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@Lamak thanks!
@Lamak okay done
A: How do you remove timestamp in Vertica?

KermitIt seems like you're actually asking how to remove the time component from a timestamp type. Let's set up some test data: CREATE TABLE public.test ( time_stamp timestamp ); INSERT INTO public.test (time_stamp) VALUES (SYSDATE()); INSERT INTO public.test (time_stamp) VALUES (SYSDATE()); INS...

@PaulWhite Oh wow, new avatar.
Q: New tag for subtype-table-design?

Walter MittyI am proposing a tag to be named "subtype-table-design". This would collect questions relating to this aspect of database design. Questions about how to design a type-subtype situation come up from time to time. A lot of new database designers have never seen any examples of how this is done, ...

7 hours later…
@Mark will get back to you this afternoon
@phil roger
3 hours later…
@Kermit nice
Where the eff is @aaronBertrand I want to talk NHL free Agency?
@swasheck you here? You lose Stansy but pick up Iginla thoughts?
@Zane i think @Aaron is at PASS
@Kermit ??
24 hours of pass
i think thats over though
he's probably just sick of the heap
24HOP is all remote I think
sometimes I wish people would just listen to me when I suggest they write a static version of a pivot first, so then I don't have to do this
A: change display of rows into single row in SQL server 2008

bluefeetSince you want to use PIVOT to get the result and you need to to this dynamically, I would always suggest writing a static PIVOT query first, this allows you to get the syntax correct before trying to convert it to dynamic SQL. The desired output shows that you want to PIVOT on two columns, Room...

Q: Add many rows with changed one column - Entity Framework with Sql Server

user3197850I've got table Player and table Achievments. All Players have group of same achievments but with other achievment state. What's best way to add new player and add the same group achievments rows for this player like for others but with other specified column value ?

World problem.
Q: Update specific batch of records from minute to minute on SQL Server

villancikosSorry in advance if the question makes little sense. I need to know how to update a table every X seconds/minutes/hours. I normally do something like this: UPDATE myTable SET someField = someField WHERE id_ofMyTable > 0 and id_ofMyTable < 1000 After this query, some XMLs files are created thank...

@Zane push.
stastny was really good for a while, but nothing spectacular until he absolutely had to be for that playoff push. had a good first two games against minny and then disappeared quietly into the night for the rest of the series
iginla is old, but somehow churned out 30 goals last year. could be good balance for our youth. also traded away parenteau for briere ... meh ... we'll see how it goes. i'm not particularly overjoyed with the moves
@Zane so ... you're excited about getting Thomas Vanish?
Vertica strikes again
A: Top N per group query in Vertica

KermitLet's set up the sample data: CREATE TABLE public.test ( A int, B int, C varchar, D int, E int ); INSERT INTO public.test (A, B, C, D, E) VALUES (1, 2, 'AAA', 4, 1404305559); INSERT INTO public.test (A, B, C, D, E) VALUES (1, 2, 'BBB', 23, 1404305633); INSERT INTO public.test (A, B, ...

@ypercube maybe this article will help you better understand how vertica's projections work
@swasheck Vanek is exactly what this team needs.
@swasheck I think you brought in plug and play veterans to teach your kids some new tricks.
We could also use a year without goaltender injury issues.
Me too
Q: Asking days badges

Jon EricsonA couple of months ago, I suggested a set of badges for asking questions. The responses were... mixed. The top answer can be summarized: In practice, all this would do is encourage people to ask yet more stupid, worthless questions and we have quite enough of that as it is. We believe that ...

It's a way to encourage asking good questions
I have no questions in SO nor DBA....
@Zane nah. the knock on Vanek is that he disappears for large portions of seasons. i hope, for your sake, that he doesnt
@swasheck That's something that's known.
@Zane could be
And most goalscorers are streaky.
But he averages 60 points per season soooo.
i'm just talking crap in the hopes that it comes true to benefit the avs ;)
I think that's going to become quite the rivalry.
@bluefeet thanks for the link! It would be great if the badge description had more details about what a "good question" is.
@MaxVernon that is still being discussed here
Q: Misleading description of new Curious badge

RaphaelThe description of the new Curious badge currently reads: Asked a good question on 5 separate days, and maintains a positive question record. The term "good question" seems to be defined by the badge Good Question: Question score of 25 or more. Curious seems to use another criterion, ...

@Zane not sure ... the west is looking pretty stacked right now ... richards -> chicago? jeez
True. But the Wild and the Avs have the best looking young talent.
@bluefeet thanks for that too!
No sure about you guys be we still have Cap Space available.
Cap space?
Salary Cap
It's important to have cap space. When it gets cold, I might want a toque on under my baseball hat
Waka Waka
Not my best material, I agree
ugh SSAS you suck
I did something very stupid
@bluefeet Disagree.
@Zane well I'm trying to figure out why our data isn't splicing correctly so it sucks
we've got a fact Table with a FK to a dim containing Dates - when we splice the data it is creating like a cross join instead of breaking it down
@bluefeet this is with a regular dimensional model?
not tabular?
@JNK it's tabular
can't help you then :)
I'm assuming your date dim has columns for like month/year etc?
Yes, but I just noticed that the data isn't splicing by any of the FKs
so I definitely have a problem with this fact table
I'm super not used to tabular yet.
@mmarie how come I don't see you on the submitted sessions for SQL Sat MSP
@Zane I fixed it
I feel so smart today
@Zane Because I'm asking for a lot of time off for speaking engagements and I am not sure if I can do that one.
I'm thinking about doing SQL Saturday Panama (the country) Oct 11 and taking several days off to wander around. Then I'll be gone for Summit. Work has to get done sometime.
I'm still thinking about it though
yay!!!!!! ios 7.1.2 update stuck at 60%
But we were going to party...
Also our Brewery situation is far superior to Panama :)
I know. I have been to Minneapolis a couple of times and I'm well aware of your beer situation. I'm still talking to the powers that be and figuring it out. If they don't approve my time off for Panama, I will definitely be there.
Of course, if I don't get all these errors fixed that the other BI dev caused, I won't have a job and will be free to go anywhere, but I won't have any money. :-)
@mmarie our beer situation is better
@swasheck I'm very well aware of Denver's beer situation. I have hit up a few breweries out there. I'm a little sad that I will be there a couple weeks before GABF.
;) ... looking forward to your appearance again
I'll be in Denver next month for milehightechcon.com
You're going to that? Me too
@billinkc I see your GUIDs and raise you debugging poorly written script tasks created by you know who
But, he can't code. Has said... Ohhhhh. You poor, poor thing
They have an interesting pattern here. They use SQL Server table configuration for their packages. They directly set the Connection String property on their connection managers (2008 R2). Then, the second step in every package is a series of queries against each CM that is SELECT @@ServerName + '.' + DB_Name(); They then assign that to a connection string Variable
Did I mention there are 531 packages in production?
Boss and I have having an interesting conversation about why no one makes really robust, reliable, resilient ETL the way we expect it of app devs
the thought is that people think it costs too much up front but they end up paying for it in support anyway
I buy that
I like Andy Leonard's saying: the difference between a technician and an engineer. A technician stops when it works. An engineer stops when it doesn't break
wow!!!!!! i just discovered the #AskThicke hashtag on Twitter.
@Zane sorry, busy short week
And full-screen focus on four monitors
@AaronBertrand It's cool I just wanted to BS about hockey. Mainly I'm just pumped we got Tommy V on the cheap
@billinkc I've got that beat. :) 1061
@Zane yeah some good deals. Everyone has been crapping all over Orpik though
But do you feel the need to rip every one of those packages to shreds?
@billinkc I feel the need to turn them off.
Sports photos always come out with a dumb look on their face.
Ohhh, this does not suck. A database model reference site
for rizzle? That's dumb
I'm going to WFM the rest of the day be back in 20
@Zane Work From Mall?
Work for the Mafia
so ... badges are now being used to help encourage good questions?
How do all of the people who suck at asking questions magically discover said badges
@billinkc very cool.
@AaronBertrand because people purposely try to get badges
we get countless questions on MSO on how to ask a question to get the tumbleweed badge just because they want it
@AaronBertrand i dont know. gamification can only take something so far.
Sympathy for the devil
@bluefeet Answer: "You're doing this whole thing wrong. The point isn't for magical internet points that will only serve to satisfy your own narcissistic need to feel superior. Instead, you're here to receive the benefit of the collective knowledge of experts and to, in turn, contribute your own skills and knowledge in the process."
@billinkc pleased to meet you
I always saw tumbleweed as a consolation prize
nk, @jnk
@JNK that is what it's supposed to be - not something you strive for
@bluefeet right but specifically how do people discover these new badges? Not by earning them, that's for sure. :-)
I understand the purpose of the badges, but there should be a way to promote them (like banners replacing careers sometimes). It should also be clear how to bounce back if you're already on a path to suckiness
@JNK here and here
> Is it okay to post a question like this just because I need the tumble weed badge?
"need" indeed
> I really wish to get tumbleweed badge,
> no you f-tard. you're violating the integrity of the site ... or at least what integrity it has left.
There are always going to be idiots that think badges are important, and there are always going to be idiots that will ask shitty questions whether or not they care about rep/badges/etc. I don't know that the balance wasn't already sufficient, or whether these new badges will really affect anything.
Asking poor questions should result in your curious badge being revoked
I agree but I don't believe any badge can ever be revoked. Once you've earned it, you've earned it.
Possibly, it should also result in forfeiture of your ability to procreate
@billinkc if only natural selection could take care of that for us
@AaronBertrand manually only
and under specific circumstances
Wtf is a curious badge?
Well, aren't you curious?
Dumbest badge i've ever heard
Q: Asking days badges

Jon EricsonA couple of months ago, I suggested a set of badges for asking questions. The responses were... mixed. The top answer can be summarized: In practice, all this would do is encourage people to ask yet more stupid, worthless questions and we have quite enough of that as it is. We believe that ...

@bluefeet so what is the minimum score ? still zero?
@Kermit I'd suggest reading this -- meta.stackexchange.com/a/234959/164200
they are still working out the exact wording
@Kermit Thnx for the link.
I wonder. If I call my dog "cat", does that make it a cat?
@bluefeet i dont like it
Hey, @billinkc. Have you ever had an issue where you run VS as another user and open an SSIS package with a script task and the script editor won't open?
I have not
or @Zane or anyone else that does SSIS
It's been very slow to open, like minutes long wait but never not opened
I run VS as my MS account because that is the account the data source expects to connect with windows auth. I open teh package and then open the script task. but when I try to edit, that other window never pops up
if i close VS and run it as myself and do the same, the script editor window opens immediately
When you runas, do you use /netonly ?
That's not what I wanted to hear
My assumption was, possibly still is, that when you're using the runas and click the script editor, it needs to deserialize the project file into some scratch space and if you were the other you (not just netonly), then it might not be able to touch the drive because MS permissions
Might fire up Resource Monitor and see what all files, handles etc are coming off devenv. See if anything looks funny
eh. i think i fixed my problem anyway so I don't have to do it anymore
it helps when you use the variable you pass in to declare the page size for results from an API
his comment: "That's why code reviews are a good thing"
Have I said I'm sorry?
Not enough
The problem with this apology business is that the amount of apologies I would need to deliver is only going to increase over time
interesting note: he populated a default date in a variable that gets overwritten with the last date of the last record (for incremental load), and the default date he chose is 12/30/1899
Hmmmm do I use @@identity, scope_identity, the OUTPUT table after inserting into a table with an Identity column? Oh, I know. I use MAX against the id...
Said by the folks here, often
@mmarie sup?
@Zane Have you ever run Visual Studio as another user and then tried to edit a script task in SSIS?
ok then
Do you mean while I'm still signed in in WIndows? Because I've remoted to a server and opening a package.
no. we have to VPN in to a client domain, but we run packages locally when deving/testing. We actually run Visual Studio on our local machine as a user that has access to the client domain
so connections that use windows auth will run
but when i do that, my script editor won't open
so i was curious if that was a real issue or just me
I have had script editor won't open issues but usually from botched installs and our weird workplace environment.
1 hour later…
@phil I'm going to be chased for that proposal tomorrow morning
5k views, WTF?
Q: Is select * still a big no-no on SQL Server 2012?

Piers KarsenbargBack in the days of yesteryear, it was considered a big no-no to do select * from table or select count(*) from table because of the performance hit. Is this still the case in later versions of SQL Server (I'm using 2012, but I guess the question would apply to 2008 - 2014)? Edit: Since people ...

Is select * still a big no-no on SQL Server 2012? http://dba.stackexchange.com/q/69361?atw=1 #sqlserver
it was tweeted
@bluefeet I thought every question was auto-twitted?
@MarkStorey-Smith not all of them
(deliberate typo)

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