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@NexTerren Did they auto increment strings? I tried out the IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>>, and it seems to work just fine. I really need to spend some time figuring out Enumerables. What I'd like is to have it name the fields in the output.
Right now it's just outputting the values: [["1","bob"],["2","alice"]] but that's less useful than [["ID":"1", "Name":"bob"],["ID":"2", "Name":"alice"]]... So I gotta learn how to make that happen without breaking the API App.
@AndyD273 "IEnumerable" is just the concept of "you can step through my collection in an organized fashion."
Make a data object. Something like:

public class Person
public string ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

Then select them into it, something like...

var peopleItems = collectionName.SelectMany(anItem => new Person{ID = anItem[0], Name = anItem[1]});

I THINK that syntax is right, but it's at least 80% right.
heh, ok, I'll give that a shot
I love data objects for... more or less what you pointed out. Instead of trying to remember the index of the information, you can just naturally call it with a ".Property". And if your database retrieval changes the order, you're mapping it to a known format so it only affects a single point in your code, rather than every place you touch that result.
1 hour later…
@Green Yeah see the diamond would still conduct the heat into the legos and the'y still melt. @NexTerren is right the only reasonable answer is a lego made of solid diamond.
Star, because someone said I was right, and how can I not star that.
I starred it because of the phrase "the only reasonable answer is a lego made of solid diamond," but to each his own.
My statements are always complex and many layered to ensure the masses can simultaneously appreciate my brilliance.
@James So flattery+puns+absurd statements=stars
@Gryphon Yeah, also nonsensical quasi math.
@Gryphon Snorting beverages also helps...apparently.
@James I bow before your wisdom, Monkey Lord of Beverage Snorting.
@Gryphon And there's your first mistake.
@NexTerren My first mistake was a long time ago. Actually, my first mistake was probably joining this chat in the first place.
@Gryphon That was less of a mistake, and more an inevitable reality of your life.
@NexTerren You are assuming I have a life and am not just an Eldritch Abomination from beyond space and time.
@Gryphon Nah, that's Green. There's not room here for two of you.
@NexTerren Bwahahahahaha
@TheMattbat999 Afternoon.
@James morning. So... what is going on here?
@James I hope you were not drinking a beverage while doing that.
@TheMattbat999 Turn back.
@TheMattbat999 ...that is an interesting question that I am not sure I know how to answer :)
@TheMattbat999 Nobody ever knows.
@Gryphon Nah, its impossible to pull off an evil laugh while snorting. I have empirical evidence.
@NexTerren looks up "Monkey Lord of Beverage Snorting" nice.
@TheMattbat999 Ostensibly this place is the chat for worldbuilding in reality...we just sort of talk about whatever and do what we can to make each other laugh out loud while at work.
@James i can tell.
@James ah ok.
@TheMattbat999 You didn't heed my advice. Now it's too late for you.
Yeah, at least 10% of this chat is just us trying to get our messages starred.
Did you guys hear?
There's already an HD leak of the remake for Pokemon Sword and Shield.
@NexTerren meh, i would rather be sucked into this mess than deal with the dreaded silence of gosh darn every other place i hang out.
We cover, in no particular order, and not limited to, Actual world-building questions, DnD, weird random science, code, politics, diamond coated legos (this probably falls under weird random science) snorting beverages, Glarnak (the patron deity of the chatroom)
...Programming (even though James doesn't like to admit it)...
@NexTerren Heathens.
Oh...math pops up every once in a while too...even though that breaks Glarnaks third commandment.
@James How dare you fail to capitalize the name of Glarnak. And you being his chief prophet, too.
@TheMattbat999 Don't ask! Why did you have to ask?!
@Gryphon What in the world are you talking about, I would never profane the name of Glarnak.
@NexTerren ...you almost go me.
@NexTerren cause i wanna hear this ;)
@James There is textual evidence. Like, just up above, still on my computer screen.
@Gryphon No there isn't...
@James yeah, looks like ya forgot to capitalize his name. Ur dead.
@James My eyes are telling me differently.
Here is everything we know of Glarnak:
So... tl;dr all of it.
Yeah, Glarnak is the chief deity of Worldbuilding, and this chat more specifically. James is his Chief (and occasionally heretical) Prophet.
Glarnak is a deity we created for... reasons
@TheMattbat999 Don't worry, it rarely comes up, and the sacrifices are generally very easy
@AndyD273 You say this, but I'm running out of fingers.
@NexTerren You use your own fingers? You're doing it wrong man.
@AndyD273 I got tired of all of the crying and yelling in my basement. You gotta do what you gotta do.
@NexTerren You still have fingers? You're doing it wrong man.
Is he good, bad, or just does whatever?
@NexTerren full set of fingers > clean conscious
@AndyD273 uummmm
@TheMattbat999 Largely random. Although somewhat malicious, given that most of his decisions are elucidated by James.
@TheMattbat999 He is all we fear, all that we love. We follow him... and despair.
@NexTerren Stop scaring off the fresh meat, Nex.
@Gryphon what if James is Glarnak?
@NexTerren sounds cultic
@TheMattbat999 Nah, James is just his Chief Prophet.
@TheMattbat999 Psst. Don't let him know that we know.
@TheMattbat999 It's totally a cult.
@James i knew it!
No worries, we don't drink kool-aid
Ok, so no mass suicides. That is good.
Yeah...whats the point...
@James does your cult believe in an afterlife?
Yeah our souls feed Glarnak so that he can one day enter into the prime-material plane and, after laying waste to non-believers he will establish a 1,000,000 year reign to shepherd mortals and eldritch abominations and other in a perfect state of being.
Sounds like knock off Christianity.
But the God is a little demented.
...Not sure I can argue against that.
@Feeds wow.
Just... wow
Oh wait that is a bot
@TheMattbat999 Yep. A bot that (mostly) posts XKCD comics
@NexTerren ah ok
Q: Question closed as duplicate when explicitly stated as not a duplicate

FrostfyreFor anyone who knows the kind of question I post, I put a great deal of effort into making sure a question is unique. I check the site for similar questions to see if those answer the one I would otherwise ask and, if they don't, I carefully word my question to be clear how my question differs. ...

5 hours later…
hey there @Mithrandir24601
@James if the friction is low enough, as a diamond coating facilitate, then the effecting melting temperature of the Legos ould be much much higher.
The point of the exercise is to shift the bottleneck away from contact friction between the spacer and brace to somewhere else in the system.
But, diamond Legos would be super cool.
@James thank you for including me. Us Abominations usually get left out of such parties.
hey there @Green

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