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@ypercubeᵀᴹ & @AndriyM: These both apply to SQLite, correct?
And how recent is recent?
And thank you.
The version in Debian is 3.27, but the latest version is 3.28, so it's a bit out of date.
Is it worth upgrading to 3.28?
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha I don't remember but 3.8 supports CTEs, so 3.27 should support them as well.
@AndriyM Ok, so it's been around for awhile, then. Thank you.
I definitely remember this room being chattier.
Busy times for DBAs?
It ebbs and flows
We're not consistent
Unlike the data in our databases
So cheesy...
...and the occasional non-DBA job.
Morning o/
From this question on SO (SQL Server) don't you think guys that the right answer is "it depends on the optimizer"?
Both queries will use the index (tested on SQL Server 2008)
None of the queries will use the index, instead it's a full table scan (tested on db<>fiddle)
Haven't heard a squeak from @Phil yet.
Morning all
Even so if we remove * the optimizer will decide to use the index
eg: SELECT [Date] FROM Exams or SELECT 1 FROM Exams
Replace it with any other column – or add any other column – and it's table scan again
@AndriyM Yeah, I just want to understand
SQL Server may be guessing from statistics that the number of rows isn't big enough to warrant index seek+key lookup.
that makes the "Why second query doesn't use index? Because indexed column is wrapped in a function which prevents SQL Server from using index." in the answer wrong
It's all up to the optimizer
In SQL Server 2008 both will use the index, while if you test it on db<>fiddle none of them will use the index instead it's full table scan. — Sami 35 mins ago
We don't know how many rows there were in the actual table. We also don't know whether it's the actual table structure or a stripped-down version. There also was a request to provide execution plans that hasn't yet been addressed by the OP
Yes, I've just noticed that too, so there we are, it's much more than 4 :)
@AndriyM Yes, without plans it's guessing
That's wrong, by default it will be a clustered index (if there is no clustered one created on that table before, if there is then it will throw an error) — Sami 2 hours ago
@Sami A CREATE INDEX statement always creates a non-clustered index. You might be confusing this situation with a PRIMARY KEY constraint (but your comment still would not be correct).
I can kind of see how he's made that mistake, but still... You only need to go look at the docs
Or try it out
It's amusing some of the nonsense you see around paraded as absolute fact.
There must be a thousand duplicates for that question on SO. Pity search is so awful and close votes so ineffectual.
Also the answers to that question themselves, it's like they all have a part of the picture
but nobody has put it all together
@George.Palacios Talking of which...
I clearly see SQLServer NOT DELETING ROWS on a simple "no conditions" query. I think your assumption is not good. I think your assumption is derived from kind of "IconsiderIalwaysDoEverythingOk" deffect. In my case, no conditions, all triggers reviewed, and the table still has records. I think this is not an answer — Alejandro Teixeira Muñoz 1 hour ago
I don't want people to pile on there btw
Just an example of comments being ... less than super useful
I.. I wonder sometimes if people actually reread what they've written
@AndriyM I got something for my question that appears to work, but I haven't tested it properly. Also, it's probably not the most elegant solution, even if it does work.
Demonstrably not
I mean fair enough, they probably did observe what they say, but it's hardly constructive.
Lot's of people don't understand what comments are for to be fair. Or at least don't seem to
Many people must think reading the site guidelines is too hard. And in a way I get it if they're posting their first question
But yeah... at least try be constructive right
It's kinda interesting to think about the root cause though.
As I see it: not a great question -> not a great answer -> not a great comment.
(Not to take anything away from what is a pretty poor effort of a comment)
This specific case looks to me like the guy was looking for a solution to his (possibly similar or identical) problem, came across Max's answer and took whatever it said as though it was a reply to his (the commenter's) question. It's like yelling at a newspaper, only slightly better, because you can actually add your rant to the contents you've just been reading.
Are you saying you've never seen bad comments on good questions? :P
or just that this is a particular pattern you've noticed?
ha ha no
@AndriyM Yelling at a newspaper
Oh my god that's a gloriously accurate image
Younger people would not understand that reference at all
"Why would I yell at my iPad"
"You probably meant newsfeed?"
I laugh but that's scarily accurate
Maybe they call such museum exhibits "oldspapers"
It's okay. They'll have the same problem when they're older. The younger folks will be like "A computer... monitor? Wasn't everything VR back then?"
I'm still hoping for minority report style interfaces for SQL server one day
I would suggest "yelling at the TV" as an alternative but TV is going the same way
People do love to comment their unique and interesting perspectives on everything
@PaulWhite Yes, it's kinda both, because it's text but it's also on the screen, so...
It's part of being human really. We have a primal need to feel "heard" by the group
People who reflect on it often find it's not necessary to carry that feeling around
puts George on ignore
but not many people question it
I walked into that one really
little bit
It's also odd because what a "social group" is has changed dramatically over the past few decades. This chat as an example.
Brains get confused because we weren't built for the internet
I feel the need to hunt a wild animal for dinner
Careful, you might find one doe
(JEAGL: Replace doe with though)
I know I know. I'm here all week
Where's @Forrest when we need him
Isn't it strange we have a First Posts review queue but not a First Comment review queue
> This is the first question asked by a new user. Help them learn to use the site by reviewing their post.
What a great idea. Why don't you suggest it? It's sure to have some considered thought and debate around it before hopefully being approved and expedited into production.
I feel I'm becoming somewhat cynical...
I don't feel like being downvoted into oblivion on meta today
@PaulWhite Hey, hmmm maybe I'm wrong let me check
> This is the first comment added by a new user. Help them learn to use the site by deleting it.
Yeah, that's right
Relieved to hear it.
@Sami Maybe you should delete your comment?
Sure, it's already deleted Paul
Apparently it doesn't always help when the "newspaper" starts interacting with you in response to your yelling.
3 hours later…
Is SQLite ever used for actual data storage, or do people prefer something like PG?
@FaheemMitha SQLite is very widely used, but mostly by embedded systems or mobile applications. It's very solid, and a great option.
@MaxVernon So for long term data storage, then?
@FaheemMitha why not. It provides full ACID guarantees, and as always you should make backups of any data that is considered precious to you.
@MaxVernon It seems to have a rather relaxed approach towards data validation.
@FaheemMitha every system has their own strengths, it might be that validation is not something you need or desire; you should look at each system with an eye to suitability for the task at hand. Also, see SQLite's page on transactions for details about it's ACID guarantees.
@MaxVernon That's wasn't really a criticism. More an observation.
@FaheemMitha I realize it's not a criticism - I'm just trying to answer your question as completely as possible.
@MaxVernon Ok.
I have mixed feeling about excessive validation fussiness. At the extreme end, it can be annoying, like a particularly fascistic compiler.
@MaxVernon ACID is certainly a good thing.
Fascist compilers are rarely a good thing
@George.Palacios And then there's Javascript.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells shudder
1 hour later…
anyone here?
Stuck with EF Core setup
never mind i'm a dumbass
1 hour later…
@War :D
A: Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example

Max VernonHow to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example for database-related questions Database-related questions asking for practical advice will get the most helpful answers if they provide a framework others can use to reproduce that problem. With that in mind, when asking a question pleas...

go make edits that we need on our MVCE page

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