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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

@ypercubeᵀᴹ The SQL Server 2022 release also looks solid enough - but, like PostgreSQL, nothing stellar!
@Charlieface top tech here. Automatic redirects and such.
@Vérace good lord, it has an ordinal for string_split, what more do you want
I think it's fair to say the focus of the 2022 release is not T-SQL language improvements
you mean string_split isn't important?
also I probably should come with a sarcasm warning
@HannahVernon Is it an Enterprise-only feature too? 😁
@Charlieface The other issue is the aggregates used with group by apply (e.g. MIN, MAX, AVG) don't have a WITHIN GROUP order to satisfy, so the replacement plan doesn't account for it. Seems likely STRING_AGG was not intended to work with GbApply, or work would be needed to make it compatible (honouring the sort request).
Added that to the answer
@HannahVernon Doesn't everyone?
@Vérace Did you reply to the wrong message?
No - I thought that splitting strings by ordinal was standard enough - no?
Apparently not
Unless I haven't fully grasped the subtleties of the feature? No surprise there!
STRING_SPLIT doesn't return an ordinal prior to 2022
which on the face of it is a pretty big hole
for many use-cases it means string_split is useless, or unreliable anyway.
The most important thing about new SQL Server versions is to play lip service to fixing long-standing issues by breaking 50 other things and ignoring the deeper problems that caused those issues to begin with
true story
Like hey this lawn mower is a real shitty weed wacker so let’s staple a weed wacker on it
staple lol nice
How will that help sell more Azure
not even weld
Even rivets
better than odd rivets
Rivets or welding would imply a certain buid quality
I wonder how many people have ever stretched a table into Azure for production
and are still employed
Kelvin has a number named for it
Zero or summat
good one Erik
All this talk about rivets and welding reminds me of fancy denim ads from the early 2000s
We were wearing 501s in the '80s
We call those Reagan Freedom Pants
I’m eating veal cheek. Any relation to Charlie face?
OK - I see about STRING_SPLIT - it's like WITH ORDINAL for PostgreSQL - we've had that since I've been in nappies! :-)
Yeah, but you still don't have a real database
Or real bus Wi-Fi
Or real independence from England
But who’s counting
oh man you went there
Let’s have fun at the wine bar
King Philip Cross Over From County Cork Slowly
Who knew veloute meant soup
@ErikDarling Dem's fightin' words! Personally, I'm delighted to see that with the advent of Brexit, we (in the unoccupied part of Ireland) are gradually reducing our imports from and our exports to Britain (the latter one is good, since their economy is tanking!).
@ErikDarling What does this mean?
I feel like it's a meme
Hey hey hey I’m no black and tan
What's it a mnemonic of?
See link
@HannahVernon Not a meme that's been déjà vu?
@PaulWhite you’ll be a HNQ in no time now
Suppose that from the perspective
Oh wait that didn’t link to what I wanted
Close enough for bus Wi-Fi
Taxonomy mnemonics are used to memorize the scientific classification applied in taxonomy. They are usually constructed with a series of words that begin with the letters KPCOFGS, corresponding to the initials of the primary taxonomic ranks. Words beginning with D (corresponding to domain) are sometimes added to the beginning of the sequence, and words beginning with S (corresponding to subspecies) are sometimes added at the end of the sequence. For example: King Phillip came over for great spaghetti has the first letter of each word corresponding in order to the first letter of the descending...
Here he comes to save the day
@ErikDarling and "LD" could be "Lord Dominator"?
I'm off the bus now - it's Dublin Bus I was on, not trans-European bus!
@PaulWhite that should be called Taxonomic Mnemonic
@PaulWhite haha, not yet. But it's really blue now ;)
Azure blue.
@PaulWhite Good point, thanks
@HannahVernon isn’t that a Radiohead album
@ErikDarling you know, I think you're right
or, possibly, you know I think you're right
and people think punctuation doesn't matter
Nothing else mattress
Is that sleep number 0 Kelvin
@CadeRoux the only bed where you're guaranteed not to move around
oh good EF Core has passed half a billion downloads. Apparently the consultancy work must go on.
Long live the heap
Whatever happened to “don’t migrate crap” dba.stackexchange.com/q/318194/32281
People ignored it
Dropping the number of close votes from 5 to 3 wasn't an unmitigated success
Yoda: Begun, the migrating wars have.
No one knows who Yoda is
It’s the year 2000
@PaulWhite supremely
@ErikDarling Or they think it's a baby
These are not the sites you are looking for...
@PaulWhite life begins at misinformation
@ErikDarling That's a funny one, I don't know what they did to their instance but they went out of their way to mess it up.
@SeanGallardy it reminds me of silly things I’ve run into like people installing two instances that share a directory for tempdb so only one can start at a time
But who can care that much
all the time
no one said it would be easy
@ErikDarling What, the actual, ef.
Not being able to easily upload images into answers is quite annoying
for the lowly user
it's so nice not to have pictures of code showing up
that's true
the number of useful images in questions is pretty low on this site
I doubt that holds across the network
@PaulWhite it certainly is
I wonder what's taking so long to fix
@ErikDarling That's insane.
@ErikDarling life begins at misconception
@Zikato butt babies never live
@HannahVernon There have been problems with SE/imgur integration in the past, which took a while to fix.
@PaulWhite doubtlessly the blame was squarely placed on imgur
I get the feeling it's not the most robust link in the world
@HannahVernon any problem that is not understood will be migrated appropriately
Or perhaps SO haven't paid their bill. Who knows
one can only imagine it must be quite a decent chunk of money to host all those images on imgur
@PaulWhite It's certainly true of Stack Overflow. I'm a big fan of banning not only images in first posts which are already banned I believe, but also links to images, which is what most posters ending up doing as a workaround.
Yeah, there are a bunch of new user restrictions
and old user restrictions too :D
I have a captured trace from a customer - what is a good tool to be able to filter it?
WTH, they captured this trace in July!
server side trace? XE?
It's a trc file, I guess captured with profiler
@ErikDarling - I'm loading my tables for my tests we were speaking about earlier - eveloper Edition (64-bit) on Linux (Fedora 34 (Xfce)) <X64> - and it's rejecting a file full of statements like INSERT INTO _order (order_id, total_price) VALUES (591200000, 10000000); - rejects with Invalid object name '_order' - but it accepts that very statement when I do it indivdually.
Do I have to put my statements that are in a file into square brackets or something? Anybody with SQL Server knowledge feel free to chime in! TiA!
You can use the profiler tool itself, or load the trace file into a table and do it via queries.
I don't have access to their customer's server. They bundle our product embedded within their product
Panic over - I forgot the USE test at the beginning of the file so it didn't know where to look! Doh (slaps forehead and looks for beer...)
@SeanGallardy In profiler, there is no sorting or anything, right? I can see the rows, but they captured 214k rows, and it's not very focused
@CadeRoux It's not great for sorting, but you can hit the properties and filter out some items you don't want.
Looking for something specific?
I don't know - the issue they are reporting sounds like blocking, which I don't think is going to show up, but I think if I just see the SSRS report's activity that they are complaining about, that would be a start.
You're correct it won't show blocking. you might be able to get lucky if you know the account in question, can filter on that.
Hmmm, nothing under the account that all SSRS is supposed to use. But this is IBM's (now Merative's) own configuration of SSRS - I don't normally work a lot with that side, I'll need to check with someone familiar with how they alter our install and configuration.
sorry :(
It looks like they are running all their reports under the account that the OLTP service uses as well, so it's not distinguishable by that. I found the query being run, though.
I'll just need to load it into a table where I can query it properly.
2 hours later…
Anyone got any idea if it's possible to read SESSION_CONTEXT values from another session? dm_exec_sessions.context_info only contains the older CONTEXT_INFO values.
Relevant post:
Q: Set session attribute that is readable from external

Stefan BroeckmannIn Oracle it is possible from PLSQL to set an attribute (CLIENT_INFO) in the session. This allows it to make the link between the session object and the running package/stored procedure. The package to do this is the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package So executing in the client session: exec DBMS_APPL...

@Charlieface have you seen this?
@HannahVernon No I hadn't, thanks. I guess that sums up what I found also. Curious to know what the XPs do, there is probably a way of getting round it using SQLCLR.
as far as I'm aware there is no way to inspect the session_context value for some other session.
what are you attempting to do?
Probably answer the linked question
In other news, apparently DEFAULT constraints that have implicit conversions only get converted at runtime. Ouch. dbfiddle.uk/EPCV73AL
Let's hope you have your date formats down pat dbfiddle.uk/foCJpvQm
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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