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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@swasheck ??
Hi All. We're about to launch into a big 2008R2 -> 2014 upgrade. Any war stories or stealthy "gotchas" I should be aware of?
@ypercube wizard of oz
@MichaelGreen test the new cardinality estimator
@swasheck Ta. We're seeing that the new CE's mostly good. Query hints can defeat it, however. What' your experience?
@MichaelGreen either orders of magnitude better query performance (95%) ... or query plan compile time takes longer than the old queries used to execute (2%) ... or no change (3%)
6 hours later…
+1 for the title, -1 for details
Q: how can optimize this sql query for being faster than superman

SergiMthis my sql query: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM ClassifiedAd WHERE city_id = :city AND currency = :currency AND price > 100) UNION DISTINCT (SELECT c.* FROM ClassifiedAd c WHERE c.city_id = :city AND c.currency = :currency AND (c.price >...

2 hours later…
@ypercube exactly
@dezso They have vastly improved the question (although they are still struggling and can't produce a text output for the execution plan)
BTW I hate MySQL's explain
it's so uninformative compared to that of PostgreSQL's
I can't parse Postgres explain easily. (too much time spent on mysql, I know ...)
I am usually wondering when people want gapless sequences
I've hardly ever seen a real need for it (and the exception was a legal requirement)
Q: How can I implement a sequence for each foreign key value?

David GIn a PostgreSQL (9.3) database, I have a one-to-many relationship between Accounts and Customers, so within the Customers table, I have a globally-unique id for the primary key of each Customer, plus the corresponding Account id. But I would also like to assign each one an Account-specific id - ...

yes, legal (tax) requirements come to mind.
If you remove the "gapless" requirement, it's not an uncommon problem I think.
we have the same thing around, mostly supported by some number tables and appropriate locking
I had to fix some numbers there once, needed some additional pairs of eyes to exclude the nearly inevitable fuckup :)
2 hours later…
Yeah, adding ............................ will not get you 2 points for the edit
It was really the comment on the edit, they have a question
They even commented on my blog
I see now, i was looking at the wrong thing
@AaronBertrand Hey, what do you think of the word 'permissioning'?
As in, "I get an access denied error when I try to read from the database. I think my account needs permissioning."
I think the second sentence is redundant. But it works just as well with "permissions" or "more permissions."
Is Aaron now the ultimate language authority here?
@dezso No I just have a lot of language pet peeves
Don't be jealous. :-)
@AaronBertrand How did you get them?
JFYI, people use 'performant' quite often here
good lord, the user who tried to edit my answer has now posted a comment on my blog, and emailed me asking for help to export mysql data to a csv file
is google not working?
I guess not
My permissions aren't performant enough due to high CPU usage on the domain controller
@AndriyM by reading a lot of questions on SO
@dezso a lot of people say "supposebly" too, that doesn't make it right
Sadly, performant is one of those pervasive "words" that will find its way into the dictionary eventually, because the tide can't be stopped. Ref: ginormous.
Anyone that can answer this?
My memory is that SQL Server 2005 and earlier used to not return any row if no GROUP BY was specified (a google and stackoverflow search indicates that other people had the same experience), do you know when/why it changed? — Andrew Bickerton 42 mins ago
I haven't a 2005 instance to test. (or older)
I think GROUP BY () doesn't return rows when the source is empty.
@AaronBertrand supposebly?
@bluefeet They removed a redundant ; I guess the ....... dots were to bypass the 6 chars limit.
@dezso yes, exactly.
@AaronBertrand Does GROUP BY () work in 2005?
@ypercube missed that part, still rejected :)
@ypercube No, incorrect syntax.
@AaronBertrand that's weird
@dezso Or supposably
@AaronBertrand thnx.
@AndriyM sorry, I wasn't sure of how a mispronounced word should be spelled. Seems to make more sense to just swap the consonants, but shrug
Q: Difference between "supposedly" and "supposably"

LumpyWhat is the difference between supposedly and supposably? Both are real words but seem to have confusingly similar definitions. Supposably: Capable of being supposed : conceivable Supposedly: According to what is generally assumed or believed

4 of the 5 answerers had not heard or never used "supposably"
@ypercube Primates have supposable thumbs
haha nice.
@ypercube And I've never heard of it being used in the other context. Every time I've heard "supposably" it was a mispronunciation. A friend of mine from Oregon knows she does it but can't fix it.
A: If enough people say "supposably" instead of "supposedly"

JLHSupposably has been a word used in the written record since 1739 according to the OED. Supposedly since 1597. Both have almost the same meaning, 'to presume something is true,' however supposedly means 'to presume truth without evidence'. Both are considered correct Standard English. Supposably...

The 15+ answer says the same, too.
@AaronBertrand There was a joke on an episode of Friends about that I think
> Supposably is quite rare in actual use; I believe it's more an inkhorn term than one actually found in the wild, so to speak. Thus, I fear that when you encounter it you are probably really encountering somebody who meant to say "supposedly".
@ypercube yes, that is my experience too
Shall I flag this answer? Question is about sql-server, answer for Oracle.
A: How to undo DROP TABLE statement?

AKULAYes it is possible to get back the table and data in sql which is dropped accidentally.here somethink i had like this.... SQL> create table AKULA_KHASIM(name varchar2(20),job varchar2(20)); Table created. SQL> insert into AKULA_KHASIM values('Tanishq','ApplicationDeveloper'); 1 row created. ...

Hurrah, review queue is empty.
@ypercube now go to SO!!
No thnx.
How many distincts can be in one query?
Q: How to improve sql script performance

coderThe following script is very slow when its run. I have no idea how to improve the performance of the script. Even with a view takes more than quite a lot minutes. Any idea please share to me. SELECT DISTINCT ( id ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ct.id AS id FROM...

@bluefeet Same result with removing all of them!
@AaronBertrand perhaps you're missing an "in" or something? > primary factors that lead to inefficiencies SQL Server
what do you all use for unit testing on your sql scripts? If any?
@MaxVernon Thanks, that was a late edit yesterday from a co-worker who thought my initial wording was harsh.
@AaronBertrand there is a tendency here to move to ORMs (JPA, specifically) because writing sprocs is difficult :(
@AaronBertrand my pleasure!
@dezso It's all about when you want to spend your time, writing the stuff up front or dealing with its problems later.
@AaronBertrand well, fixing stuff is our task, not theirs
@bluefeet I see the Blam guy answered so I'll refrain, even from comments.
Q: mssql server's aggregate functions ignore nulls. How do I correct this?

end-userAccording to MS's knowledgebase, "Except for COUNT, aggregate functions ignore null values." Does anyone know how I can get it to work correctly, that is, return a null if it attempts to aggregate with a null in the values? Example: SELECT SUM("col") FROM ( SELECT NULL "col" UNION ...

@dezso How does the DBA fix JPA nonsense?
@AaronBertrand by adding indexes, of course :D
@dezso Ha, I doubt that will fix half of the problems they can create
there were already cases when some tweaking helped on the code level, too
@AaronBertrand excellent article, by the way.
the DBA team's policy is that for simple things they are free to do anything they want (including JPA)
really because when I made that comment this was the entirety of your post "Where exists is generally faster than in as well." — Zane 10 secs ago
Tell me that that's legitimately an answer.
@bluefeet where "correctly" means "how I want it"
@bluefeet good grief
@MaxVernon Thanks, I had some help in here
... unfortunately, our opinion is not binding
@Zane You could have just flagged.
I did.
Thank goodness we only start tracking changes after 5 minutes
HLGEM usually has good answers. She may be bored today ;)
@ypercube apropos, what Blam is famous for?
@dezso I had an encounter once, when I answered one of his questions. He is really stubborn on his beliefs.
See his answer in this q for example. I read it as "IN (SELECT ...)" cannot use indexes.
I wonder what excuse he'll add if someone comments on that.
His other stuff, about LEFT JOIN, is correct by the way. Half-good, half-bad answer, in my opinion.
I guess we'll just wait
@billinkc Is Tom Delay coming to your office?
@billinkc My proposal was to add ONE revision in the history, the very first version posted, to prevent this very thing. Not to track all changes made in the first 5 minutes.
I'm going to get some coffee. Be back soon.
That's all one user issuing the waitfors
@billinkc wtf
Still waiting, don't know what parameter they passed in for @waitTime
you can maybe see it with dmvs
Oh holy crap
You gotta see this, one moment
I'm excited.
30+ minutes on those waitfor
@billinkc maybe they're trying to make sure sql server is not tooooo busy.
Who's running those.
what in the world
Now I DID at one point run a query with a very long waitfor
but it was for a time
and it was so I would not have to log back in at 10pm to execute something silly
User u000895
We have great user ids here.
I'm u0001899
I don't know. Perhaps because you wrote "how I can get it to work correctly" while you meant *"how I can get it to work the way I want it"ypercube 45 secs ago
Your saying "how I can get it to work correctly" seems to imply that the documented behaviour is not correct. So, perhaps someone disagreed with that premise, considering such a question not useful. — Andriy M 46 secs ago
@billinkc Is it your apparent visual age followed by your percentile ranking in intelligence?
beat you for 1 second, @AndriyM
@billinkc you must find and kill this person.
@Zane It looks like he needs to kill the last 1000 people to be hired before him
and then he will almost be at u000895
I just want him to kill the wait for guy.
@ypercube It's amazing that we chose to pick on the same phrase.
Well, I'm amazed anyway
@Zane WAITFOR DELAY @a_minute; KILL @that_guyID ;
Hi, Heap.
Hi, @mmarie
I apparently have no billable work to do today because my project is now on hold. I guess it means it's time to read and write blogs.
@mmarie good(?)
I guess. It's messing with my billable goals for the year, and I would prefer to be doing some dev work. But I'm fine with it for now.
you do mostly BI work?
Holy crap, that tweet/post is popular
(for me)
@billinkc which one?
@billinkc 4 retweets?
or you are just looking at referrals from twitter?
I had figured this would something that only bothers me but I guess others are too
or people just click on clickbait even when it is in jest
4 retweets and 2 favorites is high for my "social media engagement"
@billinkc ugh, that was a forced pun
Do I have a pun in there?
no. SQLSwimmer's tweet at you
Oh, that. That made me laugh. And want a Guiness
my magic 8 ball is failing me here
Q: Arithmetic overflow error for type varchar

sarahThis is my query: insert into [Consolidated_LoB].[dbo].[consold] ([shp_to_pstl_cd] ,[LoB] ,[catlg_nbr] ,[shpd_qty]) select [POSTAL_CODE] ,[LoB] ,[PART] ,[SHIPPED_QUANTITY] from [ITB_Pank].[dbo].[ITB_consoldtd] and the message I receive is: Arithmeti...

@MikeFal pregame today?
@swasheck A-yup
Figure 4ish
Darcy's or somewhere else?
wo moechten Sie gehen
@MikeFal up to you. let's decide before brandon weighs in
Tuck is in his dry month, his opinion doesn't count
@MikeFal oh yeah.
I tend to do Darcy's 'cause it's easy, but you may have a different opinion.
ok. well i owe you a round so if it's darcy's then i'll see you there
Why do you owe me a round?
you let me borrow your miniport adapter in ABQ
Eh, ok. Whatevs. :)
Hello. I have a small question please. I have a udf which returns table. (according to each row). but it looks like I have to use it twice. :
Do I have to worry about its double appearence ? or , what else can I do ?
Converting POSTAL_CODE from a FLOAT to a VARCHAR doesn't look great? — Mark Sinkinson 1 min ago
@AaronBertrand Couldn't agree more. Being the full time DBA at my last job has made me a infinitely better developer at my new job.
@RoyiNamir This may be better posted as a question on dba.stackexchange.com
Zane, I don't want a solution just a direction
@bluefeet I'd have posted an answer, but sometimes I just feel like crying...
I'm VtC as too localized
@MarkSinkinson welcome to the club
those are basic conversion issues
float to int, float to char, nvarchar(255) to char(34), they could make bets on which column will produce errors.
@swasheck Where is @Kermit these days?
no clue
ok tnx :-(
@RoyiNamir The udf may be computed once or twice, I'm not sure. Without the whole query and an execution plan, I don't think anyone can help more. Is there a performance problem?
No. just asked If I should worry about , or what elase can I do ( I f i wanted to run it once excatly) m but if you say that I have to see the execution plan , then I will.....**I thought that it's like getdate()** that even if it appears anywhere , multiple , it will be calculated once.
have you considered cross apply?
@RoyiNamir But getdate() is a runtime constant.
What swasheck says ^^^^. Or OUTER APPLY.
yeah ... or outer
cross apply looks like a good idea.
(although the only time ive used it is to multiple the current row as much as another column's value)
Thank you
@RoyiNamir what sort of UI is this?
what do you mean
This is a code which it's result is being read by C# program
(sp calls udf) -> result set -->C#
(If I understand your question)
@Zane looks like ssms ... but the screencap tool may be different
If you're talking about my print screen , well , its SSMS + sql Assistant + SSMS toolspack and the screen capture is "fastone image capture"
@billinkc tricky little bastards with the noncompressed zip thing. nice post!
I really want to get ASCII art of something redonkulous, like a screen cap from Dragon's Lair and add that into an unsuspecting coworker's file
@billinkc or, "you've been pwned"
@billinkc still waiting for the powershell "change lync status" thing
Ohhh, I could be a right bastard and do something insidious like swap the values for success and failure in the enum
@swasheck Frack!
Ping me after the UG meeting tonight, I should be home by then
what'd i miss
@swasheck here's an ö for you
und wohin
wohin? really? yeah. directional. thanks. a bit rusty
> The 10 states ranked lowest for overall well-being:

41. Missouri

42. Michigan

43. Arkansas

44. Tennessee

45. Alabama

46. Mississippi

47. Ohio

48. Indiana

49. Kentucky

50. West Virginia
define well-being
> The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index uses a holistic definition of well-being and self-reported data from individuals across the globe to create a unique view of societies’ progress on the elements that matter most to well-being: purpose, social, financial, community and physical. It is the most proven, mature and comprehensive measure of well-being in populations.
> Previous Gallup and Healthways research shows that high well-being closely relates to key health outcomes such as lower rates of healthcare utilization, workplace absenteeism and workplace performance, change in obesity status and new onset disease burden.
Progammability is where it's at
I'm a progammer
i'm antigammer
@swasheck this is the type of talk a lot without saying anything relevant that makes me want to butt my head against a brick wall.
@Kermit they got flu
Somehow this got cut... I hear this all the time on NPR and it drives me nuts. Don't get me wrong I do like NPR but sometimes their yuppie dialect makes me want to punch someone in the face.
@swasheck the small Aaron was woken up in me
you just dont speak social science
@dezso completely fine
@dezso more like dumbflu
@swasheck indeed I do not.
@swasheck Where did your state fall?
> 1. Alaska

2. Hawaii

3. South Dakota

4. Wyoming

5. Montana

6. Colorado

7. Nebraska

8. Utah

9. New Mexico

10. Texas
@swasheck I'm calling bullshit!
South Dakota.....
@Zane oil boom buddy
oh wait that's in NORTH dakota
I've spent a lot of time in South Dakota and let me tell you those people did not have a good sense of well being.
but there's like 10 of em so it's easy for the results to get skewed if it's sunny that day
@Zane but they're happy about it :)
@JNK same thing with montana
Montana they feel well b/c it's 200 miles to the next person
...and wyoming
The main pastime in South Dakota from what I could tell is drunk driving.
@Zane that's also wisconsin
@Zane is SD one of the states with a big reservation population?
@JNK i'd move to montana if i didnt other people to consider
@JNK it is.
@swasheck You want to see Yakov Smirnoff in Billings that bad?
@JNK i want to see nobody that bad
@swasheck god's country
@swasheck they came in 19th.
@swasheck It's hard to get a DUI while sitting on your couch watching the Packers.
Wyoming has drive through liquor stores
It's also hard for a cop to give you a DUI when he's got a buzz rolling himself.
/disclaimer I have a lot of friends and family in Wisconsin but it is my civic duty as a Minnesotan to rip on them whenever I can.
@swasheck What a cumbersome place to keep a gun... Just look at that stupid thing. How would you possibly get that thing out in a moment of panic?
We all just need to become cyborgs like robocop so we can have the thigh holster
@billinkc Or just build a sawn-off shotgun into your cybernetic arm.
No, gotta keep the arm for the chainsaw
@billinkc You got two.
Also bayonets.
Need one intact so I can pull the cord
Pull starters. How 20th century.
Wouldn't use anything but a Poulan.
Looks like they still have pull starters google.com/…
one of the worst songs of the 90s
I assume it is still the case with sql server 2014 that if didn't have tf 1222 on, we won't have deadlock graph information generated?
@swasheck I don't know, blood hound gang and The roof is on fire is pretty high up there. Or anything by Hanson
Oh god. Just got invited to a Facebook group for my 10 year high school reunion.
so young...
so broke
HS friends and I were rehashing an Ash Wednesday joke that is old enough to drink so I support the "so young" assertion
great show
Ash Wednesday, Senior year Catholic HS. PB&Js around the table except one chowing down on Chicken. Dude! What? It's not meat, it's *poultry*
We had a 10 year reunion but skipped the 20. With FB, they seem less relevant
@Kermit I missed mine.
It was some time in 2014
It would have been a great chance to show off how fat I've become.
I haven't gone to any
but I also moved far away from my HS
@Zane I skipped mine in 2013 because it was going to be super lame. They were having a picnic at a park. Then someone eventually added on an after party in a crappy club in the suburbs and charged $50 per person. It wasn't worth the flight home.
But I'm not big on stuff like that. I didn't do my undergrad or MBA graduation ceremonies because I felt like they were a waste of my time and money.
Usually people who go to that are the type of are the people who say "High School is the best time of your life".
Which if you peaked at the age of 18 I feel really sorry for you.
@Zane dunno, in Hungary it's common to go to these
I'm still waiting for the best days of my life.
last summer I joined the afterparty after driving for 10 hours home the previous night/that morning
oh, it was the 20th
> I think SQL Sentry captures the deadlock information, so we may not need that trace flag
Sound right as I'm too lazy to bingle
@MikeFal does that mean it keeps getting better or that you're waiting for some good days?
A little from column A, a little from columnB :)
These days are pretty good.
@billinkc isn't it captured in system health XEvent?
Let me check
  LastStart = DeadlockGraph.value(N'(deadlock/process-list/process[1]/@lasttranstarted)[1]', N'datetime')
  SELECT DeadlockGraph = XEvent.query(N'(event/data/value/deadlock)[1]')
  	SELECT XEvent = CAST(event_data AS XML)
  	  FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(N'system_health*.xel', NULL, NULL, NULL)
      WHERE [object_name] = N'xml_deadlock_report'
  ) AS x
) AS y;
(Assuming you haven't disabled system_health or changed where it stores the data.)
Q: Finding dublets and variations in mssql

user2199192I have a table with a whole bunch of data. In that table there is a row, with not unique ids, so there can be dublets of them - I have found them by doing this query: SELECT theid FROM thetable GROUP BY theid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 In the table there is also columns like street1,street2,city1,cit...

@AaronBertrand i believe that's french for "i'm clueless"
@AaronBertrand Added to my bat utility belt but I have insufficient permissions
@billinkc used extended events.... But it wasn't very effective.
Apparently there's doublet in English, but that's probably not what they meant.
The etymology is probably the same though
@Zane I snickered
Also, congrats on getting selected for Madison sqlsaturday.com/387/schedule.aspx
I can't hope for more than that.
@billinkc get your permissions overlord to grant them or to create a TVF with execute as and give you access to that.
jigga what?!
I've received no notification as of yet.
(EXECUTE AS can only work on multi-statement TVFs, though.)
@billinkc Bad time slot. I would have loved to hit up your BIML presentation.
@billinkc Oh hey, we are BIDS Helper-ing in Madison
I sure would like it if xml.value() could take a variable instead of a string literal.
@mmarie Excited to see it!
@AaronBertrand connect request. /snicker
I was crushed by the time slot though, I wanted to see the other guy talk about Biml
@swasheck LOADING....
(now, whether that's a firearm or Connect is up to the readers imagination)
@billinkc Yes, congrats @Zane! Looking forward to hanging out again.
i submitted for ColoSprings but not sure if i'll be able to make it due to some potential circumstances
I will be a Scout camp so no Springs for moi
I'll be out there Thursday. I'm bringing some friends and we are going to hang out ahead of time and explore the town a bit.
thanks google play
so just let me introduce myself, my name is humpty
Is that pronounced with an Umpty?
indeed it is ...
just grab 'em in the biscuits
Did you once get busy in a Burger King bathroom?
I would take Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm over the Humpty Dance any time.
@MichaelJSwart you can have it
@MichaelJSwart step off. i'm doin' the hop
Oh man I bought that album when I was like 12
since i'm a sql idiot, i'm just going to narrate my google play 90s one-hit wonders playlist
now we're at 7M3 Cumbersome
Also FYI Humpty produced Tupacs debut album
PS this is a terrible error message
Msg 15562, Level 16, State 1
The module being executed is not trusted. Either the owner of the database of the module needs to be granted authenticate permission, or the module needs to be digitally signed.
The "owner of the database of the module"? "authenticate permission"? "digitally signed"?
@swasheck yeha he worked with digital underground
What a bunch of vague instructions.
@AaronBertrand you need to set the owner of the DB to sa
This is CLR related I'm guessing
@JNK Right, there are ways to solve it, I'm not trying to figure it out, just marveling at how unhelpful that error message is to the average user.
yeah no its terrible
insta-google to decipher
Well the three things I quote: (1) doesn't even make sense - I presume the second "of" should be "or" (2) authenticate as what? (3) digitally signed sounds like something I do when I'm getting esurance and avoiding paperwork.
This can't be serious:
Q: How do you write a line of output?

Jeff RayI was assigned a program for class, and I have to make a line of output say "Hello World". I don't know how o do this, please help

The specific problem I'm conquering is calling sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file from a multi-statement TVF. Setting database owner to sa doesn't fix it, but trustworthy on does.
A basic question about a basic language appropriately called BASIC. Extremely helpful for future visitors.
@AaronBertrand is this to help @billinkc around some permissions, or is there something else driving this curiosity?
@mmarie sooooo much fun!
@swasheck Yes, want to POC for Bill's scenario
i'm curious about the assembly being used. is the target-reading function CLR under the hood?
@swasheck probably
@AndriyM Someone has missed the point of taking the class.
@AaronBertrand I know this isn't the first case of the kind, but... typing so many words to post a question instead of bingling for "output line in basic"?
you know you've made someone mad as a mod when your 300+ upvoted answer gets a DV today
smh (or what you say these days)
But then again, maybe that was someone experimenting with something...
Post a silly question and watch the reaction
Did I ever mention that you guys and gals are the best?
You are all responsible for about 50% of my success in my chosen career and a huge influence in why I dedicate a lot of time helping other people learn this shit.
The feels are strong right now
Wouldn't be the DBA I am today if it wasn't for this site, I know that for an absolute fact
someone's cutting onions in @Zane 's office
I may have teared up a bit with that, even though I'm not responsible for any of it
"I LOVE YOU MAN!" Go home @Zane, you're drunk. ;)
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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