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@ErikDarling I understood that reference
4 hours later…
A chairde - Morning all!
One in the edit review queue...
Any programmers in here? Is the edit reasonable?
> Edit summary: The point is to set the maximum length, not to use legacy non-Unicode encoding, so the example should not override nvarchar with varchar.
@JoshDarnell Might know
trino seems to be a new thing.
@JohnK.N. It's possible the varchar part of the answer relates to the OP's comment:
I know it does hurt performance. When I define my own tables with SQL I use varchar(n). My question was more about how much it hurts performance(though I realize as posted that wasn't explicitly clear). — Nate Aug 21, 2013 at 14:30
The answer seems consistent, without a strong reason to prefer the suggested change. I'd probably reject it. I'm prepared to be corrected by anyone who knows more about these things though.
Me three
Last day in my current job
Angels singing rejoicing in the background: Hal-lelujah, hal-lelujah, hallelujah, hallejujah, hal--leee-luuuu-jahhhhhh
Now, I've heard there was a secret chord.
When you debug something with a Microsoft Debugger, you require to have the Windows OS ..... and preferably the product ....
I can't remember the correct word. Not the signatures or libraries. The other thingy-ma-jig.
do you mean loading the symbols?
@Zikato yes, I think so. But you have to have them before you can load them.
I think only some are public. But I'm out of my depth here
good morning
do you see any reason why Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pools are created with compatibility level 130 by default? why not 150?
also, what the gymnastics group thing is about? I've missed something, that much I get
Dec 24, 2020 at 22:06, by Philᵀᴹ
Just wanted to take a minute to wish you and fam a very merry Christmas and a happy year, most of all good health!
These days people don't spend much time or thought on some personal words to their friends and family, they just copy and paste some random rubbish and send it on.
So, after all we've been though together this year I want to thank you for your friendship and support and wish you a happy 2021!
You are the best gymnastics group anyone could ask for.
Best wishes,
I've missed quite a lot, based on that date
and thank you very much indeed
haha, perfection.
Only 13 days for the Fanatic gold badge
I wonder if visits to the site while suspended count toward that
*sigh*. So close
@dezso I know next to nothing about Synapse, but doesn't it use DW compatibility level instead?
1 hour later…
One more thing about this approach (as it is): it works if the IDs are consecutive and from 1 to N. If they are not (e.g. 2, 3, 7, 9) that will be updated to 4,3,2,1 (and not to 9,7,3,2). Not sure what the OP wants to do in that case, perhaps it's ok. — ypercubeᵀᴹ 43 secs ago
@PaulWhite I'd like to see an answer with that "CTE (or subquery) update without updating the ID column and without a self-join"
@PaulWhite I would reject it too - and have! cc: @JohnK.N.
Seems weird to call varchar "legacy."
Is varchar(24) also legacy?
@Zikato (⓿_⓿)
Is SQL Server 2022 going to support nth_value() window function ?
dbfiddle.uk/WnG9XbSD for Paul, when he comes online
@JoshDarnell thanks
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I'm no good at creating dummy data for a PostgreSQL table. Would creating a 80 Million row / 8000 byte wide table required a lot of resources? And querying that table with a count(*) take a long time to run, say on db<>fiddle?
@PaulWhite that's an interesting question (haven't heard about this other compatibility level yet), however, the same page tells me 130 is not a valid option (only 10, 20, and 9000 are available)
@JohnK.N. I wouldn't throw that much into dbfiddle
I could do it on a test instance at work.
the count would be ok but inserting so much might be a problem. They run as VMs as far as I know
but at the same time ALTER DATABASE test SET compatibility_level = 150; says Incorrect syntax near '150'.
Also consider that if you publish the link, every reuse will try to redo all the work.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ no
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I'll plug it into a test database at work using How can I generate big data sample for Postgresql using generate_series and random?
@dezso yes it's a different thing, a replacement if you will
@ypercubeᵀᴹ crikey I'm going to need to focus a bit on that one
@JoshDarnell thanks
hello and good tidings
@PaulWhite pity.
Postgres has the nth_value() but the update statement doesn't work the same, so we do need the join on PK in the final cte/query.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ yes
@ErikDarling bon soir, mon ami
@ypercubeᵀᴹ well I just broke (as in filled up) my test instance with 80 Mio rows of random 4000 bytes per row of data.
anyway, Azure Data Studio tells me when opening the DB that it's at CL 130
probably I am not alone with being confused :D
ERROR:  could not extend file "base/17667/17669.8": No space left on device
HINT:  Check free disk space.
@dezso Yes. With the caveat I have no idea about this, it seems to me the DW setting replaces db compat. level, or rather supersedes it. You can't set db CL, only the DW version. Synapse is built on a core shared with SQL Server, so bits show through. That's my opinion.
So, if you change DW, I would expect db CL to also change. 9000 => 160 perhaps.
But it's all a horrible mess, so I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours
TBH the docs (I mean, learns) are also terribly confusing, with about four slightly different products all documented in a single place. It's probably time to start from scratch, and call it something like msdntechnetbooksdoconline.microsoft.com
It doesn't help there are two 'sections' for essentially the same thing
and that, indeed
and some links will navigate you from one to the other silently
my former boss was always complaining about AWS UX and the docs
I still should suggest him trying to work with Azure for a week or two, to raise his satisfaction level
what is everyone doing this weekend
aside from being great
thought I might go shopping for potassium iodide
stock up on canned food etc.
aw, prepper paul
are you putin on a bbq
old mate Jens is hosting this week, waiting for confirmation
don't forget your spf
Factor 5 million on order
Jens can't make it. Stand down.
For me depends on the weather. When nice, then we take the kids to the amusement park. I also want to finish a blog post series after a long pause.
My band has a gig tomorrow, so I'll be doing that for a big chunk of the day.
@JoshDarnell Hurricane cancelled?
@PaulWhite is there history for answers? Wondering if I can see when answer had been accepted (now it's unaccepted)
@ypercubeᵀᴹ It's on the question's timeline as I recall
ah great
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Not yet! The weather doesn't seem too bad after tomorrow morning here.
@JoshDarnell Chat moved. You meant to reply to me, I think.
Of course, if power is out in the area, that'll do it.
@PaulWhite Oops!
@PaulWhite it's not but ok, I found it in my rep history.
4 hours later…
@PaulWhite simplified a bit: dbfiddle.uk/pFezY1Kx
ah, it's not correct (the simplified version). too good to be true :(
have you tried being correct?
Yeah. I think I fixed it: dbfiddle.uk/SUUeK3UB
2 hours later…

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