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The internet is so tedious
But without it, you wouldn't have me
I rest my case
Also making cookie choices on the main site never gets old. They should increase the frequency even
Once an hour should do it
4 hours later…
@PaulWhite Not much substance. An undisclosed glitch/bug triggered by a valid configuration setting.
@PaulWhite At least
@JohnK.N. Yeah pretty boring standard corporate cover-up
3 hours later…
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Cloudy here :(
Q: How I can search inside the json that is consisted of an array of a JSON into objects

Dimitrios DesyllasΙ have the following table named discounts: id Serialize discount INT offers JSON With the following records id | discount | offers --- | --- | --- 1 | 10 | [{"type":"discount","percent":100},{"type":"freebie","id:100}] 2 | 0 | [{"type":"discount","percent":100},{"type":"freebie","id:100}] ...

Why do people do this to themselves
> How I can search inside the table for all records that have non zero discount but inside the JSON that has type discount inside the JSON.
Oh dear
I'm sure someone will helpfully answer the question literally soon enough
id serialize
somehow ends up with id 2 twice
plus there is a syntax error in the json where the id is misquoted
what a mess
should've used xml
@PaulWhite good idea!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <row id="1" discount=10><![CDATA[{"type":"discount","percent":100},{"type":"freebie","id:100}]]></row>
Oct 11 '19 at 13:41, by Paul White
chat markdown strikes again
Yes, i fail yet again
But yes that xml looks perfect. Good job!
Improving the relational model one daft data type at a time
A: How I can search inside the json that is consisted of an array of a JSON into objects

Akina CREATE TABLE discounts (id INT, discount INT, offers JSON); INSERT INTO discounts VALUES (1, 10, '[{"type":"discount","percent":100},{"type":"freebie","id":100}]'::JSON), (2, 0, '[{"type":"discount","percent":100},{"type":"freebie","id":100}]'::JSON), (2, 100, NULL); SELECT * FROM dis...

shoots self
But why is Akina's answer all quoted?
Did he steal it from some other place and forgot to mention the reference?
copy paste from dbfiddle.uk markdown probably
Are you sure you can afford a 50 rep bounty? — Paul White ♦ 5 mins ago
Made me smile anyway. I added some more text now.
you're probably right anyway
if i cared more about it than i do, i'd probably poke around to see if you can see another user's history of bounties offered, but i don't really
meh... so maybe he thinks 50 is an appropriate bounty 🤷‍♂️
perhaps --- it is five bonus upvotes, and the attention may attract more
yeah it's about time I did some more of that
Q: Profile images are pushed to next line if tags extend too far to the right

CarcigenicateThis seemed to pop up at the same time as this bug. Suddenly, asker's profile information is being pushed to the next line if the tags take up too much room: I can't remember how this was handled previously, but I've never seen the profile pushed to the next line like that. I think the tags used...

this is annoying
we have a few at the moment
maybe I'll award 500 to Laurenz
ha ha as if a Postgres user is getting anything from me
darn, big ol' mr. brandstetter swooped on the other bountied one i had my eye on
guess that'll happen
guess he had to earn back that 50 he just gave away
those unicorn points won't earn themselves, you know
@TomV I wouldn't mind seeing Belgium win the tournament.
Their only major title is an Olympic gold 101 years ago now.
A Portugal defence would be kinda neat too.
As much as I don't like Ronaldo.
I’m having fun today. 5 stitches later 😂
oh man, that sucks
what happened?
@Philᵀᴹ May be use a safety razor next time
Fell off my bike. Still no idea why. I was only going up the road!
Have you tried stabilisers?
@Philᵀᴹ sucks....a coworker fell off his bike yesterday, had it a little worse though
was gonna post a pic, but maybe better don't, I don't want to hurt some people's sensitivity
eclipse side effect
@Colin'tHart is Ronaldo playing?
2 hours later…
@Colin'tHart I don't think we will but I hope so
@Lamak and Chile in Copa America?
@TomV meh, we have been playing awful lately
@PaulWhite The wife said the same thing!
The 2022 world cup will be weird, what with being in Nov/Dec
@Lamak same here but you never know what happens once the tournament starts
and in any case, we are still the best country in chile
changes room topic to football slowchat
watching tennis at the moment
(changes room topic to tennis)
Greek vs Chech
pretty much a horror show
2 hours later…
@ypercubeᵀᴹ - it was 2004 that Greece won the Euros? Yeah, I had a bet on for one whole Euro - still haven't seen my money (bet on Greece...) - to listen to the guy with whom I had the bet, you'd swear he owned half of north County Dublin! Not really a gambling man - a Euro here and there on Euro championship matches and the World Cup!
Voted to close this - I sweated blood answering it - OP modified requirements - the usual - now in the chat room, he's adding more stuff which I can't follow... he needs to refine his requirements in a new question IMHO...
Q: How to eliminate duplicates made by recursive CTE

Dmitry K.I have following schema in PostgreSQL 12 (objects and their relations are versioned by date ranges): CREATE TABLE tmp_deps ( id bigint, code text, name text, start_date date, end_date date ); CREATE TABLE tmp_dep_parents ( department_id bigint, parent_id bigint, s...

Morning all.
Hopefully a quick question someone can top of the dome for me, but if I'm executing a procedure across a linked server, within a distributed transaction, and an exception occurs on the remote server, should that exception bubble up to the local server automatically and is catchable by the local server? (SQL Server 2016)
@J.D. Ask a question on the site. Should be answered relatively quickly, and will help others in the future
Bit quiet in here at this time of day
BTW, love your profile "Hated databases in college, love them now...". The DB lecturer at my university was terrible, and I feel the same
Yea planned to post the question to the site too. Just trying to bang something out in the heat of the moment at work, and running out of time. I think I figured it out, in which case I'll still post a question and add an answer. Thanks!
@J.D. just fyi, and not really related, but use synonyms to reference objects via linked servers.
You can thank me later.
I got a new nickname
there we go
Well, hello SSRS using Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS
@HannahVernon Lol yes, thanks! I already am actually since whoever decided to name the linked server wanted to use every letter of the alphabet twice over apparently...
@ISupportTheBoycott What are you supporting now?
I wish you'd just be a database supporter/advocate instead. You're better at that
"One of my buddies was doing his emergency medicine residency in Harlem when this happened! He said the guy was just shredded, parallel deep, deep lacerations from being clawed, and tried to blame it on a dog. He said one of nurses in the department was from Uganda and took the medical team aside to tell them that the wounds looked way more like what she’d seen on animals attacked by leopards or lions."
Gets better "the New Yorkers in this thread are like, he had a tiger? eh. Wait, did you say FIVE BEDROOM APARTMENT? UNBELIEVABLE!"
I love the internet & this shitty world!
@Philᵀᴹ bdsmovement.net
@Philᵀᴹ I'm pretty vocal about my preference of PostgreSQL too. But you know what.. MySQL doesn't drone bomb kids. No one said I couldn't prioritize, amirite?
True. Just trying to help you dude
appreciate it. ;)
Pick where to fight your battles etc. You wouldn't have any battles here if you focussed on your expertise
You underestimate me.
Which would benefit the site and yourself TBH
I don't, you're technically good
(my ability to find a battle)
har har.
You're crap at finding battles :)
Damn myself to hell. One thing I'm not the best the at?!?! Say it isn't so.
You're certainly not the worst, but that's a history lesson in itself, and it's best we don't start you on that :P
@Vérace heh, how did you place the bet?
I didn't know Evan used Postgres

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