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I wonder something ... How does Stack Exchange, Inc. earn its money?
1 hour later…
Q: What is Stack Overflow's business model?

George StockerI once answered a question that asked how Stack Overflow makes money, but that was before the time of VC. Now, Stack Overflow has cash, and they have an ever-growing list of employees, but where's the business model? The Experts-Exchange team took the time to answer its own Q&A about its site (...

1 hour later…
@AndriyM too bad that EE post they refer to multiple times does not exist anymore
@profile101 did you create a data model before starting creating tables? If so, you have your stuff done. There are very few cases when a 1:1 relationship between tables is needed. So, either you go with a single table (if the nature of your data dictates that) or normalize properly.
@dezso thanks, may i go with single table for storing 14 columns also , i want to retrieve rows quickly, so is any problem will happen if i create in single table , later can we cut and paste to multiple tables ?
I think you face a few misconceptions
first, if the data is like that, there is no problem with tables having 14 (or 140) columns
but, for example, if a single customer may have multiple addresses, you want to store the latter in a separate table
nice, than we are providing an option for registered users to select checkbox for not to receieve emails from site. is we need to create
separate column to store the values like - "checkbox is checked" or "checkbox is unchecked"
OTOH, if there can be only one name (password, etc.) attached to a given email address (or user ID), it is better keeping them in the same table
one more misconception is about sparing joins - even MySQL (sorry) is quite good at joining, until reaching a certain complexity
this is what RDBMS are designed for
@profile101 no - it is a single attribute with two possible values (checked/unchecked). AFAIK, in MySQL you'd use a tinyint (not having a real boolean type)
@profile101 Or, depending on what you meant, the answer is "yes, you store that in a single separate column" (in the Users table)
@AndriyM ah, you may be right, I understood it like two columns
thanks @AndriyM @dezso
@BabyinMagento are you the twin brother of @profile101? :D
no he is our team mate , moderatore thought we both same and merged our accounts as in chat its displaying other name @dezso
@profile101 Now your chat user's parent user link points to a non-existent profile. Maybe you should request that your account be restored, otherwise you might want to change your parent user.
@AndriyM thats true.... become bit busy with projects, will do that for sure.....
4 hours later…
@dezso @AndriyM once registered user upload some image , we will review image and we will inform user that image is not good.

after we inform to user, 7 days will happen, before 7 days if user dont update image, we have to delete that image, for this

is we need to create column for saving "number of days happened after rejection" ?
@profile101 Just store the upload date. You can always calculate the number of days passed between two dates.
@AndriyM i have to save both "upload date" & "rejected date" right ?
@profile101 Why do you think you need to store both?
Anyway, I can't answer that, because it would depend on how your application and/or data processes are designed.
seems you are right , i will think once more , thanks @AndriyM
Another day, another MySQL LOL theregister.co.uk/2016/09/13/mysql_security_bug
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because sycophancy belongs in chat, not Q&A. — Michael Green 20 mins ago
Q: Paul White, Please be a Pluralsight author

otherguyLove your blog post, if only you had courses on Pluralsight on sql server internals.

lets kill this one
@ypercubeᵀᴹ You mean the question, right?
25 mins, 12 views already, we used to be faster
Bored at DBA.se lately, found this interesting question
A: How could humanity live on the Sun?

ypercubeᵀᴹAs other comments and answers have pointed out, it would be very hard to find a way for any life to survive on the sun, even with a super material like that. But lets see if we can alleviate some of the problems: The Sun Does Not Have A Solid Surface This is only superficially difficult. We ...

@AndriyM :)) nice one
@Marian Only if everyone sees it as a joke :) Hopefully everyone does.
good one even
I agree with the OP, I'd love to see Paul on Pluralsight
codingconfessional.com - Anonymous Confessions from Programmers. An amusing way to chill for 10 minutes
@Phil Nice!
I liked this one:
> I'm at my first programming job for less than a year and I couldn't figure out how to fix any of the JavaScript issues (I was hired for my JavaScript knowledge). Some of the solutions were simple. So I posted several coding questions on StackOverflow and one of them got answered by a co-worker. 5 minutes later, I changed my profile info - made up fake stuff - in case he could figure out who I was :-)
My new favourite word is "refuctor"
@Phil 10 minutes spent
@Phil As if this room hasn't lately been quiet enough...
> Pretty weird that sun's surface is in molten state
doesn't it sound utter nonsense? The referenced articla states only this:
> The sun is not a solid ball, but rather like a fluid.
@dezso the whole thing is in a very high temperature
@ypercubeᵀᴹ are you sure? ;-)
2 hours later…
@Lamak not really. Haven't been there.
me neither. Not sure I want to visit though
@Lamak bluefeet wouldn't have much of a problem.
It might be cooler there, than Arizona ;)
yeah, she lives in a hotter place
AZ is the closes thing to the surface of the sun that i've ever felt
@Lamak and it was in peru ... just didnt know if you felt any of it
@swasheck nope, nothing at all
and really, here if it's less than 7 magnitude, we don't really take much notice
@swasheck yes, yes it is
@bluefeet how have you been?
@Lamak I've been good. And you?
1 hour later…
@bluefeet I'm ok too, thanks
1 hour later…
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Isn't this a joke? How could humanity live on the Sun? You just have to go there at night.
@MichaelJSwart are you insane?, do you want us to freeze to death?
@Lamak Go at Twilight then?
@Lamak As long as you can handle the sparkling vampires. (I'm sorry, I'll stop now)
@MichaelJSwart I'll rather go at day in that case
@MichaelJSwart Did you read the comments?
@ypercubeᵀᴹ did you take his comment seriously?
@Lamak always. They also did mention night as a solution.
And winter as well.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ ah, they're clever, didn't think about winter
2 hours later…
@AndriyM I hope so!

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