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07:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@SeanGallardy-Microsoft if you want to produce some truly horrific EAV data, take a look at what SPSS dimensions/data collection spits out
LOL I'm just playing with graph, not trying to slit my own wrists ;)
I will say, though, the file hosting is pretty good. I maxed out my connection ~ 19 MB/sec
yeah, we have a seedbox with amazon
don't be sorry, the speed was excellent
i don't wanna get you fired for downloading from aws ;)
LOL - Steve isn't CEO anymore, I don't think we worry about that now
famous last words of @SeanGallardy-Microsoft
Well, if I start looking for a new job you know what happened
about to be SeanGallardy-SleepingOnEriksCouch
i mean, i think you'd be a good babysitter
I'm really good at helping with math homework... unless it's common core.. in which case even the teachers don't know how to do that
we're not at the homework stage yet
@sp_BlitzErik besides, he can't really speak because of his jaw
I just took a muscle relaxing pill, we'll see what happens
The torrent isn't giving me the same speeds :( only 17 MB/sec
"hey conor man i love you man even though azure adoption sucks man"
I'd like to display my query results from bottom to top and from right to left....
I'd like 50 billion dollars
change the locale to korea or something
I don't know any languages that do bottom to top
tons are right to left though
"The Chinese, Japanese and Korean scripts can be oriented in either direction, as they consist mainly of disconnected logographic or syllabic units, each occupying a square block of space, thus allowing for flexibility for which direction texts can be written, be it horizontally from left-to-right, horizontally from right-to-left, vertically from top-to-bottom, and even vertically from bottom-to-top."
good to know
A macaroni (or formerly maccaroni) in mid-18th-century England was a fashionable fellow who dressed and even spoke in an outlandishly affected and epicene manner. The term pejoratively referred to a man who "exceeded the ordinary bounds of fashion" in terms of clothes, fastidious eating, and gambling. He mixed Continental affectations with his English nature, like a practitioner of macaronic verse (which mixed English and Latin to comic effect), laying himself open to satire: There is indeed a kind of animal, neither male nor female, a thing of the neuter gender, lately [1770] started up among...
Of all the things, their fingers are freaking me out... those are freakishly long fingers
literally lol'ing
I remember a 70's movie Deep throat (iirc)
Deep Throat is a 1972 American pornographic film that was at the forefront of the Golden Age of Porn. The film was written and directed by Gerard Damiano, who was listed in the credits as "Jerry Gerard"; produced by Louis Peraino, credited as "Lou Perry"; and starring Linda Lovelace, the pseudonym given to Linda Susan Boreman. One of the first pornographic films to feature a plot, character development, and relatively high production values, Deep Throat earned mainstream attention and launched the "porno chic" trend, even though the film was banned in some jurisdictions and was the subject ...
I read it for the articles, "films to feature a plot, character development, and relatively high production values"
> mfw 70s porn has more character development than recent star wars movies
@sp_BlitzErik haha
There are 3 star wars movies
No more. No Less.
yep 4,5,6
CGI machinations are 1,2,3 and Disney princess movie redux is 7,8
"there can be only one" - spock
Star Wars 1,2,3, a Toy Story series
the red menace returns
They make feminine hygiene products for that
that's rich coming from the personification of code pink
perhaps there is a little texas in you
i have 0 to do with code pink
that leaves you with one in the stink
Marx was Texas.
Ronny was an liberal-arts theater wanker.
stupid snowflake.
@sp_BlitzErik It seems to me that nations which are devoted to a founding philosophy rather than supporting a tradition of culture always go horribly wrong.
With all the bullshit out there, the market must have rejected that analysis. Never seen that book.
@ChrisTravers examples, svp
@EvanCarroll you'd just burn it if you did ;)
@sp_BlitzErik Bolschevism in the USSR and Whiggism in the USA. ;-)
@sp_BlitzErik wouldn't be the first nor thing I've burned.
Something has to keep the ashes of Israel and American flags warm.
Current status for the month...patching/upgrading all the things.
@bluefeet best of luck!
@sp_BlitzErik with about 25 servers, I need it
One line of PowerShell, I hear </s>
That's an empty, hollow, slightly sad "ha" if I ever saw one
@PaulWhite a shadow of sadness
holy carp. I asked a question about VB on stackoverflow and it hasn't been downvoted or closed.
hi Paul! been a while!
@MaxVernon gonna go unilaterally delete it now
@bluefeet I fully expected it! ;-)
@MaxVernon upvoted, you're brave.
thanks, Evan!
that is a terrifying language.
I like GOTOs
@MaxVernon I tried to answer it but I may be totally off
@EvanCarroll FYI, that wasn't me that gave you that d/v
all good
after 20k it's all joke anyway.
then it's just the very few gold badges I'm after.
And the secret badges
@MaxVernon hiya
Don't tell anyone. When you get one, it won't display, but you'll recognise others with the same from their handshake
ahhh, there's a downvote. The world is right again.
Just my little joke. Undownvoted.
I'm hilarious.
@MaxVernon ther eis an IntPtr too
> The IntPtr type is designed to be an integer whose size is platform-specific. That is, an instance of this type is expected to be 32-bits on 32-bit hardware and operating systems, and 64-bits on 64-bit hardware and operating systems.
@EvanCarroll yah, IntPtr should work, but that's a platform-specific pointer; i.e. it is 32bits on x86 and 64bits on x64.
@PaulWhite ahhh, I was wondering who would un-down-vote on Stack Overflow
I think it's never happened before.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ hundreds of GOTOs, nested, preferably.
did ignoring it solve the problem?
@EvanCarroll still debugging it.
that seems like a really half-assed error message, to the extent where I would be shocked if Microsoft actually overlooked something that major
But I think he's right
The only way to get a 32bit dll in a 64 bit process is with a surrogate process blog.mattmags.com/2007/06/30/…
if I compile the exe as a 32-bit executable, it'll be fine. I just want to be platform agnostic and allow it to run as a 64 bit process on an x64 machine.
then you need to ship out a 64bit dll or use a a surrogate process
FYI, I'm writing a wrapper to install SQL Server 2016 on many machines, and this functionality will disable the SQL Server 2016 CEIP Telemetry service.
Isn't it easier to disable through the registry?
with reg.exe?
@EvanCarroll since .Net is JIT-compiled, the code can run in either x64 or x86 mode depending on the target machine. no need to recompile it as a developer.
that was my confusion too, but the dll isn't jit compiled right? it's native code?
correct, but there are two of them on an x64 Windows machine (one for x86 and one for x64). Windows loads the appropriate one depending on the application's requirements. I'm just a bit anal about this, and want the compiler warning to go away.
I could easily accomplish that with a directive for the analyzer, I just don't want to do that if it really will cause an error.
ah, ok, more details. well I'll follow it, I'm also pretty anal about compilation any warning and I gotta solve it the kosher way or I don't sleep at night
@EvanCarroll brothers in arms there, my friend.
> Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at InstallSql2016.NativeMethods.OpenService(IntPtr hSCManager, String lpServiceName, Int32 dwDesiredAccess)
Microsoft's director installing Google Chrome in the middle of a presentation because Edge did not work
@EvanCarroll Chrome? That turd of an advertising monster?
Yeah just use brave or something using the same rendering engine without the crap
@TomV it's called Firefox.
Sure but if you need chromium for some reason there are alternatives
interestingly, I've never actually needed to install Chrome. Is there something I'm unaware of?
@TomV you really seen such requirements? From auditors?
I use Chromium
@ypercubeᵀᴹ nope.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ yes screens hots with a host name CMD and a clock
To be fair. The evidence was more than just some queries we needed evidence of services in a stopped state and a gui configuration tool pointing to something different
Yay windows point and click configuration
But I've seen that yes. On multiple occasions but with the same client
Evening all. Just wanted to drop this
It'll be useful as a DBA...
answered Mar 27 '17 at 23:32
Curiously it has been accepted now
@TomV have you ever used 64 bit ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Drivers?
@McNets sure
@TomV When I use it in our 64 bits machines I always install x32
2 hours later…
Please tell me you're not using the Ace OLEDB drivers for linked servers.... @McNets @TomV
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft No, I use it in my Windows Apps to import excel files.
@McNets beat me to the trigger question, here's a repro you can post with your answer

USE TrgTest;


SomeLoggingCrap VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL

CREATE TRIGGER KittensHateTriggers
ON dbo.Test
INSERT INTO Logging(SomeLoggingCrap) SELECT CONCAT('Logged #', ID) FROM inserted



SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft thank you, let me edit.
i find triggers all the time in blitzcache
people are awful at writing them
caught one dude who had one fire a stored procedure that emailed a report of rows modified
"do you get a lot of email?"
"yeah, but i send it to my alerts folder"
@McNets you hit 10k you can stop answering questions now dude
1) LOL
2) That must not get updated often or it'd be a real... sticking point
3) What-The-EFFF?
dirty dirty apes
evan has hungry eyes
@McNets i hope mrs. mcnets doesn't search your browser history
home wife vs work wife?
sounds like mcnets runs a spicier game than all of us
haha me too !!!
To girlfriends, lovers, and wives, Let's hope they never meet!
that sounds like it would be quite complicated
bit of a deadlock there
I hear that, my high school graduating class size was 35
If you played one sport, you played them all... and dating... not much options
Just a question, GITHub or TFS?
sounds like you're the kind of guy who would just use both ;)
I have a public GitHub, maybe a private TFS....
@sp_BlitzErik both, plus tortoise
@McNets but maybe her wife?
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft ok ok bed time (alone) ;-) nite all
Erik will keep you warm! Night
don't volunteer me! i don't wanna catch that village fever.
lmao that is one fake indian
you can smell the kiwi polish
cultural appropriation!!! ugh
coachella would not approve
they'd all be too high to know/care
@sp_BlitzErik please throw my message to the trash
1 message moved to Trash
2 messages moved to Trash
@McNets done
07:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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