@JoshDarnell That said, the card validator still has problems with Erik's site. Seems more about reachability than card validation so probably a separate issue. Still.
> ERROR: Failed to fetch page due to: HttpConnectionTimeout
I get the following error when I try to merge under a few conditions. Is someone able to explain why? Seems like it's a problem with SQL Server itself, but I wanted to post it here to confirm.
Attempting to set a non-NULL-able column's value to NULL.
The target table must be versioned
The hist...
I've tried to get the MERGE ban into our coding standards - unsuccessfully. The argument was, that it's a standard SQL statement, so why ban it? Well, so is UDF and we have banned that
@Zikato I remember talking to some folks about that at my last job. The argument I got there was "we have been using it for years and never had any problems."
All that said, I don't mind MERGE bugs like the one in that question.
If you combine enough complex features in one query you're always going to be exploring the edges of their testing matrix.
So I'm just going to write this MERGE, that's really just an INSERT, on a temporal table with a secondary index on the history table, and return the inserted data into a table variable using the OUTPUT clause. What could go wrong.
I'm particularly fond of using RegEx in SSMS because it is just so profoundly wonderful to move commas to the front of each line, where God intended them to be.
@PaulWhite ^^^ well so much for that wise bit, eh?
returning to RegEx for just a moment; they're not all that terribly difficult to write, but trying to determine what one does after the fact is a fools errand. Even trying to understand what a specific regex does while you're writing it can be a feat.
I'll have you know I wrote an entire distributed N-Tier system in Access for the front-end, SQL Server for the backend, and Windows Services in VB.Net.
@mustaccio wrong way to go on this? dba.stackexchange.com/questions/313649/… He flagged with "what? why?" more or less. This is the part about SE that I'm not as happy with. He's still got a legitimate desire to understand the thing, but I agree, it doesn't fit the format.
I'm sure Paul will be happy to just nuke my comments :p