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12:31 AM
I had my ear candled once when I was a teenager.
And had peroxide poured in it.
But never olive oil.
6 hours later…
6:52 AM
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Maybe there's something I don't understand. Between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59.99_reccurring there are 24 slots - 4 per hour - never any more and never fewer. Whatever about the status (In-Motion/Stationary), AFAICS, there must be 24 slots per day all the time no matter how you partition data and no matter what you report.
Or have I seriously misunderstood the OP? My 3 different solutions (so far) include different fields (various experiments) - but adding status would be trivial (for any of them) - in fact, I'll do it now before I go out for my morning constitutional!
Matthew 7:7: And status is now included! :-)
7:13 AM
I've updated my first solution - will do the same for the others later!
@JoshDarnell a long number of years ago (I'm told), the only places in Ireland you could get olive oil was in pharmacies - for earwax issues. Then we became all sophishtimicated and goin' all continental-like and people came back with fancy ideas about puttin' the shtuff on food and cooking with it ('tis far from olive oil you were rared!).
Forgot my traditional - "A chairde - Morning all!". Please forgive this appalling lapse in my manners!
7:30 AM
Free/Libre Open Source Software
PostgreSQL is cool.
@JohnK.N. I think the "libre" part comes from Stallman who wanted to express the idea of free (libre) of shackles (as he sees the world) as opposed to free (gratuit) of charge! In English, the word is the same for both, mais pas en français!
Oui, ca, c'est possible.
Press F to pay respect
Really annoyed this morning reading paper - our Taoiseach (Prime Minister) is calling for Russia's place on the UN Security Council to be "questioned". Pity he doesn't have the balls to say the same thing about China, a régime, if anything, more disgusting, brutal and autocratic than the Russian one! At least the Russians aren't sterilising Ukrainian women!
FTR, I agree with him about Russia, but then I think that there's no reason to let any country have a veto - otherwise the whole process is (has become<s>?</s>) meaningless!
7:48 AM
@JohnK.N. What are a couple of your deadliest features?
8:08 AM
For me, it's the whole extensibility ecosystem that they've got going on - I mean, projects like TimescaleDB and Citus just blow my mind. Indexing is another one - the sheer variety again is difficult to comprehend for my tiny brain. The fact that third parties can get stuck in and add whole new dimensions to its functionality is incredible - try doing something like that with any of the other major players in the database space be they F/LOSS or Closed Source.
The other feature that is (IMHO) going to play a major role in PostgreSQL's future is the addition of (AIUI) a table access method API. Just as the index access method API has given the possibility of adding various indexes, the table AM stuff will allow different engines à la MySQL! There's a deadly project here which (I think) has started this process - OrioleDB.
Final word - not that I think PostgreSQL's perfect - features I'd like to see. Virtual generated columns. Unsigned integers (but there's an extension for that). IOTs. Columnar storage. Any features that anybody else thinks are missing?
I'm off for my walk - later...
8:30 AM
@JoshDarnell peroxide can be quite revealing
@Vérace it’s almost like the whole thing was designed to be a meaningless propping up of bureaucrats
If not were up to me I’d bulldoze the UN into the East River.
@Vérace I’ve read about OrioleDB. I hope it makes it into the main product quickly. A few people I know who work with Postgres a lot are very excited about it.
8:53 AM
@Vérace olive oil has been used in food for milennia
@Vérace what about thr USA seat? No pity there?
9:50 AM
@ypercubeᵀᴹ But, as I said, not in Ireland - it was seen as a treatment for ear-wax. If people wanted to cook with fat, we used butter. Until Irish people started going on Continental holidays (after what we called the Emergency - what the rest of the world called WWII), it wasn't seen as a food item - and only became popular as such (from what I've seen on television and heard my parents and others say) until c. mid-70's.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Oh God no! And I'm no huge fan of the British state either. And China just sickens me! There should be no veto and a rotating Security Council - or else the 5 permanent members can do whatever the f*** they like - as we've seen in particular with the Chinese and the Russians - but the Yanks, the Brits and the French are not perfect in this regard either!
10:13 AM
@ErikDarling There's zheap (2021-07-21 - can't seem to find a github code repo) - similar idea to OrioleDB. There's also Zedstore - columnar storage - last commit Dec 2020. Both projects appear to have stalled. However if you look at their commit fest stuff, there appears to be "preparatory" work going on in the background.
It'd be nice to see "PostgreSQL - storage engines done right!".
10:47 AM
The UN couldn't have been created without the permanent members' veto. It's not a perfect system; it's what we have. One might wish things were different, but you can't always get what you want, as a wise man once said.
It would be a fine start if countries would seriously adopt what the UN Charter already covers, rather than cherry-picking the bits that suit their own individual agendas.
As I understand the olive oil thing, it's 'traditional' method of softening ear wax. In practice, it appears not to work very well, and may cause more problems than it solves by introducing infection or simply 'going off'.
3 hours later…
1:38 PM
I’ve used peroxide and this stuff
2:02 PM
seems like a better idea
2:44 PM
If all countries who aren't permanent members left the UN, there'd have to be reforms - change or die! As it is, it's becoming more and more like the League of Nations created after WWI for more or less the same reason(s) to do more or less the same thing(s). The only people the Security Council can get unanimous voting is wrt international pariahs - Sadaam Hussein/Muammar Ghadafi - but on anything other than that, it's powerless.
Israeli puppets and even the Israeli army itself murdered Irish UN peacekeepers with impunity because of American backing at the UN!
This was in the Leb!
@ErikDarling There's also this super cool project which has some really heavy PostgreSQL hitters and serious money. It's PostgreSQl uptop but a different cloud-based storage layer written in Rust. There is also Yugabyte - a PG top layer with their own hand-rolled RocksDB-like distributed engine underneath. I think that if mainstream PG can "detach" the compute and storage layers, its future is bright. Distributed dbs are the way forward!
3:12 PM
Store everything in memory and you don’t have all these problems
@PaulWhite once had a doctor vacuum a clog out of my ear. That was fun.
@PaulWhite me too. I'd never seen it as F/LOSS before Verace used it, only as FLOSS.
3:35 PM
which sounds like something related to teeth or silly dances
3:52 PM
@ErikDarling Not everybody/org has the cash to put all of their data in RAM - I know of very few people or organisations that do. For example, if you're trying to align DNA sequences, something like 50 sequences will lead to a number > Eddington's number of possibilties.
Since Eddington's number is an estimate of the number of fundamental particles in the universe, it's quite large! ~ 10^80
Some tasks are beyond the scope of RAM - it was always thus and ever thus shall be. Obviously, for my 50 sequences, no machine will be able to store all possibilities - my point was meant to be illustrative only!
@ypercubeᵀᴹ any sign of white smoke on that SQL we were discussing?
4:17 PM
@Vérace I haven't got as chance yet to check.
4:30 PM
A: What does adhoc queries mean in server performance dashboard?

David Browne - MicrosoftIt means queries not in a stored procedure. Profiler is your friend for stuff like this. select total_worker_time , case when db_name(dbid) is null then 'Adhoc Queries' else db_name(dbid) end as db_name , dbid , 1 as state , 1 as msg f...

Would it be a reasonable feedback, to drop the "profiler is your friend"?
@Vérace biology's small numbers ;)
@ypercubeᵀᴹ No sweat - I'm writing my benchmark for my 3 solutions - just got a sample working on dbfiddle - now going to crunch the big numbers on my laptop! Also, and again, if you get a chance - my 3rd solution is blisteringly fast (~ 10% of the other 2) - I think I know why but I'd be interested in any thoughts you may have.
Interesting question - if you took all of the DNA in your body (every cell), what percentage of the distance from here to the moon would it stretch?
Imagine aligning 1000 sequences - it's something like (n^n)! - have the fomula in a book here - will try and dig it out - interesting (could one say, "almost surreal"?), numbers? :-)
a mathematician's large number: TREE(3)
Piddling! I know a number so large that it stretches round the universe and meets its own first digit again - I believe it's some sort of measure of Donald Trump's stupidity, but I'm not sure!
Update on that SQL - ran sample benchmark with a few sensors (and not just 1) and a few locations (again - not 1 - 1 is a small number for testing!) and I'm getting duplicates in the resultset! F***it anyway! I really don't have time - I'll try and sort the SQL out - but I think proper benchmarking is off the cards - at least for the moment! I might keep this one though as a "cold case" like some cops have - the one they just can't let go off! Watch this space...
5:10 PM
@Vérace yes it was a bit of a joke
@Zikato no
5:25 PM
I've heard people make the case - if your data's valuable, you should be prepared to pay out mucho moola to store it/analyze it/buy our in memory product!
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Don't understand - appears to work fine with 2 sensors and 2 locations and 2 hours of data...
I'm sick of SQL (sound of Vérace throwing toys out of pram)!
5:55 PM
@Vérace it’s sensible up to a point.
6:33 PM
@Zikato also no because profiling is the best way to find the SQL tools are running
Did it read differently too you? Wording can often be improved
Just czeching
6:56 PM
I understood it as recommending Profiler which is a deprecated tool.
7:22 PM
8:01 PM
A hashtag won't make it any less deprecated.
8:24 PM
@Zikato yeah he should use XE with ADS 🙄
8:45 PM
let's not get extreme

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