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@swasheck What's your C# question?
@MichaelGreen i got it... thanks though
9 hours later…
Morning everyone
@bluefeet there are quite some good mod candidates
I could've sworn that Martijn was one already
@Lamak two from the python community. Martijn and Jon Clements.
@ypercube you don't want to nominate yourself?, I would vote for you
I would vote for @ypercube as well
@Lamak run for SO mod? no way
I would rather be in a mental institute
(sorry blue ;)
SO is super slow today
@ypercube those options are not exclusive
can anyone else load SO?
it loads fine for me
please wait....
very poky today for sure
still hasn't loaded
hrm may be CDN issue
@JNK seems fine to me too
It's a 'MURICA problem
Waiting for cdn.sstatic.net
c'mon @ypercube, The Heap needs another mod to amass power
JUST loaded
@Lamak I'm the Marshall Cube ;)
@ypercube no worries. I get it
@Lamak yes we've got quite a few good ones
my farts smell
I do think we should have some heapers in that pool
@JNK i couldn't load it a few min ago
It seems to be better now, loads right up
@KrisGruttemeyer That's what tech support said
@bluefeet right?, @ypercube should totally go for it
We lost a peering session with one of our ISPs and experienced a network reconvergence at 14:37 UTC. We are still working on the issue.
Just went and ran SELECT GETUTCDATE() Strange because my UTC date shows it's only 2015-04-07 13:58:03.827. Are they in the future? :)
@AaronBertrand I took some of your advice regarding our transaction log testing. I split my table into 2 versions (current/archive), created a view and synonym to not break functionality, then implemented older merge syntax with - delete, update and insert. Not only did our transaction log backup on one table drop about 400MB but the performance improved. The procedure was taking about 480k+ms and I dropped it to about 15-20k+ms
to those who twitter a lot ... if i want to dm someone, do they have to follow me first?
so this happened... they have to follow me right?
@justadayito Sorry for that! Please DM us with the reward(s) you are missing as well as your email and mailing addresses.
@Kermit yes
@Kermit unless there is an account setting that allows DMs from non-followers...?
Tweet them back with 'Y U NO FOLLOW ME?'
so happy that silicon valley is coming back
Security vulnerability found on sqlsaturday.com. Looks like the site is down for a day and a half
You watching Grant and Brent argue on twitter this morning?
@mmarie link or it didn't happen
@GFritchey @gortok Ah, sorry, didn’t know that - I was looking at this reply thread, and it didn’t have that tweet on it.
Read the whole thread
so, grant was speaking about another tweet outside the conversation?
@KrisGruttemeyer "security vulnerability" = if you knew where to look you could get the home address of sponsors.
@GFritchey @mikehillwig @jdanton Well, then the verdict is in about those end users’ ability to test.
^ twitter sucks at keeping conversations together. This was part of the conversation, but the reply thread doesn't string it together correctly.
Thanks, I was looking for that.
@AaronBertrand aah, didn't even see it
an end user shouldn't be responsible for looking for security gaps
It's the jankyass suckholes that built the site using popups as navigation, defaulting to http for logins, etc, that should be hung from their entrails
Yes, but there are a ton of usability issues as well that should have been caught
It took me 15 minutes to rack up a list of 5 or 6 things.
I appreciate some of the improvements they made, but I find it overall to be disappointing
PASS' problem is they do everything on the cheap - volunteers to build a web site that needs to stand up to the critique of people who build data solutions for a living.
You get what you pay for.
But they don't let volunteers to the website
And realistically, this is a web site for free training events. I think the general expectations are a lot higher than they need to be. Does it need to perfect? No.
@billinkc That's not correct. They don't just let anyone wave their hands and get source code.
I've asked, many times to be involved. I want to make reports (gasp) for sql saturday stuff but no, that's HQ IT's bailiwick
Asking <> here you go.
Not trying to belittle your abilities but they do have a full crop of volunteers working on that thing. Not doing a great job, but trying.
My biggest issue is treating the rewrite as a marketing event.
We're doing so much work. You're going to love it. No, we can't tell you what it's going to be but you're going to love it.
It just looks like they designed/tested early on, made changes, and didn't get one last pass to check everything once more.
What do you mean? Because they put a countdown on it?
@billinkc THIS
@AaronBertrand The countdown, twitter, etc.
I've sent far too many requests to HQ about things that don't work, that are broken, that perform poorly, impede our ability to do things on the sql saturday site
That's on our list. We've got a rewrite coming. It's going to address this
@mmarie I think they just had a lot of people who have no idea how to test for edge cases or for what real users would do. Did a search, it worked! Next? (Oh, I don't need to click back to make sure x is still there, etc)
Yeah, that is what I said to Bill earlier this morning.
If you go to the sql saturday meeting the day before pass, you can sit at the roundtable and we'll give you a sneak peek.
Oh, you can't make that meeting. Well, that sucks for you. No, I can't tell you what we're doing, that's NDA
Again, you get what you pay for. I could volunteer to go milk cows on a farm - I'd be helping, I suppose, but I probably won't get the same yield as someone with experience.
I would have paid more money for this website and less money on the BA Conference. ;-) And I actually work in business analytics.
@AaronBertrand where are you from originally?
I just don't think they get the right volunteers, and I don't think they hire the right IT people, either. At one point I had 6 separate profiles associated with a single e-mail address. A MySQL newbie wouldn't let that happen, but PASS did. And it took them two weeks to figure out how to fix it.
@mmarie North Bay, Ontario
@mmarie But then where would we learn about all the buzzwords that we will be hearing this year?
North Bay is a city in Northeastern Ontario, Canada. It is the seat of Nipissing District, and takes its name from its position on the shore of Lake Nipissing. == History == The site of North Bay was on the main canoe route west from Montreal (see Canadian Canoe Routes (early)). Apart from First Nations tribes, voyageurs and surveyors, there was little activity in the Lake Nipissing area until the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) in 1882. The CPR started its westward expansion from Callander Station (later renamed Bonfield), Ontario; Bonfield was inducted into Canadian Railway Hall...
@AaronBertrand Have you spent much time in Nova Scotia? I'm thinking about submitting to the SQL Saturday there and hanging out for a few days, but wondering if it is worth it. (I realize this is potentially a dumb question because I can't expect Canadians to have visited every part of their country, but I thought I would ask anyway on the chance that you have).
I have been to Nova Scotia but only for short periods, not enough to make any recommendations
k, thanks
@mmarie this is last summer, from almost that same spot
(Looking out on the lake, though, not down the shore. We rented a cottage almost exactly where the picture you posted was taken.)
And this was a storm on that lake the same week
Nice. Crazy clouds in the second one.
oh. hey. another PASS controversy. we needed one this quarter, too.
back to prod issues. nothing to see here. move along.
I <3 memes, but I'm not loving the Tableau 9 release twitter campaign twitter.com/hashtag/9memes?src=hash
@mmarie oh, that's cringey
@mmarie Jeeeez
@mmarie i'd like to see some of the shitty sql it throws against servers. you can have all the cool features in the world, but if you generate 50-pages of sql because you have a BA moron dragging and dropping cartesian products all over the place then it doesnt really matter
It's like they tried to go old school for marketing on this release. At their release party they started talking about how they were inspired by "flow". I had an interview question on flow as a high school student trying to get into college. NOw they are rocking all kinds of old memes.
not that i'm bitter about self-service BI right now
@mmarie Wow, those are bad.
@swasheck We use QlikView here. Everything is preloaded into QlikView memory and then anything the BA does in the app has no bearing on SQL Server
Yeah, we use extracts on my tableau project. They are SQL queries that we wrote that are refreshed once a day.
They 'can' do something called Direct Discovery, which is realtime querying, but they'd get a slap :)
@MarkSinkinson we use cognos so we have idiot devs and BAs using an idiot orm reusing cartesian products because ... well ... just because. but somehow it's the database server's problem.
Need more idiots
You hiring?
i have had my fill
i'd like to join a consulting group so that when you see the stupidity and make recommendations and they respond with, "GFY" you can say ... "ok ... your money. your time. your problem. NEXT."
you don't really get to say next that fast
@swasheck That sounds like my idea of hell...
23-page cognos query, single-spaced, Consolas 8pt font
i wish we did. i would be off my current project so fast
ok, except that one time when we had to part ways with a client for being awful.
fair enough.
Other than that, you suffer through it and realize that you just do the best you can and you don't own the product you are creating and it wasn't how you would do it and the project will be over in 3 months.
@mmarie That sounds like every software project ever...
Heh. Probably true.
There is a scene on Mad Men this week that reminded me of what working for a consultancy can be like
The client has a really bad idea he wants implemented and isn't interested in listening to alternatives
One character says 'What do we do?'
The other says 'We keep the client.'
jeezus, I get it!, the question isn't useful
"you don't have any way of knowing if a candidate answers truthfully", isn't this valid for every answer?. And I get it, you don't find the question useful, I don't know what more do you want — Lamak 20 secs ago
@JNK Anytime someone advertises something using #sqlhelp, I report them for spam. Gets them off my feed and has some small impact against them. :)
@MikeFal it pisses me off to no end
if you're like promoting a blog post it's more understandable
You and me both
Ah shit. I forgot to nominate myself.
@Kermit still have time
@Lamak you have been meta'ed
@ypercube yeah, well.....I don't know what this guy wants
@Kermit good luck.
I advise you edit that 4-line statement - and quickly.
@ypercube nah. i just wanted to see my candidate score. how do i withdraw?
@Kermit you might want to expand on that a bit to be taken seriously
I remember someone being heavily criticized in the previous elections for not having prepared a decent proposal.
@Kermit I also wanted to know that
you can calculate it using this
Q: How is candidate score calculated?

jakekimdsI know there is probably a duplicate floating around the web somewhere, but all my searches couldn't turn up how exactly candidate score is calculated. Is it based on badges? Reputation? Both?

psh.. i don't want to do it myself
so only 3 people have 40/40
that'll be easy to vote
is that the only thing you are using to determine your vote?
@Lamak, don't feed the trolls.
pretty much. not worth reading the actual descriptions
@bluefeet The deputy badge says "Raised 80 helpful flags.". I don't have that one even though I have more than 80 helpful flags?
(and I kind of agree that it's not the bestly worded question but I can't find something to improve it)
oh snap she showed you
@bluefeet I was clicking the links on the meta answer you posted, and got confused I guess
@Lamak ah, those links point to Meta Stack Exchange
Just passed 40k links to http://sqlfiddle.com on #StackOverflow : http://stackoverflow.com/search?tab=newest&q=url%3a%22http%3a%2f%2f*sqlfiddle.com%2f*%22 !!
I would love to see a race between Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren.
I wonder if that includes [no]SQL
@billinkc no
@swasheck Change of plans, I am doing the training on another week so I will be at the lunch.
Huh, who'd a known that old dogs can learn new tricks
@MikeFal go forth and prosper
i'm going to be troubleshooting cognos
@swasheck eff cognos, come eat food with us
can't. job depends on this
Shoot cognos, troubles resolved
@ypercube I think that this can be an interesting problem for you
Q: Select rows from hierarchy based on related nodes

AaroninusI have a self-referencing table Foo [Id] int NOT NULL, [ParentId] int NULL, --Foreign key to [Id] [Type] char(1) NOT NULL [Id] is clustered primary key, indexes on [ParentId] and [Type] columns. Assume a maximum depth of 1 on the hierarchy (child nodes cannot have child nodes). I want to...

Yeah. Kind of interesting.
I overcomplicated things
1 hour later…
@Lamak i'm trying to work another approach
I deleted my mess
@swasheck that sounds like the opposite of a good time.
Not sure who is more deserving of a throat punch, cognos modelers or data modelers
The TeraData SQL assistant is butts.
@swasheck Any reason you can't throat punch both?
@swasheck What @KrisGruttemeyer said. Kill them all, let God sort them out.
@Lamak Why?
Thank you for making me lose 1 hour ;)
@MikeFal Mike, used one of your blogs as a reference for not suing default MAXDOP/CTP settings
@ypercube because it was a mess
@KrisGruttemeyer Glad I could help! That's an old one, might need to revisit it.
@MikeFal The info is still solid. Used that and the village of Ozar's post on CXPACKET
I'm having some pretty good blog karma today.
@ypercube you are welcome
Well, one thing is the cost = # of seconds
I undeleted mine now
"The default value for the cost threshold parameter is 5, so if a query is estimated to take longer than 5 seconds, SQL Server will parallelize it."
That may have been when cost could still be tied to seconds
before it became the unitless wonder it is today
@KrisGruttemeyer problem-solving. i like it.
I wonder how many people watch some of Adam Machanic's presentations and then go home and bork their server because he is a mad genius and they are not.
So much of the stuff he shows is fun to play with but I don't trust myself to put it in use.
Star awarded for the use of the word 'bork'
@Zane Mind if I tweet that? :)
Bork is the word I started using because Wells Fargo blocks the word fuck...
@MikeFal Get nuts.
Let's go crazy.
@MikeFal solid Prince reference there.
Glad you picked up on that.
Minnesotans have a pretty big love for anyone who's "one of us".
what if god was one of us
@swasheck He would disown you.
@swasheck I won't even play along with that stupid effing song.
Thank you for sticking that in my head now
@KrisGruttemeyer All part of the excellent customer service.
It really is the gift that keeps on giving
Here, I present you with this as an option:
@MikeFal I can now die happy, thanks for that. Haha
I've been listening to RHCPipers all afternoon.
I didn't see that it was pipers initially. I expected Anthony Kiedis to start in. Well played
Anyone here wanna take a stab @ a sql question?
is it interesting and well written?
The Heap does not stab SQL questions. We obliterate them with the firepower of a fully armed and operational battlestation.
Which RDBMS? If it's mysql, afraid you're out of luck
Access? Also out of luck
nosql?, out of luck (because it sucks)
@ShalomSlavin have you posted the question at the site?
So weird that a person opened a bounty on their question but then stopped looking at it
Q: SSIS Script Task Fails when run from SQL Agent

GavlaaaI’ve delete and rewritten this question as I don’t think I was being clear and it caused some frustration. I have a SSIS package that creates and populates an Excel sheet, the package runs perfectly and creates the files as desired and can be executed on a schedule from SQL Server Agent without...

God this dude I'm talking to is such a knob.
He keeps saying that if he deploys something to prod and it doesn't work that the India dba team should just make it work instead of backing the change out.
They don't know the intent of your process. Stop releasing crap.
that's more than being a knob, that's being inept
The release to production should produce no outcome that was not encountered in pre-production environments. If this is not the case, the change is backed out and you wear a badge of shame
@Lamak Going on a 45 minute rant about why the India team can't just "make it go" seems like a thing knob would do.
@billinkc Exactly.
he is both
Ahhh, just registered for some Brent O training in May. It felt good to pay for that thing with the company card.
@KrisGruttemeyer They put on a good class
I actually went to their first training conference like 2 or 3 years ago
@JNK I'm looking forward to it. Company is paying too, so double word score there.
Did you like it?
Time to head out, we'll talk more later @JNK
May 9 '13 at 12:10, by JNK
Talking to Brent Ozar about the SE stack...this trip is already worth it
@KrisGruttemeyer he was thrilled ^^^^
2 hours later…
It doesn't matter. Cause you may find it little and suggest a different solution. This is not a what is the right solution type of question. Several information has been left out for simplicity. I can tell you that the current schema needs re-engineering and that the decision has been that the reporting tables will match what we display on the screen which isn't currently the case. For archiving purposes (amongst other reasons) we cannot keep all data in one big table. We need to be flexible in what we can delete without blocking ongoing reporting on those tables. — Yannis 53 mins ago

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