - I upvoted.
The original attempt (not posted) was basically a list of ranting noise along the lines of "NOLOCK!!!, CROSS DATABASE JOINS!!!, DIFFERENT ROW COUNTS!!!, ARARARAGEHHHH"
Q: Bulk insert into SQL Server from VMWare guest using distributed switch

Bob KlimesThis is mostly likely not a SQL server issue but the setup seems to only be affecting BULK INSERTS to SQL Servers. We have recently moved VM Hardware and all the guests that were moved had their virtual switches changed from standard to distributed. I then started receiving A fatal error oc...

Ah and there's an ISNUMERIC test too, just for kicks
@SQLKiwi Lots of facepalm, little to work with
Noting says facepalm more than my avatar
@Phil Hangover or server crash? Always wondered which it was.
Looks like hangover
Or possibly post long liquid lunch
Damn, C.J. Date wrote a vicious letter to Communications of the ACM regarding Erik Meijer's article from September "All Your Database Are Belong to Us", saying "It is difficult to believe the article was peer reviewed". Meijer responds "building industrial-strength relational ... requires leaving the ivory tower"
So speaking of beers - I did manage to finally meet my little data warehouse project owner who has some tenuous connection to New Orleans and we had beers last night at a local pub/bar/tavern. And it looks like there is a lot more work coming my way, which is nice.
@SQLKiwi ISNUMERIC('1E10') => never use ISNUMERIC unless you really don't particularly care for your query to actually work in the real world.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Yeah @jcolebrand isn't even in Louisiana any more.
I was amused to find out that the little DW I built for them in 45 hours (which is populating every hour from their data) is about the only thing in their startup which is reliably working to expectations. He was amused to see I could easily monitor the hourly loads from my Android phone/tablet using pushover for notifications and mercurial to check the logs into my repository.
Seems like they will be a good client. All their development resources are customer facing - so they need back office automation.
4 hours later…
What an unhygienic question is this? User drops? broaaf
Q: How are these two user drops different?

KM01Other than the obvious, what is the difference between: drop user user_01@host01; and drop user 'user_01'@'host01'; In a sample test, they both achieved the same result. From Account Names docs (5th bullet point), looks like they are not the same ... yet they appear to do the same thing ......

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