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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I wish.
I'm super pumped I'd love to have a drink. But I've got to wait for a package... Oh also if I recall I've got a job or something like that.
@swasheck I think the problem is the way I'm testing. Using EXECUTE AS / REVERT instead of logging in as them.
Hey @swasheck, do you guys build AGs manually or using PoSH?
@MikeFal yes
CI collation, why the UPPERs? ON UPPER(fm.FMSTE@) = UPPER(s.Abbreviation)
Am i missing something?
I don't think I am
I've seen people upper case things like zip codes and sales amounts.
This is how we have done it, this is how we do it, this is how we will do it. No thinking required
I thought I was going crazy. upper casing a zip code, now that's something special
@swasheck yack ass. Which method
Good lord. lahks of anonymizing too
Thinking of rolling it back though since the answer appears to be that they typoed the domain Husqvarnaroup instead of husqvarnagroup
I deleted it for the time being
@MikeFal seriously. both.
That's just as well
I've requested that the history be removed
Thank you foots of blue
@swasheck Ok, I will ask you more about it later today.
And for my first task, I get myself fired...
@MikeFal what are you getting at? we have posh scripts that handle it, but many times we do it manually
besides. tucker is still probably the best source for that sort of thing.
@swasheck Working on a method for creating AGs through PoSH. Didn't see much out there on how to do it, wanted to compare notes if you guys had your own method.
@MikeFal i'd still say that brandon would be your go-to for how we do things with posh
Yeah, I'll talk with him too
@AaronBertrand are you around? i may have asked you this in the past, but does performance advisor collect data in UTC?
It should, yes. I don't have a VM running with it right now to check though.
Dec 2 '14 at 17:24, by swasheck
@AaronBertrand is the SQL Sentry Performance Advisor Timestamp data point UTC?
Dec 2 '14 at 17:25, by Aaron Bertrand
@swasheck yes should be - there are functions to convert to and from the timestamp to a real date/time value, pretty sure it's all UTC.
Least I could do
@billinkc natch
@AaronBertrand thanks
@billinkc question recovered
ohey ... there's going to be another pirates of the caribbean movie
cheese on a cracker
Q: What is the union bomb issue in the SQL world?

AufwindIn the last sentence of this article (about mapping data from relational databases to a Resource Description Framework graph) some SQL issue is mentioned which is simply referred to as the union bomb. Could anybody please explain this phenomenon?

What's the last sentence? I'm not going to look at it, especially if the link doesn't work. — bluefeet ♦ 33 secs ago
@bluefeet VtC ... Lazy
@JamesLupolt just can't get that texas out of you
@swasheck This is true
I think I just realised the problem I've been looking at for a few days is probably caused by jumbo frames being misconfigured somewhere
@JamesLupolt that sounds interesting. do share
@swasheck On Friday a horrible stored procedure got deployed
The procedure uses dynamic SQL, XML, and runs an MDX query against a SSAS linked server
The procedure is called by an SSRS report
You need a cursor and string splitting for bad idea bingo
At seemingly random times, the call to the linked server returns a generic error
Then the problem seems to self-correct
Tonight I noticed that if I ping with large packets out from the SSAS server (which has jumbo frames enabled) to various destinations, the packets get fragmented and delivered successfully
However, if I ping with large packets (> 1500 bytes) from the SSAS server to the Database Engine server that is calling the linked server, the packets just time out
They should get chopped into tiny bits and delivered
The funny part is that the database the stored procedure is in is actually the data source for the cube that it's calling over the linked server
So the MDX query is returning data that came from the relational database in the first place
Mr. Lupoldt, my brain is full. Can I stop reading?
i'm not sure how you decided to test that, and then how you tested it, but that's an excellent bit of sleuthing. i'd love to see a proper writeup
for my own learnin'
@billinkc I apologise for exposing your eyes to this!
@JamesLupolt he's seen himself naked. that's got to be worse
@swasheck Well to be fair... I haven't solved the problem yet... or even proved that this is the problem.
@JamesLupolt even still
Deleted question, I don't understand this person
@KrisGruttemeyer The force is strong in this one ;)
@swasheck Heading to Darcy's now
my time is a piece of wax, falling on a termite, who's choking on a splinter
Hmmmm... i have a user group meeting tonight, but it's snowing and I'm warm and comfy in my home office right now.
skip it
I was supposed to go to the gym, but I'm being lazy
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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