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@EvanCarroll they add features in point releases? mental. Anyway, I've upgraded to 10.2.11 :)
@JackDouglas nothing about mysql makes sense, it's a festering shitpool of bad engineering.
did you know int(1) in MySQL means display only one character when stringifying the interger
@EvanCarroll It's nicely engineered for CRUD tasks as long as data consistency and analytics don't matter/
Not really, I've never had a CRUD task stay simple enough for MySQL to handle elegantly.
Usually when I'm drinking, I tackle the MySQL questions on here and every time, I'm glad I was drinking.
A: Define calculated column of BOOLEAN/TINYINT(1) type in a View?

Evan CarrollThis is currently impossible. MySQL doesn't have a real BOOLEAN type, (or a real array type.. or a real JSON type). It has an alias for TINYINT. Any condition returns an interger. This is the fastest datatype for a CPU, and presumably this implementation detail is reflected here. For instance,...

That seems crudish
Oh BTW @ChrisTravers, I went mucking with pg-bignum.
the c-library that was a fun break. I'll play with the index functionality sometime
@EvanCarroll I think the sweet spot for MySQL is still in content management systems.
@EvanCarroll Nice :-). Put it on GitHub? ;-)
by the way did you see our base36 extension on pgxn/github?
it's great because at PGConf-EU, base36 encoding was mentioned by the guy from TheDailyWTF as something maybe that shouldn't be in the database because it is not a good abstraction for Canadian postal codes. But those problems seem rather separable.
(we use base36 for URL-shortening.)
@ChrisTravers it is on github, github.com/beargiles/pg-bignum/compare/…
@ChrisTravers that's actuallly pretty cool
@ChrisTravers so the advantage there is that you get to store a country code as "char"
Nice :-)
Yeah. It eliminates the varlena header and gets us better data alignment.
though that is a different extension.
oh but you're storing it as uint8
why not as "char" (which is a single byte)
uint8 and char are both single bytes. I need you double check internal storage bits.
(assuming 8-bit-to-the-byte systems ;-)
nevermind, that's cool. I didn't realize pg had any concept of uint8, I guess internally it does. #til
I know the "char" type is signed which I thought was annoying.
@EvanCarroll Well, we have to add a small amount of duct tape around the fact that it doesn't have nice macros for the type so we add our own.
@ChrisTravers why don't you specify INTERNALLENGTH = 1,
for the type?
I will need to ask the original author ;-). It might be an oversight.
But reading the docs, it looks very much like an oversight.
I found and fixed a "backend crashes when you explain a query" bug in one of our related data types so I won't say these are perfect yet. :-)
@EvanCarroll Yeah.
Q: How to get all databases of all instances on a server in T-SQL?

tobulos1First of all, sorry if this has been answered before. I couldn't find any relevant question, so I'll give it a shot. In order to document our databases, I have a query that fetches all relevant information of every database. This script only works on the instance that I run it on: SELECT d.NAME...

It could be fun on a multi tenant machine
@EvanCarroll in answer to your question, we do: LIKE = "char",
and that covers over internal length, alignment, etc
so in the create type, you can use the LIKE clause to copy over internals from another type.
1 hour later…
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I was taught astronavigation by Zoltan Barabas. When I grow up I'm going to have a name like that, too.
in any case, it's a quite ordinary Hungarian name
@dezso In that case, shouldn't it be persZoltan?
I'm here 'til Thursday ...
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells here, meaning in the UK?
or in Berlin?
To explain at great length, persZoltan was a weak reference to hungarian notation, which has been an occasional running joke on this board. I'm here 'til Thursday is intended to sound like a stand-up comedian in a smaller venue, indicating that it was meant to be a joke.
Is that a sufficiently lengthy explanation?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Sure it is!
Coffee hasn't had any effects on my brain yet.
Working from home today, didn't feel like being in traffic jams for hours
Even now this is still the current situation
@dezso Does Barabas have a "sh" sound at the end in Hungarian?
@TomV snow?
@hot2use yep
Apparently causes things like that to happen
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells depending if you put it on the first or the last name
as they are used reversed compared to nearly everywhere else
@AndriyM yes
@dezso That last name is not uncommon here, in Ukraine. I never thought much of it but it sounded more or less native (Slavic) to me. Although thinking more about it, there's probably something Turkic about it too. It never occurred to me that it could be Hungarian in origin
I mean, we still don't know yet, do we :) But it now looks possible to me
It's snowing here now, but it's wet, horrible slushy snow.
@AndriyM are we talking about Zlatan or Barabas?
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Barabas
Isn't that from the Bible? So Hebrew?
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Could be!
Apparently we agreed to disagree on how to format output.
or Aramaic. Whatever the language in that area - era was
> Hungarian (Barabás), Polish (Barabasz or Barabas), Czech and Slovak (Barabáš), and Spanish (Bar(r)abás): from the New Testament personal name Barabas (Greek Barabbas) ‘son of Aba’. This was the name borne by the thief whose life was demanded by the crowd in Jerusalem in preference to that of Jesus (Matthew 27:15–21). In central Europe it was sometimes adopted as a personal name by a repentant sinner.
@hot2use I'm with Marco on that one
@TomV ha ha @hot2use modified my edits
@ypercubeᵀᴹ no Zlatan. It was a Zoltan (well, Zoltán). That's a Hungarian given name (whereas in Hungarian it would be the last name).
@dezso Interesting. Reading the Ukrainian Wiki on the Барабаш (Barabash) family name, and it does says that the name is Ukrainian and Polish, of Turkic origin. (I guess I may have read the article before, or otherwise heard that from somewhere else.)
@McNets 'twas a dual edit
It say, "bar" stands for "is there, is present", and "bash" stands for "head".
Rendering it as a man (person) with a head, or smart/clever person
@McNets I was editing at the exact same time and apparently I won first time round.
@hot2use No problem, it really doesn't matter
@sp_BlitzErik Everything ok where you're at?
@sp_BlitzErik by night, drink
@JamesL new bounty
Q: SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) IP Handling on Multi-Instance Servers

hot2useTl;Dr I have a SQL Server instance (SQLSERVER01-i01) with a dedicated IP address and port (162.xxx.xxx.51:1433) on a multi-instance SQL Server (each SQL Server instance on the Windows Server has its own IP address) which are all running on one Windows server (SQLSERVER01 / 162.xxx.xxx.50). I ...

> I have become aware of a situation in which the my findings do not work. Although the source SQL Server Reporting Server instance is configured to use a dedicated IP address to connect to a different SQL Server instance with a dedicated IP address on a different server, and even though only one rules exists, the Reporting Server instance (http.sys process) is trying to connect to the SQL Server instance via the Windows Server IP address.
> This is why I am opening up a special bounty again, because I would like to award Jens Ehrich (or any other future answerer) with a bonus award for pointing out: _ Yes, two rules is the only safe option. I fully agree that it's not implemented correctly, nor very well._ and also for his explanation of Therefore it stands to reason that the client will use IPADDR_ANY during the Bind() method when setting up the network connection. This leaves Windows to make the decision.
> I am looking forward to any other details that could be provided.
@JoeObbish yeah, i'm pretty far from port authority. thanks for asking.
i'm glad our terrorists are so incompetent
@hot2use what's happening? it's using a different source address some percentage of the time?
would seem sufficient
Replacing bool with datatypes, because really, if you are creating a new tag, why not use a proper keyword? Why "bool" and not "boolean"?
@EvanCarroll ^^^ FYI
@AndriyM I disagree there because a lot of databases have specific problems with the boolean type so the extra specificity makes sense
specifically MySQL and SQL Server
Q: Modify all array entries in all records of a table at once

nerdinandI have a schema that involves an array of timestamps. Due to an import problem all the timestamps are off by one hour (time zone issue). I'd like to update all the timestamps in all the records with one UPDATE statement.

A self-answered question and the answer needs to be corrected twice?
"[Microsoft] Connect will be decommissioned and shut down after 12/31/2017 due to lack of compliance with GDPR privacy regulations."
I blame all of the Europeans in the room
@McNets it can probably be further simplified. At least it's correct now (I think)
@JoeObbish do the UK citizens count? ;)
@ypercubeᵀᴹ yes, you were in the EU when GDPR was created
@JoeObbish You mean they but ok.
They still are.
And you blame EU because MS can't have a site compliant with some rules?
Or was it another joke? I seem to be unable to get jokes today
5 hours ago, by ypercubeᵀᴹ
Coffee hasn't had any effects on my brain yet.
:4167035 Microsoft Connect the Closed as "Won't Fix" Social Media Network
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Was it European coffee?
@AndriyM only if we count Brazil as European
@ypercubeᵀᴹ If they have a colony in Europe, why not :)
2 hours later…
It's so quiet in here
blame the EU
they're taking Connect away from us
Connect is an American treasure
a digital landmark
i wonder how SO will deal with gdpr
if a user wants to be deleted, does all of their q&a have to go?
fascinating stuff~
they should just ban europeans
finally, some backup
did you shed any manly tears for Connect yet?
Can someone tell me a super easy way to move copy 3 tables each with 300 million rows from one server to another?
sql server to sql server?
@JamesL yup. After a couple of months running, the RepServer (on SRV A) has decided to use the Windows Server IP (SRV A) to connect to the SQL Server / Windows Server (SRV B) instance
do you care about speed?
@JoeObbish not particularly just care about not causing any locks when doing it.
oh, well that's a bit harder (at least for me)
there will be locks
by locks do you mean table level shared locks on the tables in the source environment?
@bluefeet backup, then restore to DB—Copy then copy tables inside the instance
@bluefeet can you use ssis?
@JoeObbish I was warned that when it was previously tried we had lock escalations so they just don't try it
@sp_BlitzErik probably
try that and batch things to ~1000 rows at a time
use the pk~
@hot2use not feasible the database is too large
@sp_BlitzErik he means use the clustered index
@sp_BlitzErik that's kinda what I was thinking, just trying to see if there is another way
is it nick's twitter rants?
you can disable lock escalation at a table level if you're really worried about it
@sp_BlitzErik maybe at some point
and it's supported by MSFT, as opposed to what I usually talk about in here
i can't remember... will with (rowlock,pagelock) prevent lock escalation?
@JamesL negative
not always
I believe it's a suggestion
as opposed to a directive
it's more like (please try to avoid table locks)
it's like how we tell Paul to write blog posts
but then he doesn't
it's like how paul tries to get me to change how i vote to close things in here
but i don't
does anyone in here use a paid vpn for their legal web browsing activities?
yeah but he could just ban you
then the sock puppets would come out
@sp_BlitzErik I only use a VPN when posting on brentozar.com
it's not very good
i google mapped your house
I don't have a house
whatever you wanna call it~
I deliberately picked a residence on the exact border of a zip code
i will disregard your semantic versioning
your mapping searches will never be close
i'll just map the one bus route in your state
won't work either
so for which "legal activities" do you want a VPN?
bitcoin speculation?
i need something for when a search result accidentally returns a reddit url
just change your hosts file
I think there are router settings you can change as well
there also used to be a way to exclude certain sites from google search results, but I don't know if it still works
not good enough
what problem are you trying to solve?
i'm just looking for vpn suggestions
my problems are vast
@sp_BlitzErik not sure, they had something like three talks on the same topic
I went to one that was done by Joe and Pedro
are you going to do any of the private previews?
it is planned
with a wide enough clustered index it gets really difficult to get the optimizer to choose a key lookup plan
that's interesting
@sp_BlitzErik context?
i don't even know
this is weird
maybe it's something else
uch i don't have the patience for this right now
HALLO MY DEAR @sp_BlitzErik
good evening
How are you doing on this glorious day?
Anyone here play Overwatch?
First person to build an IRC client in ring -3 on Intel Minix wins!
Intel uses SOAP to do this. that's frightening
> One of the most interesting features that this technology supports is direct access
to the network interface card (NIC) via SOAP services as the ME share access to a
LAN interface.
This is the now compromised kernel running in the -3 ring which everyone is pushing to exploit, and Google is pushing to save the world by reverse engineering it and wiping it before the zombie apocalypse.
You know it's kind of funny, when I first got into Linux about 15 years ago as a sophomore I used to encounter people that told me how terrifying Intel was. The AIX users where always loud about it. I could never figure out what exactly was wrong with Intel. Then when Apple dropped Power, and AMD fell out everyone used Intel and that talk went away.
Anyway, I'm just shocked they had this stuff in there for decades and no one found it.
On the flip side, I wonder if Blue Ray devices running on Intel Atoms can be compromised with ring -3 so you can jack the streams.
that would be cute.

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