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7 hours later…
A: SQL Lockups after ACE/ODBC Drivers Updated

Depth of FieldWe solved this! When then drivers got updated, the ACE & MSDASQL provider settings got reset to the default, which had the Allow Inprocess function enabled. We simply unchecked it for the providers that use OPENROWSET, and has been working fine since.

A new development appears
We got so many of these cases, like people, it's not supported. You want us to support you using something not supported. No. Stop it.
That's fair, but people don't always have the option. They won't get Microsoft support, but I suppose they're willing to make that trade-off.
I get that, "it works most of the time", so then be happy about that?
Don't expect 100% everything all the things all the times
Yep, guess so.
I am 99% sure the dumps are from the drivers as well
It's possible to read that answer as saying moving the drivers back to out-of-process resolved the dumping issue too.
I mean, it's not the way I'd want my SQL Servers to be running, but there it is.
It should
it'll crash the host process spawned
so I'm waiting for the question about sometimes linked server queries return errors are don't run
Luckily questions about OS dumps and error messages would go to a different site
Aww, I like that stuff
You should get on the Windows support team
I've been thinking about it
@SeanGallardy-MostlyRetired Only slightly related, what's the direction these days - ODBC or OLEDB?
Or neither?
I Read these two posts last week and thought some of you folks would enjoy them:

@PaulWhite That's a really long answer
Short version: ODBC
@SeanGallardy-MostlyRetired Ah well feel free to skip it then
I'll stick with 32-bit ODBC and UDL
1 paragraph answer: SNAC is being removed, specifically OLEDB and the overall message is use ODBC
Yet so many of the internals are built on OLEDB
DB-Library might be the way to go
Though what we really need is one standard
It's a shame about SNAC. It had the best acronym.
They keep killing OLEDB and then bringing it back
I wouldn't hold my breath
You joke about DBLibrary but there are a ton of DirectWire drivers and stuff out there
@SeanGallardy-MostlyRetired I guess people use whatever option they have. If MS doesn't provide anything else then that's what they'll do. SQL Server has poor bulk-loading tools, so people will use whatever hack they can.
@Charlieface I get it, but it is supported for SSIS or import/export. You can also use it to write your own apps to do bulk loading. People don't want that, they want linked server stuff and then complain when it isn't as fast as bulk load/app/etc or that it crashes/doesn't work for every possible feature.
So could MS put something out that does it? Sure. Will they? No.
No money to be made there and tons of other options in that space.
@ErikDarling I thought it was just me, I was trying to paste some screenshots into chat and couldn't. I blamed it on MS Edge.
"No money to be made there" meaning SSIS doesn't have an Express or a Web licence.... Sorry, just being cynical, everyone needs to make money I suppose.
There are also a ton of 3rd party products
Yup, and I'm primarily a developer so I also wouldn't use ACE, I would just write my own automation system. I do understand people who do use it though.
It's not like there aren't a ton of other undocumented procs and quirky update thingys that people do.
My whole point was, while using 90 proof alcohol to run your car might work for a little bit, don't complain when it kills your engine and expect it not to when it's not supported
@SeanGallardy-MostlyRetired You might be remembering that it works on Top Answers chat. It also works in posts on the main site here.
@JoshDarnell Most likely, I confuse easily
In my old age
Microsoft don't have money to just throw around you know
Also investing in PowerBI is a huge drain on available resources
You have to see things from their point of view
@SeanGallardy-MostlyRetired 👴
@PaulWhite Exactly. You don't just buy activision-blizzard for 69 billion dollars and expect to have any money left for these other items
Quite so
quite quite
@PaulWhite > Wow is it that time again already
Yeah I know, busy
what's everyone busy with
invoicing i hope
I've been having fever for the past few days, kids as well. Fun times
boring unpaid moderator stuff as usual
i would never make it as a moderator
for many reasons
moderation in all things?
clearly you've never been out drinking with me
I doubt I'd remember
scars, loose or missing teeth, bad tattoos
lots of markers
I have at least one of those.
an of ystery
han of hystery?
we need an ystery olver
did lamak make that
don't recall
seems vaguely like I made it
another ystery
v. high quality
checked, I made it with snagit
30 July 2018
you're slipping
sue me
maybe when nz currency is worth something
great time to be an exporter
missed your calling
second youngest, J Darneli, created that
one of yours
Lamak classic
ha ha ha
That joke's been running longer than I thought
what have I started?
then the joke runs out the rev begins
Sep 18, 2017 at 19:40, by sp_BlitzErik
@PaulWhite DATEADD(DAY, - 1, THE_REV)
@PaulWhite Hahaha
oh yeah, on the way to bits
i wonder if that clown painting is still there
strange airport art
anyway, that's what I originally went looking for
banner year
more precisely, that rendering
as it appeared on-site
i recalled it being "olved ysteries" but maybe i'm dumb and wrong
as far as I can tell, people's brains filled in the "ys"
the original was i.sstatic.net/iomLG.jpg
so many pictures of Sean eating steak in the archives
that's how i recalled it
but hey
let's not fight
I'm just going from the saved links in Sean's profile image history
That's the square rendering of yours
Anyway, that's probably quite enough Sean for now
dunno, the sean pictures are sort of like gentrifying chat
He's always reminded me of David Duchovny
I'm losing it, this is amazing!
<3 you all
Yeah I'm in the market for a new profile pic
Having said that, the amount of MS people that ping me and say, "Is this really you?" and I say it is, tell me how much they laugh at the picture and think it's great and hilarious.
"Every time I see your picture in an answer it makes me laugh"
"Is that your head on the little mermaid?"
"Yes, but it's on Sebastian and Flounder, too"
"Wait, what... omg it is!"
Full size for those that want it
Everyone wants it, it's a masterpiece
We should start selling these
NFT that
1 hour later…
So this is the little mermaid controversy I've been hearing about?
Very likely Sean was involved in whatever you've heard yeah
sean is the patron saint of little mermaid drama
don't let him fool you
they stole my subdomain
Reminds me of the supermarkets rearranging products every couple of months so the customers spend more time in there searching for the things they want.
Yeah I didn't want to say anything but they've been in the works for the Docs rename for a little bit. It's so effing stupid.
Hey, I wasn't able to be famous, so I settled for infamous.
Not much synergy to this effort eh
at least they got the redirection right.
Must have DNS experts
Is the empire in decline
ask caesar

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