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@Marian No, but I'll also be doing a SQL Saturday precon in Lisbon, Portugal on May 16, which is a bit closer, and the right way up.
7 hours later…
hi all
hi there
Adding sql-server-2005 tag is ok. But perhaps not the cases where sql-server tag is removed in the process?
let me take a look
@MikaelEriksson thanks for letting me know. If I'm not around you can always use an other flag on one of their posts explaining what the user is doing.
@bluefeet Ok, will do.
@AaronBertrand your link to karaszi.com here no longer works
yay a powershell SMO question
@Phil, @MarkStorey-Smith, @martinsmith, @JackDouglas, @James, - ready for drinkies on Friday?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells you bet
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Yup, coming there straight from the airport. Could you book a table?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells yep
Oops - missed you
@PaulWhite Fancy a little sojourn to London while you're at it? I'm sure we can whip up a little shindig in your honour ...
@bluefeet thanks, fixed
(tr.im was a URL shortener that became quickly popular in 2008-09 time frame, then couldn't handle the load, needed more money, and went flat. Then they came back but they wiped out a bunch of stuff I guess - maybe users, maybe custom links only, not sure. Need to do more clean-up I suspect.)
Actually Community Server doesn't even have a way for me to search my own posts for tr.im - does anyone know how to make this Google search work? Currently it converts tr.im to trim.
site:sqlblog.com +"link:http://tr.im/"
It finds one (not a post of mine) but a bunch of false positives.
Did you mean trim?
It looks like you are trying to remove spaces from a string...
Am I just not understanding their question?
Q: Unpivoting a table into a view using dynamic sql

SmeegsDisclaimer: I'm around intermediate with my t-sql knowledge, but this problem is beyond my scope of understanding. Here is the big picture of my problem. I'm trying to use an ORM with a table that doesn't have a defined schema at compile time. Columns can be added and removed from this table....

Would it be feasible/possible to call a table-function that calls a sproc that creates a temporary table, then read that table in the function and call that function in the view? — Smeegs 35 secs ago
I don't even know how to respond to that
A couple of us have
@AaronBertrand sexy
@AaronBertrand that nonsensical comment by them pushed me over the edge
@ypercube pretty much
I had to read it a few times, and then I said forget it
There are some ways they could do this - they could use OPENQUERY and a loopback linked server to join to the output of the stored procedure, or the stored procedure could populate a #temp table that could be joined against.
But still it's very tedious, cumbersome, error-prone, and not likely something this user should attempt.
A little over-reaction about a down-vote (wasn't me by the way).
You consider one down-vote "such a negative response" and it must mean your question is "incredibly stupid"? It's the Internet, and a down-vote is 2 measly Unicorn points on some web site. You got your answer, right? Stop dwelling on meaningless things you can't control anyway. — Aaron Bertrand 22 secs ago
sql saturday Curaçao ... go on ...
what is this nonsense about not being able to leave +1?
@Kermit where?
@Kermit it's a test
Q: Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?

Shog9I'm getting really sick of finding folks arguing about votes, only to see that the bickering started with a comment of the form, -1, because [some perfectly reasonable criticism] As has been discussed many times, voting is anonymous for a reason; folks who give up that anonymity do so at th...

not permanent yet. They want to see how it works because those types of comments can lead to arguments.
people are far too worried about the fake internet points
Well then, we should just do away with them. I'll go put something up on meta...
I don't consider them fake points. I mean, you can't exchange them for money but why fake?
@ypercube fake, meaning people get too concerned about a single downvote
Someone peed in the ocean!
pooping in the ocean is where it's at
@swasheck gross, just gross
dont knock it til you've tried it
I'll skip that.
Thanks though
Q: How to load data from multiple servers from multiple sources in to SQL tables using SSIS?

MSBIQAMULTIPLE SERVERS MULTIPLE DATA SOURCES DEstination -SINGLE SQL TABLE PLS let me know which controls will be used & how to connect multiple servers and multiple data sources in SSIS? Thanks & Regards

someone that doesn't want to do their homework
@bluefeet leaves a bad taste in my mouth
@ShawnMelton closed
@bluefeet what kinds of arguments? so they just want people to leave comments that look like insults instead of explanations as to why they downvoted? sounds like a greater recipe for argument than what currently exists.
what do we expect from pond scum, though. the primordial soup that is SO
Don't cast stones at pond scum, you were once such matter
not me. just my ancestors
@swasheck the point is that a comment can be constructive without including the -1. People focus too much on the -1 portion and ignore the rest
@billinkc punctuated equilibrium
We should prepend every comment with -1
@billinkc I prefer this solution
I think @HansPassant is on to an idea there. What if instead of blocking +1/-1 comments, you just randomly flipped the sign? — Bill the Lizard ♦ Nov 19 at 19:10
That one did make me laugh
I'm sure there's a dbareactions post for that.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Yes, I'm eating lots of kale to prepare for it
or good afternoon for those of you east of me.
hey @mmarie ... how'd the breakup go?
and which gig did you decide to take?
It was ok. I'm in the lame duck session right now, but it's kind of nice to make a recommendation and forward the email on for someone else to have to deal with.
I am going with BlueGranite
it will be fun. Good people, work form home, a little travel.
I've already had 3 of them message me to say congrats and welcome and I don't even start until next wednesday
@mmarie ... and from the looks of their website, lots of buzzwords
They're a Microsoft partner. They have to do that.
@mmarie very cool
They are a MSBI (+ Tableau) consulting firm.
@swasheck are you saying you don't keep your hadoop in the cloud so you can revolutionise your big data?
@Zane that's exactly what i'm saying
Get with the times man.
@swasheck As soon as you tell someone you downvoted them, the chances of your criticisms being taken constructively plummet. Some folks get very upset about downvotes. Not just new users either, and definitely not just on SO. Some of the worst examples of bad behavior I've observed anywhere on the network have started with a comment that states or implies "I downvoted you".
who cares if they get upset if they learn? random downvotes dont help anyone.
@swasheck sure they do
well i guess it depends on your goals
In fact I usually preface such criticisms with "Not my down vote, but..." even when I did down vote. Because the vengeful behavior can be far worse than not down-voting at all.
But not down-voting at all is pretty bad, too. If it's a bad answer, it deserves a down vote. F* feelings.
@AaronBertrand well that's my overarching feeling, too. but i'd rather someone know why
If an answer is wrong, dangerous, or just less useful than others... A downvote serves as a signal to other readers. Regardless of whether or not the author ever learns anything or bothers to correct it, that signal remains. The combined voting of informed readers is what allows multiple answers to work at all - without that, we're no better off than a site like Everything2
for their education
The main problem is that no matter what you say, if you say anything, you will be presumed to be the down-voter (or the cause of the down-votes). I up-voted your suggestion shog but I don't think it's the solution. If you're trying to remove vengeful behavior and keep the signal, I think there needs to be some type of anonymous comment. Perhaps requiring a certain rep, and maybe it needs to be peer vetted as well (also by members with a certain rep, but possibly lower).
@AaronBertrand oh, it's not a solution to anything; I'll write up my findings later today, but the tl;dr is that it helps the most for comments that were never going to be useful, and doesn't accomplish much at all for authors that were already mostly on the right track.
I've stopped caring about the vengeful behavior (gets all too predictable) but I'd bet that if you took an anonymous survey of 100 higher-rep SO users, I bet 75 or more would say they down-vote without commenting because the drama isn't worth it.
Vengeful behavior isn't even the bulk of the problem here; the real cost is time.
Well, okay, the main problem for non-moderators/non-SE employees.
well ok then. let it be. i've seen more than a few terrible answers upvoted over better answers.
i dont really care that much and i dont know why i even bother to wade into these pointless conversations
The worst is when people offset a down-vote out of pity. And then say so. I want to strangle them; they're undermining the whole system.
Folks spend time in pointless arguments that they could spend teaching/learning. Moderators spend time cleaning up comments and quieting arguments that they could spend doing almost anything else with much more long-term benefit. Mods and commenters spend time arguing about moderator actions... SE Team spends time defending moderators... It's all just a huge time-suck.
"Here's a pity up-vote, I don't have any clue why anyone down-voted you, but I feel bad."
because decisions are made under the guise of community involvement, but there's no actual involvement. we cater to the lowest common denominator
If people were able to identify in some way why the bad answer is a bad answer, without fear of retribution, a lot of those pointless arguments might disappear.
They almost always start with "Who down-voted, and why?" M.Ali was the worst for a while. We've drilled it into him to not care, and the quality of his answers has gone up, but there are still tons of users just like him.
The worst part is, there's no way to fix comments that won't make a huge number of people desperately unhappy. The +/-1 thing is just a tiny tip of the iceberg; relatively few people even do that on a regular basis, but look how upset they get when they can't! Imagine the uproar if we changed how comment moderation worked.
I know. Acknowledgement that they're not perfect is a good start. In the past I've brought some of these points up and the reaction on meta is basically "the current system is perfect, how dare you suggest changes, shut up and start liking it"
You may have noticed I've all but stopped even visiting meta. It's mostly a bunch of dick size contests.
I almost wonder if part of the solution is rationing comments. You get 1 for each post you write or vote you cast per day, and if you use 'em up you get no more until 0:00 UTC. Wanna get into a long argument over something? Great - better go vote or write some answers then, and see if you still feel it's that important.
Explaining why an answer is bad requires motivation. Right now there is none - it's all demotivational. Down-vote? Lose 1 rep. Comment? Become a target of retribution. Lose-lose.
Q: SQL 2008 SSIS Data Flow SQL Command using Subquery on Max field returns part of whole field

Tim HI am converting an Oracle CLOB defined field to SQL Max defined field. My input Oracle CLOB defined field contains datat larger than 8000 bytes for example SSIS brings in a field with 85,000 characters but only converts 100 bytes. In the SSIS Data Flow Advanced Editor the OLE DB Source Output Ext...

Even up-votes on comments don't get you squat, a silly badge on measures in bulk. Not that daring to suggest that an answer might be inferior gets you a ton of up-votes on your comment either.
For all the whining about it, I honestly think folks are too prone to explaining votes right now. Subtle bug that'll go unnoticed if you don't say anything? Great! A poorly-formatted answer with no explanation? You probably don't need to bother; it's obvious to anyone who cares.
maybe the SO model should be tweaked to the gamification of caring about quality and knowledge instead of caring about pointless frickin' rep.
@Shog9 But being freely able to make snarky comments on Meta sustains me!
It's on meta where comments make the most sense - it is intended to be a discussion forum at least part of the time. Of course, look where that gets us: comment threads get down-right poisonous in a hurry, and a lot of folks don't care to even get involved.
@swasheck and not just pointless rep. It's all pretty pointless. But a 300K user having a fit and calling you an asshole over 2 points? Get a grip
it's the main reason why i avoid SO. i dont have a whole lot to contribute (relatively speaking), but there's honestly no incentive for me to go there and try to help someone. it's like a classroom full of kindergartners who smear poop on the walls and when you try to tell them that they shouldnt do that, the administration comes in and tells you to knock it off.
@swasheck gamification and caring are orthogonal at best: extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation. At worst, gamification actively reduces caring. You don't make someone care more about something by turning it into a game; they just start caring about the game instead.
so SO isnt really that revolutionary, right?
Q: The problem with extrinsic motivation

Jon EricsonTL;DR: Stack Exchange favors standard, fast, and complete answers at the expense of novel, creative, and excellent answers. This bias results directly from reputation ratings, badges and other extrinsic motivations, which form the core of the system and can not be removed. Therefor, the quality o...

I leave for a bit and @Shog9 shows up. Maybe I should leave more often
@Shog9 Some people take the "Meta means murder" thing a bit more seriously than intended.
Oh good, @bluefeet's here - I can leave now.
SE in general is the best Q & A format out there. Try to stay sane on MSDN forums or yahoo answers or experts exchange, good luck.
@Shog9 :P
But the quality of SO compared to a few of the other SE sites is low, because of quantity.
@Shog9 i just dont understand why there's such retaliation and retribution toward people who dont care about points and do care about quality. whatever. your employer, toe the line.
@AaronBertrand Not directly related to those, but...[ADVANCE] SEARCH BEFORE SUBMIT
I still get emotional about MSDN forums. Not just one emotion either: fear, anger, hatred, sadness, loathing, hunger...
Any pool has much more chance of urine as more people hop in.
@swasheck what do you mean, "retaliation"?
and sorry if i'm being an asshole here. my sis-in-law is deteriorating from massive brain surgery and some internet f-stick cries about losing two points? gfy whiny asshats.
@swasheck dude, that's rough - hope she pulls through
@Shog9 new "policies" to ensure that people who care about quality are as squelched as poosible
@Shog9 down-voting sprees when you comment about quality. It's happened to all of us.
@AaronBertrand i dont even care about down-voting sprees. i care about the blatant anti-intellectualism that seems to permeate the SO subculture
(as long as i have enough points to chat on The Heap i'm good)
@swasheck Oh...now I'm sad. I'm sorry to hear that, while unfortunately not some form of magic or anything by any means, best wishes to everyone involved. :/
@TimStone that is a real problem. You will always have people who are too lazy to search, no matter how easy you make it. But searching is hard. I know the system and it is much easier for me to comment on a question than go find the duplicate.
@AaronBertrand well, I'm prepping a post about quality issues right now, so warm up your downvotes...
@AaronBertrand It was more of a Connect joke but that's an important point too. :P
@Shog9 it has to be better received than the +1/-1 comment though, right?
@TimStone yeah, I caught that; it is pretty funny that things like that get through to deployment.
@bluefeet Shog is still training to be the new Jeff.
How to train your Shog
Re: dup-search
Yeah, something is broken there @Iain - I've tried to figure out why, but not seeing it; need to enlist the help of the guy who wrote it. Will get back to you on that... — Shog9 ♦ 23 secs ago
@TimStone there are 2 types of responses - MSE Shog gets upvtoes, MSO Shog gets downvotes
because MSO is harsh
@TimStone I once advocated a vote to open approach, where users below a certain rep had to have their question voted to actually go live. Heavily incentivize the queue to make it work fast, but that would eliminate a lot of the shit.
I've suspected this for a while, but it's blatantly obvious in certain tags on SF: the list should be common dup-targets based on tags; instead it's empty.
Anyway SO is a really good site, but the reasons I've stopped answering questions there months ago are pretty much summed up in my comments above.
@AaronBertrand That is not a crazy idea.
@Shog9 To the Wheel of Blame!
That's the real solution: lottery for asking questions.
@Shog9 I seem to recall the sentiment toward it when I brought it up was far less positive. But going back to the search problems, I can't even find the discussion now.
@AaronBertrand I wonder how one would incentivize that properly. You'd need tags like "Harsh Justice" for those who reject questions as well as "pushover" for those who let everything in just so they get the 'cheevos
@billinkc badges, man. People love their stinking badges.
But we wouldn't want robo reviewers just pulling the Homer Simpson Y, Y, Y
there's an algorithm for that
IF (Aptem) {return No} return Yes
@billinkc but we already have that same thing in the review queue, and I don't know how often it really is a problem - for a terrible question to go live it would require multiple robo-reviewers converging. And if a bad post accidentally went live, ok, it's still subject to the same VtC options it has today.
@AaronBertrand oh, it's completely unworkable, but it's not crazy. The core idea is that we need a way to vet questions before they're thrown in front of everyone; we do need that, and that's do-able in some fashion.
Did no one win that machine learning competition?
Everyone lost, even the winner
@Shog9 sounds like every presidential election
I was going to give it a go but then I remembered that I'm lazy and have an extensive todo list.
@Shog9 That makes sense.
Oh, the Triage badge. Only to those with good standing, 20k maybe. They get to review the new questions and after checking N, they get a shiny Platinum badge and then you can badge the actual disposition: treated versus turfed.
Having "ER" flashbacks now. An ex got me hooked on the show.
So the problem is, even the best algorithms have pretty hefty false positive/negative rates. Even those that don't get confused by folks who inexplicably write their code all in caps.
@billinkc Be honest; you're a cloonite
Clearly they just weren't bestest enough.
@AaronBertrand I was a fan of Romano. What an *sshole
@billinkc The AaronBertrand of ER?
Or possibly I am the Romano of SO
While brilliant, have you had your arm chopped of or a helicopter fall on top of you? I think not so no "Rocket" Aaron for you.
Staying away for the most part keeps me a little more sane and a much-less-frequent recipient of poopsenders.com
Can't decide whether you or Paul would be Benton for your knowledge of the obscure and seemingly endless recall of articles describing why X does Y
@billinkc That would be Paul. Google remembers for me.
@AaronBertrand awesome
Freaking surgeons with their godlike ego. Yeah, sounds like PW
Promo code pidfinal50 50% off PowerShell in depth manning.com/jones6 Expires Dec 2 at midnight ET
@billinkc somehow when i saw pidfinal50 i read "Pinal" and immediately went into convulsions
I had the same initial reading and reaction. It's like we're brothers from another mother and father
errr... what?
Yeah, right?... -_- . It's almost as bad as big name tech continuing to disregard known security exploits because the cost to fix them out weighs the cost of the fallout. Yet, here I am trying to do my part. — Cameron 49 mins ago
Crazies gonna crazy
Listen, we need at maximum a few seconds of recovery time for multiple geographic locations, but we can't spend any money
we're gonna need a bigger boat
We accepted the contract not realizing what it's going to take
I asked him about RPO and RTO, I'm hoping he doesn't say "what's that?"
It's the same thing. THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH!
@billinkc WAT!?
@MaxVernon I guess that means the death of untold lives is less than EE licensing and/or increased disk capacity. Pity too, lives these days are just falling in price. In my day, a life would buy you a steak and kidney pie, a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and a newsreel. With enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the polo grounds. — billinkc 46 secs ago
Simpsons reference
getting chatty
I didn't expect it to last
and yet it's still there
this is very cool - map.ipviking.com
it's like watching a video game
pew pew pew
@swasheck Congrats, you're a winnar
those are rare words for me
soy un perdedor
"Are people dying during index maintenance?"
A: Replication Madness

spaghettidbaPlease don't. You don't want replication. It's a data distribution technology: it's not suitable for HA. Just to name one of the many shortcomings of using replication for HA, you won't have automatic failover (which seems to be a requirement) and you'll need to code it yourself. If you need HA,...

(RTO < 1 hour, RPO < 5 mins)
you can do that with LS
Honestly pretty easily
@swasheck You will be the new VP of Events. :)
Yay, @swasheck !
Yay indeed
I would just like to say that I <3 Mother's Brewing Winter Grinder
@mmarie Is that a beer?
Or coffee?
It is a coffee beer
very coffee, much delicious
Sorry, lost me after coffee
I had several very delicious beers at the Crooked Stave.
i know. i'm jealous.
Apparently my brother has not been there, so I will find time to take him soon.
One day I will move to Denver, or maybe Portland, and drink lots of beer
Colorado and Portland are good for variety, but if you're after volume then go with Wisconsin.
Also, if you're going for volume of snow, pick Wisconsin
Asheville, NC has the most breweries per capita :P
Also the most inbreeding per relative
Correlation, causation?
@billinkc Really? You're from missouri and you want to go there?
Asheville is actually one of the classier towns in NC
And yes, @mmarie, not sure someone from Missoura should open that can of worms.
Don't let facts cloud my snark
@MikeFal @mmarie thanks. sorry for the delay.
@swasheck No worries. We'll need to plan some time to handle the transition. FYI, I've got a penciled in set for the January meeting.
cool. thanks. nice

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