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@EvanCarroll Thank you Evan. I don't know if this is of any interest to you but my Saturday ended up being quite uneventful.
> John aka hot2use reviewed this Jan 15 at 19:08: Leave Open
@Johnakahot2use it's open again
I know
But wouldn't a positive Leave Open vote have removed the close votes?
@PaulWhiteReinstateMonica I'm just wondering ----^
@Johnakahot2use No
The review ends, but any close votes cast in the meantime remain and age away over time as normal
I can't say whether it is sensible or not, but that is the way it works
In the same way, completing a reopen review with Leave Closed doesn't clear any pending reopen votes either.
So the question can still be reopened afterwards if enough people see it and choose to add their votes
the review queues are ways to get extra eyes on a post, not the only way to achieve a certain end
Perhaps it's the words "Review completed" that make it confusing for some people.
Anybody remember who used to be the business intelligence consultant with SQLSkills?
@TomV-TeamMonica Stacia Misner?
All their BI immersion events are removed so I figured maybe she left the company
@MaxVernon Semi-relevant response (maybe):
I think this answer is uncharitable. Not everyone complaining now is a chronic complainer. Lots of people who were previously pretty satisfied with SE are unhappy now. — TRiG Dec 9 '19 at 12:24
@TRiG that looks like a SE-management response. "`You are toxic, I won't even bother with you any more"
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I do agree that it's easy to think a vocal group on meta is "the community". The group may very well be a minority.
Same goes for green/lgbtq/whatever movements. I'm not sure the people you seem to hear a lot are representing the populace. At least around me I don't see many people care, but that may be biased as well since "people around me" is a small sample group as well
What I mean to say is that depending on where you stand or what your environment is, it's easy to think groups of like minded people are bigger than they really are
Yes, I think few people travel enough to be able to claim they know what the public opinion really is on some or other matter. Most of us are left to choose who to believe when hearing such claims. That's where independent press should shine the most, but how much of press is really independent, or otherwise unbiased, now?
@TomV-TeamMonica Sure, I don't disagree on that.
But that post claims more than that.
> In the last few months that tiny group has turned MSE into a toxic echo chamber.
> That group, by its antics on MSE, has probably dispelled any remaining belief among SE staff that interacting with MSE can be useful. So, yes, the continued complaints by that group will indeed be ignored.
So the claim is that this group (small or big) is the sole to blame for the "toxic" environment in Meta the last months. SE management contributed nothing to the toxicity.
3 hours later…
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Sure, that's just trolling
and gone ;)
i never troll
@AndriyM uneventful is better than the apocalypse
4 hours later…
@Marian can I just double-check that this message is really from you?

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