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@AndyD273 Cracked block
Also, you're alive! How are things?
Hey Green! Yup, alive but busy :)
@Green Working remotely, and started home schooling the kids, so lots of stuff going on.
2 hours later…
@AndyD273 Sounds you got through the pandemic pretty well then. I too work from home now. It's pretty great.
2 hours later…
@Green Yeah, ended up pretty good actually. Boss figured out that we could work pretty good from home, and if we didn't need to have people close to the office, then he could hire from outside our mostly rural/suburban area, and have a lot more flexibility in hiring. Probably going to sell the building this year. The only time I go there now is because there is one piece of equipment that I still use on occasion, and to knock down the cobwebs and fight off the larger spiders.
The girls figured out that they actually liked doing school away from the other kids, and so we found a Michigan based charter school that does only remote learning. They are all doing pretty good with it, get to go at their own pace, and I don't have to get up early or drive out in the snow to get them to and from school.
We didn't really get affected by the pandemic at all, especially once the stupidity cleared up a bit.

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