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Of course, the day after I declare I won't be writing any more answers, a question comes up that I so very badly want to answer.
4 hours later…
10 hours later…
@James How'd Andrew Yang do in the debate last night? Did he manage to do even worse than Bloomberg?
@Hosch250 Apparently he won the debate by not being in it at all
It is being declared by actual experts as the worst presidential debate in US history.
@AndyD273 Good point, but that doesn't give him the media visibility he desperately needs.
In other news, apparently Trump was trying to have an ambassador assassinated?
If that's the case, that's pretty screwed up :(
I hope the Rs finally have enough of him and nominate someone else a bit more sensible this round.
Not holding my breath, though.
Sure, and not to say that Yang wouldn't have won the debate if he had been in it, but it's a bit like being the best ping pong player in the tournament held in a leper colony. You can probably do pretty good if you have all your fingers, but just being there is likely to be disastrous
First of all, if you believe anything in the news about Trump that's negative on face value, you haven't learned anything over the last 3 years
@AndyD273 That's why I'm a bit suspicious. But all the same, I could see him doing it.
I think Warren or Biden will get the nomination. The media seems to be drifting toward Biden as a "safe" candidate.
I really hope Klobuchar doesn't. She's our rep, and she s***s donkey balls.
She's not been in MN other than campaigning for nearly a decade, or something like that. She doesn't even visit after the session closes.
@Hosch250 Apparently the number two trending twitter thing is #NeverWarren based on how she acted last night, and her lying for political points every chance she gets
@AndyD273 Note that most trending twitter things are boosted by bot armies.
Maybe. Not always
Most of the time.
But I actually hope you're right
One of my (admittedly, very liberal) acquaintances is active in taking them down.
They look around for various patterns and flag them for Twitter to review.
As far as Klobuchar goes, we had the 35W bridge over the Mississippi river collapse a while back (probably 15 years ago now, or so).
Her comment was that "bridges just don't fall down."
After she and the rest of them were neglecting to maintain our infrastructure...
Back. Had to go arm the laser.
@Hosch250 Ok, so I was going to look up info on that, and I'm going to call total fake news on it 100%. No mention on New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Fox News, or even MSNBC, and they run anti-Trump stories they get from their house keepers mothers cousins trash collector.
Pro tip; If there is a negative news story about Trump wait 24 hours and then see what it says, because they all seem to mysteriously evaporate over night.
Something about Parnas. There's debate whether the "removal" was a firing or potentially involving an assassination.
Given that the firing went through and the assassination didn't, I'd guess it was just that.
* inarticulate swearing *
Just skimming the "This Is Fine" room. They've got a bunch of insane people in there.
Constantly posting the weirdest far-left conspiracy theories, along the same lines as "the gov triggered 9/11".
Would probably be better if someone lit it on fire.
And proposing that rich people should just give all their money to them.
Ok, don't believe everything you see on the internet. It's not a trustworthy place
Oh, I didn't really. I was cautious. That was just a more serious accusation than usual.
But your first response was "But all the same, I could see him doing it"... ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME?
Yeah, I could see him trying to assassinate someone who had real dirt on him. Other politicians do.
That's Rachael Maddow levels of batshit coocooville
Including his opponent from last time, who has like 6 suspicious "suicides" tied to people who had dirt on her.
Extraordinary claims presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. If someone wanted to argue that 6 coincidences in a row for Hillary is starting to look suspicious, then fine, maybe an investigation should be done, but jumping from zero to "he's a murderer" isn't something that even Evel Knievel would try.
Gonna lunch...
@AndyD273 "You also had some very fine people on both sides" I know he doesn't actually support neo-nazis but seldom do I see him actually doing something against them. And also you could replace "some with "half a dozen at best".
We're talking about a group that chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching with torches.
And a group that bashes people with bikelocks
@Mephistopheles Except that quote is always taken way out of context. There were a lot of people there that weren't part of the nazi groups, and were just there to protest the taking down of a historic statue. Just like there were people there that were supporting removing the statue, that weren't part of the violent antifa types.
The best method of dealing with these groups are to lock them in a room together with an AR15 and AK47 and no food.
And there is an even bigger jump from falsely reporting that Trump said something that might be taken in support of racists if you squint at it right, and falsely reporting that Trump ordered a murder
@AndyD273 What?
@Mephistopheles Read up a bit
Oh, that's what you were talking about before. I mean, that's some Breitbart levels of fake news, I admit that, Trump is too cowardly to do something like that.
Or not insane, but you do you
"Go kill someone!"
"What? no! Are you crazy??"
"Ah, so you're a chicken!"
We're talking about politicians here. Most have people, they want gone, but are too chicken to commit to murder 'cause it's too risky
And Epstein didn't kill himself
@AndyD273 He doesn't, but neither does he take a stronger stance against them, that's the point
...that and poor wording
@Mephistopheles It's like the CNN host that said Burnie is definitely guilty of misogyny because he didn't deny it forcefully enough last night... Sure, whatever.
@AndyD273 I DIDN'T say Trump was a nazi or truly racist, I said he was an idiot the same way Richard Stallman was when he defended a pedofork. It was blatant he was in a childish denial 'cause he looked up to him probably, and I forgive that! Trump should know better than that, especially when not every mass shooter will reveal in their Q&A that their version of Trump is blatantly out of touch with the real one.

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