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@JoeObbish is it an arrest warrant for Evan?
Ahh he wants all the pigs to go looking for his lost <3
@yper-trollᵀᴹ resurrected so the original link will no longer produce an error.
If you find any more broken ones like that please custom flag the "moved to chat" comment.
2 messages moved to Trash
@PaulWhite Any thoughts on something that could be added to a query that keeps the estimated execution plan mostly the same but makes the query return no results in basically 0 ms?
Something like a startup expression filter that's always pushed to the right place in the plan
sometimes the positioning of the filter leaves something to be desired...
@JoeObbish SET NOEXEC ON;?
or any of the others that compile but don't execute the query
or any of the first_result_set procs
Depends a bit on exactly what you want to acheive and why
I want a plan in the plan cache
SET NOEXEC ON will probably work
yeah, I think that's perfect
4 hours later…
@PaulWhite @sp_BlitzErik Either one of you notice EstimateRowsWithoutRowGoal="6.4516e+006" in the query plan cache yet?
I'm on 2017, not sure when it was introduced
not sure why it doesn't show up if you just get an estimated plan
2 hours later…
@EvanCarroll DW shit. Real persons do OLTP. DW is for people who can wait 3 hours for a query to run
No other public information at this time, as far as I am aware.
6 hours later…
@JoeObbish are you on cu2? it's not in the schema yet
@PaulWhite yeah, that's what I thought it might be
@sp_BlitzErik yes
do you see mismatches between the plan cache and the estimated plan in SSMS often?
can't say i've compared the two much
unless i was purposely trying to get them to be different
well it's good that you haven't noticed much
i notice some things.
like vandalizing edits.
I already gave you a source on that one
I didn't write the rules
2 hours later…
How is everyone doing on this sacred Day of Evan.
5 hours later…
is it a defined behavior when you bitwise and bitstrings of unequal length
ah nvm, doesn't even allow it
ERROR: cannot AND bit strings of different sizes
A: Lookup performance of Numeric vs String

Evan CarrollHate to be captain obvious on this one, but they even provide a function to do this that stores the intergers as bigint.. CREATE SCHEMA insta5; CREATE SEQUENCE insta5.table_id_seq; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insta5.next_id(OUT result bigint) AS $$ DECLARE our_epoch bigint := 1314220021721; ...

there we go
That answer was a ton of fun.

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