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4 hours later…
How is everyone?
Hi Phil
Not on the site much as I tend to help people on a product-specific Slack instead
@Philᵀᴹ I'm spending time on Discord and Twitch lately too. Mostly trying to learn new things than helping ppl
Same. In fact, I've accidentally created a Twitch-based side business that's looking like it might work out really well :)
@Philᵀᴹ I hope you'll earn a lot of money! ;)
I have a waiting list of customers, so I hope so
I watch way more Twitch than TV these days
@Philᵀᴹ I don't watch TV at all. Neither reading newspapers nor listening radio while commuting. Some Netflix series, if I can spare some time.
And the most important, NO SOCCER AT ALL. A relaxing way of live.
I don't pay much attention to it either these days. I had a season ticket years ago. now I barely even check scores
WB @Philᵀᴹ
Long time no see.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Every now and then I come across revision comments like this from @PaulWhite (on my posts) and chuckle 😁
4 hours later…
Ha ha yeah I remember that one too
> And the most important, NO SOCCER AT ALL. A relaxing way of live.

that's no way to live at all
@swasheck I was more surprised that @McNets used the term soccer instead of football.
Ah well he probably knows football means rugby

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