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3 hours later…
2 hours later…
A chairde - Morning all!
> [Aaron Bertrand] will be joining Andy as a Staff Database Reliability Engineer, hopefully (eventually) filling some pretty big shoes left by Taryn as she heads off to make big waves at Microsoft.
1 hour later…
I got rejected for a graduate job at MS 22 years ago, lol.
They're a different company these days. They'll hire anyone now 😀
2 hours later…
good morning heap
Hi guys - am trying (see fiddle) to do some UPDATEs & DELETEs in PostgreSQL from a CTE - just can't seem to get it working!... have cte1 (derived data from other tables) - do a SELECT on it - get a few records - cte2.
Now, I would like to a) UPDATE the cte1 based on the values in cte2 (set val2 to NULL) and b) DELETE the record - seems simple, but it keeps telling me that cte1 doesn't exist. Probably a schoolboy error - am tired... fiddle...
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW isnt there a PK?
I think you should use UPDATE - FROM - JOIN using the table instead of the CTE
@McNets - Here's a UNIQUE constraint. You mean that I can't use CTEs in an UPDATE FROM JOIN...?
@McNets - tried this - obviously today is just not my day!
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW I haven't checked it
WITH cte1 AS
cte2 AS
  SELECT v, val1 AS x FROM cte1
  SELECT v, val2 FROM cte1
  ORDER BY v, x
SET val2 = NULL
FROM cte2
     t.v = cte2.v and t.val1 = cte2.x
Yes - that did the trick!
Eventually figured it out - bad hair/slow brain day! :-)
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW I think you can avoid cte1
cte2 AS
  SELECT v, val1 AS x FROM t
  SELECT v, val2 FROM t
  ORDER BY v, x
@McNets - thanks for that - but the whole point is that the first cte is derived from other data - it's not a simple table as shown - I really wanted to delete from the CTE rather than a standard table - I thought that CTEs were essentially the same thing? Obviously not!
I'm trying to solve this using standard ARRAY functionality - not with INTARRAY... I've done it using another method, but I'd really like to do it via ARRAYs...
It has to be unambiguous what the base table to be deleted is in the CTE
It can only be one table, not both sides of a join, for instance.
At least in SQL Server.
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW dbfiddle.uk/…
Should be all the same restrictions as views. Except views you can make an instead of trigger to be able to delete, and that's obviously not possible for a CTE.
But, there isn'n neither order nor PK
@McNets - that uses INTARRAY - I'm trying to do it using standard functionality! :-)
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW either way, there isn't PK, will you add a row_number?
Yes - ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS rn - the v in my t table in the fiddle is the rn from the records in the SO question!
Today was a needed boost - got some positive feedback on some things I've implemented recently and it looks like I'll get to do some greenfield development for a change.
Look out, I make the mistakes now
user image
@McNets - did it - didn't have to update or delete from a cte - it was tricky, but I'd appreciate any comments which you might have? Thanks for your input earlier!
@PaulWhite super news.
Now we can wait for bluefeet to apply for mod in dba.se, for the switch to be complete ;)
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW feature not implemented (yet ;)
@ypercubeᵀᴹ - worked around the issue - hope they include that functionality soon though! :-) Any comments on this would be welcome... So, is @AaronBetrand going to be a (staff) mod here again?
Gulp... postgresqltutorial.com has been suspended - anyone else not able to get the site? It regularly comes up whenever I ask anything PostgreSQL related - tips are normally fairly good - I've used it on more than one occasion to demo a feature...
@PaulWhite They do seem to be hiring everyone. I missed the news about Aaron. That's cool.
It was hot off the press
Is this a good place to request/suggest new tags? Since Oracle has a newer command line client, the MySQL Shell, having a mysql-shell tag would be useful for various reasons, particularly distinguishing questions about the shell as opposed to the old command line client (which, perhaps, could use a mysql-client tag).
That is, assuming questions about use of the command line clients are on topic; the existence of a mysql-workbench tag suggests they would be.
@outis - you can type it in and then create it - I'm not sure what your rep has to be, but any half-way decent tag should be accepted! Command-line clients, particularly ones from one of the main vendors, would certainly be on-topic!
I don't have enough rep. It takes 1500, and I have ~230.
Rather, it takes 300 reputation. That's doable.
1 hour later…
Why don't you all friendly peeps just create a tag... NVM, I did

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