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@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I'm a Forest fan
and hardcore drunkard ;P
@Phil Jolly good. Should come to our next shindig.
@Phil You'd be in good company
@Phil I thought hardcore drunkard went automatically with being a Forest fan?
9 hours later…
@Mark, @Concerned, thanks for the excellent banter yesterday and for the links - most amusing, all the more so for being far too true
@JackDouglas You're welcome.
good for dba.se?
Q: How to implement a catalogue for meta-data and automating SQL in a database?

user1621157I have read here the discussions on 5NF, EAV and 6NF and the need for a catalogue to handle meta-data and the complex SQL "automatically". How is that implemented in practice?

@ypercube I have no idea what he is asking, do you?
That question doesn't make any sense at all to me. I know all the words, but what he's trying to get across is lost on me
I suspect he has been reading PerformanceDBA's posts, like this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/4011956/…
> Of course, if you go with EAV, I am recommending more formality; buy the full quid; **go with 6NF**; **implement a catalogue**; utilities to produce SQL; Views; handle Missing Data consistently; eliminate Nulls altogether. This reduces your vulnerability to the quality of your developers; they can forget about the EAV/6NF esoteric issuses, use Views, and concentrate on the app logic.
unless he means something about metadata for EAV (which attributes are allowed which values, constraints on values, etc)
Where/How. Well, I did all the above, and I am very grateful for the great teachers I did have. I ameliorate about four databases per year, for large banks, it is my passion/profession. If I say more here, it would be immodest. If you're interested in more detail, chase me down: profile⇢website⇢email. I would be free to answer your question. Cheers. — PerformanceDBA Oct 26 '10 at 9:29
is this guy for real?
it's now +24 -4
I'm wondering the same thing, that guy uses a lot of words to say not a lot, then it gets crazy
Actually, he reminds me of the slightly-senile lecturer at university that obviously knows what you need to know but can't communicate it clearly and succinctly
(Check the comments for extra hilarity)
I guess many of the downvotes were the result of the heated comments-discussion.
SQLite, Oracle. Sybase's SQL Anywhere also supports DEFERRED constraints, but apparently Transact-SQL doesn't. SQL Server 2008 also doesn't support deferred constraints, but they seem to be late to the party anyway: before SQL Server 2008 you apparently had to write triggers to enforce referential integrity at all. An ON COMMIT trigger is therefore the correct answer. — geekosaur Mar 12 '11 at 1:41
Big day of beer consumption ahead
Prepares liver
@Jack: What? No FKs before 2008? wow...
Hey Phil
@Thomas. By "recent" I meant long after the established standard (89) that all vendors met. The enterprise SQL vendors have not implemented it, and have no plans to do so, because it has been quite unnecessary for 25 years, and leads to the kind of insanity discussed in this thread. We are getting off on a tangent of a tangent. My initial point, unchanged, is that DCC and jumping through hoops is completely unnecessary: full identified integrity (as per model) can be implemented if you have standard ISO/IEC/ANSI SQL (regardless of 89, 92, DCC, etc). — PerformanceDBA Mar 22 '11 at 10:27
apparently oracle is not an 'enterprise' SQL vendor
this guy is a troll
He's a troll, but doesn't realise
@Phil I think he know it
have you read his profile?
> Past Boy Scout Leader, now NSW Rural Fireman (Volunteer), Endurance rider (yes, that is my Endurance Arabian, shot with my Canon EOS 5; she has been with me for 20 years; stopped eventing with her 5 years ago), NSW A Grade competition shooter, amateur photographer, Salsa, Mensan.

I have a life. I ride horses, hunt deer, chase women, harmonise databases; in no particular order; and ensure that I don't mix them up.

I am not macho, I work well with adults, sub-adults and older children, but small children who have not left their mother's breast find me a bit scary.
If he sets foot on dba.se please please flag him
@ypercube I'm pretty sure someone doesn't know what they're talking about
@SimonRigharts I'm assuming @ypercube is being ironic there :-)
Ok who wants to mess with Oracles head (on your dev db only please):
select id, (select count(distinct column_value) from table(ids))
from (select id, collect(id) over (order by id) as ids from (select to_number(trunc(level/4)) as id from dual connect by level<20));
I think I need to open a tar
I can't follow that SQL but I'm going to guess you get eleventy bajillion results right before your Oracle instance locks up?
@SimonRigharts not quite that bad but you do get ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
so it is (probably) only your session that gets the chop
@JackDouglas does it on my too
select id, (select count(distinct column_value) from table(ids)) from (select id, collect(id) over (order by id) as ids from (select 1 id from dual union all select 1 from dual union all select 1 from dual));
is happy
select id, (select count(distinct column_value) from table(ids)) from (select id, collect(id) over (order by id) as ids from (select 1 id from dual union all select 1 from dual union all select 2 from dual));
is unhappy
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, SI_KERNEL(general_protection)] [ADDR:0x0] [PC:0x46B83BB, __intel_new_memcpy()+3579] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/phil112/PHIL112/trace/PHIL112_ora_17866.trc (incident=12169):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [__intel_new_memcpy()+3579] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x0] [PC:0x46B83BB] [SI_KERNEL(general_protection)] []
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/phil112/PHIL112/incident/incdir_12169/PHIL112_ora_17866_i12169.trc
@JackDouglas I suspect if you open a tar, the support person will have a brain coredump ;)
@Phil I expect they will fob me off with a useless workaround ;-)
but we can hope for something more exciting like a brain dump
we are fully patched so it ain't that
SR raised, but I won't hold my breath :-)
Oracle support is shockingly bad, especially considering how much it costs
1 hour later…
"I ride horses, hunt deer, chase women, harmonise databases;" sounds like Robin Hood's CV.
(after marriage. Having settled, working for the bank industry)
Q: Sub-query executes 1 time for a parent query or more?

Satish PandeyIf i apply a static data in where clause is it faster then applying a sub-query. Example: (The query returns 5 records as a result set) SELECT STARTDATE, ENDDATE FROM TEST WHERE STARTDATE = '2012-08-21'; is faster then : SELECT STARTDATE, ENDDATE FROM TEST WHERE STARTDATE = (SELECT STARTDATE...

Interesting answer
I guess if MySQL was cleverer, and SLEEP(1) was deterministic, it wouldn't work that way
Crikey, the road just turned into a river.
The heavens properly opened
I think I just killed SQL-Fiddle
Let's create a new 3-row table for every lookup type we have, because it's more efficient and easier to manage
A: Data modeling for Same tables with same columns

Walter MittyKeep your lookup tables separate. It's faster at lookup time, and you will do millions of lookups between times when you add a new lookup table. A lot of tables is not a big problem.

4 hours later…
@aaron are you serious? I can think of a lot of reasons for wanting those lookup tables kept separate.
2 hours later…

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