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@swasheck Need a hand? That's a client thing
Q: user cant stop oracle listener (TNS-01190)

Ould AbbaI have oracle 10g installed on RedHat Entreprise 5. i have 2 users that uses oracle : uid=501(user1) gid=502(group1) groupes=500(oinstall),501(dba),502(group1) and uid=500(oracle) gid=500(oinstall) groupes=500(oinstall),501(dba),502(group1) when a user tries to stop a listener that was st...

Thoughts from @ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells and @JackDouglas on my comment please.
3 hours later…
@Phil thanks for the kind offer. I think I've got it.
7 hours later…
love it when people come in and randomly downvote every single answer
Q: How to get some records without cursor, without Cross Apply in T-SQL

Mehdi EmraniI have a table called Objects which contains some files, say: User Teacher There is another table (States) which holds the possible states of these objects, like: Active Idle Teaching Resting Authoring And there is a third table (junction table) which logs each state change of each object...

raise a mod flag
they can't undo the voting though
Hello all
I have been lately using a Windows 2003 server machine for some development. Any suggestions for antivirus?
haven't tested on 2003 tough
1 hour later…
@dezso: is it possible that the cost is a calculated column, I mean that the table is a view and not a base table?
I've checked it now, views' pg_relation_size is 0
and I'd expect the explain output to be different with a view
(unless the table and the view share the same name)
((which is impossible in the same schema))
Well, if he wants performance, why isn't a (fruit, cost) index there?
Very good question
The answer is not about performance, though—maybe he doesn't care much
or he does, but waited a month silently, I don't know
I've edited the post in order to bring it up
Oh, i hadn't noticed it's an old question.
2 hours later…
@Phil @JackDouglas @rfusca I have to publicly apologize for mocking Oracle. In the end, it was the DBA's information that was incorrect and not the server.
@swasheck Oracle DBAs never give incorrect information :P
@JackDouglas if you can figure out the installation then you're allowed to give any misinformation you'd like
@JackDouglas good to see you around again
Hey @swasheck, did you, by any chance, delete your comment on that meta post yesterday?
@Lamak not voluntarily
or someone else did it for you?
this is getting out of hand
@Lamak i guess i got flagged for OT or too chatty or not constructive or something. i felt like it was extremely constructive to demonstrate the levels of a game of "most on the post" that the community was going through
@swasheck Have I been away? I guess I've given that impression ;)
@swasheck it pretty much lost its context when that guy's comments were deleted
Reading the rest of the comments, yours seemed very constructive
@dezso this one still existed
"There is no problem, please move on." -- Nothing to see here peasant. Don't look behind the curtain. — GEOCHET 22 hours ago
but whatever ... i don't really care
♪ as long as we've got each other ♬
and still exists now... interesting... (I'd flagged it anyway)
@dezso right ... forgive the past tense ... i'm still booting up
the happy Americas
I'm leaving for home
Why does op here doesn't answer my question?. And why is there an upvote on those answers?
Q: MS-SQL Combining queries

crashtestxxxIm trying to get users total visits number per each web URL page that stored in my database. Bellow is my SQL query that will show total unique users where URL contains that keyword. SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userId) as title1TotalVisitors FROM someTable WHERE urlCol LIKE '%Url-Title-1%' Now I hav...

@dezso ha ha just accepted COTW's answer on meta :)
@JackDouglas that link was an answer on that
ah, I get it...
i'm lost. oh well.
Question: Being fairly new to stackexchange, I wanted to ask about proper etiquette for responding to questions. If I want to answer a user's question, and I have my own blog post that explains the answer in detail, can I post that link? Or is it better just to answer the user's question in detail on stackexchange?
@PatrickKeisler Hi, please answer the question on the site but feel free to include the link!
You might not want to reproduce your whole post—it might be more appropriate to summarize the relevant portions :)
^^^ what @JackDouglas said
@JNK echo
@swasheck testing some syntax
so no strikethrough in chat
it's three dashes on either side
nice thanks ben
good deal
@JNK i was just geeking out on rush so it fit
anybody have experience working for a startup?


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
ah yes, @dezso I was looking for this one.
@swasheck Yes. Startups have very little money and I had to physically reposess an XW9300 I built as a dev server for them. Someone I worked with told me that they had been stiffed by 3 smaller firms.
Apart from that they tend to have a nice, laid-back atmosphere and (in the best case) all the nice things the silicon valley wonks rave about when they start waxing lyrical on startups.
@rfusca And real men can install pre 8.1 oracle by figuring out which shared libs to scrounge from RedHat and link into the image. Hyper-real men can work out which SCO Unix shared libs they need to install 7.3.
I have an imaginary component, which makes me complex. This also means I'm allowed to eat quiche.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells it's as i expected. long on benefits (especially "soft benefits"), short on cash
and clearly i'm not a "real" man
a surreal then?
@ypercube perhaps
Thanks @JackDouglas
@ypercube or maybe i'm just Particle Man
@swasheck Probably best avoided as a contractor. The point of working at a startup (IMO) is to have a stake in the future of the company.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells i think it's direct-hire
@swasheck Perhaps you are transcenental or surreal?
@swasheck Depends on the risk profile you want. If the compny succeeds you're the 'fourth employee' and will have a pretty nice wicket. If it goes titsup you're buggered. Some people get off on working for startups.
If I had (say) John Carmack's programming talent I'd probably be into startups.
However, I'm way past any lofty ambitions of changing the world and I'm settling for contract work in a relatively stable and cash rich market that I happened to get into by coincidence.
indeed. the risk is pretty high - it's an online marketing company of ~30 people who throw balls at each other during brainstorming sessions.
Actually, getting Oracle 8.0 working on Linux wasn't that hard. There were plenty of Oracle-on-Linux HOWTOs on the web with a pretty short time after Oracle released 8.0 on Linux. There were even HOWTO docs on using the SCO libs on Linux to run 7.3 on it.
@swasheck Sales and marketing companies are pretty crap to work for. If you go back far enough I've even worked for a little cowboy sales outift. They're almost always scum.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells nice
@swasheck From the web site it looks like an online brand management and CRM-ish sort of outfit.
that was what i thought too
"I wanted to reach out to you regarding a new opportunity we just got word of. It is a new client of ours called Swiftpage. It is a email marketing company, around 30 employees, younger, entrepreneurial environment; casual work environment; very collaborative, 'family-oriented' team (often tossing a ball back-and-forth to each other while brainstorming ideas)."
May be crap. May be OK. I think the faux-'90s dot-com symbolic capital sounds a bit try-hard. Maybe evidence of a bit of corporate hypocricy going on; trying to convince themselves that they're really the next comong of Amazon.com
I think I can make a reasonable claim to have actually done real creative work. Edison's take on invention being 90% perspiration is spot on. Brainstorming sessions and throwing stress balls around sounds a bit like people trying to convince themselves that they're really creative.
Although it can involve team work - often thrashing out stuff on a white board with somebody. I've never really had much joy from big team brainstorming sessions, though.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells it seems that we have the same perception of things
Good insights, COTW
Sorry to sound negative but the whole 'tossing a ball while brainstorming' stuff is straight out of hollywood. I doubt even scriptwriters actually do that.
sounds kind of like classic corporate thinking
"<Succesfull company X> does this so if we do it to we will be like them!"
I have heard of some firms doing 20% time a la google but telling people what to work on during their 20% time.
@JNK Correction Tom DeMarco says <successful company X> does this so we'll be like them.
@JNK agreed
but i'm a notorious skeptic so i just wanted to make sure i gave them a fair shake before i said, "no thanks"
@swasheck Question: What use does an outfit like that have for a DBA or back-end developer. Do they have a high volume .com site that needs a database tuned and running 24x7?
If they do then they might have a decent role for you.
they appear to have some sort of client login portal which may need 24x7
@swasheck Is it a pukka high-volume app?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells dont know ... i've not even spoken with them yet
What does it do - maybe they grab stats off web sites and have some analytics hidden behind the login. If so maybe they have a genuine requirement.
Reading the feature set on the web site it gives the impression that they have some sort of hosted turnkey e-commerce system. Maybe they have a genuine requirement for uptime and performance.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells yeah
@bluefeet If he has a small child it's probably more like an undead zombie state.
@bluefeet This is scary, I was about to post the exact same words that you just did. I even copied the link to the comment
@bluefeet if he has your email address, you can reference @AaronBertrand and you get a cryptic email back. i think it's a viral marketing campaign for his new in-memory distributed RDBMs
@bluefeet He's been around. He emailed me yesterday about some meta garbage
@swasheck It might be worth contacting them and finding out what the role is. If it sounds like a genuine requirement then they might be OK.
@Lamak I was surprised to see a comment from him
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells thanks
I read an aphorism that goes something like:
If the company is run by the people who make the product then you're sweet.
If the company is run by the people who sell the product then you're probably still OK
If the company is run by accountants then you should start looking for another job.
If the company is run by lawyers then you should get out of there as quickly as posible. Run. Don't walk.
They didn't have anything specific to say about when the company is run by Bain Capital.
@swasheck If they come across like tossers they probably are.
@JNK nice description ... "I'm a dude."
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells "Find out where Mitt stashes his cash and ask for an introduction"
@swasheck Was in response to a conversation with HGLEM where it came out she is a lady. She pointed out that with my username and picture my gender was not obvious so I put it into my profile.
@JNK interesting
@JNK she's been very helpful to me
I'm searching for the comment now
@JNK you don't have to ... i was just saying that she's helped me a few times
Q: Delete rows from SQL Server with WHERE statement from different tables

xrumI need to delete some rows from a table, based on a mixed where statement from two tables. I tried this: delete from tblI t1, tblS t2 where t2.rcode = 'ALA' and t1.sid > 5 but I get a syntax error. Please help me figure this out Changed it to JOINS: delete from tblI inner join tblS on t...

it was marc_s
nice one from her
@JNK everyone knows that HAL was a dude
well he had a male voice
I'm not sure if you could turn him over and check though
HLGEM's avatar somehow reminds me of the cover to Pink Floyd's "Meddle"
(but not the same)
@JNK i stand corrected and in awe of your continued attention to detail
@JNK Dave ... What are you doing with my lower interface port?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells settling a debate on The Heap
wow, this user posted a question. I answered, they said it worked then they deleted the entire thing
sorry 10k+
Q: Which is more scalable, Oracle RAC or MySQL Cluster?

DavitaI'm looking for information about both products and your experience would be a big help. I'm aware that Oracle RAC and MySQL Cluster uses different architecture and that Oracle RAC has single point of failure where MySQL doesn't, RAC scales vertically, MySQL Cluster horizontally, but in practice,...

@bluefeet nice ... sorry about the rep, though
@dezso tough call
@swasheck its not even about the rep, talk about code vampire.
It was a valid question
@bluefeet i know it's not about that ... but it's frustrating when you put effort into something
someone benefits
and then poof
@dezso for some reason that question's not getting any real traction
RAC.. scale... thats funny
@bluefeet: What exactly is the average population per city? I would expect the cities table to have one row per city, so what is the meaning of average?
@ypercube i cant see the question ... can't contribute
it's undeleted now
@ypercube I am not exactly sure. I was guessing based on the limited details they provided. But supposedly it worked
Rereading for the third time, and with the title having "two average populations for countries", I guess he wants group by country only.
Now why he says it worked ...
@ypercube I am guessing both considering he said average population for the city in each country. I would think that they have multiple entries
yeah, the title and the question have conflicting descriptions.
@ypercube @bluefeet poor question
@swasheck agreed
@bluefeet having said that --- if it works it should be accepted
Hello ,
You are invited to the following event:

1 hour later…
Does anyone actually go to user group meetings? Or are they just things sales people hold so they can buy a bunch of free food under the guise of talking to users?
from the latest comments I got the idea of an ideal startup: a sort of antisocial network
@dezso sign me up! or dont! whatever :)
@dezso It's called app.net
I think by default everybody on earth would be signed up, and those interested would sign out
I feel this is very appealing to advertisers, coz I wanna make money out of it, fast
@BenBrocka i've heard some buzz ... what is it?
It's twitter but you pay for it
The basic premise was:
A) you paying for it means the devs are beholden to users, not advertisers
B) developer friendly
Basically they're banking on people being ticked off by twitter's API restrictions
But the name is really dumb
This...sounds complicated
Q: Query to find the record with most matching columns, where the number of columns and names of columns is unknown?

DalalI have two tables, X and Y, with identical schema but different records. Given a record from X, I need a query to find the closest matching record in Y that contains NULL values for non-matching columns. Identity columns should be excluded from the comparison. For example, if my record looked ...

@Lamak sounds like a job for @bluefeet ...
It already has an answer
@BenBrocka is facebook's design really that awesome that people need to copy it?
@BenBrocka I always thought it should have been called "join". The company was app.net before they even had this product. And the signup page was join.app.net.
@CadeRoux Join join.net
App.net sounds like some Microsoft app programming language
@swasheck what part of their site copies facebook's design?
app.net sounds like a redistribution site for table/phone apps
@BenBrocka dont know really as UX/UI is not really my strong point, but i go there and i think ... "man, did they just take facebook's style sheet and change the font?" maybe it's just a matter of perception, and i'm totally wrong.
It's a common enough product-page layout...not seeing the similarity to facebook though
@swasheck This is for you with love
Q: Unable to install 64-bit Oracle 10g Release 2 ODAC for Windows x64 on 64 bit Windows Server 2008 R2

EgalitarianI need to connect an application to Oracle. In the installation guide for that application it says that it requires 64 bit version of Oracle Data Access Component,more specifically . I have tried installing it but I am continuously getting the error attached in the image when ever I try ...

@dezso where is this fabled "attached image"
and another one
@swasheck I often wonder how many of these "I need to make sure my theoretical app will scale to facebook or google size" actually ever even end up with any product at all
@rfusca well this is a Nokia venture
not sure which one the OP refers to
@dezso must be blocked here ... DOH!
Java (TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition has stopped working
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.
exception code c0000374
dezso in OCR mode
Wow ... just saw the trailer for "Warm Bodies"
you here @jack?
1 hour later…
@swasheck doh I missed it
@bluefeet you're the only one i know who'd put the effort into creating something
@swasheck probably. I saw it before I left the office and figured no one would even attempt it

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