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@MarinaDunst It has answered your question. And added a few more points for you (and others that may ask a similar question) to be aware of. Nothing mean or arrogant, the opposite I'd say. (the last sentence advising to change the question was removed) — ypercube 1 min ago
Tried to kind of lower the heat there...
3 hours later…
@ypercube I had a go at addressing the questions :)
and it's gone :)
"To be honest, a lot of mean and arrogant people here." not at all: this site has a great reputation for being one of the most friendly an welcoming, and exceptions are rare. This is simply not a good question for this site — and your attitude so far is also not a good fit for our site, so please consider whether you a) want to stop contributing, or b) whether you want to change your attitude. The basic issue is that the folk here are experts and you obviously (from your question) are not, and that you don't recognize that. — Jack Douglas ♦ 1 min ago
@JackDouglas Dang, the question is gone already!
@Colin'tHart yes, no-one flagged it but I thought it was unlikely to produce a useful outcome
too bad it wasn't deleted 15 minutes earlier, could've saved me 5 minutes of typing :)
@JackDouglas that's possibly the harshest comment I've ever seen from you, Jack
I'm wonder what's driving the perception that mean and arrogant people are here. I hope I haven't contributed.
Maybe comments like this?
Forgive my French, but I need to know as it is important for how detailed my answer will be: You don't have the slightest clue about system administration and use a Windows system ? — Markus W Mahlberg 2 hours ago
@JamesLupolt flagged it as offensive
@dezso too harsh?
@JackDouglas that's impossible, considering it's your comment ;)
oh good!
@dezso how did you guys setup replication with Docker?
I'm stomped at the moment
and some other stuff, the whole ecosystem is quite complex
at least, it provides automatic failover and whatever
github.com/zalando/spilo is possibly a better starting point
and Docker is just a side effect
(I'm not that much into the technical details on these, but can ask the guys)
@dezso thnx
both look quite complicated
@JamesLupolt remember the 3PAR with the write performance? I got a chance to have a look at it
They weren't lying when they said 'all flash', all four disks yes :D
not sure why they would be running that setup
@MarkusWMahlberg in the optimal case, you should write an answer that is detailed enough to answer the question, and if there are other points which should be noted but would render the answer too long, include links to relevant resources. Also, I'd suggest being careful with your wording - your question implicates the answer in a slightly unfriendly manner. (In the latter point I might be wrong as I am no native speaker of English.) — dezso 10 secs ago
@Phrancis I think he should be good to go
@TomV Do you know the models for the disks? My guess is they are 'enterprise-grade' flash and quite expensive, like 3-6k EUR each.
Good to know you got more info about the setup
@JamesLupolt Most likely, I don't know the models but they got them from the HP partner that sold them the stuff, so they must be HP 'officially approved' I suppose
@dezso Thanks for trying to address that. In this case I can't tell that the person asking the question was offended, but I can see why someone might have been.
It certainly sounds unfriendly, and far more indelicate than necessary.
@JamesLupolt I think they will be surprised the setup actually has slower writes than their old EVA
I got the chance to test that one over the weekend
Did they already buy this, or is it just for evaluation?
They bought it
to be honest, I don't understand that customer, they spend cash like it's nothing and don't do any thinking upfront
It's a little strange that they didn't get something better if they are just throwing money around.
Vendor relationships I guess.
@TomV I have some stuff for them to sell
@dezso Everybody does :)
@TomV OK, then I send my stuff to you, you sell it to them and you get 20%, deal?
I joined them on a trip to DELL in Paris where they got some demonstrations and presentations and managed to empty the DELL sales guy's AMEX that evening
oh man, this takes "row by agonizing row" to a whole new level. Step through the records one at a time, creating a Word document for each.
@dezso I don't see the point in hiding facts behind friendly words – while it might sound friendly, it isn't really helpful. Writing an answer based on the knowledge of the OP on the other hand is, and it does not help at all if I had to assume wrong preconditions. You might want to have a look at my profile – I am fully aware of how to write answers, some of them were even deemed helpful enough. Since Dmytro on the other hand already wrote an answer (I suspect based on the information given by OP in answer to my question), I do not see the point in reinventing the wheel. — Markus W Mahlberg 1 min ago
@MaxVernon yeah I saw (and edited that)
I think he should go for mail merge
I think he should move away from the keyboard and go to the pub
@Phil Unless he just got back from the pub and got his idea there
@dezso Yeah, I saw that. Thought your reply was nice.
He does have a lot of useful answers on MongoDB questions, in many cases answers with 0-2 votes on questions with 0-2 votes.
There actually seems to be a lot of useful Mongo content on the site with few votes.
@JamesLupolt it's possibly because even its users don't consider Mongo a DB :D
@JackDouglas Yeah I probably should have been more aggressive about flagging that one. I had high hopes the OP would see the light. I was probably one of the jerks or the jerk, she was talking about too. Live and learn....
I cannot even tell if a MongoDB post is useful or not, therefore have no chance to vote
or maybe I'm thinking about a different question....
@dezso same here I can only filter out blatant garbage.
On some of them I have no idea. I've never worked with it, just taken a few MongoDB classes online and read some things.
> Go numeric constants have arbitrary precision.
@swasheck sure
Hey @MaxVernon could you include this from BOL in your answer" TRUNCATEONLY
Releases all free space at the end of the file to the operating system but does not perform any page movement inside the file. The data file is shrunk only to the last allocated extent. target_percent is ignored if specified with TRUNCATEONLY.
TRUNCATEONLY affects the log file. To truncate only the data file, use DBCC SHRINKFILE."
@Zane yah, good point.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I've already ordered both of them
enterprisecraftsmanship.com/2015/11/11/… straight out of my DBWeekly email .. when will people understand that SQL is a 4GL, not a 3GL like C# or F#
@jcolebrand There is so much wrong with that code...
@jcolebrand omg - could this be any more wrong?
> Imagine how hard it would be to encode this business rule using SQL: “If the person is a teacher and their class is the best in the school, then increase their salary by 20% and assign 2 other teachers for mentorship”.

I’m not saying it’s impossible (it surely is!), but the level of effort required to implement and, more importantly, to support and maintain such a solution is much higher than it is using regular OO (or FP) languages.
@MaxVernon yes, it could be :p
@jcolebrand true dat. He could be advocating using a key:value store instead of an RDBMS.
@jcolebrand this person is a knob.
It's not SQL's fault his query sucks.
No, a doorknob would be much more useful
@Zane it's also not the fault of most of the inventors of software languages that he doesn't understand set theory at all, but ya know ..
"The reason for that is simple: SQL is not designed for the work with individual rows." Yeah because I can apply my logic to an entire set. I don't want to do things one at a time.
Gah! that article made me angry.
I love how Greg Jorgensen literally flayed his post.
@Zane me too.
I wonder if he actually thinks that way, or if he's trolling for traffic.
that is one strange pivoted unpivot. very weird.
Hi, Heap
How is everyone?
hi mmarie
@MaxVernon I was trying a hammer because the screw didn't go in
I was converting because a "cannot convert varchar to int" error, and I made that to see if it would fix. But the error was the 3rd line ( now using * it runs great ) because we are receiving Invalid column name 'descQuestao'. Thank you very much. A little attention problem by my part. — Rafael Piccinelli 1 hour ago
@jcolebrand Was that in last week's?
@JamesLupolt pretty sure it was today's ... I just thumbed through it today, I'll check my bin
I didn't know there was one today
Are you talking about the Database Weekly newsletter that Redgate and SQLServerCentral put out?
Thanks, I didn't know about this thing
'SQL is about OLAP' seems like a really odd perspective
I've never seen this claim before
Does that mean that we need to start calling RDBMSs 'NoOLTP databases'?
@mmarie Fantastic. Other than work.
@mmarie Absolutely Fantastic. Friday Afternoon. You?!
@TomV I still don't understand what he's trying to do. Even though I keep looking at it expecting to understand it, I just don't. Not sure if that makes me stupid, or not.
@MaxVernon On friday evening I'm not even trying to parse that :)
@MaxVernon his article on SQL vs NOSQL is equally infuriating.
@Zane I immediately closed that tab, refusing to read any more.
Drawback for RDBMS Not scalable. Bull Shit.
@Zane yah, tell it to StackExchange that SQL Server is not scalable.
@MaxVernon Exactly.
Also clearly define what that means or GTFO. Don't just throw around some buzzwords. Scalability is different to every single user.
A little Friday Afternoon Metal. At War With Satan, by Venom. 1992. YAH!
It's especially annoying because at some point in my career somebody is going to cite this yahoo as the reason they don't keep any "Business Logic" in their DB and they are looping through every single row to make a basic calculation.
@Zane yah. He's going to become the defacto go-to guy for those RBAR morons.
"I do it in code because I am betterz than the RDBMS"
@MaxVernon I'm good. I was in Toledo all week for a client and getting @billinkc initiated to our company.
Now I'm home and the maid service just finished cleaning my house
@mmarie Gotta love coming home to a clean house. How was Mr. inkc? Well, I trust?
or I suppose that might be better said as "Mr. inkfc"
Just Mr KFC. In is my middle name
@billinkc Nice!
It's a Lush channel from soma.fm afternoon on this end
It's like that article my boss read about using GUIDS. They ended up using them for all keys in their OLTP and it was a disaster.
Caught someone clustering on varbinary(20)
@billinkc :-)
This will be an adventure
Fortunately, we were at the point where I could say nope nope nope nope
I'm counting on you to stop the dumb
Stop, in the name of KFC. Before you break my database
Think it oooooh-ver
@mmarie that sounds contraproducent
@Lamak In this case, it is not counterproductive
@mmarie yeah, I like to make up words when talking about @billinkc
hi heapers
Don't make me espan~olize on tu
@bluefeet Howdy
@bluefeet hi
@billinkc ñ
I like that letter
Hi, @bluefeet
@bluefeet Yo! Blue One!
did my saying hi scare everyone away?
I'm here, just busy executing BIML
@MaxVernon Nice one, one of my favorite albums around 1995
I'm looking at questions and eating dinner
@JamesLupolt I'm looking at dinner and eating questions.
(not really; just thought it sounds cool)
I'm looking at eating and questioning dinner
Hi, @swasheck. I see you haven't died from a blood clot yet
Mores the pity
not for lack of trying
you're such an encourager
in The 2nd Monitor, 4 mins ago, by Tom V
I mostly pitied Mats mug since his hobby is reviewing vba, I mean What The F*ck
Switching gears now to Green River by Credence Clearwater Revival, from 1969.
some people. just want to know all the answers:
how can I show the min distance as a column from the new function? — user3347256 3 mins ago
@Phrancis crazy people over there :)
Given the upload speeds of #OneDrive those whom uploaded 75TB should be applauded for their patience. They must be #SharePoint devs
@swasheck golf-clap
@TomV That's how we like it on Code Review, chat is usually pretty lively there :)
@Phrancis Here I was thinking dba's were weird :)
anyone brave enough to accept this download? stackoverflow.com/a/21790038/181965
@billinkc using fedora & openoffice I'll try
In nomine patris, et fili...
@billinkc not rocket science actually
Computing md5 hash sum using Excel or accepting the download?
that gives me an invalid formula
b1 contains a string
but I'm no vba dev, I don't understand how it works
download it in a trial window/trial office vm and see what happens?
@billinkc but your comment is more than appropriate
Fair enough and thank you
anyone else want some unicorn points? I can't figure out how to explain backups to this guy: dba.stackexchange.com/a/121039/10832
@MaxVernon I miss 2 things, RTO/RPO and tail backups (last log backup isn't necessarily the last possible recovery point)
@TomV I nominate you to explain that to him.
Thanks but no thanks
@TomV d'oh!
links to the rescue
Oh and downvote me on any occasion lest I'll be able to vote to close, you don't want me having new superpowers
@TomV lol... 3k incoming.
@MaxVernon not sure if that's deserved, the world might not need me using that priviledge
@TomV hah, too late.
@MaxVernon not sure what you did but I have a new review queue available :)
I don't understand why this is happening... ^^
@TomV sweet! I just upvoted a couple of your answers that I hadn't upvoted before. However, I did it in a "natural" way, so as to avoid the serial upvote recognition algorithm.
Does commit transaction drop a temp table that was created during it?
@Phrancis you've changed the background color of SSMS.
That I have, indeed
I also changed the font to Monaco because I'm an Apple nerd like that :)
Ah, apparently it does. Good to know.
@Phrancis I was just going to comment on that font. Almost as bad as Comic Sans.
It's Comic Sans for coders. :)
@Phrancis NICE!
it's saying Line 41. However, I don't see any ref to that table on line 41. If you double-click the error message, it might highlight the error line.
nice comment
Just for you
reminds me of a song again, won't bother you
shit ijn paris is going mad
40 killed, president in the neighborhood, obama speech coming up
special reports on telly
we'll see, but it's a mess so far

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