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@JamesLupolt I think that matches my skills well; I might apply!
6 hours later…
Oooh, we have Microsoft people answering Azure questions now dba.stackexchange.com/a/139218/33638
@MarkSinkinson Well, maybe.
Her SO profile has:
> Sonya Marshall
Senior Program Manager at Microsoft
@PaulWhite Unless someone is going out of their way to pose as her...which would be...creepy...
@MarkSinkinson Wouldn't be the first time :) I am naturally quite skeptical.
The OP didn't specify, but one would expect attempting to create the function should fail with an error.
Then again, preview.
1 hour later…
@PaulWhite lol ... an apt description for that room ... its all drama over there, that room needs better moderation for sure!!!
omg the drama is hitting new highs I see ...
Q: A cause for self moderation and query on the events of 20 May '16

SidneyEarly this morning, a regular in the C# chat room posted a crude but inoffensive message wishing everyone a happy Friday. The message wasn't hostile to anyone, it was however flagged as offensive. Due to this a moderator came in and banned the user for one hour. This was not well met by the C# ro...

@Darth_Wardy Yes that was the link in my previous message.
@Darth_Wardy C#, C++. same difference ;)
Q: Request for community attention on a moderator's behavior

NoobleIt has come to a handful of people's attention that at least some of the newly elected moderators might not be exactly up to challenge. Here's a message that very clearly demonstrates this incompetence, that was a result of a particular argument that appeared in one of the SO chatrooms: Madar...

@PaulWhite yeh, it was a while back so I figured I would reference it to add context
Seems to be calmer now. I hope the people in that room took note of the community and moderator views, and will rethink a bit.
and an older incident:
Q: Offensive, inappropriate, and un-professional chat room names

anonI was browsing the front-page of Meta, and I noticed off to the right a very strange and kind of inappropriate name for a chat room: However, when I look at the chat room info directly, the name of the room appears as Lounge<C++> Questions Are chat rooms allowed to be named after genit...

I get the feeling that being unprofessional is acceptable over there which is a shame because I want the technical discussion without that profanity
That's the lesson they need to learn. It is not acceptable.
I've raised it a few times in the room and basically been jumped on
in future I might come over here or something and raise concerns ... you guys seem a lot more professional
That's sad. Still, things usually come right in the end. Sometimes it takes something like that to get the attention of enough of the community, mods, and CMs to make the position clear.
It's fair to say these things are more of an issue on chat.SO than chat.SE, probably because of the smaller number of mods.
I get lost in all this community maze lol
I often go to post something on a site and it says stuff like "youren't a member yet consider joining"
i'm then like ... "eh, oh ... ok?" lol
Yeah :)
I figured being an SO member was enough
it's only an extra click or 2 but still ... they should all use the same SSO server or something
feels a bit "qwirky" at times lol
no idea how to spell that
Quirky. And yes it is.
ah that looks better lol ... thx
Everyone has an SE account, and per-site (including SO) accounts connected to that.
I just noticed something ... My name is Paul too :)
@PaulWhite oh that's basically how my SSO implementation works here
Yay! Small world :)
@Darth_Wardy SSO?
Single Sign On
soz ... i forget about all these acronyms
@PaulWhite yup that's me lol
I should probably change my name back at some point lol
Darth_Paul could have worked too
lol yeh ... but the original username Wardy ... comes from a nick name given to my by my friends
My name is Paul Ward, so i'll let you figure out where Wardy came from
Before I checked, in my mind "Wardy" made you likely to be an Australian.
haha ... odd ... not the first time I've been asked that
There's someone I know that goes by that name in Oz, and everyone is $base-name-"y" over there.
ah ok ... that makes sense
Apologies for accusing you of Australianism.
But yes, the SE sign-on/account model is weird and complex.
@PaulWhite Australianism ... haha ... is that offensive in some way? (i'm sure to a new zealander or something it might be lol)
haha, that makes sense ... my boss is from New Zealand :)
from what I understand of the place you kiwi's and Aussies are locked in a constant battle lol (not war but friendly like in sports, one-up-man-ship)
bit like us brits ... English, Scots, Welsh, Irish
@PaulWhite I was just about to link to (Peter) Wardy's, but you beat me to it by a squeak.
@PaulWhite .. and easy on the racial slurs, kakapo! :D
heh heh heh
@MichaelGreen that would have gone about an hour further in the C# room ... i was immune to thinking that was offensive lol
The kakapo (Māori: kākāpō or night parrot), Strigops habroptilus (Gray, 1845), also called owl parrot, is a species of large, flightless, nocturnal, ground-dwelling parrot of the super-family Strigopoidea endemic to New Zealand. It has finely blotched yellow-green plumage, a distinct facial disc of sensory, vibrissa-like feathers, a large grey beak, short legs, large feet, and wings and a tail of relatively short length. A combination of traits make it unique among its kind; it is the world's only flightless parrot, the heaviest parrot, nocturnal, herbivorous, visibly sexually dimorphic in body...
@Darth_Wardy Friendly banter only. I'm one of those (adoptive) Aussies.
aka "West Islanders" to some
I like that.
tbh ... i'd really like to visit aus and new zealand one day
also the reef before it dies due to human stupidity
cough sharks, spiders, and snakes cough
@Darth_Wardy It's worth the effort. Melbourne regularly gets the "world's most livable city." Climate, cost of living, lifestyle - all good. Skiing sucks, if that's important, and I miss poping over to France for the weekend. But every so often they come to me, so all good.
I enjoyed my visit to Melbourne.
Adelaide was nice too.
I have a cousin in Perth (recently moved from Darwin) but I haven't visited yet.
I loved Adelaide during the festival. Found it a bit quiet the rest of the time.
For skiing, Queenstown's not a long flight away.
Haven't made it to Queenstown in snow season. On the bucket list. Nearly got crushed by a piste basher on Ruapehu, if that counts?
That counts.
Less chance of an eruption in Queenstown though.
1 hour later…
@MichaelGreen yeh Melbourne I have to admit I have heard a lot of good things about
@PaulWhite spiders? in the ocean? ... peculiar 0.o
Thanks @PaulWhite . An answer much more worthy of this site.
This proposed wiki is the exactly same as the excerpt (both being suggested by Rob) – is that all right?
On a different note, is there a point in having the ftp-server tag on DBA.SE? I honestly can't see any but if there is, I'd be willing to hear about it.
Hmm, that last one sounds more like a question for Meta.DBA
@AndriyM It's OK, and no worse than a blank wiki for the brand new tag, but obviously it would be better if it were improved.
@AndriyM It wasn't useful on either of the questions it applied to, so it will disappear within 24 hours.
@PaulWhite Thank you very much. I was trying to put together a meta question but then work got in the way. Those two questions were my primary concern.
@AndriyM Yeah a tag with zero followers and two questions isn't worth a meta.
Certainly not as worthy as I would like my meta.DB question to be (taking into account that I would be writing it like half a day at least, regardless of the subject).
2 hours later…
It's happening:
user image
@JamesLupolt How long ago did you get confirmation about being accepted in the programme?
@TomV Thursday 19 May. My coworkers haven't heard anything back yet, so MS is definitely filtering somehow
@JamesLupolt Or releasing bit by bit
Yeah, sorry. Filtering or sorting I mean
I registered about 5 days after the announcement I would guess
@JamesLupolt what's this about?
SQL Server running on Linux
Step 1): Run SQL Server on Linux
Step 2): ???
@Lamak That's "top", shows running processes on linux
command: sqlservr ? Did soemone eat that e ?
A sad legacy of the old 8.3 notation for file names
Which seems even sillier now that UNIX (AFAIK) never suffered from the same limitation
at least they removed the .exe part
@ypercubeᵀᴹ they're trying to be hip
@JamesLupolt Step 2) Install SQuirrel and try to crash it with some os_ dmv's? :)
Would be interesting to see what SELECT * FROM sys.dm_server_registry does for example
It looks like all the unsupported DMVs return an empty result set
Some of the sys.dm_os_* space still works though. Like sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors for example
How's it going folks.
Hi, Zane!
What's new? How's Denver treating you?
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Been like that since the very beginning:
Same for 7.0, 2000, etc.
A typo that will live on into the ages.
Like my Skype username, aaron.bertand
They refuse to change it because username = PK
I cannot for the life of me resolve this: "Invalid character value for cast specification".
I am pretty new to SSIS.
I am taking an Oracle varchar(18) and needing to update a SQL varchar(20). Interestingly, I an insert just fine, but I cannot update.
Possibly codepage problem, but you'll obviously need to provide more information than that
...like table structure, codepage/collation, update statement, etc.
I have a derived col transform that is taking the DT_WSTR and using expresion (DT_STR,18,1252)(ISNULL(blah blah...
What exactly is codepage? I've seen it referenced (like in that expression syntax for the cast)
I suddenly recall the clear delineation between conversations in here that I like and those that I don't :-)
perhaps you also remember being new to SSIS? eh?
@AaronBertrand and just when you came back
@JzInqXc9Dg it's just that this is a question where chat isn't the way to go, but to ask in SO or DBA
yea i know, i understand
@JzInqXc9Dg I am still newbie in SSIS, you are ahead of me. But codepage oracle and collation sql server are easy searches rather than having us explain broad and general concepts in chat.
however, conversation has proven effective for me in the past
Effective for you, maybe.
yea fair enough
@JzInqXc9Dg doesn't means that it's the right way
@AaronBertrand oh, and thanks for the edit
ah, well hey i just solved it.
after about four hours. lol
so - parameters being named "para 0" "para 1" or whatever - didn't realize it was mapped by default by the order of the "?"s in your sql code
@Lamak No worries. I hate ambiguous sample data about as much as missing edge cases.
i added a couple columns and forgot to reset these param mappings
@JzInqXc9Dg nice
@AaronBertrand yeah, I missed a part of the question
I just got back from Poland. I was very pleasantly surprised about the country (my expectations were not high) and I was happy to learn a lot more about their history (particularly WWII).
Funny how in the west when you learn about the Holocaust it's just about Jewish people
(And I'm not trying to be religious or political here, just disappointed to learn now, in my 40s, how much the history I learned in school was "simplified" and "glossed over.")
@AaronBertrand yup, it's quite shocking when you actually learn more about it, and not just what's taught in school
@AaronBertrand Even more saddening is the fact that in the countries that were involved in the War the knowledge is becoming non-existent
@JzInqXc9Dg Don't use the question marks.
Add your parameters to your SQL Statement in a variable then use SQL command from variable in your data flow task.
Those ?'s get dicey sometimes and troubleshooting them is obnoxious.
@Zane Denver is good. I love that it is so bike friendly. I actually ride my bike to go places and run errands, in addition to longer rides on the weekends for fun/exercise. Also, I'm headed back to Minnesota next month.
Sociable Cider Werks here we come
I'm kind of excited that I booked a bicycle lighthouse tour while I'm on vacation in Maine summerfeet.net/bicycle-trips/maine-bicycle-day-trips/…
plus, lobster rolls are yummy
and @AaronBertrand will be there
I wish I could bike more for enjoyment but if I'm doing that I'm better off running so I can bring my dog. Even though I hate running.
@AaronBertrand yeah. it was pretty hard on the Poles, too. welcome back!
@Zane Ah, yeah. My dog does not run so I don't have this problem. :-P
@Zane was it a typo or they had it like that from the DOS age?
One reason I have no h in nick, is the same. I wanted a name to fit in 8 chars ;)
@AaronBertrand Did you know that at the of WWII, some of the prisoners in German prisons were not released? I.e. gay. I mean people that had gone to prison just because they were gay.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ yeah I did read about that. I did two museums in Warsaw on top of Auschwitz/Birkenau, and I lost count of how many times I either said or thought, "wow, what an asshole thing for the Germans to do!"
vendor support is telling us to install RML utilities to simulate workload because it's "multithreaded"
i thought i recalled that it wasnt "truly" able to simulate workload
and that the multithreading was wonky or something.
am i rong?
^^^^^----- where they claim that RML utilities can simulate multi-threading (but I would prefer distributed replay if possible)
ok. thanks. i'd found that as well, i just didnt know if there was a caveat in there that i'd forgotten
@AaronBertrand also ... nice to see you around :)
I haven't tried to use RML utilities to replace distributed replay, so there may be something to that
And thanks.
Been busy
Dude you are too fast
So my wife tells me.
Welcome back. Did you write that blog post yet?
@PaulWhite, Bringer of Salt
@PaulWhite uh oh, which one?
@AaronBertrand About your trip to Auschwitz.
@PaulWhite Oh, yes I did, I wrote a four-part series about my trip.
Huh. I have some catch up to do then. I miss Reader.
@PaulWhite slacker
Thank you. If anyone needs me I'll be reading.
@bluefeet So my wife tells me.
I didn't go into too many details. So many f*ing emotions.
I bet.
I also didn't even share 10% of the pics I took.
I felt weird even taking a good portion of them, never mind showing them off.
@MikaelEriksson Thank you for finding that link, I wasn't notified of the comment.
Hesitates before clicking on Part 2.
@AaronBertrand ooooh!!! you went to Wrocław? i loved the brief time my wife and i had there
@swasheck yes, had some really fantastic meals and vodka there
That query cannot possibly show customerid 1 twice because it won't run even once. You have either posted the wrong query or forgot to include something to it. It has an aggregate function and is pulling other columns without aggregation – and it doesn't have a GROUP BY. That just won't compile. — Andriy M 2 hours ago
@AndriyM why won't it run? It only has COUNT(*) OVER (...).
Unless there was some edit that I'm not seeing.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Missed the OVER () bit.
Thanks for letting me know
That question seems rather unclear to me.
And I believe the first query won't work because of the alias error not because of the count
good comment though
Thanks. It doesn't need much work, but we don't need any more guess-the-problem answers, I don't think.
@PaulWhite Sometimes I think the blog post is better than the help center in specific cases of query related questions
@TomV It is better, though the (necessary) length might put some people off, I suppose. Then there are the people that won't read either :)
hey y'all
Hey @Phrancis
Thanks again for the blog suggestions, I've added multiple and started reading a bit. I also found a bug with SO Careers in the process... meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/323639/…
Interesting. I haven't used Careers though.
I've just now started using it, it seems mostly good. I like how it can link stuff from all over SE, and open source projects and such
Hm. I might take another looky.
low key
So now I can't remove Pinal Dave until they fix this bug lol
@Phrancis That link 404s for me
Same here
@Phrancis Can you not even edit the link or the text in the link?
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I'll have to try that
It "works" kinda, yes. The icon is still there but at least it's not too visible
Hm, after a refresh, it has been removed. At least there is a workaround

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