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2 hours later…
@JackDouglas Is it new, the "plain-text" output format on SQLFiddle? I just used it today. I would rather have liked the MySQL version +----+, but that'll do me for now.
@RichardTheKiwi no, that's not new :)
Good morning
Evening ladies
4 hours later…
so I called out this person for a link only answer and I now I got a mysterious downvote on an old answer
Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference. — bluefeet 7 mins ago
@bluefeet you can see other peoples rep history on SO? at least you could eliminate 0101010100001010101 that way...
I don't mean eliminate as in 'exterminate'–eliminate as a suspect ;)
You cannot see if they down-voted someone on the rep history. But it was immediately after I made my comment
@bluefeet can't you see a -1?
nope, those are hidden
ah, it's mod only then, didn't know that.
you'd need a friendly SO mod :-)
I guess so
@JackDouglas Is that hinting at abuse of power?! SO/SE goes into great trouble to somewhat hide voting
@bluefeet looks like it's been converted to a comment?
@RichardTheKiwi In what way?
ah, ok
@JackDouglas yes it was converted
It wouldn't be responsible of a mod to say "yes that guy downvoted you", but that doesn't mean they couldn't take action against a revenge downvoter if you brought it to their attention
Can't speak for SO, but if someone told me they suspected that behaviour on dba.se I'd look into it
Just ask them... But be aware, some of us consider such comments to border on rude: avoid whining about the down-vote itself, or demanding a response - and do your best to figure it out on your own first... — Shog9 Sep 8 '10 at 15:39
that's the other method of course
I would have thought mods have better things to do than track down the loss of 2 rep... There are many mechanisms in place to flush out [serial] revenge downvoting and other undesirable behaviour. Just IMHO
@RichardTheKiwi You are kidding right? No-one cares about the rep. I do care about community-building though, and revenge downvoting is not exactly community friendly.
But there is nothing in place to catch vengeful downvotes. As I said, the downvote was almost immediately after I questioned the link only pointless answer
@bluefeet how many down-votes do you get a month?
pretty much zero
probably no a coincidence them–but that doesn't mean it was 00010100101010101–it could have been someone else watching the thread
@JackDouglas 1/2 (joking) and 1/2 (not). I'd hardly care, if the person was only venting and it was a one-off, even 5-off. Don't start about vote-accuracy of posts... difference between 12 or 3 votes hardly define the worth of a post
@JackDouglas agreed that it could have been someone else but that would be quite a coincidence
@bluefeet Are you referring to the answer that already had 2 downvotes?
my answer? yes
Ok so if it was already not looking good, on any given day you could easily attract another one right? The original question already included "full text search", so maybe someone got disappointed hitting the question-answer.
and I just got another downvote on the same answer that is well over a year old
@bluefeet Hey you got a badge out of the ordeal :)
@RichardTheKiwi not really the point.
10 nested loops deep, many full table scans...sigh...it just makes me want to cry
@bluefeet It happened to me last week, I got 6 downvotes immediately after a discussion with a SO user, and some random downvotes on other old answers. I exoected a cleaning of those serial downvotes, but it didn't happened....well, nothing to do
@dezso: congrats for the 2k
oh, thanks
a minute ago I was 10 rep shy of it
was it you? :)
that is nice round number
time for a downvote!
also, grats @dezso :)
@bluefeet which answer is it? i need to downvote something
@swasheck its gone, was deleted by a mod
there are cranky people on SO today
@bluefeet you're just in the wrong circles
i find the python folks to be nice
at any rate ... in everyones experience, is this common? joining on <= >=?
Q: postgresl: inner join takes 70 seconds

headslingI have two tables - Table A : 1MM rows, AsOfDate, Id, BId (foreign key to table B) Table B : 50k rows, Id, Flag, ValidFrom, ValidTo Table A contains multiple records per day between 2011/01/01 and 2011/12/31 across 100 BId's. Table B contains multiple non overlapping (between validfrom and v...

@swasheck i have someone who just attempted to dv an answer of mine twice.
@ypercube were you able to do a repair?
@bluefeet gathered that from the context of the converstaion
@swasheck different answer/question now
@swasheck Yep quite common.
@bluefeet so you have a stalker who's trawling your answers and DVing them?
@swasheck not sure whats going on today but it is ruining my mood for a friday
@bluefeet i quote the wise philosophers U2 when i say, "don't let the bastards grind you down."
@swasheck true, but I am sure feeling fed up with SO at this point
@bluefeet it's the natural progression of things, i reckon
@SQLkiwi i remember coming across it quite a bit in financial reporting, but not since then (7 years ago).
@DTest: it was in a production system, so I found a way without tampering with the mysql db
@swasheck True enough - I only say 'common' because it has been common for me recently (and yes, a financial thing)
@ypercube my devs get angry with me when i dont allow them to test in production. so i'm interviewing for a new job today.
@SQLkiwi the AsOfDate is a dead giveaway
@swasheck Agreed. That column name still provokes an emotional reaction this end :)
@SQLkiwi start flinching? does your eyelid twitch? here in the US there's probably a pill for that.
@swasheck It's more of a slightly sick feeling.
@SQLkiwi i think we have pills for that, too
@swasheck awesome, good luck!
@DTest it's actually a leverage play, unless the offer is too good to turn down
@DTest but thanks :)
@ypercube interesting...how'd you do that if you don't mind sharing :)
@DTest but i would get to use more postgres :)
@swasheck ahh, I'm contemplating that in the next month as well..
@DTest: Sorry, I didn't mean I solved the mysl.proc issue. It's corrupted :)
looking at the linkedin recruiters who have hit my profile, i can't tell if they're account reps or call girls
I had tried to reverse engineer the db through WorkBench and it was giving this error.
So, I just got through CLI the table definitions.
In fact, I then tried through PHPMyAdmin, and it worked as well.
(The corruption can wait because the db will be moved into another machine in 2 days, so no reason to mess with it now)
@Dtest: It's funny that I couldn't find an option in Workbench to reverse engineer only the tables.
mmm, yeah. CLI all the way :)
@swasheck: Are these 2 correlated? "devs get angry" and "you interviewing for a new job" ?
@ypercube it sure sounds like it from that chat post, but not really.
I dealt with a Manager who kept testing crap on production with public derision and passive aggressive comments...worked out ok. That day, I was a poor diplomat.
Just a friendly reminder: Please don't flag questions that are crap from first day posters, but instead comment and communicate with the user to encourage them to leave better questions.
with the answers given on this Q, I think they should be migrated to one site or the other and merged. Thoughts?
Q: MySQL data view

wenkhairuI have a table that looks like this: +----------------------------------------+ |Name | kode | jum | +----------------------------------------+ | aman |kode1 | 2 | | aman |kode2 | 1 | | jhon |kode1 | 4 | |...

Q: Row to column with total count

wenkhairuI have MySQL data that looks like this: +----------------------------------------+ |Name | kode | jum | +----------------------------------------+ | aman |kode1 | 2 | | aman |kode2 | 1 | | jhon |kode1 | 4 ...

I do believe we have the power in this room to effect a move and VtC: Dupe on either side, altho merges would be harder for the SO side, so migrating here would be the better option, im-ever-so-ho
and we have a justification: our dupe was posted 2 mins earlier
Actually cross posting is legit, but we should be mindful of which site has the more direct experts. If you're just asking SQL language questions, Stack Overflow is often the better choice. But when you wanna understand the internals or the reasons for the SQL, then here is the better choice. Also, once a question has been well-answered on one of the cross-posted sites, the other Q's should be closed or deleted. — jcolebrand 9 mins ago
Really? I thought cross posting was frowned upon
It is frowned upon, just legit. However, accepting on two sites is definitely frowned upon
So are we closing to move here? Everybody hop on the Stack Overflow close vote train and send that puppy to us.
I've cast the first vote.
Q: Row to column with total count

wenkhairuI have MySQL data that looks like this: +----------------------------------------+ |Name | kode | jum | +----------------------------------------+ | aman |kode1 | 2 | | aman |kode2 | 1 | | jhon |kode1 | 4 ...

Make it happen people
@jcolebrand: So, what happens then? The question has 2 accepted answers?
Nope, I'll merge and it'll have just the one accepted answer.
but it'll have all the answers from both Q
If OP wants to then change the accept, so be it
@swasheck you have VtC on Stack Overflow right?
@JackDouglas @JNK you lot around?
Well there is a meeting going on about switching the databases I maintain and develop for from MS SQL to MySQL
and I got left out because I have brought up realistic concerns over the time it would take to make such a switch #TimetoFindANewJob
Yeah, sounds like it. Where do you live/work?
Gah, one more stinking vote
And this is how that merge ends up looking @ypercube
Q: MySQL data view

wenkhairuI have a table that looks like this: +----------------------------------------+ |Name | kode | jum | +----------------------------------------+ | aman |kode1 | 2 | | aman |kode2 | 1 | | jhon |kode1 | 4 | |...

Minneapolis MN
@jcolebrand The problem is I work like 80 hours a week and do pretty much everything for this place and they consistently pull stuff like this.
Are you getting paid to work 80 hours a week?
Is this a 6 person startup?
@jcolebrand hello
@JackDouglas well it's done now :p
I'm Salaried
So no
Then quit doing so much damn work for someone else.
You're getting paid for 40
I realize that's a shitty attitude to have
but seriously, they don't need you to give them 80 hours a week, and if they do, then they can pay you for 80
Or, you can go somewhere else for a lot less stress.
anyone have any suggestions for this one to not use some many replace() functions?
Q: SQL Nested Replace

dopplesoldnerI have a complex nested replace which I am using to join two tables in MSSQL. select * from A left outer join select * from B on replace( replace( replace( replace( replace(A.Column1, '1114', ''), '1160', ''), '1162', ''), ...

I tried doing the 60+ hrs/week for a company. They all left at 5 and went home and enjoyed their night. I stopped staying so late, and nobody got upset.
@jcolebrand I'm salaried and when I started getting more responsibilities I negotiated a higher salary that represented the increased responsibilities and probably more hours worked.
so I wouldn't say I get paid for 40 hours/week
but in @Zane's case, I agree...time to bail :)
@DTest do you have a new contract?
@JackDouglas oh this was several years ago
@bluefeet Does MySQL do regex?
@jcolebrand I think it is time to find a new gig. This was my first DB gig but It's time to move on.
Use a regex then
@Zane Need an invite to Stack Overflow Careers?
@DTest I mean that salaried positions usually specify working hours in the contract, don't they?
problem is they need to match only a list of values
I can certainly pop over there.
@balpha bug - how do we link to careers with a shortlink???
hmm, that question is tagged sql server
@Zane lemme know if you need an invite
not mysql
That's an open question to this room, btw
@DTest oh shit, I saw MSSQL and read MySQL
@jcolebrandWill do
MySQL's handling of regexp is crappy...it will find rows it like a glorified LIKE but you can't use it to replace :(
@jciolebrand: MySQL's regex are a subset of the whole.
@jcolebrand i dont, actually
@jcolebrand I know you'll hate him anyway, but that wasn't what the man meant (at least as far as I can tell from watching him on YouTube) :-)
@JackDouglas I know, but the cartoon is hilarious. Also, there are plenty of folks here in the states who legitimately don't think women can get pregnant from rape.
Then again, most people don't understand how fertility even works, so ... not that great a loss, sadly.
@JackDouglas that's what politics is all about in the US...taking clips and going apeshit. And out of context (like 'you didn't build that!')
@DTest Don't worry, that's not just the US
I'm trying only to vote for politicians who don't do that. It's pretty hard finding one on the ballot each election...
I figured, I just didn't want to make an unqualified claim without knowing :)
Statistics: 27% of Greeks believe that Sun goes round the Earth.
especially in a 2-party system...hate that
I wanna vote Green Party
@bluefeet regex?
@jcolebrand BLOCKED!
@jcolebrand what's stopping you?
@DTest Not being on the ticket?
@swasheck part of the problem is that they don't want items like this to match -- M125ICKY1114MOUSE to M999ICKYMOUSE
write-in :)
at least it's a better write-in than mickey mouse
what state?
I'm debating voting for Obama as an anti-Romney vote, or voting Green because it's right.
@DTest LA
That's where I'm registered for this election at least.
I saw that Roseanne Barr is on the ballot
vote because it's right then...your obama vote isn't going to matter
i figure if independent votes rise each election, eventually the major 2 will get the hint.../me dreams
@bluefeet apologies ... havent actually looked at the question yet
On the subject of voting, I'm wondering if we should VtC 'Vote to ellipsis'?
way to bring us back on topic!
@JackDouglas I can destroy it if need be
@DTest that's what I've been doing with my vote. People laugh at me.
laugh at them when they say their vote matters
at least your vote goes for what you believe in and actually does matter
I did try to reinstate it by visiting the URL but I just received a nice message telling me I had deleted it. Viewing my questions page in my profile didn't display it either :( — Barry 11 mins ago
@bluefeet it seems to me that some flavor of regex to match [0-9]+ and then replace that match with '' would work, but that'd require CLR
does that sound right?
@JackDouglas does what sound right? Users not being able to see their own deleted questions when they have a URL?
A: How do I undelete my question?

lunboksIf you still have access to the question URL, and thus its ID, you can undelete it yourself — but it requires a bit of trickery. Technically, you are allowed to undelete your own questions, you just can't get to the button that allows you to do so. You can just send the undelete request an...

ha ha ha ha ha
So the answer is you should be able to visit a link to your own deleted Q, if you have the link.
@jcolebrand yes, that's what I meant–but I think I've found the answer. You need 10k to see your own deleted question, though if you could see it you'd be able to undelete it no problem with 1 rep
@JackDouglas does this hash join look like it could benefit from a vacuum?
That actually does sound right now that you say that, because only 10k can see deleted Q.
Yes, that's probably most accurate.
even more ha ha ha:
A: Show all of my question/answers to me even if they are deleted

Jeff AtwoodGenerally when things get deleted, it's for a good reason, and we don't want users to be undeleting them -- there's a reason we require 10k rep to "see" deleted items at all, and only moderators can see deletions in a user's profile.

Hi there @JackDouglas :D
@Aarthi hello :)
I didn't want to leave this comment on the question because it would sound a bit too snarky but: Barry's a Webapps mod. I'm pretty sure if he coulda undeleted his question, he woulda. :D
(I can at least try to make it sound more offhand in chat than on the question)
@JackDouglas That said, in my limited experience: most users cannot undelete their own content. it's afaik.
it's to prevent deletion wars, i'm sure.
@Aarthi not even answers?
Not even answers. :(
Hmm? You can undelete answers, unless they were moderator-deleted.
@bluefeet nevermind ... i see ... there is a specific range of numbers that he wants removed.
@TimStone I think I need a sock-puppet to check these things out :)
@swasheck yeah, talk about messy data
@TimStone wait really?
@Aarthi Yeah, the system has no protections against deletion wars because it's not really something that's ever happened, unlike with close votes.
@bluefeet just commented as such. you could still do some CLR regex group matching but oh well.
is 'HELLO1160WORLD' a valid piece of data? if yes, bummer. if no, why not sanitize on the front end? — swasheck 50 secs ago
Sounds like @TimStone should reply to this meta post: meta.dba.stackexchange.com/questions/815/…
A: Why is it possible to vote for deletion/undeletion more than once?

Jarrod DixonI forget why we didn't apply it :) Seriously though, we haven't seen widespread delete/undelete wars. Before adding additional rules/complexity, we like to see how the community uses a feature. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

@Aarthi I've dug up some relevant posts on mSO and put them in an answer for Barry.
\o/ ilu guys
fistbumps to everyone
my work here is done~ /waves
@Aarthi @TimStone what do you two do, just lurk and jump in when there's something semi-related? Do you two read EVERYTHING? zoMG! YOU DO! GAH!
I have little alarms that go off whenever an opportunity to meddle presents itself.
@Aarthi yup, you got rid of the annoying flag on your to-do list ;-)
wow, why would you do this?
Q: How to best reorder 100k database rows every hour?

slycatMysql - i want to reorder a 100k row database every hour. I have a field called 'order' that i sort by. how can i best reorder it? I currently do this (pseudo): mainpage.php : select * from table order by `order` desc limit 100; and hourly: cronjob.php : select * from table order by rand();...

Does MySQL have windowing functions?
doesnt appear to
not even sure what those are :)
@JackDouglas no it does not
and TIL what window functions are...cool
and that someone on the internet doesn't like them: blog.alivate.com.au/?p=402
@DTest TL;DR; SQL doesn't fit my personal paradigm, ergo I will post a blogrant
@DTest "I hate writing sub-queries, but I seem to hate windowing functions even more!"
that's what i got out of it
@jcolebrand Turns out we are going from SQL Enterprise to MySQL community lol
@JackDouglas read: i'm sure lazy
that deserves a star!
That has no potential to blow up ...lol
@Zane no no no
@Zane get the funk out
@Lamak that's the meme i had in mind, yes
@DTest I know, I read your mind earlier
I am officially looking for work
@Zane MySQL has it's uses, but the only free option for a migration from the major RDBMSs is postgres–unless you are just using SQL Server as a bit-bucket anyway?
yeah, it does raise the question why they didn't choose postgres
or consider it
@Zane In Minnesota?
Give me your SO Careers Profile Link?
To keep in mind the scale we provide....Scratch that I provide National web based reporting for Wendy's across the country. I am not going to be able to do that on mySQL
@DTest postgres has its own idiosyncrasies that may require some learning just to get off the ground
@Zane MySQL on Windows?
mysql on windows makes me cringe
what could go wrong?
you guys should hire rolando...he does stuff with mysql on windows, or so I've heard.
@jcolebrand I havn't signed up for careers on here yet
@Zane document your concerns well. put it in your HR file on the way out (when you get something else) and keep a copy for yourself so that you don't get blackballed.
And can't because they monitor our internet.
@swasheck Will do thanks for the advice
so they're monitoring your chats right now!
lol They don't monitor that closley
Lunch catch you guys later.
@Zane: you can have a Careers profile that is not public.
@Zane when it goes to crap, you dont want the subtle undercurrents of a) not a team player, b) resistant to change, c) set in his ways, d) this project failed to influence your marketability
@Zane You will when you get home ;-)
@ypercube getting there is the hard part ... if internet is monitored, i'm sure "CAREERS" will show up in big bright flashing letters to the MGMT on the report
@ypercube i think he means he doesn't want the creation of the profile to be associated with the daily network traffic logs of his desk.
@swasheck @jcole: yeah, I read that comment in a different way
@ypercube understandable
so back to this guy ... blog.alivate.com.au/?p=402
Silly question of the day Did the Amazons really exist?
he needs a lot of cheese with all of that whine
It should look like this:

from Photos P
join Profiles PR
on PR.ID= P.ProfileID
Group By PR.ID --or Group By PR.ProfileName
Why wouldn't you write it like that to begin with?
@ypercube it lost me here ... "From Wonder Woman to Xena, Lara Croft to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, many female icons have that killing combination of ruthlessness and sexiness that both men and women admire—and desire."
Seriously, he's complaining about people writing shitty code. We all complain about that. If you can't write a performant query that's on you, not the language.
@jcolebrand PREACH IT!
There may be cases where the data isn't conducive to performant, that's our job.
@swasheck we already linked that once :p
I tell you e'vryting
@jcolebrand Most SQLy things will object to ProfileName not being in the GROUP BY clause there. They shouldn't, and I believe the standard allows it.
odd ... i can see it in my browser from the source, but not in ehre
(Assuming ID is a key.)
@jcolebrand Probably 2 or 3 after today I'm leaving early
@Zane Just look at your gmail is all I'm saying
@SQLKiwi: Postgres allows it (and MySQL, too, in a funky way)
@jcolebrand I saw that popped up on my phone :) Thanks man
Can someone here take a look at this question?. I would've thought that what op was doing should work as intended. Then I tried it and it didn't.
Q: Update table with random record in update statment in SQL Server?

choboI have two tables. Table 1 has about 80 rows and Table 2 has about 10 million. I would like to update all the rows in Table 2 with a random row from Table 1. I don't want the same row for all the rows. Is it possible to update Table 2 and have it randomly select a value for each row it is updat...

And my answer only works with that bizarre filter
@ypercube Good to know. On reflection it doesn't surprise me that PG does (it seems way ahead of T-SQL in adopting newer standard SQL stuff). That MySQL does it funkily is perhaps not that stunning a surprise either.
I have some sympathy for his being MAX(created) idea - isn't that just FIRST_VALUE or something?
Postgres allows the 1st query, SQL-Server none.
MySQL (pioneering) allows both.
@SQLkiwi I was not aware of that
Thanks for the link
@Lamak You're welcome. One of my favourite items that is. Fascinating discussion on both sides.
@SQLkiwi yes but you need it on every item in the select list. And you need to consider ties which at a glance he seems to ignore
Well, in any case, it is weird that it kinda work with that WHERE a.pk = a.pk
Oracle has FIRST which I find tremendously useful from time to time
@SQLkiwi "Diksta,

Did you read *any* of the preceding discussion? From the last comment from Microsoft:"

@Lamak Haven't tried the query myself (can't be bothered to write the test) but the plan shape affects when/how many times NEWID() is called. That WHERE clause rejects NULLs which might or might not affect something.
@swasheck I had a snark on that day :)
feeling your inner Bertrand?
@SQLkiwi: Is this why this query by RichardTheKiwi gives different execution plan (and number of different GUIDs) depending on the size of the cte? stackoverflow.com/questions/13070418/…
(i kid Aaron, wherever you are)
@ypercube Almost certainly.
@swasheck Ha ha yes, a bit I suppose. I do kinda regret that comment's tone.
@SQLkiwi You are right, I should change the a.somecolumn with a.pk
@SQLkiwi nah.
@JackDouglas That's the thing! I think Access has it too. Confused myself into thinking it was FIRST_VALUE, which isn't the same thing at all.
@ypercube Yes, it is. O.o he says "CTEs do not always get resolved once and cache in memory"
@Lamak I like WHERE EXISTS (SELECT A.somecolumn INTERSECT SELECT A.somecolumn)
@SQLkiwi sounds interesting
My comment was not exact either. With 40 rows, the CTEs got resolved twice (and 40 + 40 GUIDs produced) while with 3, the CTEs were not resolved at all (and there were 2x3x3 = 18 different GUIDs).
@SQLkiwi nice!, thank you
with cte(guid,other) as (
select newid(),1 union all
select newid(),2 union all
select newid(),3)
select a.guid, a.other, b.guid guidb, b.other otherb
from cte a
cross join cte b
order by a.other, b.other
I wonder what is meant by CTEs being 'resolved'? Like everything else in query language, they are part of a logical specification for a query, there's nothing physical about them. CTE = in-line view, nothing more. Can be optimized and transformed just like views too.
I don't know, he may means just that, that they are not "evaluated" once like a temp table and then cached to be used in the execution of the query.
@SQLkiwi good stuff. "For my part, I would like to see the internal language of the query processor exposed as an alternative to TSQL" I'm glad you are not holding your breath ;-)
@JackDouglas I know :(
It just seems ridiculous that I can write my own execution plan in SSIS (with graphical tools!), but in T-SQL I have to fight the optimizer to get the plan shape I know I want. Do not get me fully started on this ;c)
@SQLkiwi never made the connection between SSIS and the execution plan. Good analogy
@Lamak I stole it from @RobFarley :)
@ypercube Probably.
@jcolebrand Well we just got the official word that we will be doing the MS SQL 2008 Enterprise to MySQL Community transition 6 Months from now. The other DBA here is going to take a job working for target.
hey, target sounds like a fun job...just read a chapter in a book that discussed their DW initiatives
something about trying to figure out a woman is pregnant before she knows herself :)
@Zane I might have missed it, but what prompted this migration decision?
@DTest pure, unadulterated insanity?
@DTest he doesn't know, they didn't invite him to the meeting
Ergo his migration decision ;-)
but didn't he express real concerns about it, which he gives as a reason for being left out of the meeting...which implies to me it was discussed before the meeting
Yes, sure.
methinks @Zane objected too vociferously - which i completely understand
@DTest we don't want to pay the 600 a month we pay for enterprise
@Zane do you need enterprise? can you "leverage" some "key relationships" (sales) with Microsoft?
if it wasn't mysql on windows, i might have applied for the inevitable job opening :D
@DTest really? minneapolis via tennessee? wait. i think i understand.
hey now
that's the secondary reason i wouldn't apply :P
@swasheck no basically I just tried to explain that our dev lab has tons of experience with MS SQL server and none with mysql. Not to mention the time it will take to port over a Large Scale Datawarehouse to mysql
@swasheck and yes we do need enterprise. For many reasons the most important of which is partitioning and the increased RAM cap.
@Zane fair enough. you should have suggested Cassandra, or something
1 hour later…
Evening all
How's it hanging
whohaa: "As an aside: ORMs are very primitive crutches that regularly fail to get the full potential out of your RDBMS." (from here)
@dezso what's up with that?
sounds funny for me
logged in and this was the very first thing I read
@dezso funny as in "that joke was funny", or as "you smell funny"?
@dezso It's just a personal opinion expressed in Erwin's own answer the way I see it
I've no problem with it at all
It was the wording of a well known (?) fact that made me laugh
@Jack I need some advice on reviewing
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