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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

That's interesting. I'll have a go my end in a moment. Working up the enthusiasm.
Means creating a user and everything. Sigh.
@PaulWhite My twitter search was far too slow to work "Fish of Maui" into there but assume I made something clever based on that
@Zane Which state is that?
Minnesota, dontcha know?
@billinkc I don't think he's going to catch that dialect.
@AaronBertrand Mine is called Bob. Still, granting permissions...sigh...like real work!
lol = lazy, o, lazy
@AaronBertrand no, but I'm thinking of buying one
@AaronBertrand "Baller possession": 2008 Chevy Tahoe
The SELECT permission was denied on the column 'b' of the object 'T1', database 'Sandpit', schema 'dbo'.
Well what do you know.
That shouldn't be the case - why must SQL Server validate that all columns are selectable? If I explicitly reference that column, maybe. Or if I'm denied on the PK column(s).
Can you get the count from the catalog views?
Eeegads we are taught Geography so poorly in this country.
@AaronBertrand It is surprising. Perhaps the semantics of COUNT(*) means access to the whole row?
@PaulWhite but COUNT(1) should not.
@AaronBertrand Even though it optimizes to countstar.
Weird huh. Great thing for a SQL trivia game.
@Gonsalu Congrats!
You win an Internet.
And EXISTS behaves differently.
SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.T1) <-- no permissions error.
@PaulWhite i tried downloading one of those one time.
@swasheck Still going, huh?
well, yeah. because it's not a truck. it's a series of tubes.
Ah no EXISTS is the same. I just messed up. Far too early/late to be doing this.
Argh! Ok so that whole thing only works if there are only column-level permissions. Grant SELECT on the whole table, then DENY a column, no error with COUNT(*).
I wish I hadn't started on this.
haha sorry!
* slap *
I have a user with datareader on the database and deny on the column and the COUNT( *) doesn't work, though
Gee, this makes even less sense now. Permissions, who needs 'em.
drop user ...
when you absolutely, positively must remove permissions ... accept no alternatives
The First Playstation came out 20 years ago?
It's not a common case anyway, I just had a vague idea that it screwed something
Yeah, MVPs.
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.x TO blat;
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.x(b) TO blat;
DENY SELECT ON dbo.x(a) TO blat;
The grant on the table has to be applied last.
@Gonsalu deny trumps role
You have it listed first?
Yes, the above fails. If you want it to work, move the grant. :-)
@Zane I wish I had waited a week to buy mine.
Wait, what?
Oh yeah right that might be a thing.
Relevant XKCD xkcd.com/356
Someone should ban @Gonsalu for bringing this up.
What's Heap™ening?
@Gonsalu Ha ha ha very relevant!
@bluefeet why's that?
@bluefeet oh your PS4?
@Zane I'd want that one
Hm. The resistance would be ... hm.
@bluefeet I thought you mean your OG PS1
@Zane ha, no. I got rid of that a long time ago. I do still have a ps2 and ps3 though
@Kermit Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Chile is just ridiculously thin.
@Lamak cartel controlled area?
It's practically wasting away.
@PaulWhite yup, it is
It should eat Bolivia and Argentina.
@PaulWhite anorexic countries are no joking matter
My bad.
@Lamak Road trip across the country 20 minutes. Road trip top to bottom. 27 hours.
But long. It is surprisingly long.
@AaronBertrand So table permissions trump column denies. That is a thing, right?
It's a weird country for sure
Lots of observatories.
On the north, yeah
@PaulWhite yeah seems so, but they have to be applied in a specific order. I will punch anyone that tries to futz with this in my systems.
* LOL * <-- properly did too
@Lamak what's the vacation scenario look like down there?
@PaulWhite egads, that made me realize I'm hungry. Does Subway sell countries?
I think I'm going to leave my continent this year.
I really want to try this kick-mute user thing. Any volunteers?
Mods need not apply.
@Zane For?
I should kick-mute you :-)
You should, so long as you promise to undo it.
I want to know what happens.
Hmm, is this action reversible?
spectacular. You have a place for every person tastes. You want a beach?, you have lots of it, prefer a hot weather?, then go to the north, you want to go to the mountain?, then go...you want to go to a glaciar or want lots of green, rain, etc, then go the south
@AaronBertrand That is the big question.
@AaronBertrand Yikes. If you're going to get a country get one from Which Wich or Potbelly's.
@PaulWhite I can be the guinea pig.
@Lamak My wife is very keen to visit.
@PaulWhite Something to do.
@Zane those are not options here. I do go to Which Wich multiple times on any visit to the office.
@ypercube Sure?
Heh heh heh
@Zane And P.S. I am not going to Subway. Just first junk I thought of.
Yeah. What's the worst that can happen ;)
...and that's the last time we saw ypercube
"The user has been kicked and cannot return for 1 minute"
@PaulWhite do give me a heads up if you do
@Lamak Of course! We have no money for hotels.
Or flights for that matter, so you'll need to meet the boat.
@PaulWhite Howdy
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Hey
I just kicked @ypercube
I'm going to New York and Boston again this Summer. However I also want ot somewhere I've never been.
So be careful.
@PaulWhite, I think it's been asked before, but will there be recordings of your precon in Lisbon? I'd gladly pay the precon registration amount to see it
@PaulWhite he knows what he did.
@Zane How about London. I hear they're quite hospitable there.
Even though it's my birthplace, I can't be there in May :-\
@Gonsalu just Pay Paul and you can FaceTime / Skype / gotomeeting :-)
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells thought about that too. Mainly because I can bullshit with the locals.
@Gonsalu No, I'm afraid not. Actually, I would never do it if it was recorded. (a) I hate being recorded with a passion; and (b) recordings have a way of being shared (not by you, clearly).
@Zane Yeah!
Welcome back @ypercube. Please behave this time.
@PaulWhite I thought about escaping on that date
@AaronBertrand Hehe, probably not for a whole day :-)
@ypercube Oh that's cool. Well done, sir.
@PaulWhite Yes, that's true, didn't think of that. Poop.
@ypercube i'm going to kick you again. see if we can piss off the SE powers-that-be
@Gonsalu Oh I know. Plus you could record that.
and share it :-P
@PaulWhite I sell bootlegs of all your talks.
If we time it right, we could all kick each other at the same instant and bring the whole of chat.se down in one big recursive foot movement.
@Zane I've seen you at the market with your unsold pile of $1 DVDs.
@swasheck There are 2 SO mods in the room already. I don't know what will happen if we start kicking each other ;)
And I'm not counting bluefeet.
@swasheck maybe you should try kicking a mod and see if it works.
@Gonsalu The amount Niko is charging will buy you a second-hand postcard of an old execution plan from me (not signed). Will that do?
@ypercube I looked, there's no option :(
We should never have elected that muppet.
(ha ha)
clearly, all I do is spoil experiments
@PaulWhite is sql_hash just the query text, hashed with (SHA1,MD5,??)
@AaronBertrand no. you're the constant
He is as constant as the northern star
(sorry ... bad LOST flashback, or flash sideways, or is it forward?)
@swasheck query_hash? It is the MD5 hash for ad-hoc T-SQL AFAIR
@billinkc the north stars moved to dallas
@PaulWhite sure. query_hash (derp)
Just because you had a bad LOST flashways doesn't mean you should interrupt my Star Trek reference
Also, don't copy/paste delete statements with the intention of turning them into selects
Or so I heard
soooo ... i have this "friend" who ran an unfiltered delete without a transaction. what can i do to help him undo this? does sql server have a ctrl-z
Weird. I have a friend who had a filter on it, just an underzealous one
@billinkc What happened? Trying to visualize what your friend did.
select * from table where 1=1;
delete from table where 1=1;
(the curse of @Gonsalu lives on)
I think they copied DELETE DCC FROM CommonDim.DimCessionCategory AS DCC WHERE DCC.AuditKey = 0 and wanted to evaluate how many rows were going to be deleted based on that audit key. Instead of 30 as expected, it might have been 58. Pure speculation on my part
Maybe my friend will post this urgent, M$ sux0r question to dba.se
hopefully they tested their code in production so that they could accurately ascertain the performance
It's the only reliable way.
Never fear, I have guids so I can easily something something something
If the world runs out of guids earlier than expected, I hope you'll be sorry.
Part of me always worries about that. Using NEWID frivolously, I mean.
I could easily pilfer some of the guids in the table, it's got 12 fields worth
what. GUIDs dont just grow on trees?
They're worth much less used.
That's just a marketing ploy from DerSoft stemming from the 50s
I have no idea what that means. Must be a meme or something.
i'm lost too
I was making an analogy to the diamond market
and a flimsy one, at that
Explain like we're five.
Whatever, hardest natural substance
GUIDs are a girl's best friend?
Every Kiss Begins With GUID?
GUIDs are forever?
Wurtzite boron nitride?
Ctrl+F -> "Hard" .... ttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhpppppppppppppptttttttttttttttttt
@swasheck But you have children
So. "DerSoft" = De Beers somehow?
Is this painful yet?
i am now officially lost beyond all hope. i fear i can't make sense of anything you're saying
I want to be good at this, but it appears to be beyond me.
Yes, so combine that with a microsoft since we were guid'ing it up
And, possibly, wow.
hard - making a cheapshot at Erectile dysfunction
Drink a few more pots of tea and you'll be able to see molecules standing still like I do
@swasheck Great. First time I'd seen that. Obviously.
Sure seems like we're not in Kansas any more.
really?? (sorry, i'm still traumatized by @billinkc and am still having a hard parsing fact from fiction)
@swasheck Really. First time.
And yes my brain hurts too.
best part of the movie. dont waste your time on the rest of it
Oh. It's a movie. Ok.
Billy Madison
He's in it?
@billinkc More entertaining version.
Puppies pretend?
@PaulWhite Haha yeah, it's pretty low. Who sets the prices anyway? I thought the presenters would?
@Gonsalu Not in my (limited) experience. Always the event organizers so far.
@PaulWhite soooo ... if this is too personal just tell me to take a long walk off of a short pier ... but ... when you travel to lisbon, are they helping you with travel expenses? that's a heckuva flight
@swasheck Yes but only because Niko is insane. Other SQL Saturday events don't; they assume you'll cover the cost of travel, accommodation etc. from ticket sales.
@PaulWhite ah. sssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooo ... precon for denver? :D (there's always an ulterior motive)
PASS Summit also does not contribute - it's a flat rate per attendee. Might have been $50 or $75, don't recall.
that stinks
@swasheck Denver SQL Saturday? When?
@PaulWhite heh. september.
revert: all i can offer is beer
and maybe "professional" baseball (in quotes because our baseball team is anything but professional)
@swasheck The edits are making it worse :)
yeah. it's truly a smoker's paradise here
Let's see 2000+ in airfare vs a couple of free beers.
I say take it
and the revenues from precon (if i understand things correctly)
@Zane you'll need to get your crap down here. as newly-minted events person for the denver user group, i need all of the presenters i can find
@swasheck How many people did you get for last year's precons? I'm open to thinking about it, but I don't want to lose money on the deal.
@Zane Yeah.
@PaulWhite sure. that'd be silly. i'll have to ask @MikeFal
@PaulWhite it's a better deal than he offered me. All I will get if I go down there is sexual favors....
@swasheck Ok, flick me an email or something if you or Mike want to look into it.
@Zane Eeek.
@swasheck Doesn't really sweeten the deal any.
he's definitely got better hair than i do. i'm ... disheveled
@swasheck @PaulWhite Funds from the precon likely wouldn't cover your travel.
my look is ... how you say ... professionally unprofessional
well. i've failed. i resign as vp of events
@swasheck In all seriousness I would totes me down for that.
me too. make it so, #1
276 is nothing for a flight to Denver.
it'd be great to meet you
@MikeFal we could rob a bank and pay him with that money!
SQL Saturday is the perfect cover for a heist.
@Zane You and @swasheck could do that. I'm off to other projects. :)
plus it's right around GABF so there's even more incentive
@MikeFal We need you on the hiest. What if it calls for Powershell knowledge?
@swasheck I'd be down for that.
The world beer cup has a crappy crappy website.
They don't seem to have a firm grasp on the country that submitted the winner of an event.
@Zane nosql
@Zane Eventually it'll be consistent.
The world beer cup was in April...
Oh, magic numbers are so magical
A: What significance does an index_id < 256000 have?

Aaron BertrandThis is based on the misconception that XML indexes are currently the only type that could ever have an id scheme that is >= 256000 (at least based on their observation; this scheme is not documented AFAIK, so not even sure if it's intentional). Probably fine in current versions, but who knows wh...

@AaronBertrand aasim sure thinks they are
I think he might be right (at least about what the tutorial writer was trying to accomplish), but I'd be really surprised if Microsoft documents it that way, and it would be really stupid to do so. I'm thinking about paint and corners...
Oh snap. The choke out cop didn't get indicted either?
Police are above the law. You haven't realized that yet?
It's becoming more and more apparent by the day.
That club needs to be broken up a bit methinks.
I kind of get some of these decisions. Not trying to prioritize but one that I really didn't understand was the cop who killed a biker because he was typing an e-mail on his laptop while driving.
@AaronBertrand yeah. clear negligence and would be severely punished if civilian
Ferguson and the Tamir Rice incident are at least partially defensible.
Not saying they were right, or that they didn't shovel up a bunch of bullshit to justify use of force, but neither were completely innocent people at least seeming to be a threat to some people.
I will repeat: I am not saying the cops are right in either of those cases, and in fact the bullshit leads me to believe they over-reacted and killed relatively innocent people.
@AaronBertrand right. i know what you're saying. those were (poor) line-of-duty decisions. the email on laptop vs. biker isnt.
But in those three scenarios I mention I know there are two where I don't know what I would have done and whether it would have any different or better outcome than what happened. With the biker I know that he would still be alive because I would have pulled over.
There's the video of the swat team that shoot a drunk homeless man in a national park about six times and then while he's down shoot him with the non-lethal bean bag.
Awesome. Were they intending to, ahem, "edit" that video?
aasim wishes to dance
Or the baby they flashbanged while trying to bust a teenager for possession.
@AaronBertrand True. I don't know that I would have reacted any better during a confrontation. However I'm neither trained to handle such situations nor have I volunteered to handle them.
@Zane didn't they accidentally shot another girl
@Lamak probably
@AaronBertrand the Tamir Rice thing there's really no excuse for
When he was shot he wasn't carrying the airsoft gun, and regardless Ohio is an open-carry state
so it's legal to walk around the park with a REAL gun
@Lamak detroilet.
Guy in Minneapolis recently got tasered for sitting in a skyway waiting for his daughter to get out of daycare. I know he's not dead but it's still ridiculous.
Yeah, like I said, I don't agree that they were right, but I don't know for certain what I would have done. I'd like to think I would have reacted better, but...
@JNK i've not kept tabs on that one but that's pretty ridiculous
@swasheck the video just blew me away
The fact that bothers me is the statistics about how often a grand jury fails to bring an indictment (very, very small amount), and how many of those are against cops (100% IIRC).
@AaronBertrand that's the other thing - people who havent been confronted with such a situation have no context for how they'd actually behave.
Cops got out of the car and then shot him in less than 2 seconds
@AaronBertrand it's very close to 100%
@swasheck I like his edit too
(the first edit, not the addition of the book)
@AaronBertrand And honestly I think there should be another group that does those indictments
i.e. not the normal prosecutor
@JNK right, because the prosecutor is, by definition, buddy-buddy with the police
May as well have the police chief decide
@AaronBertrand yeah they have to be, and I don't think that should have to change
@AaronBertrand it looks familiar
in criminal investigations you want the prosecutor and cops working together
Agreed. They should have a different category when a cop may have done something wrong. We used to hear a lot of noise about internal affairs - assume they are victims of budget cuts, but that's the type of group who should be on this.
@JNK truth. We already see a high level of prosecutorial misconduct as it is.
@Zane the Wilson thing was just bananas
@JNK They didn't check on him either.
It should definitely have gone to trial if the atty wanted it to
no question
I'm not saying for sure that the cops are guilty in any of the 3 cases we are talking about.
However there is certainly enough evidence for prosecution.
For the Tamir Rice thing a couple of things still make it less clear cut to me. The video is grainy, so it's hard for me to tell whether he's holding the gun or not, pointing it anywhere, etc. I've watched the video multiple times and I honestly can't tell you I can make out a gun at any point. There's also no audio so we don't know what was said by the cops before the car stopped or by Tamir at any point. Again, not arguing for the cops, just saying there is some wiggle room there.
@AaronBertrand the video certainly doesn't match what the police said in their report which makes me incredibly suspicious.
I do agree that just standing there watching him die should be indictable on its own
@AaronBertrand there is except again, it's an open-carry state
@Zane yeah that's what I was talking about when I said bullshit
@JNK yeah, I get open-carry, but not open-point-at-people
@AaronBertrand true
The only thing that stops a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun
And one more time, I'm just playing devil's advocate. The story the cops came up with is bullshit, but we don't know everything that really happened or how exactly they saw it.
@billinkc charlton heston in the hizzy
They also don't really approach with caution either. Which is odd since it's a kid.
@swasheck Wayne LaPierre (sp) but same domicile
@AaronBertrand yeah me too
But it makes me feel these things really deserve a trial
@billinkc heston said something similar
@billinkc yeah don't even get me started on that crap
My kid had a lockdown drill today in preschool
Saw a study linked that indicates, statistically speaking, black people are viewed older than they truly are. 3 year old appear at 8 or some crazy nonsense
@JNK it's a pretty good way to determine if someone has murdered another person or not.
@JNK yeah, I think all three should have gone to trial. Still tough to coalesce conflicting testimony and grainy video.
@JNK Do they keep track of how many your child has gone through?
Is it that some sicko keeps calling in threats or are they super quick to go into lockdown?
They get a gold star after 5, a pool party after 20, and a rifle after 50
Ok, that may have been in poor taste
i'm channeling my inner bertrand with aasim.
@billinkc yeah. We have had actual scares this year too
But f you guys, you're thick-skinned
nutballs trying to get on the news
I think he's had 3 real lockdowns or lock ins and 1 drill this year so far
@JNK our kids have lockdown drills once per month. one happened the day before an actual lockdown situation.
@AaronBertrand not far off from the NRA official policy. If we armed all the children this sort of thing wouldn't happen.
sucks for preschoolers though. Esp in our town
at least they are good about telling us
We had a bomb threat at my Middle School.
A student thought he was being funny. Got expelled.
A bunch of kids whooped his ass pretty good after that as well.
@JNK sure. that makes it really desensitizing
There was a bomb threat when I was in HS. They called an emergency pep rally so everyone gathered into the gym and I could see a PO with a k9 unit walking about in the halls and thought it was odd. Later on, I see under the police blotter in the paper that there was a reported threat at the school address.
We actually evacuated the building.
Thing is, the police had not arrived and/or cleared the gym before they moved us all into it. Freaking brilliant
Alright guys. I'm leaving this grisly discussion and going home instead.
Have a good one.
2 bullets or one diamond required. Act now, space is limited!
Q: SSIS connector process

DataGames GuruI am looking at writing SSIS connector for Avaya. I wanted to understand what skills do I need to write a component in SSIS? Do we need people with .Net skills and SSIS skills? And is there any standard process of documentation followed by MS community? Thanks and regards, Kunal

@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Yep. Still up for it. See you Friday!
04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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