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what are definitions of advantages and disadvantages?
what are definitions of advantages and disadvantages?
I'll give an example : in the 60s there was the baby boom in France (and I bet other countries). What should we do with so many new people, with people still living in slums around Paris? The government decided to build some prefab flats, ones that doesn't last long but is quick to build.
Was it good? Probably yes, it's better than having people with no homes; The advantage of being able to build quick and relatively cheap outweighed the disadvantages : ugliness, no real city planning (gotta build fast!)...
Is it good now? Probably no, the newly created cities are becoming old and unsanitary. People there don't find work because there's no infrastructure for that (transport, etc.)
In other words, what can you gain and lose from an action, in the context you're given?
These are not definitions
And at which point an action which is interesting turns out very bad, and vice-versa (if it happens). That's the basics of making thoughtful choices. It doesn't tell which choice you should make in the end, but you know what you're getting if you choose one or the other.
I'll give you strict definitions then...
Advantage : What you gain
Disadvantage : What you lose
@Otkin The question of advantages or disadvantages, or what works or what does not work isn't part of this problem. In the end, it worked. The story begins there. There is no government forming talk in the story at all.
This problem is better described as a matter of appropriate and inappropriate titles. It's about avoiding cultural apropriation.
@VogonPoet You are wrong. Your fictional world does not exist independently of you. You still need to create the government.
You, the author
Americans bowing to a King? May come off badly. Imperial subjects protesting a president? Awkward.
I create the world, I agree.
This is one tool I use for that.
The entire world is an artificial system
All worlds are.
its past, present, and future
it has no life of its own
characters cannot make decisions on their own
you and only you make decisions
But worlds need to stay out of the story. They are the paint on the wall. Mine has a very bright color and is tough to keep in the background. So I came here.
There are no decisions being made.
wrong again
regarding governance
I am not wrong about my story LOL
your world must be consistent with the story, and story must be consistent with the world
Yes, we are saying the same thing
Contradiction seen
contradiction where?
The new edit should completely resolve the confusion BTW
I have only 30 min left before I have to go
I am already late
So is @Tortliena
You say that worlds need to stay out of the story and yet you tell that you need to keep the world consistent with the story (or at least you agree with Otkin). But... You can't really keep the story out of the world if they're interwoven right?
Interwoven in consistency
You do know this is not the philosophy.se right?
I think you're facing an issue with that, that's why I raise it :)
That was a fallacy by the way @Tortliena. There is no rule that writers have to make sure their worlds and their stories are NOT consistent.
your world must be consistent with the story
You can not keep a crown off the King of England, but the crown is not the story. The crown is "world building" and the King is the story. Unfortunately, they are consistent :(
This happens occasionally in stories
@VogonPoet With the new edit, I would suggest looking at Russia
That's at least two novels away @Otkin.
its culture is a mix of Eastern and Western ideas
I was joking. Yes, I would like to look more closely at the Tsarist regimes
As an option.
its not collectivistic as Chinese culture, but its not individualistic as Western cultures
it praises filial pity, but children still can make their own decisions and go against parents
Maybe it's as simple as translating those titles into English analogues
it insists on discussing matters and achieving consensus but it does not really like democracy
@VogonPoet You need to think about the philosophy of your society and its culture
the government and its institutions will follow naturally from there
e.g., if you have the Mandate of Heaven you have the Emperor
This is a tempting conversation, however, again the function of the government is established and outside my problem here. Those philosophies have been beat up well - and may get more beating. My current challeng is avoiding disrespectful or inconsistent titles, really
you would not be asking these questions if your government were established
you are still in the process of creating your world system
it does not matter that your government was established in the past of your world
That is not true. I would not be asking these questions if I were a political scientist and understood all the nuanced functions of "senator" and "minister" and "earl."
as the author you are outside of time\
what is your question? what are the correct titles?
The functions of the government are set in stone. The laws are written. I am only down to describing this odd little animal I made.
your question does not contain the description of the functions or laws
The problem:
A simple republic structure ignores the Chinese and the British heritage. An empirical monarchy with executive ministers ignores the heritage of constitutional Republics and monarchies. A sort of government stew seems to be needed, I'm trying to concoct it with the least amount of inadvertent cultural appropriation.
In the fewest pages possible, that is.
what are you trying to ask?
I could define all new titles, I would need a second book. This also squarely slaps their decision to "never forget" in the face.
In a word, titles
titles are outside the scope of the WB.SE
I think that's not true, sorry. How do you figure that?
it is also impossible to decide on titles without knowing the structure of your government and its systems
titles are basically naming conventions
unless you are asking about the system of titles, but that requires information about your system of government and administration
It may seem that way. I see the point: A society that does not hold elections can't have a President... but they can. Can a King be elected? I don't actually know that.
plus historical conventions, land policies, laws, etc.
yes, a king can be elected
So, then the function really doesn;t matter. It comes back to a question of cultural appropriation
it seems to me that you are more interested in creating a system of governance rather than titles
What give you this idea? I have been fairly plain all through this?
Choosing simply a title over another one is basically opinion-based. Moreover and indeed, we can't really help you choose a title (or any word) for you; You might say "hey this answer has received a lot of upvotes", but it might just not fit what you want, personally as an author that knows what they're writing.
Not one time have I asked anything about what is "right" or "wrong" for a government to do
However, I'm not sure I understand something : if you're asking about the titles that people bear, then, why is the name of the government not really important?
I mean, and as you implied with your king vs democracy, they're often related, real-world wise.
because you can have mayor in any system
but it is hardly possible to have a duke, a prince, or a marquis in a democracy
Because at no point in the story does anyone need to say, "All hail the United Federation of Royal Democratic Xing!" It just never gets said.
But it's less likely to have dukes in a democracy ^^
so, the type of regime is more important than the name of the government
Why not? I am completely ignorant on that.
Anyway, RE: "we can't help you choose any word." I have done it many times and seen it done many times here.
@Otkin Just how they are addressed - respectful of heritage
It's not because people have done this that it's right or it's the good thing they've done ^^
@VogonPoet Titles do not exist in vacuum
(Though it's an hint it was accepted, sure)
they exist within specific systems
democracy cannot have dukes or princes because it is not monarchy or aristocracy
But there is no rule making "choosing well-fitting language" off topic. We have a person now asking how to make his Ogre species language not use the letter R
It's never been a problem
dukes and princes are features of monarchy/aristocracy
Languages, terminology, these are worlds
@Otkin, sure, but do theri roles translate? I have no idea
translate where?
Into say a democracy. Britain still has them
Britain is not a democracy, though
Sorry, I have to run. Thanks for your time. Consider my edit please.
it is a constitutional monarchy
Yes, this is a strange stew. My problem is political science.
Take my advice. Build your system and ask if it is feasible. It would be a better question
I have to go, too. I still think that this question needs more clarity.
5 hours later…
Q: On bringing closed questions with answers on topic?

Vogon PoetIf an off topic gets an answer before closing, logic suggests that whatever answers may have been submitted must be off topic as well. The possibility of making a post that has value to the community, which responded to a topic not suited to WB:SE is a paradox. My premise is simple: A post that i...

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